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/lit/ - Literature

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10958791 No.10958791 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your gf's favorite book anon?

>> No.10958819

I don't have a gf but my crush reads Wattpad and YA crap.

>> No.10958825

Sons and Lovers.

>> No.10958826

Why is it that girls rarely even read and the ones who read have a shit taste?

>> No.10958829

My Diary Desu
My diary is my GF

>> No.10958832
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>> No.10958838

The worthless whore reads too much Wodehouse.

>> No.10958840

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.10958843

Ugh break up with her

>> No.10958851 [DELETED] 

she doesn't read, she barely cares about life, and was at the border of prostitution once when she was younger. I find the situation kind of literary.

>> No.10958852

not him but, is it a shit book?

>> No.10958857

it's okay, don't get the hate.

>> No.10958865

Labyrithy - A.C.H. Smith
V for Vendeta - Allan Moore
O Poeta e o Cavaleiro - Pedro Bandeira

These are her favs.

>> No.10958873

apparently Dream of Fair to Middling Women by Samuel Beckett

>> No.10958878


>> No.10958880

>The worthless whore

>> No.10958886

Harry Potter. Honestly though why is it that whenever I meet people who say they like to read it’s never related to philosophy or Literature; it’s always YA crap or low tier.

>> No.10958888

The Quran

>> No.10958889

something YA

>> No.10958892
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i'm not proud to post this, but at the same time, it proves that i have a gf, so here we go

>> No.10958893

She doesn't really care too much about literature. The History of the Eye is pretty much the only book she has ever showed some interest for.

>> No.10958894

bc you're probably a bitch ass nigga

>> No.10958895


>> No.10958906

The Bible

>> No.10958940
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>44 years old as of a week ago
>never hugged a girl
>never held hands with a girl
>never kissed a girl
>never had a gf
>haven't had any friends for the past 30 years
I think the worst part is that I never even tried. If I wasn't so indifferent maybe things could have changed. Or maybe I'm just a coward.

>> No.10958952

i bet you have a lot of money

>> No.10958959

dead fucking broke. i do a lot of recreational drugs

>> No.10958960

I bet he doesn't and he is the manager of a Wendy's at best

>> No.10958969

Surrealist erotica. Nice. I wish my gf was like that. I wish I had one to begin with.

>> No.10958974

44? No nothing? You gotta have some sort of mental illness.

>> No.10958979
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being "broke" is a really cirumstantial statement man
i am about 8K in debt and just trying to scrounge up enough money to make the next minimum payment
i bet you have like 30K in your bank account, but insist on feeling sorry for yourself, because "boo hoo, i do not have sex"
man fuck.
if i could go back in time and prioritize money and life over foolish pleasures and women, i would do it in a second
the most trouble i have nowadays is figuring out how i'm gonna kill myself to feel the least pain

>> No.10958981

I mean, I've never had a gf either but even I have done all those other things, and I'm shy af and ruin every chance I have. Early 20s. What happened, OP? Where have you been all your life?

>> No.10958987

how does this work? this would be a totally normal, relatable post if the leading digit was a 2 instead of a 4

can you split your life into eras/what you were doing over this large expanse of 44 years?

what does your day-to-day look like?

>> No.10958989

buddy ive never in my life had even 10k in my bank account. im just as much a loser as you, dont make this into a contest

>> No.10958991


>> No.10958995

What’s the most patrician girlfriend favorite? Anna Karenina?

>> No.10959001

alright man then cheers i'm pretty drunk and still drinking lets drink to our early death and freedom from this torture i guess

>> No.10959008

lol not him, but it could be fun to have a couple of beers with ya.

>> No.10959046

>>never hugged a girl
how is this even possible

>> No.10959055

the recognitions

>> No.10959059
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She has BPD btw

>> No.10959088

>the help
> Norwegian Wood

>> No.10959115

She doesn't like reading, has autism, and has two kids (mine) to raise.

