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10956668 No.10956668 [Reply] [Original]

I just got accosted on the bus by a black female for reading this.

>> No.10956676

and what did she said?

>> No.10956679

Are you Islamophobic?

>> No.10956680

Did you say "Woah didn't know you people could read"

>> No.10956682

prolly called him a pleb

>> No.10956693


>> No.10956694

The book is pretty open about Houellebecq being a Muslim these days desu

>> No.10956708


>> No.10956757


>> No.10956897

Only a Muslim would be stupid enough to think that book portrays Islam in a negative light

>> No.10956921

Did you Houllebecq at her?

>> No.10956941

damn these mispronunciation jokes

>> No.10957185

Sadly, reading this in public can be dangerous. What if some Muslim sees you and explodes in front of you.

>> No.10957192


>> No.10957201

Everytime I read in public I become a target I feel like.

It just seems like niggers always have something to say when you read in public. Like I play my 3ds on the bus phone or laptop and I'm good but you bring a book than all of a sudden you're a weak little bitch..

>> No.10957208

Nonsense, they fear the book.

If you play your Nintendo 3DS on a bus you deserve to be laughed at, but I'll get your back if they are making fun of you for reading. Reading is some boss shit, nigga.

>> No.10957251

Had a similar experience on the train reading plato

>> No.10957260

No, it deeply upsets people, especially blacks. I didn't realize until I got out of university, but most people view reading in public as a kind of intellectual performance. The concept of reading for pleasure is either lost on them or makes them feel stupid

>> No.10957271


>> No.10957280

you were approached by a niggress, too?

>> No.10957287
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>there is no wakanda for me

>> No.10957288

There are a lot of poor blacks and whites who probably think this way. It's just how sinful people have gotten. Has nothing to do with race, just their position and culture.

>> No.10957293
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When I lived in Philly, I had a job in center city but had to take the trolley out to west philly where I lived. Some nights after work I would hit up Wendy's and buy two dollar nuggets and a dollar fry then dump them into the bag to eat while waiting for the train. Well one night I was doing that, waiting for a train, sitting on a bench, eating my nuggies n taters and reading The Magus, when this black dude dressed in a bright orange suit starts yelling. I didn't notice at first- I had my headphones in. Then he got closer and started shouting louder. To my surprise he is looking directly at me. Why was this fucking wanna be pimp punk freaking out at me? He said he would put a brick through my window. I just stared back at him through the onslaught slowly and purposely putting the food into my mouth and chewing slowly. He never came close enough for me to consider a physical altercation and eventually the train came and I got on it. Still makes me think to this day.

>> No.10957294

really? When were you verbally attacked for reading something in particular and what were you reading?

>> No.10957377

fucking lost

>> No.10957441

One time I was studying and some kid literally tried beating me up at McDonald's. Like a ten year old kid was asking me to open up the door and slammed the windows. He was yelling about beating my ass. I ran out and he was chasing me. Fuck niggers and niglets.

Also on the bus niggers always make loud passive aggressive remarks OBVIOUSLY attacking you tho.

No I get you. I'm just saying I've only ever had issues when I read not when I do anything else.

>> No.10957447

not remotely true in my experience

>> No.10957472

Must be an American thing
People read in public all the time in civilized countries and no one cares

>> No.10957482

How do you mean? You didn't specify? Are you saying this sort of thing doesn't extend towards whites?

Or are you saying that most poor whites and blacks don't hate reading in general?

>> No.10957484

Poor white people might think of you as an egghead pencil pusher for reading in public but I've never seen a white person get confrontational about it like black people seem to.

>> No.10957491

I've had conversations with poor whites on the bus. Just because someone is poor doesn't mean they aren't interested in world topics or books. Hell even blacks read on the bus and everywhere. But people do seem confrontational about it when stuff does happen.

>> No.10957494

I live in the US and read on the train every day. No one has ever given me a hard time over it and I see other people reading all the time as well. It's mostly YA or genre fiction but they're still reading stuff. Most of these stories have to be fabricated because if you're minding your own business in public, no one gives a fuck what you're doing. They have other shit to worry about and aren't gonna spend their time thinking about that weird, skinny fat kid with glasses struggling to read the leather bound edition of Infinite Jest.

>> No.10957500


>> No.10957505

People on the train are different than people on the bus

>> No.10957530

how many other peeps here read aloud in public? I started doing it on the bus as a confidence builder awhile ago and now I just do it everywhere for pleasure, even in the library i will read aloud as loud as I can without being thrown out.

I was at the park the other day when it was nice, I took my old bible out, it's the giant ass ancient leather bound kind that weighs like 15lbs, comes with a dictionary and all kinds of sweet secondary content bound with it and I was just fucking shouting shit out of Revelations and having a great time.

>> No.10957534

I was once accosted by a negress in a bookstore while I was looking at Civil War history books. To make a long story short I fucked the shit out of her for about two months.

rip Borders

>> No.10957540

I should also say that I have NEVER been accosted for doing this. Reading silently just exposes your weakness.

