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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 282 KB, 1742x1963, DaDldgIWsAEKyME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10958295 No.10958295 [Reply] [Original]

>What’s better than powerful photography on a book cover? Two powerful photographs on a book cover! More and more covers experiment with deconstructing or combining photos into one in a collage format.

>It’s not just for the aesthetic either. The role of a book cover is to convey the emotions, themes, and styles of the book itself. If you’re limiting your cover design to a single photograph, you’re limiting it to only the ideas in that photograph. Drawing from multiple photos gives designers more options to accurately show what the book’s about, no matter how complex or far reaching it is.

Do you...collage?

>> No.10958300

postmodernity is hell

>> No.10958304

name 5 books where this happens

>> No.10958306

WOW absolutely nothing to do with /lit/

>> No.10958317


Who's that meretricious minx?

>> No.10958337
File: 24 KB, 324x500, 41UsvPZz9LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's an example.
Many more could be provided, but I leave that to another.

>> No.10958376
File: 134 KB, 400x951, pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Elizabeth Bruenig.
A pretty journalist who sometimes dreams of a carefree past.
I feel bad for her sometimes.

>> No.10958392


Well now I feel bad for her too. Always count on /lit/ to create needless attachment to frail sentiments over the internet and prevent a fapping session from starting

>> No.10958425

i did basically the opposite of her and i wouldn't reccomend it. i work at 7-11, most of my money goes to child support and i still have a drug problem i picked up in high school. at least my student loans aren't terrible, since i had to go to community college. yeah it was fun while it was happening, losing my virginity at 14 seemed pretty chill, but then there were pregnancies. going out late at night and driving around with my buddies was fun, but then came the arrests. buying heroin in the fucking high school bathrooms seemed cool as fuck, but then came addiction. don't listen to people who say "don't worry, you still have your whole life ahead of you, " because your life is decided whenyour 16. if you don't have the gpa to get into college, it's over. people who complain about having boring adolescences don't realize that the people who were "cool" in high school are sad fucks now.

>> No.10958678

>Sweet but naive Catholic girl
>Socialism interests me
>Write articles proposing socialism in the US
>Literal communist trannies and CTH freaks descend on you
>"W-wait guys, I support abortion and gender politics!"
>Lose Catholic fanbase overnight
>Lose commie fanbase too because some eceleb proposes blacklisting you literally for not being pro-abortion enough
I feel bad for her but at the same time anyone should know better than to pander to a group that gets its kicks from trying to out-radical each other. I went down the CTH twitter rabbit hole a while ago and those people are absolutely fucking insane, make kekistan kids look like upstanding citizens.

>> No.10958761

>Make all As in college
>Still dumb enough to pander to 16 year old Twitter communists

>> No.10958783

There is something so idiotic about tweeting how you’re not sure whether you regret marrying your first boyfriend or not, while you’re still fucking married and have a child with that person. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what Ivy League school you went to or how good your grades were, you’re just a brainlet in your heart, a vapid, senseless person with zero perspective and zero ability to self-reflect or be self-aware.

She must be a really swell person.

>> No.10959612

Very true. I feel bad for her and other girls in her position, ones who feel a sense of bittersweet regret at the thought of not having made full use of their youth, choosing the quiet and secure path rather than the open and spontaneous one, given how much importance society places on a women's youth, but I agree completely that she should realize what this kind of message would send to her partner.

>> No.10959630
File: 46 KB, 645x729, wojakpendulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bitch i decoupage get on my level

>> No.10959636
File: 656 KB, 1920x1920, 1520497954904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys are better at being girls than girls

>> No.10960036


>> No.10960047


>> No.10960051
File: 41 KB, 1182x474, DFdccaCWAAAEmq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can always combine catholic and commie twitter for a wild synthesis

>> No.10960061
File: 78 KB, 1000x800, ulysses-james-joyce-first-edition-1922-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to accurately show what the book’s about
this a shit

pic related is the best book cover ever despite featuring neither a set of fried kidneys nor a jewish cuckold