>> No.10959126

Tell us your life story please, we'd really appreciate it

>> No.10959136

post dago gf

>> No.10959142

stephen king

>> No.10959147

i'm retarded and read it as favorite author. i don't know her favorite book so i dunno just pick one it's not like it matters

>> No.10959158
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>your gf

>> No.10959178

>implying i want a gf who reads

only thing i want a gf for is for cleaning my living space and giving me succ

>> No.10959186

Don't think she has a book she'd say is her absolute favourite, but if I were to think of the books she told she loved the most I'd say

>My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell
>Truth and Method - Hang Georg Gadamer
>The Temptation to Exist - Emil Cioran
>Terry Pratchett's Discworld in general

dIO CCAnE perché è stato tradotto quell'aborto infame madonnatroia

>> No.10959194


>> No.10959212

I have a decent sum saved up for retirement. I make around 90k a year and since I live alone and don't really have anything to spend it on, it's been piling up.
Maybe I have undiagnosed depression or adhd but nothing that has kept me from working or interacting with others on a daily basis.
I think you're taking your normalcy for granted. There used to be more people like me here 10 years ago. On /r9k/ you'll find some similar people as well albeit in their early to late 20s.
I've always been as cordial and indifferent to women as possible my whole life. I tend to avoid touching people since I'm not sure how they'd react. My only interaction with them these days is in professional settings so a handshake usually suffices. I do remember this incident in high school when this destitute geek in my class would get hugs from all the girls, it lifted his spirits up quite a bit. But I always sat in the back of the room and saw the groaning faces they made. I saw all of their friends silently laughing as they took turns mocking him. I think that may have subconsciously influenced me to avoid physical intimacy lest I become him.
Why would it be relatable if I were 24 and not 44? This is where the path of that hopeless 24 year old leads, he doesn't suddenly solve his problems and become a well adjusted member of society. He keeps making the same mistakes over and over again only those mistakes get harder and harder to wipe away. You tell yourself your just a kid and that you'll turn things around but then one day you look at the mirror and see a stranger in your place. Some withered husk standing where you're standing, moving as you move and then you realize that you blew it. That there's no salvaging this mess.
As for my days, I wake up and go to work, come back late in the evening and then do whatever I want for the rest of the day. I usually write and have managed to get 3 novellas published as well as a couple of essays in various journals.
My life is fairly boring and monotonous, not much to say. I tried to do what everyone else did on the surface but in the end I failed miserably. I went to school but never really made friends. My religious parents discouraged me from interacting with kids who were not of our religion (most other kids) when I was young so I never really hung out with anyone else after school. I gradually became more and more socially withdrawn, alienated, disillusioned with other people, annoyed at religious hypocrisy, lost my faith, etc. I was a bad student and finished college very late, by then I knew no one and had no one. I lucked my way into a job but I was never truly satisfied, the feelings never really went away. These feelings kept festering until one day I was 40 years old and my whole life had passed me by while I was waiting for the damn thing to start.

>> No.10959228

Crime and punishment

>> No.10959230

>Truth and Method - Hang Georg Gadamer

>> No.10959235

Something tells me that I'm going to end up like you if I don't get my life in order

>> No.10959236
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>> No.10959247

she doesn't really read anything other than poetry written by women
not the rupi kapur stuff though
t. same guy

>> No.10959253

>needs to be alone to write
JK Rowling managed to write Harry Potter while being a single mother taking care of an infant, being with someone is not an excuse not to be able to write.

>> No.10959321 [DELETED] 

>This is where the path of that hopeless 24 year old leads, he doesn't suddenly solve his problems and become a well adjusted member of society.
No offense, but yes most of them in fact do. Even the worst cases manage to hit some type of stride by their mid 30s. Not to put you down any. You can still change and work on getting yourself out into the world with small steps. Unless you've grown to romanticize your victimhood, which is a fight you'll have to deal with.

It profits you nothing to play the victim, and I say this as one of those "hopeless" guys who isn't even in the clear yet, not some clueless normie taking shots at you who has no idea how difficult and isolating such life is. I do - to a painfully intimate degree. But this defiant victimhood is a form of narcissistic self-love that you need to try and overcome. This funk that you're in is for life only if you want it to be. You can move on and out into the world, if you really want to. But you have to want it. Work at it slowly.

>> No.10959383

I just started this one last night, but then I got high instead. It sounds very promising, but I think I'll get high today too.

>> No.10959386

Most of the boys also prefer video games to books in the same manner girls prefer series to books.