>> No.10957550

I've been taking 2 trains and a bus twice a day for the past 10 years.

>> No.10957569

i hate when people talk to me when i'm reading something, why the fuck do normies think they're allowed to interrupt another person they don't even know?

>> No.10957641

you guys should move out of the ghetto where books are appreciated. Nobody gives a fuck if you read in Australia

>> No.10957651

t b h I'd ask for her number since she'd have to be one hell of an abnormally smart negro to recognize that

>> No.10957652

as long as it's Chinese

>> No.10957691


>> No.10957742

Why don't you carry a whip if you live near blacks?

>> No.10958117

mild lel

>> No.10958132

How was her head game?

>> No.10958189
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Too many of 'em,might get whipped meself mate!

>> No.10958204
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>be American
>Can't read in public because you will be attacked by negros

>> No.10958205

no you didn’t

>> No.10958216


>> No.10958226


>> No.10958263

It's a curse and a benefit. When you're in a space with about an equal ratio of blacks and whites you can't do things that piss off the blacks b/c they're crazy enough to fight you, but on the other hand you are now free to do things that piss off snotty middle class white people without consequence.

I can put up my feet on the train for example and nobody will say shit here, whereas I've gotten shit from the conductor for the same thing in Europe. I can smoke freely on the sidewalks in Baltimore, but doing the same thing in a DC suburb would get me dirty looks.

>> No.10958271

Houellebecq... well beck... Did you well beck at her? I don't get the joke.

>> No.10958272


>> No.10958274


>> No.10958280

Gwen stefani is the cutest pop wiggress of all time

>> No.10958373

try facebook

>> No.10958544

blacks are embracing their cultural identity in order to be more uniqua, unfortunately the most prominent aspects of black culture are loud, obnoxious, and shallow

>> No.10958549

emulating those aspects also makes them "cool" in the eyes of popular culture since that's what's in now

>> No.10958985
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>> No.10959167

that was good

>> No.10959208

In black and I've never seen anyone bother anyone else about reading on the train or on the bus. That said I never read a book in public (unless it's on my phone) because it does draw attention. I see mostly black women reading books on the train, more than any other demographic, although usually it's pleb shit

>> No.10959211
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>>Everytime I read in public I become a target I feel like.
>not dual wielding books in public for extra-intimidation of plebs
never gonna make it

>> No.10959215

public transportation is a working class space though, they are rightly pissed that you bring your middle/upper class hobbies to a place where they don't belong

somebody should drive you around instead if you like to read

>> No.10959231

Where do you live?

>> No.10959248

>piss off snotty middle class white people
You mean any decent human being? These aren't shocking notions. These are basic precepts of civilisation. Why can't Americans just try to be human for once? You belong amongst the subhuman ghetto niggers.

>> No.10959257

What cultural identity? No blacks who think about such things have any cultural identity. They're either globalised university students or ghetto niggers. Actual Africans are as they are without any bullshit identity politics.

>> No.10959893

>He will never be the steppenwolf
Eurofags, kek

>> No.10959956

>the world is europe
Euros are more likely to not hate Americans than elsewhere in the world. I'm not European or Anglo.

>> No.10959994

OP did you read Voltaire before starting with Houllebecq?

>> No.10959998

is that the guy who invented electricity?

>> No.10960678

Prominent black cultural in the West is hip-hop culture and yass queen slay type shit

>> No.10960695

I ain't no Houllebecq girl.

>> No.10960704
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>tfw some Afghani chick interrupted me while reading Murakami to talk about how her brother was killed in some war

>> No.10960782

He took himself seriously, motel rooms had lost their punch for him.

>> No.10960991

>reading The Magus
Conchis was testing you.

>> No.10961135

he's looking up words in a dictionary, trying to improve his vocabulary. fuck you for thinking this is funny.

>> No.10961362

>sitting down reading thick 1Kpage paper back on train
>train stops and some young dude gets up to get off and stands near me
>says "Damn thats a fat ass book!" out loud so that other people turn and watch with a confused look and frowns

I was very confused, laughed, then went back to confusion, the embarrassment, back to laugh. Never saw the dude again.

>> No.10961370

This is one classy negro.

>> No.10961374

Could have been worse

>> No.10961684
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>> No.10961826

pure decimation

>> No.10961832

This dude's based desu. I wish I could take in that much information at once.

>> No.10961876

but what is he reading


>> No.10961947


>> No.10961965

I know you just misspelled "unique" but uniqua sounds like a black female name.

>> No.10961981


>> No.10962094


>> No.10962320
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>> No.10962400

That was the idea lmao

>> No.10962530

I even live in a southamerican shithole and people frequently read on the train and bus. What's up with basquetball-americans up there?

>> No.10962583


>> No.10962603

Top Kek!

>> No.10962629

>become a target
yeah, that's what euro's don't understand. It's not that niggers give a shit that you're reading in public. It's the fact that in the mind of a nigger white + reading a book = has money and probably wouldn't win in a fight, therefore odds of them fucking with you go up. Around blacks never relax

>> No.10962633

What does the red line represent?

>> No.10962636

The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren