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/lit/ - Literature

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10956033 No.10956033 [Reply] [Original]

Every time, every fucking time
>”I love to read”
>”I’m always reading a book”
>”I’m pretty big into reading”

I don’t want to be rude but why is YA fiction so popular with girls in their early twenties?? To me that’s like reading picture books at 16.

Why does it matter to me at all?
Is this an issue for anyone else?

>> No.10956039

K Yeah Nah

>> No.10956042

>why is Taylor Swift so popular with girls in their early twenties??

>> No.10956044

You are fucking retarded to talk to girls abour books

Why do you give a fuck what other people read in the first place?

>muh degeneracy

Its your fault for being around stupids in the first place.

>> No.10956058

Why do young adults read young adult literature

>Why does it matter to me
You have no achievements and use the established literary consensus as compensation. People reading what they want challenge your only chance at superiority

>Is this an issue for anyone else?
Yeah when I was 17 fat and a virgin I was as insecure. My advice: Realise reading doesn't change how much a fag you are and get your head out of your ass. The rage about how others live their life stops precisely then

>> No.10956059

>DFW and Science fiction
like your taste is much better lmao

>> No.10956060

I don't know what's worse tbqh, a turbopleb gf or a snobby pseud gf.

>> No.10956067
File: 76 KB, 704x560, zwHpPIh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare anybody have taste
>all literature is the same dude
>we're all equally dumb
>judging others means you're a virgin xD

>> No.10956070

Don't seek a girl that is into literature.
They either have a superiority complex or are complete pseuds.

Get yourself a well to do girl you can talk to, cuddle and watch movies together and you'll be as happy.

>> No.10956075

Women don't have a culture of getting ignored (or mocked) when they suck ass at something, like men do, because among men for every hobby you mention there are 50 guys in the room who have varying levels of skill and talent at that hobby so you have to differentiate yourself as REALLY good at it in order to have a right to say you're into that hobby

Women just go
>Ya I loooooove gardening
>Omg me too I garden sometimes lol haha
>OMggggg i love that let's be friends and hate eachother secretly

Whereas a woman talking to a man is like
>I loove gardening xx
>Wow! Me too. I have been gardening for over 10 years. My dad got me into it. I enjoy [variant of gardening] and specialize in [subvariant of that variant] but I am also trying to get into [other subvariant].
>Ya I looooove grass i got a lot of grass on my lawn haha

There are some rare few women who escape this, but the real problem then sets in: for every iota of genuine skill or knowledge you actually have as a woman, because of the scarcity of women like that, you can cash in at any moment and get massive disproportionate attention forever for it. As a man, ranks 1-80 are meaningless, ranks 80-90 are "oh cool you're into that too haha" tier from fellow men, ranks 90-95 are impressive as ice-breakers but meh still seen it before, and ranks 95-100 are holy shit nigga you really good at gardening tier. A woman cresting levels 10-20 is already rare as fuck but she can get the same amount of attenion that a level 80+ guy will get, at the very least. The real real tragedy is when women actually manage to reach level 80, "almost impressive haha i have that hobby too" territory when encountered in a fellow male, and other men treat her like she's level 101.

Women are completely robbed of proper feedback from society, the kind that men get as a matter of course from their fellows. They just have no systems or institutions in place that encourage true excellence, or suffering through long years of being ignored and passed over and not getting any social reward for pouring your time and energy into something until you eventually come out the other side as something truly amazing. They have no culture that promotes this. They are people bumping around sampling bits of life until they get old and fade away. You should pity them and not be too hard on them.

>> No.10956076
File: 244 KB, 303x488, pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a scanner darkly
>pale fire
>infinite jest
fucking pleb what do you expect? neck urself n get off this board

>> No.10956078

please refrain from disparaging Queen Taylor in the future

>> No.10956082

>>how dare anybody have taste
>>all literature is the same dude
who are you quoting?

>> No.10956087

>Women are completely robbed of proper feedback from society, the kind that men get as a matter of course from their fellows. They just have no systems or institutions in place that encourage true excellence, or suffering through long years of being ignored and passed over and not getting any social reward for pouring your time and energy into something until you eventually come out the other side as something truly amazing. They have no culture that promotes this. They are people bumping around sampling bits of life until they get old and fade away. You should pity them and not be too hard on them.
I think that only counts for well spoken, attractive women. Ugly women have it just as bad if not worse.

>> No.10956088

don’t use words you don’t understand, turbo is a device which most people on this board don’t comprehend the inner workings of, nor the physics behind its function. For fuck’s sake, none of you are even spawn of lineages that can claim nobility. What a grotesque lexicon this board resorts to drawing from. A snob is always better than an idiot, but a kind idiot, who shows genuine love for you is greater than any status seeking snob no matter the differential in beauty or intelligence

>> No.10956089

not that poster, but the point is that your superiority complex about literature doesn't make you better than anyone else, it doesn't matter

>> No.10956092

I didn't claim any such thing.

But there is:
>So you like x? May I suggest y?
and there is

>getting mad over what books others read means you're a virgin
Yeah precisely

>> No.10956093

don't ever text females. call them. keep this shit act going and you'll always be top left corner

>> No.10956096

I apologize

>> No.10956100

It’s not me initiating though, I don’t brag about being well read (because I ain’t). This isn’t about the fact that these novels are read, it’s about how every time one of these girls says they love to read it’s always YA.