>> No.10959388

My gf plays MMOs and watches Netflix.

>> No.10959389

Better Never to Have Been

>> No.10959392

World War Z.

>> No.10959453

lol @ that 19 yr old larping as a man in his 40s.

>> No.10959466

>breeding with subhumans

>> No.10959482


Ana Karenina

I'm pretty ok with this

>> No.10959489

>ITT: anon posts his favorite books while pretending he has a gf

It's OK to be alone guys.

>> No.10959507

Pride and Prejudice. She reads some YA shit but she has also read through the majority of Wheel of Time which I find kind of impressive. I recommended her Dubliners and she liked it.

>> No.10959508

My crush's favourite book at the moment is The Ministry of Happiness, but I know she's read dostoevsky and a bunch of other books of the western canon.

>> No.10959512

Personally I was being post-meta-ironic

>> No.10959537


>> No.10959545

>>My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell

is she hot?

>> No.10959564

Momcest is wrong anon

>> No.10959644

>all these normie replies

>> No.10959648

This, sadly

>> No.10960392

Are you LARP'ing Pessoa?

>> No.10960402

show me your grand wizard powers.

>> No.10960403

Harry Potter

>> No.10960405

Her favorite book is The Thorn Birds and she should be judged accordingly

>> No.10960414


>> No.10960428

name of the wind

>> No.10960430
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y u do this to me anon

>> No.10960434


If you want it, you can have it. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it will never happen. If you change nothing, nothing will change. y'feel me. You can have what you want. Start with baby steps. A woman will understand, and probably even be charmed by your personality. You seem like an alright guy, bright.

And stop doing drugs, retard, they will kill you. Peace and love to you my man.

>> No.10960455
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>> No.10960468
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>Pride and Prejudice
>The Princess Bride

>> No.10960476

The phantom of the opera

>> No.10960486
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My ex was a big Rupi Kaur fan... :( but I did get her to read Master and Margherita and she really liked it. The date I went on last week (didn't call her back) said her favorite book was the Hunger Games. At least she's going into elementary education so she can't fuck up any high schoolers with her shitty taste.

>> No.10960509

and the result was harry potter. but if you want to do any sort of serious work you need solitude (although this is only according to most of the greatest artists and poets)

>> No.10960511

Her favorite books are Invisible Cities and A Season In Hell (which she reads in French)

>> No.10960531

>fav book is Knulp
>just read Kafka on the Shore
>wasn’t allowed to read Harry Potter growing up because it had “anti-Christian themes”

>> No.10960546

she hates reading and will probably never read a book in the future desu

>> No.10960635

Aфиoн is legitimate Macedonian ware, do not steal

>> No.10960753

i'm on the same path as you. 28 now, never had a girlfriend. How do I change and not become you?

>> No.10960956
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Haven't read it but I plan to. Is it any good?

>> No.10960977

Not sure what her GOAT is but, she mostly reads YA fiction.

She does enjoy some of the biggest names in actual literature (Hemmingway, Wolfe, Steinbeck) but anything that requires any actual delving into the canon is too much for what amounts to a casual hobby for her. Only legitimate classic on her shelf is Middlemarch.

She's pretty qt3.14 though, cooks for me and sucks my dick so she's pretty cool.

>> No.10960990

Catch 22

>> No.10961297

it's awful, full of Freudian nonsense

>> No.10961313

my gf is Turkish so her favourite book is some Turkish novel I don't know about

I sent her the Joyce fart letters and ever since she likes to brap in my face which is pretty fun

>> No.10961314

No, it is actually really good.

>> No.10961338


>> No.10961344

Gramsci's Prison Notebooks

>> No.10961404
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Paradise Lost (and, to a lesser extent, the rest of Milton). She's more well-read than me.

>> No.10961423

this unfortunately, he’s become so horribly dated. instead you should just read everything by Lawrence except his fiction - his essays, poetry, and travel writing are all great.

>> No.10961488

More well read that I am*

I'm your gf and I disown you

>> No.10961524

She doesn't read very much.
I talked to her about it and bought her about 5 books she saw in a used bookstore. She got really excited and told me with a huge smile we'd read together and she'd make it her new hobby

She went through some rough times and one night she began to cry. I asked her what was the matter and she told me she's dissapointed me. I told her no, you're busy. You have no obligation to read these. She cried again.

I saw her reading the first book she started today, really focuses, about halfway through the book. She takes a very long time to read a page. And so she started crying again.
I love her. I hate me.

>> No.10961535


>> No.10961541
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Anything by P.G. Wodehouse

>> No.10961546

What's it like to have patrician (imaginary) gfs?

>> No.10961551

Helter skelter

>> No.10961569

Her favorite book is Henry IV, I think I'm tryna marry the bich

>> No.10961788


>> No.10961802

The Alchemist

>> No.10961813

I would beat her for even saying that, what a tragedy your life is. How grand a curse placed upon your soul, how pitiable a destiny you trod towards.
I question whether having no GF and being unfailingly, inexorably, excruciatingly aware of that fact is worse than being vaguely schizophrenic and keeping up the subconscious lie that you aren't unlovable. Sometimes it seems so uncertain

As an aside, have any of you noticed the Freemasonic lodges in some of the captchas?

>> No.10961815

Your gf sounds like best girl, anon.

>> No.10961892

Thank you, anon.
I love her very much.

>> No.10961918

harry potter..

>> No.10961966

Just try Godammit!

Pull a Bukowski, or write something, or fucking go on match.com for crying out loud.

Just don't moan about it if you ain't gonna do anything.

You can't go back in time, stop thinking you are some cursed individual.

>> No.10961975
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Harry Potter

>> No.10962000

She don’t read senpai

>> No.10962007

Step 1: Pick up nerd tower
Step 2: Smash on floor of study
Step 3: Go for a walk
Step 4: Correct any bad sleep cycle habits
Step 5: Stop doing any drugs, smoking or binge drinking
Step 6: Start running, swimming, going to the gym just one day a week. Make it a sunday so no excuses
Step 7: Exercise more and more. Once you feel the positive psychological effects it will be like a new addiction.
Step 8: Stop eating shit. Don't eat any processed crap and always eat breakfast.
Step 9: Find a way to socialise yourself, join a club, a shitty social sports club. Just do anything that will expose you to people who will not be likely to knock your confidence.
Step 10: Put yourself out there online, tinder, match, cupid. Whatever it takes man. It's a fact that men gain confidence from sex, in fact they gain exponentially from it. This is why Chad is such a dick.

Finally: Stop watching porn... wanking doesn't really matter, once you stop watching porn you will eventually lose the urge to masturbate as often.

Note: This obviously goes out to all Wizards out there who want to make a change. It can be done and if you won't make a change but merely moan and wallow in self hatred, you deserve your fate.

>> No.10962011


>> No.10962040

my what now

>> No.10962118

She mostly reads trendy self-help trash that just makes you feel better about yourself. She's high IQ but very intellectually lazy

>> No.10962134

>no one is afflicted
thank you chatbot
she’s not

>> No.10962261
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>tfw no gf

My ex liked Harry Potter. I pretended to like it too.

>> No.10962290
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thanks for this, i've done a few of the things on your list but i'm going to do the rest now, too.

>> No.10962554

>Why is it that girls rarely even read
Girls read far more often than guys to.
It's really not even close.

>> No.10962571

>tfw all my exes liked sci-fi
h-have i been dating neckbeards? they all shaved even if they dyed their hair weird shades now and then.

>> No.10962715
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>your gf

>> No.10963093

what's nerd tower?

>> No.10963100

This is just true of the general population male and female. You simply know more men who read because you know more men.

Don't know that she has one. Maybe A Scanner Darkly? Really likes PKD, Nabokov, Burroughs, Woolf, DFW, Pynchon and many others. Lots of russian lit and sci fi as well. Reading is our main shared interest. Probably seems like I am bullshitting but whatever.

My gf hates DH Lawrence. So does everyone else I know who has read him (admittedly only a couple other people). I've never read him though.

>The History of the Eye
You mean Story of the Eye? My ex from high school bought me this book (along with Maldoror) lmao.

Were they cute?

lmao that is patrician as fuck.

>> No.10963104


>> No.10963117
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I've never dated a girl who read.

>> No.10963125

>Were they cute?
yeah i'd probably remember more neckbeard shit they talked about if they weren't

>> No.10963680
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>> No.10963803

She's perfection in my eye.

>> No.10963810


>> No.10963826

Holy fuck it's future me. Did you come here to warn me?

>> No.10963828

Milk and Honey.
I wish I were joking.

>> No.10963841


>> No.10963845

unironically the Divergence series

>> No.10963857

the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.10963939

>I pretended to like it too.
have some pride my man

>> No.10963945

autistic people are subhumans

>> No.10963949

now now anon, dont be that edgy

>> No.10963999


>> No.10964602

My girlfriend’s been reading it for two years... feels bad man

>> No.10964691

>getting a woman to fuck you
>having pride

pick one

>> No.10964835

If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.

>> No.10964854

I'm on the way bro, you are not alone

>> No.10964917

Take care of yourself too

>> No.10964941

>autistic people

>> No.10964957

She reads YA fantasy shit. She thinks my books are boring shit or too hard. Couldnt care less though, shes still great.

>> No.10964960
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which books of yours does she think are too hard though?

>> No.10964969

>and the result was harry potter
Harry Potter is a good adventure series. What about your work?

>> No.10964978


>> No.10964992

Nothing too bad really, early Joyce works and other books around that difficultly was what I would read when she actually payed attention to what I read. I think like lots of other girls she just doesnt take reading all to seriously. I blame the fucking education given that completely lacks a respect for literary arts.

>> No.10965003

Yeah I’m 27 too so I have to stay with her forever lest I die alone. It’s devastating that the Alchemist is her favorite and only book she has read. I gave her Dubliners and her critique after read maybe 2 stories was: “uhm like literally nothing happens.”

I thought I’d find someone interesting.

>> No.10965048

I hope she dumps you, she deserves someone who likes her not someone who doesn't think well of her.

>> No.10965058

I hope she does too

>> No.10965085

One flew over the cuckoos nest

>> No.10965101

Not everyone has the time or the patience to read literary fiction. Just be grateful you have someone to touch your penis now and again

>> No.10965138

She absolutely adores Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, and Grimm's Fairy Tales; but more the former than the latter. She also has a tendency to pick up whatever book I may have on hand and read through that; sadly, she never really talks about said books-- I don't know if she's just bad at forming opinions and generating conversation thereof, or what. Then again, I do recall her trying to read C&P one time, but failed to get more than a hundred pages in. I asked her why she stopped, and she told me that she had gotten sick and tired of reading about Raskolnikov being a whiny faggot.

>> No.10965204

My hands don't like to read

>> No.10965229

unironically this

>> No.10965259
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honestly though why would anyone want to have literary discussions with their gf? women are an amazing comfort in your life, they're not meant be a source of intellectual stimulation. i'd really rather she didn't like to read or care about politics or anything like that.

>> No.10965264

Charles Dickens
Thomas Mann
She also likes girly books with dirty fuckings in them

>> No.10965265

obviously no gf and I haven't been in an area with females for awhile, but I've liked two girls in the past. One read and wrote fanfiction and the other one reads an insane amount of YA trash if here goodreads is to be believed.

>> No.10965274

don't do that, they miss nearly everything that isn't spelled out. they read for the plot and the characters/love stories. unless lesbian academic.

>> No.10965286

at least alchemist is not the most embarrassing YA hippy bullshit out there.

>> No.10965328
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Her favourite book is unironically 50 Shades of Grey. She has read that whole trilogy like 3 times over. She's such a fucking idiot. I'm actually ashamed of her desu and I want out. But we've been together for 7 years and eghh it's not easy ending it you know. I've already cheated on her twice this year, that was when I knew things were bad. I had a massive fight with my white knight friend who was there the first time trying to stop me. But I'm obviously a coward anway, I just don't know how to do it it's going to crush her. I think she can tell how I'm feeling. She mentioned kids the other day and I ignored the subject.

>> No.10965344

you are a weak and selfish little manchild

>> No.10965354

Cheating is never OK. You are a shit person. I hope she leaves you for a good man

>> No.10965374
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If it’s my waifu probably Goethe, Heidegger, Hesse, Kant, Mann, Nietzsche and Kafka etc.