>> No.10960085

I'm sorry your life is so bad but not all of us who didn't take the straight and narrow path are failures. I lost my virginity at 14, almost dropped out of high school, ended up dropping out of college this semester (no student loans because of my states merit based scholarship) and now I make a good amount of money working whatever hours I want at an advertising firm and I have my own apartment. I developed my own skills on my own time is the difference, I spent my free time coding and 3d modeling. You don't need college to teach you skills, in fact my roommate never picked up skills outside of class and even though she graduated she's having a harder time than I did finding a job

>> No.10960154

>Adam's apple
Yeah really feminine you degenerate cretin

>> No.10960168


I was only thinking about that very tweet earlier today. The idea that they'd kill their own family in a revolution is beyond laughable.

>> No.10960952


All of her articles just milky diary entries about the most mundane things. Her twitter is a continuous chain of quips and empty sarcasm. She refuses to engage in any kind of Theological discussion. Both her Catholicism and her Socialism can be summed up in a couple of bumper stickers. Literally "amen comrade".

>> No.10960962


>> No.10960984


>> No.10961108

What's good about it? Would you like it if you didn't like the book?

>> No.10961126

>these are the people who constantly lose their minds about jordan peterson in every other /lit/ thread

>> No.10961143

The danger is assuming the best "youthful experience" is one of debegerate hookups and substance abuse. Falling for what pop culture portrays as normal is dangerous and fools many otherwise smart people. How many roasties will be saying the opposite when their looks start to go and they have nothing to offer?
I don't know how ironic the commie world is but do physically weak upper-class teenagers, many trannies or liberal arts students, genuinely think they wouldn't be first in line to the mass grave under an actual communist regime?

>> No.10961171

Wait fuck, stop this right now...

>> No.10961181

pop culture is a reflection of biology, it probably has .2 influence over behavior, biology by adolescence is close to .8 genetic influence, we’re also leaving out random bio-physical noise and unforseen circumstance. culture is not at all important, breeding, genetics, material conditions are what is important, the base is biology+techne, superstructures are the fruits from these stalks.

>> No.10961238

>culture is not at all important, breeding, genetics, material conditions are what is important
Strongly disagree. It's always been one thing for teens/young adults to rebel in an attempt to "find themselves" but this manifests completely differently based on culture. I've been to parties at frat houses and seen shit I couldn't believe, and to a certain group of people this was completely normal. Licking out a totally unconscious girl in the middle of a room while people film you, bets to fuck a different person for each hour of the night, guys lining up and bumping cocaine out of a girl's asshole.
I don't consider myself a prude but that shit's insane. Yet turn on any movie marketed to kids and teenagers- attending the crazy frat party means you're cool, part of an elite society within young adults. Fucking a bunch of drunk girls doesn't mean STDs and abortions or child support cases, it means you're cool and can make people like you. And by the way, everyone does this every weekend.
I know people who actually did do this every weekend and it destroyed them. A girl who blacks out and does stims 2x (sometimes more) a week looks 45 at 25.
I'm just saying, without getting into "the Jews", that what pop culture tells people is normal is most definitely not. My college experience was generally kind of boring and I found myself wanting to be "in" things, but I'm 100% honest when I say that looking back, I'm happy with how it turned out.

>> No.10961241
File: 154 KB, 842x1200, DVnjmrXUQAMl9Yc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's too late.

>> No.10961264
File: 25 KB, 192x300, Giono-Le-Chant-du-monde-1934[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>It’s not just for the aesthetic either. The role of a book cover is to convey the emotions, themes, and styles of the book itself
Nobody told her about Gallimard I guess

>> No.10961267

I’ll restate, human behavior is almost exclusively determined by genetic and environmental factors, there is little if any evidence that a self exists which causes outcomes. Genetics engulf environmental influence by age 16 and by age 20 there is a difference between them which is not surmountable, the influence goes from .2-.4 at birth to .8 around the early 20’s. This means most actions you’ve performed or witness by that age are biological mechanics within your own cellular biology, and thus there is nothing that can be done by changing the culture. there is no adequate biology available that would produce better culture and no chance these “people” would change their behavior. The human nervous system is a poor judge of the flow of causality, often attributing effects as causes, something Nietzsche speaks at length about in The Anti-Christ, Genealogy of Morals, and the Will to Power. Christians and idealists are especially prone to misreading causality. The movies do not affect behavior at that age beyond subtle intensifications and dampenings of propensities within the organism. There is no doubt that those who do have sex, and i say this backed by mountains of scientific research, are the minority (though not within a plurality of demos) and that they are more promiscuous, careless and aggressive in their pursuit of bodily pleasure than at any time in our evolutionary history. This is due to biological factors, sexual selection, which is purely oriented towards pleasure seeking, attractiveness, fertility signaling and virility/vigor, is at first an incredibly potent mechanism for producing healthy specimens which will dominate other populations. However, in due time, sexual selection produces dead ends, luciferian, tantalizing evolutionary loops at the end of the phylogenetic tree, think the male peacock, think most male birds of the tropics, these things are not made to survive and there is an incredible strain on the fecundity and vitality of the whole race when most people who are breeding are this kind of delicate object of sexual desire and nothig more. We are simultaneously experiencing out of control sexual selection, while also breeding people dysgenically, in the past the mutations per generation were insignificant, however that mutational load can be compounded over time, and within just 2-3 generations can begin to overwhelm a population. you can imagine that alleles which have neurological effects, the genes responsible for complex socially sustainable behavioral patterns, are vulnearable to mutational load. In fact the first things that seem to be affected are fertiliy, vigor, symmetry, immune function and neurological function, and we see this clearly with both solipsistic peacock humans and their worker-drone, asymmetric, prematurely aging bug “human” counterparts who make up most of the population. this is entirely driven by technological depression of harsh purifying selection in our environment

>> No.10961270

You should see ftm trans, they just don't shave and boom, man

>> No.10961277

you got a merit based scholarship so you must have done something right. I'm just saying i didn't care about school at all and it fucked me over. i wasn't concerned about my future, but it seems like you were. I'm just saying that, from personal experience, it isn't worth it to fuck around in high school, because what you do in that time decides your whole life. you were probably a lot smarter than me so that would also factor.

>> No.10961287

ftm are interesting, since facial hair and no tits are pretty much guaranteed way to pass, but in almost all cases they still look "off" because of small size, smaller frames, and an attempt to adopt masculine presence that can end up as cholo-esque aggression and manlet rage.
Whereas mtf need to hit the jackpot with genetics and dedication to voice/mannerism training to hope to pass, but when they do it can have unnervingly good results.

>> No.10961288

Just googled that. I wanna puke. I wanna puke.

>> No.10961942

>tfw elizabeth bruenig will never sit on your face

>> No.10962259

>being right about Peterson
I hate this feeling

>> No.10962324

I don't like her at all. Partially for this reason, >>10958678, and partially because she just seems like too much of a goody two shoes. The girl in class that everyone hated. Also there's just something uncomfortable about someone in their early 20s writing for the Atlantic and the New Republic and then the Washington Post. I worked in journalism for awhile after college and it's a terrible, terrible, industry filled with terrible, terrible people. You should be getting shit on constantly in your 20s, not rising and being a star because you didn't fuck and then you did and had a baby.

>> No.10962373

I laughed but I agree.

>> No.10962452
File: 493 KB, 681x1024, display_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she's a woman then.

>> No.10962461

Everybody thought the druggies were cringe lords when I was in high school.

>> No.10962618

this but nothing was prevented

>> No.10964406
File: 676 KB, 2953x1516, Rubens-Judgment-of-Paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no counter-reformation naive gf to defile

>> No.10964435

Don't have it bad as you m8, but I do have a drinking problem, a case of herpes, and a college gpa so poor that I'm not likely to ever go back. So hear, hear.