>why talk to girls about tv or movies or music or art or

It’s common ground? You can find out more about a person by what they’re interested in? You can exchange recommendations and read something you wouldn’t normally have read?

>> No.10956110

can we not turn this into a male victimhood thread, it's pathetic and has nothing to do with literature

>> No.10956113

That's the top secret super tragedy you don't even know about, the "Last Bastion of Women WHo Think This Society Allows Them To Be Real People" tragedy: Women actually think that being ugly, or mediocre in looks, exempts them from free attention for simply existing from men. By extension, they think that "free attention for simply existing" = what they see happening to beautiful women, in big exaggerated displays of obvious sycophancy by men.

In fact, the free attention is systemically distributed, even among the best men. It's always there. Men will always think you are important and valuable and interesting, by instinct, simply because you're a woman. You have to be truly pig disgusting beyond garbage physically ugly for men-at-large to think you're off the menu altogether, and even then, they'll still see you as a different breed. Ever noticed that ugly fat girls are all retards too?

This is a terrible world. Women should make burka spacesuits and go blast off to some Ursula le Guin vaginal separatist planet.

>> No.10956116

lol dude we're on a chinese cartoon board chill

>> No.10956122

OP, maybe you should try reading Miriam Toews before you go on your high-horse rant. She's a good writer, not YA, and a fuckton better than reading nothing--which is what 90% of the guys in their early twenties are reading.

>> No.10956123

He quoted the questions from the OP you idiot. Or are you unable to think outside of buzzreplies and preestablished straw men of what critics may say?

>> No.10956126

This is the answer I was looking for. >>10956058
Whack bait
I mean I read them in highschool and they stuck with me, I’m not saying they’re the best books ever written. I knew what i was in for posting this.

>> No.10956141


Not what I'm saying at all. Just pushing back against this idea that judging other people's literary taste means you're a virgin and that literary taste itself is arbitrary (" Realise reading doesn't change how much a fag you are"). I myself don't use it as a metric for fucking girls but if you want to date somebody having compatible taste is kind of important. Just sayin'.

>> No.10956145

FUCKING PLEB. I'm only 10 books away from being a sophisticated gentlesir and I won't waste them on things I don't feel smart for having on my shelf ofor

>> No.10956146

All is forgiven

>> No.10956148

what? he said disliking young adult literature and judging others for reading it makes you a virgin.

>> No.10956149


>> No.10956156

Blasting people with your own judgement is disgusting anon.

>> No.10956164

We went through both of your arguments already. But you seem to have decided on your opinion AND on what I say already to protect your fragile ego. Any sane reader can just follow the chain link back to where I addressed whether I think taste is arbitrary.

>> No.10956169

Don't be a retard anon. People like shitty stuff. Just learn to live with it.

>> No.10956171

Was referring to the picture. You know there's a reason he saved it and posted it regardless of whether it applies.

>> No.10956178

get over yourself nerd, you don't get any brownie points from Hunger Games basic bitches for defending them here.

>> No.10956180

Ok. I was hoping someone would have something to say one way or the other about Miriam Toews, because she does have a fair bit of critical success. Thanks.

>> No.10956183

it's a smuggie. Are you new?

>> No.10956184

your message made me cringe too
you're no better.

>> No.10956189
File: 7 KB, 209x204, 1521065178571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a woman, the more beautiful you are the less motivated you are to improve your intelligence, knowledge, skills, and personality in general by 50% of the population. If you are beautiful, you get plenty of attention anyway, and for most people "attention" is a main driver of personality development. You are in demand all the time, regardless.
Worse: it is very likely that men pretend to be impressed by whatever she says and does, a fact that may further diminish her motivation to self-improvement, and may further increase the reason that women don't find her interesting.
The risk is that a big component of her cognitive development stops at 16. She doesn't need to inform herself on current events, read books, watch intellectual movies, go to lectures, etc because she is invited by so many males to so many events. Cute girls don't need to come up with topics of conversation. It is their male suitors who desperately try to find a topic of conversation that interests them. She doesn't need to have a personality to attract attention, and the risk is that she won't form one. She is not genetically dumb, but the risk is that she will get progressively "dumb".

>> No.10956196

people have been posting this stuff for years, you aren't insightful for saying it, go to /r9k/ if you want to moan about roasties

>> No.10956202

10/10, nails every beat of the problem

>> No.10956208

Yes. And only beta bitches save them. And only retarded beta bitches post them when they don't apply.

>> No.10956214
File: 33 KB, 870x455, 1518728388012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we can see the three main types of /lit/ pseuds.

First you have your classical pseud, OP, who views as the canon and works of "literary merit" as being superior to "pleb" young adult literature. The classical pseud is stereotypically a young white male who is probably a virgin or has poor social skills.

Then you have your contrarian pseud, who an ironic effort to dissent defends young adult literature and the plebs, calling out OP as the real pseud and as a virgin, the contrarian pseud is your typical soyboy, they get their rush of superiority over putting down the sexist "virgin" in an attempt to elevate themselves, they know they are one of the "good" guys (typically have the same sexual frustration and resentment as the classical pseud, if too a lesser degree).

And then you have the contra-contrarian pseud (or meta-pseud) who attacks both the classical pseud and the contrarian pseud for their superiority complexes in order to feel superior himself.

>> No.10956238
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And another challenger steps into the ring: a vaguely literature related post attempts to hit 100 replies and it has come out swinging. Look at the incels, arcanines and /pol/tards bait the poor dunces from /lit/ into polluting their already dead board with more bullshit. get your popcorn ready folks we're in for a massacre of taste and rational thinking!

>> No.10956258

What I really hate, to be honest, is the absurd romanticization of the act of reading.
>”I love to read”
>”I’m always reading a book”
>”I’m pretty big into reading”
So what, you dumb slut? It's not that you become a special fairy if you read much. Everyone reads, and average people are still ignorant. So kill yourself.

>> No.10956265

yes, i have mild autism, what of it?

>> No.10956274

>Listing off some meme shit to some chick you never met.

Just name a semi popular author whos work you dont think is completely awful. Not specific books you autist

>> No.10956297

>"I'm very much into occultism, Dan Brown is my favorite author"


>> No.10956312

>Whereas a woman talking to a man is like
>I loove gardening xx
>Wow! Me too. I have been gardening for over 10 years. My dad got me into it. I enjoy [variant of gardening] and specialize in [subvariant of that variant] but I am also trying to get into [other subvariant].
>Ya I looooove grass i got a lot of grass on my lawn haha
Fuck I've had so many interactions like this before with women

>> No.10956319

>mentioning DFW and Nabakov near a Stacy
deserved it

>> No.10956336

Those books are patrish, sorry you didn't know.

>> No.10956350
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>> No.10956363

which one are you? you seem closest to #3

>> No.10956368

>I don’t want to be rude but why is YA fiction so popular with girls in their early twenties?
Because women are overgrown children. Have you even read Schoppy?

>> No.10956378

I'm the third type

>> No.10956389

If women are overgrown children, how come it's men the ones obsessed with anime, capeshit and videogames?

>> No.10956425

>She is not genetically dumb, but the risk is that she will get progressively "dumb".
Why do you assume this? If what you write is true then why wouldn't it have affected the evolution of women? Why would sexual selection for pretty but vacant women have spared the female brain?

>sexual selection based on female beauty
>sexual selection indifferent to female individuation
The result: women evolve by natural selection to be pretty but bland by nature.

>> No.10956432

yeah all those stupid genes amassing on the z chromosome

>> No.10956435
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>> No.10956437

halfway there! and the private conversations have started look at the nimrods go! easily getting to 100

>> No.10956441

Based Kentucky Derby anon

>> No.10956450

Because boys can actualise as men, whist girls actualise as mothers. Men engage with the outside world of polis, economy, and society that they create. Mothers engage within the same famial world as children as primary care-givers to their own children. Men and women have evolved these gender specialised roles through natural selection and they are inherent to our being.

>> No.10956453


>> No.10956466

There are 23 chromosone pairs.

>> No.10956479

Most girls/ people in general haven't read DFW or Nabokov. Don't lead with that, you fucking autist.

>> No.10956515

turbine is the device, turbo is just the prefix and everybody knows hoe to use it

>> No.10956526

spilling this kind of bullshit. are you from the usa?

>> No.10956540

lol virgin

>> No.10956556

I'm assuming that the non-pseud would be the one who never entered this place.

>> No.10956569

every semi educated girl likes nabokov

>> No.10956583

>The books that have stuck with me are all memes on a Nepali trading card dance circle
You aren't much better don't be so vain.

>> No.10956584

and who is to blame for their stupidity? Men, because most men don't give a fuck about their intellectual or moral performance, as long as they ave a chance of fucking them. People should read wininger

>> No.10956616


>completely fails to realize that Wallace and Nabokov are exactly to men in their twenties what YA is to women in their twenties

>> No.10956619
File: 40 KB, 500x496, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proud contra-contrarian pseud reporting in.

>> No.10956626
File: 6 KB, 225x225, gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of being mean to girls for about how little they know, why not try to redpill them? just be nice and say "if you like sad books you have got to try out The Sorrows of Young Werther"

>> No.10956632

This is what any average user of 4chan can write with the minimum effort

>> No.10956644


The best people don't cultivate themselves for a pathetic facsimile of attention. Men who read difficult books or watch art house films for attention spend more time arguing about them on the internet than enjoying them to any degree

>> No.10956657

/mu/ tier thread

>> No.10956714

>Boys of the soy
Only one of these enjoys anime, capeshit, and video games as a hobby/lifestyle.

>> No.10956717


>> No.10956718

This is a good post.

>> No.10956737

And we are in the home stretch now, really thought the posters who have read one science book and have access to wikipedia were gonna take us there but soy meme has bolted into the lead, who is gonna cross that finish line?

>> No.10956750

Why can I detect which posters are women by how bitter and unable to understand self-deprecation or irony they are?

>> No.10956759

The men. The soyboys are the ones who have a superiority complex over their hobbies, right?

>> No.10956761

The use of exclamation points is always a big one too

>> No.10956764
File: 67 KB, 349x242, 1518408368761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu I'm surprised to hear everybody dumping on the guy for mentioning Nabokov to a girl. Ya'll need to spend more time hanging out at pretentious unis and liberal arts schools. Pseud girls also love pretending to have read Infinite Jest. If OP was talking to the right girl he would have a perfect in.

>> No.10956767

Get a Russian gf if you want to talk about book

>> No.10956779

Russki girls are hit or miss in this regard I find, they need to have had intellectual parents (i.e. eвpeи) or they're going to be vapid to the point of absurdity. Russian instagram biddies make western ones look like plain janes in their shameless and ridiculous consumerism and hypersexual materialism.

>> No.10956792

Id rather hang with normie roasties than psued roasties tbqh

>> No.10956794

I don't understand why you guys don't talk to more intelligent and interesting women. Most women are poor conversationalists and have no taste, but the same can be said of men. It just takes a little extra searching to find the women worth talking to. And let me give you a tip: it's doubtful you'll find any on Tinder.

>> No.10956795

This. Like everyone on /lit/ doesn’t either have a superiority complex or behave like a pseud

>> No.10956797

At least you have a carrier that describes you

>> No.10956800

I’m the 4th kind - you are a pseud

>> No.10956801


This but I'd rather hang out with chill, secure open-minded people than either group. Where are they at?

>> No.10956803

I agree, having spent too much time around the latter. Although it's been quite the culture shock asking my date what she reads and getting the Hunger Games or John Green as opposed to Foucault or Nabokov.

>> No.10956812

Graduated usually

>> No.10956813

>chill, secure open-minded people than either group. Where are they at?
They don't exist lmao.

>> No.10956815
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>not knowing what website you're on

>> No.10956818

she is genetically of inferior intelligence

>> No.10956819


There's a fourth type but they're lurking, wondering why people are actively discussing things they don't like rather than things they do. I call them the Alpha and Omega; the Sun and the Moon. The Gods of /lit/ who will one day rain down destruction upon the (You)s of this world. Oh you won't like it when the day of reckoning comes. No siree bob.

>> No.10956821

better to lash out than self-pity, so I don't necessarily see it as an exercise in victimhood in that sense.

>> No.10956823

Imagine being a woman and actually being able to be proud of the desire men feel for your flesh and holes. Get up right now and go start posing your fat man ass in front of a mirror, your man ass cheeks that are only slightly different from a woman's because of different hormone secretions from a gland in your torso, really spread and lift your thighs and cheeks apart so the mirror can get a good look at your hot taint and shit hole where your turds come out of, and think: If I were a woman, this would be great, this would be all I need to do. I'd be all done being a "good human" already! My HOLES give me worth, and the FAT DEPOSITS around them are just icing on the cake. No matter what else I do, no matter what I create, think to yourself as you keep your ass cheeks spread apart and your anus hole visible, this hole, this hole I have for shitting, and the sweaty flesh mounds surrounding it, is responsible for 90% of the attention I will receive in my life whether I realize it or not. Lift your ball sack and flop it around and mush it with your finger and think, there but for the grace of god goes a set of labia that would entitle me never to have to create anything or develop a personality. Stick your finger in your HOLE and imagine dozens, hundreds of men cheering you on and saying that's a great thing to do and you're a cool and interesting person for doing it. Imagine asking them, are you saying I'm cool and interesting just because I put my finger in my HOLE for you? And they say, no, you really are objectively interesting and cool, it's only a coincidence that I'm here to anonymously view you fingering your HOLE. Now prove you're smart, prove that you have a personality worth sharing with another human, by trusting those men as they tell you that they value you and not just your holes. Remember to squish the fat around, the fat that is unconsciously generated by your body and your hormonal profile and has nothing to do with anything you intentionally choose or strive to do with your soul, but simply sits there limply waiting for a man to give you money so that he can touch it. Now you're cool. You're a woman. Good job. You won the Cool and Interesting Person Award again. You win it every day! I bet it's because you have a personality and not because of your HOLES. Keep showing those HOLES to men. Wear clothes that imply you have holes ready to go at any moment. Wear clothes that squish together and heighten and firm up and make more visible all the parts that men love, all the parts that if surveyed men would say "These are the 10 best body parts on a woman," but remember, it's only a COINCIDENCE that you spend two hours a day and several thousand dollars a year on clothing and makeup and devices specifically tailored to display those body parts. It's only a coincidence. You love to do it. It makes you feel good, so you chose to do it. It's not because men give you attention for it. You are't just your holes and fat.

>> No.10956830

Nice Pynchon quote

>> No.10956833


This is probably true.

>> No.10956835


>> No.10956849
File: 40 KB, 576x472, 1514262483835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ut remember, it's only a COINCIDENCE that you spend two hours a day and several thousand dollars a year on clothing and makeup and devices specifically tailored to display those body parts. It's only a coincidence. You love to do it

the fact that any contemporary third wave feminist would deny this emphatically, dismissing it as male sexual frustration, if anything reaffirms its truth value. Good post.

>> No.10956850

Yesterday's YA novels are today's classics. If the Iliad was released today you guys would shit on it.

>> No.10956852

(You) forgot that handsome men do the same shit and get away with the same vacuity, soulless hedonism and passive existence as women.

>> No.10956856

And deep inside they're even gay. Funny, isn't it?

>> No.10956863

nice bait faggot

>> No.10956864
File: 38 KB, 534x401, urawinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and at post 100 we have a grammar correction who would have seen it coming he was 20:1 coming into today's race but all the same that is an amazing showing. what pride the owner must have of owning the winning post. it doesn't seem we're done yet though, can we hit 150 posts completely off topic from literature? grab a cold one because it looks like the action is heating up here in the deadest, most depraved board of all 4chan

>> No.10956883

>I don’t want to be rude but why is YA fiction so popular with girls in their early twenties??

Funnily enough, they're not just popular with girls in their twenties....I know some women in their 30s who read that shit haha.

>> No.10956890

Ive run into this stereotype a lot since I stopped being a shut in, and I just keep reminding myself it is a minority. I run into dozens of women who aren't like this daily, they just don't leave an impression.

Also men are in the middle of a man-child epidemic, I don't think we can throw too many stones from our glass houses

>> No.10956908


I agree with you but girls in college are like that. You have to read between the lines in threads like these. It's always a problem with college womens.

>> No.10956914

i believe it's just a case of men being more likely to be autistic about a niche hobby and choosing to specialize in one thing for it's own sake (like model trains or military recreations in ones basement)

>> No.10956916


>> No.10956927
File: 81 KB, 566x581, lgB0Phq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm like really smart and junk
>I've read all the hunger games books and all the divergent books
>I read all of Harry Potter like 5 times Rowling is a genius
>Plato? Ew are you a misogynist?

>> No.10956930

the person who pays closest attention to the letters often knows nothing about the meaning of words

>> No.10956940

>durr if u judge peopel ur a virign
why do soyboys believe this?

>> No.10956954

Its just pure projection

>> No.10956958

>Yeah when I was 17 fat and a virgin I was as insecure. My advice: Realise reading doesn't change how much a fag you are and get your head out of your ass. The rage about how others live their life stops precisely then
This is the worst kind of superiority complex, a liberal socially normative false modesty. The redditor pathology.

>> No.10956981
File: 145 KB, 445x290, MAC04_ZIZEK01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make it look like bitching about that a girl likes Ellen Hopkins is now less worse than it actually is.

>> No.10956984

Maybe don’t talk to girls that are stupid? One of my girlfriends in high school was better read than me at the time and she wasn’t some homely bookish troll either. My ex in college was an anthropology major that read non stop and was a star volleyball player.

>> No.10957009

More like men are more likely to become disenfranchised and lonely than women are and we try to fill the void with hobbies and interests. We can’t just go out to a bar one night, get knocked up, get government mandated baby money to live off of and become a stay at home parent.

>> No.10957015

>/pol/ stops itself from becoming /pol/: the post
Never leave.

>> No.10957016

these are both terrible generalizations. And I'm not on the white knight side of this thread. The fact of the matter is that most men and women are boring pieces of shit and to engage in biopolitics is fucking stupid.

>> No.10957028


Fug King c r i n g e

>> No.10957037

I'm saying that it's not any worse than its opposite, moralizing about moralizers doesn't make you any less of a moralizer. I'm not pretending that I can escape this predicament either, as I am moralizing about moralizing about moralizing. We're all hypocrites so we might as well give ourselves free reign in tearing each other to shit, no need to act high and mighty because you're so much more "open minded" and "non-judgmental."

>> No.10957047

Lol narcissism

>> No.10957048

but anon, autism female:male is 1:4
if you were a neet, as you are now, but also had a screaming needy blob that you had to take care of, knowing full well having this child makes you less likely to ever find a partner, do you really feel the slight social net payments are worth it?
no you don't you liar

>> No.10957060

>but anon, autism female:male is 1:4
That doesn't mean most men are on the autism spectrum or exhibit autism-levels of specificity of and dedication to their hobby.

>> No.10957067
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Met someone that reads Tolstoy and Dostoevsky

>> No.10957084

Where do you live? Not suburban America.

>> No.10957117

It's easy to discredit everyone's thought on the basis of hypocrisy. The truth is that the women bashing is much more resentful and that every male has those thoughts during a period in his life, but then you realize that it doesn't bring you anywhere and past 30 everyone looks older and is closer to death and things become less relevant.

>> No.10957121

>Women are completely robbed of proper feedback from society
>You should pity them and not be too hard on them


>> No.10957131

Who said anything about women bashing. Most men have terrible taste in lit too, if they read at all. I'm defending the right to bash YA fiction.

>> No.10957218

You got her?

>> No.10958669

>infinite jest
You're no better than her.

>> No.10958769

Schopenhauer is that you my boy?

>> No.10958990

This is true.
Russians have an extensive literary history that they're all forcefully exposed to in school.

>> No.10959025

this is true of eastern europeans in general, they're all forced to read dense 19th century national epics full of archaic language and impenetrable historical allusions. but i feel like this does more harm than good and many otherwise smart kids end up traumatized into never picking up anything more complicated than terry pratchett of their own volition.

>> No.10959031

>believing women can have good taste in literature
OP, please.

>> No.10959043

Speaking from experience, Anon?

>> No.10959057

postmodernism: the post

fuck off with your bullshit shitcanning pigeonholing three-boxes-fits-all meta analysis

things are good, people are being original and creative and coming up with new things to say, not everything is just a response to the people who came before them.

im type #1

>> No.10959082

Using appeal to social approval is the #1 thing, shit like "wow I bet you're fun at parties" or "I'm sure girls think that's real cool" or any immediate reference to dick size/sex stuff. Same with using smug sarcasm as a way to weasel out of an argument. "Okay yeaaaaah sure thing dude!" after getting blown out.

>> No.10959094

Science fiction is much better than YA. Ill take any response from a girl who says they enjoy reading SF with great delight.

>> No.10959097

is there a lit board?

>> No.10959100
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>mfw may be about to snag a nicely thicc cutie with a love of classics of the last two centuries
She probably reads YA too but at least there is some patrician in there yet

>> No.10959103
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>When you find someone who reads the same shit as you

>> No.10959111

jesus, it's downright eerie how right you are, now that i think of it

how can all women really be so similar in the style of their thinking

>> No.10959117

Most people are not above low-brow culture, no matter the medium. Primetime sitcoms, top 40s radio music charts, box-office blockbusters, and YA genre fiction is the essence of super-distilled "culture" for the plebeian mass. Don't hold it against them, it's intentionally made accessible as a means of ensuring popularity thus profit. Anything middle-brow or above is an acquired taste that most people don't have the energy or direction to explore and carve out their own personal niche. Truly being hobbyist is work despite connotating it as leisure. That being said, you're probably going to end up bitterly alone if you only gun for people who like the same cultural icons that you do. To this day I've only "met" people who like Rosetta or some backwater French band on the Internet, and if I was holding out to find a girl with the same interest in music as me, all I'd really be doing is ensuring there's one less dick on the market for all the other plebes to increase their chances of success in genetic marking as my horse is then not even in the race. Check yourself, friendo. The best you can do is talk about the things you like in a charismatic or persuasive way such that you may pique their interest.

>> No.10959123

While its the opposite with men. Every different man has a completely different world view.

>> No.10959124

you really shouldnt try to discuss books with women. what do you expect? only fat/ugly ones who were forced into relative reclusion are ones that would be reading /lit/ stuff

>> No.10959304

kill yourself normie

>> No.10959371

Yeah, why don't everybody talk only to the people they appreciate? It's like they don't know anyone like that or something.

>> No.10959408

At least she fucking reads, you moron. Get into a relationship with her and expose her to better books, if it irks you so goddamn much.

>> No.10959421

My girl likes Lermontov. She's perfect.

>> No.10959457

Yeah, they don't know anyone like that and then make hasty generalizations about women because they've only talked to stupid ones.

>> No.10959502

Depends on the girl, I know a girl who's read most of what this place would consider good, and isn't a pretentious bitch about it either.

>> No.10959524

The same happens with history.

"Oh I love history!"
Nice, what is your favourite time period?
"Oh you know, WWII and stuff"

>> No.10959609

the best one is the pseud who realises the flaws in both the classical and the contrarian pseud's view, but still sees merit in both their arguments, opting instead for a golden middle where the importance of the canon does not diminish the value of YA literature.

>> No.10959610

not really

>> No.10959613

>Yeah when I was 17 fat and a virgin I was as insecure. My advice: Realise reading doesn't change how much a fag you are and get your head out of your ass. The rage about how others live their life stops precisely then

Reading is an incredibly important part of self improvement

>> No.10959625

This thread feels loud.

>> No.10959635

God, this.

>> No.10959641


Why do you care op?

Think honestly, why does this actually bother you?

>> No.10959647

>tfw no gf

what are you, new?

>> No.10959938


Not that I agree with any arguments posted here, but intelligence in the case of what is being discussed here would still be selected for as the woman would want to have intellgent excelling sons in the context of this model of gender relations.

Also why would there be a selection against intelligence? It neither helps nor hinders their capacity to reproduce in this argument, so it would undergo neutral genetic drift at worst.

T. geneticist

>> No.10960023

how many people do you know that actually read classics and/or obscure stuff irl?
By your definition 99% of people have yet to improve

>> No.10960049
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>talking to a girl about books, she said she "loved reading"
>gave her I, Claudius because she had lived in Rome and said she liked the history
>6 months later we're going out and she still hadn't finished it
>she finally admitted that she reads a book a year and she just wanted to sound clever

She spent literally 6 hours every day watching netflix. Never believe their lies gentlemen.

>> No.10960059

Being smart is incredibly damaging for girls, so their façade will look clever at best. They will never admit to reading real books, unless they know you would think it's OK.

>> No.10960082


So is that what you are looking in a partner ?
A noxious projection of yourself with a vagina.

>> No.10960130

Empirically there is selection against intelligence in modern society; it's been known about for about a century now. Lower SES people reproduce more than higher, and SES is correlated to IQ.

Wasn't so in the past though.

>> No.10960161


>> No.10960167

This unironically

>> No.10960173

Came here to say this. So many people on this board have clearly never talked to a girl that is not a relative or cashier.

>> No.10960206

Yeah and grils have XZ.

>> No.10960210

I feel like there is at least one pseud missing. He's kinda like the first one but instead of talking about Pale Fire, IJ and Scanner Darkly he simply complain and rant about women. Or it could be seen as a sub category of pesud #1, just like you put soyboy as a sub category of pseud #2.

Great post anyway.

>> No.10960400

>Pale Fire
>not patrish
jesus m8

>> No.10960413

I'm currently dating a 26 year old doctor, incredibly smart, specializes in pediatric oncology, doing a PhD. Her favorite books are the A Song of Ice and Fire series, Lord of the Rings, and Twilight. She listens to black/death metal bands I used to listen to when I was 15. This kind of stuff really boggles my mind.

>> No.10960419

Maybe you need to stop equating culture with intellect. Smart people can like dumb shit.

>> No.10960438

she probably gets enough challenge and fulfillment from her actual life that when she picks up a book she just wants some entertainment and not whatever you're looking for

>> No.10960447

whatever about telling her you're a pervert and drug addict with the other two, you just told her you lie poorly about being more of a pervert and drug addict than you are between watching sports at home all the time, you don't even deserve a YA gf. go grovel back to her

>> No.10960499

>tfw I woke up for my first night with my ex to find Bulgakov's the Master and Margarita on her desk, alongside Crime and Punishment
>oh I just love Bulgakov
>we stayed together 4years and she was lit AF
My current gf is huge on contemporary and introduced me to Soviet and Japanese classic cinema.

Just get in Paris anon, we have tons of patrician /lit/ qt.314

>> No.10960549

I, Claudius is an irredeemable piece of trash. She probably just doesn't want to have to talk about literature or get recommendations from a pleb like you.

>> No.10960554


100% true

>> No.10960559

i have never seen more niggers than in paris

>> No.10960577

You came to the wrong website pal.

>> No.10960697

Fuckin savage but spot on.

>> No.10960717

Damn. Some wisdom being dropped on /lit/ for once.

>> No.10960754

Not everyone is going to read the classics OP, quit being such a faggot. Not everyone wants to read an ancient tomes or a dense and complicated works, YAF romance novels and even Tom Clancy tier stuff is good for when you want to turn your brain off and read something easy.

>> No.10960770
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Why has there been such a concerted effort these past few years of Eastern Euros trying to shill themselves. All the poles are based, haha russians are so cool and orthodox crap. Don't see it for any other demographic other than maybe Iranians.

>> No.10960774

girls don't love to read, they love to be read.

>> No.10960783

strong inferiority complex, most of russian and slavshit literature is just derivate garbage but they want to have a seat at the big boy table despite being too autistic to translate their work into german, french or english for the past 300 years.

>> No.10960792

Collin Yost?

>> No.10960803
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Not entirely related, but how do you find people who are interested in things beyond pop culture? I don't care too much, but it would be nice to find people in real life to talk about things beyond the latest blockbuster ect

>> No.10960842
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eternal "chip on my shoulder" bootlickers. They want to claim Western European status so bad. South Americans and Middle Easterners have their fair share of literary achievments but we don't constantly hear them praising themselves online no matter how much people shit on them.

>> No.10960852

Good points.
>she probably gets enough challenge and fulfillment from her actual life
Yeah, I like how she's an inspiration for me to stop my nasty procrastination habit with my schoolwork, but other times I feel like a fucking failure compared to her, but at least I still have my books right.

>> No.10960960

My ex was half Congolese, so I guess I can't really argue about that. I guess you just have not to be racist?
>tfw you can't laugh with your /pol/ friends anymore because she was literally more educated than all of them
It's a weird feel desu

>> No.10961002
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>educated via affirmative action
>reads entry level lit (we read C&P in high school and I'm a fucking burger)
>Has degenerate oil driller boyfriend
Wow what a genius

>> No.10961324

>tfw ywn have a qt /lit/ french-speaking pure mulatto gf
You didn't need to give me these feels, anon
Do colored girls like lanky, boring white dudes? Should I move to Paris and try my chances at Bastille? Or will I kust get stabbed?

>> No.10961392

Agreed with this. Anons siding with contrarians to further contrarianism.

>> No.10961548



>> No.10961568

>moving to another country for a nigger gf
Dude, nobody wants black women, not even black men. They will take literally anyone. If you're really that much of a desperate degenerate you can fuck some negress easily

>> No.10961595

>wanting a woman who is well-read and has the same hobbies as you

This is how you spot a dumb virgin who has never been with a woman. A woman will never respond to the Logos in you like a good male friend. Women are there to look pretty, have sex with you, and have good child-bearing characteristics and genes. This fascination with having your girlfriend or wife be equal with you is a modern-day scheme that leads to unhealthy relationships and woman idealization like what you're doing OP.

I'm a mechanical engineer that knows 3 languages, has read the complete Greek corpus, the Bible, etc. and I chose a food science major who hasn't voluntarily read a book in 10 years to wed.

>> No.10961599

>I don’t want to be rude but why is YA fiction so popular with girls in their early twenties??

This is like asking why Marvel movies make billions of dollars.

>> No.10961624

This is how you spot a dumb virgin who has never been with a woman:

He says things like
>Women are there to look pretty, have sex with you, and have good child-bearing characteristics and genes

>> No.10961630

I've had sex with 4 different woman and I'm engaged right now you retard. You sound like a bitter woman. Men with confidence who started with the Greeks know the truth.

>> No.10961634

The only thing that bothers me is that women can't seem to comprehend that just because a writer writes about something doesn't mean he supports it. Or they refuse to read certain materials because the author was racist or a misogynist over a century ago.

>> No.10961666

I think anyone thinks this, or actually cares about an author said or did. They just want a reason to get all huffy about something

>> No.10961707

My Spanish literature teacher refused to read Marquez because he supported Communism.

People who refuse to read contrasting views or who believe that people of different views can't make great contributions are the worst.

>> No.10961740

Another /pol/ maggot, fuck off already.

>> No.10961754

Fucking this. People who say that kind of shit sound like they want a boyfriend. Its fine if your gf is into vapid shit you should embrace it. Then you can get her into what you like more easily and if not nbd

>> No.10961785

they should, however, be virtuous, moral, vaguely lucid and possess latent intelligence which will catalyze when inseminated and through pregnancy will produce robust, higher iq spawn. If you don't at least vet for base intelligence or personal quality you are doing a disservice to yourself by disrespecting yourself, associating with an object of pleasure (which is juvenile) and sentencing your children to be mothered by a fool. Something which is in no way traditional, the wit and grace, purity and good breeding of a woman was always exalted in the courts of the middle ages and antiquity. She needn't be well read, particularly intellectually dominant, but you would without a doubt select a 120 iq beauty over a 90 IQ gorgeous slut.