My imaginary one is the ultimate patrician.

>> No.10965424

Anna Karenina

>> No.10965437
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Anon pls

>> No.10965449
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No u, she has been to university. She is the most literary waifuof EVA.

>> No.10965467

Rei's interest probably only goes as far as instruction manuals and math textbooks.

>> No.10965472

Asuka doesn't strike me as the reading type

>> No.10965493
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>> No.10965505

The outsiders

>> No.10965521
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A mentally damaged genius German girl, why not?

>> No.10965522

Hilarious if true but probably not true

>> No.10965569

easy to say when you've never had a gf

>> No.10965580

Maybe that makes us better people

>> No.10965603

and even easier when you have had a gf. cheating is what teenagers with half-assed crushes do, so have a bit of self-respect and take your relationship seriously or just don’t bother at all.

>> No.10965640
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>> No.10965657


>> No.10965674

Obviously you should break up with her instead of cheating l, but you admit you're a coward so whatever you already know.

Lel to The ppl calling you out, they're just bitter incel, cheating is not the end all worst ever thing, it's just a cowardly deception

>> No.10965682

why do you know that much? cuck

>> No.10965685
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My ex had a copy of the hobbit that she had read front to back about seven times. It looked like something pulled out of a garbage dumb, the back cover was gone and the pages were partially stained yellow.

She also liked pic related

>> No.10965694

>coping this hard about being selfish cheating retards
>cheating is not the end all worst ever thing
had a nice long laugh at this. cheating is basically the worst thing that can happen to a serious relationship and sound like an absolute coping idiot when you play it down like this.

>> No.10965735


>> No.10965742
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Has anyone read this? Is it any good?

>> No.10965746

i'm 28 and this is probably how i'll end up, though i have hugged girls, and have some friends. just too ugly, and it's too late to do anything about it now.

>> No.10965794

>I think that may have subconsciously influenced me to avoid physical intimacy lest I become him.

Wait, so you never figured out pity sex? It's like pick up artist sex with a hot girl where you both feel disgusted afterwards, but you definitely don't during. It's like when you what you really need is intimacy and you convince yourself that sex is the same thing, so you beg some friendly girl until she's cool with it. But because you're sad and lonely inside you just come really quick and then lay there hoping to hug her and cry for an hour. It's masochistic, that need for intimacy, especially when you view women as antagonistic. It's really fucked up and worth a try at least once in your life, like sleeping with a hooker or having a threesome. The rationalisation you built up to not do something is boring, and if you want to really test your beta weakness for all its worth, you should submit to the cruelty in exchange for the intimacy like a norm human being. Otherwise you'll just end up not caring what those women think of you and then relishing every hug for the sensation alone.

>> No.10965881

>b-but i wanted to put my dick in a new girl because it felt nice
neck yerselves

>> No.10966103

What the fuck is your problem

>> No.10966172

The girl I am currently seeing loves this series and Vonnegut. I can’t really complain, at least she respects and reads more classic literature than most.

>> No.10966186

Single now but my last ex claimed it was The Divine Comedy. She owned two copies but everything else about her made me believe she was too vapid to actually be into it and only bought it to seem smart or because she thought it was edgy. I mean her second favorite books is “The Lorax”

>> No.10966219

i think she likes On The Road by Jack Kerouac.

>> No.10966313

I’ve had plenty of girlfriends and when I got tired of them or became interested in someone else I broke up with them like a fucking man. You’re a coward, simple as that. You want your cake and to eat it too. Man up and marry her and have kids and be unhappy like your parents did or man up and break up with her so you can find some other chick to nitpick about.

>> No.10966326

Damn this is sincerely sad. You should write a book about it.

>> No.10966332

This. Bite the bullet anon. Be a man now, or be older and wiser later and regret the way you treated her.

>> No.10966362

Damn that’s a lot of excuses. I have severe diagnosed anxiety and possible a personality disorder that I used to take anti-psychotics for and I managed to have more relationships than you have by the time I was 16. I managed to do this because I was honest with myself and wanted to make those things happen. You went 20+ years without any intimacy because you saw some nerd teased in high school and because your parents “made” you antisocial? Sounds like bullshit my man.

>> No.10966374
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Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Hardy is her favorite author, and though she doesn't read that much it's so nice being able to make fun of Rupi Kaur with her.

>> No.10966618
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>> No.10966636

>everyone who calls me out is an incel

>> No.10966688

You're a normie anon, don't try to compare yourself to him.

>> No.10966707


Cheating is never okay. My one ex-gf cheated on me and used to brag about it to my face like a scumbag. Then I cut her off completely.

>> No.10966726
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No books. Only anime, manga, movies, and random biology books.
Should I just end it?

>> No.10966757
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The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

She is a Chinese national, but is surprisingly not well read in Western literature, her undergrad major in Chinese literature in China. Her ability to talk about writing, complex ideas, an for her objective hotness, are why I fell in love with her. It took a minute to discover, as she actively has no taste in music, art, besides liking things from her own country and province.

She's also an astonishingly photographer, pic related is something from her.

>> No.10966761

Is surprisingly well read in western canon literature*

On my phone, autocorrect, etc.

>> No.10966813

post a pic of her

>> No.10966876
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Personal favorite

>> No.10966882
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One more

>> No.10966915
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tfw no chinese cute gf

>> No.10966928

It's like these anons have never read School for Wives.

>> No.10966953


Gotta realize that to be a faithful representative of your self you must have your agency actualized in the physical world. This means strength of body, and strength of character. This Ian why I bench 265.

>> No.10966975

There are about 1 billion cute asian girls on this planet. Can't I just have one?

>> No.10966983

>This means strength of body, and strength of character.
Sometimes I have both
sometimes I have none.
My gf is a pleb anyway, I only date plebs

>> No.10967014

Harry Potter & the Sorcerers Stone lol

Also the Stranger

>> No.10967032

A Good Man is Hard to Find

>> No.10967056

>implying autistic girls aren't superior to neurotypical roasties

>> No.10967059

kek, wish I had a gf like that

>> No.10967068

>Her favourite book is unironically 50 Shades of Grey.
She deserves to get cheated on.
Don't listen to these white-knighting morons

>> No.10967069

this except also as someone who will bring you down to the present.

>> No.10967073

top qt

>> No.10967076


>> No.10967505


Not that guy, but what would constitute a more /lit/ term? Socialized? Sociable?

>> No.10967838

I can only attract STEM women and art hoes.

>> No.10967940

I wouldn't complain--as long as they're well-educated and ambitious art hoes

>> No.10967946

Where do I find art hoes and how do I attract them?

>> No.10968171

>Where do I find art hoes
Campus, coffee shops, and pretentious contemporary art exhibits.
>how do I attract them
Be a "misunderstood" brute that will physically abuse them, or be a total pseud that will emotionally abuse them.

>> No.10968262

Having a gf

>> No.10968428


>> No.10968438

can i be a real intellectual and still emotionally abuse them?
sounds hot

>> No.10968444

Went to my uni's coffee shop, slapped the fuck out of the hottest girl I saw and said "Give me your number you dumb art whore. You look basic as fuck, I could replace you with any random white girl off the street and even your parents wouldn't know the difference" She screamed, slapped me, burned me with her coffee and I am due in court next month. Currently posting this from the hospital. Wtf do I do? Do I still have a chance of fucking her?

>> No.10968453

sue the coffee shop for serving burning coffee, mr trips

>> No.10968458

i dont own one and never have

>> No.10968459

>house of leaves.
yes, she's a mess.

>> No.10968466

If you mean fiction literature, then yes. If not, you are wrong

>> No.10968490

Soon she will be visiting you in the hospital sobbing and begging for you to forgive her for the burns.

>> No.10968515

see you went for the hottest girl when you should have gone for the 7 who was clearly a 5 in high school

>> No.10968528
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Not sure about absolute favorite, she enjoys Stefan Zweig. She's French and I recently read Madame Bovary, although she said that she didn't particularly enjoy it (probably because she had to study it in school) and prefers Sentimental Education

>> No.10968530

fuggin wife her

>> No.10968538

no subject


>> No.10968636

"A Confederacy of Dunces"

>> No.10968772


>> No.10968785

Why would you want an art hoe?