>> No.10961875

>the hyperreddit "blackpill" TRUE modesty via railing at the "false modesty" of all of those around him as justification for his incredible arrogance


>> No.10961978

>tfw you read T&P in HS yet cannot understand a post on a hieroglyphs trading platform
There's no affirmative action in France but only competitive exam :^)
She's a civil engineer now, so I don't really why you're upset.

Bastille is gentrified already senpai, you'll be just fine. Black girls dig white guys, that's just a natural fact. And it goes both ways, race mixing is just the way to go.

>> No.10961987

>the ultrareddit "post-ironic” TRUE modesty via railing at the “false modesty” of railing at the "false modesty" of all of those around him as justification for his incredible arrogance

>> No.10962026

>>Ya I looooove grass i got a lot of grass on my lawn haha

>> No.10962079

I see you ;^)

>> No.10962217

>there aren't affirmative action laws
>this means affirmative action doesn't take place

>Black girls dig white guys, that's just a natural fact. And it goes both ways
Black girls definitely do dig white guys because by marrying one they are marrying way above their own status, especially considering how ugly they are. This does not go both ways. Whites show significantly more in-group preference than minorities, especially blacks.

>> No.10962227
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forgot pic

>> No.10962242

Is this an anon pasta?

>> No.10962385

Fuckin savage and let epic!!

>> No.10962389

>Realise reading doesn't change how much a fag you are
kinda does
do u not think good reading makes one a more complete, mature person?

>> No.10962402

>An Americlap (or wherever you come from) is going to explain to a French citizen that works in academia how the French system works
How about no?

>> No.10962414

Post tits

>> No.10962563

>things only happen according to what "the system" says should happen and not according to human bias and the state of academia's
political leanings across the western world right now
Affirmative action is banned in California buddy, but newsflash, it still happens, just more subtly. Especially in terms of nationality, and since your negress was congolese, not hard to figure out what happened.

>> No.10962585

>Why do young adults read young adult literature
why would barely sapient normalfags do easy reading which is nothing but a masturbation device?
>You have no achievements and use the established literary consensus as compensation.
the established literary consensus is on /r/books, the charts shared on here are not well studied by most people who teach lit or study english lit at all. We recommend more esoteric books and fiercely debate the merits of authors like Kafka and Faulkner near constantly, there's also the meme books that are bandied around here which most academics will not even look at.
>People reading what they want challenge your only chance at superiority
People doing x badly challenges your clear superiority in x
>Yeah when I was 17 fat and a virgin I was as insecure
being fat is disgusting, a sign of dead soul. How could you hate your body so much you let it become like that? You were a virgin at 17?
>Realise reading doesn't change how much a fag you are and get your head out of your ass
It really does change people's personalities, reading the right books will steer someone away from disaster
>The rage about how others live their life stops precisely then
being apathetic towards the inner life of everyone around you is a sign of atomized nihilism, and can only lead to being wiped out from the genealogy of morals and philosophy that characterizes a culture. If you are the high, and the low outbreed you and are not kept in check, there will only be Low soon

>> No.10962600

get fucked

it's an amazing book and if you can't comprehend why you should get off of this board you pseud

>> No.10962632

>half Congolese
>can't into basic reading comprehension yet placate worldwide narrative on highly specific issue, and against the better judgement of someone actually working in the field
If you'd knew the first thing about French examination system you'd understand, but I guess that speaks more about you than about her :^)

>> No.10962689

>oil driller
>good judgment

>> No.10962709

>circular argument
>the absolute state of your debating skills
I'm always positively surprised by this level of conviction, though

>> No.10962733

>As a man, the more handsome you are the less motivated you are to improve your intelligence, knowledge, skills, and personality in general by 50% of the population. If you are handsome you get plenty of attention anyway, and for most people "attention" is a main driver of personality development. You are in demand all the time, regardless.
>Worse: it is very likely that women pretend to be impressed by whatever he says and does, a fact that may further diminish his motivation to self-improvement, and may further increase the reason that men don't find him interesting.
>The risk is that a big component of his cognitive development stops at 16. He doesn't need to inform himself on current events, read books, watch intellectual movies, go to lectures, etc because he is invited by so many females to so many events. Hot guys don't need to come up with topics of conversation. It is their female admirers who desperately try to find a topic of conversation that interests them. He doesn't need to have a personality to attract attention, and the risk is that he won't form one. He is not genetically dumb, but the risk is that he will get progressively "dumb".
See? Nothing you said is specific to females. Genuine troubles about the nature of women exist, but this is just incessant rambling about non-issues. I'm not trying to white-knight but stop whining about every little thing.

>> No.10962737

>appeal to authority (worse because it's your own authority)
You invited it

>> No.10962743


>> No.10962789

Every single page is lifted straight out of Tacitus/Suetonius and butchered by awful writing. Anyone who likes it is a pseud who's never read them. You should keep your mouth shut when you leave /sffg/ and the big boys are talking. Graves did nothing but flatten and suck the life out of Annals and Twelve Caesars for a cheap buck. I'll excuse you for making this incorrect post, adjust your opinion and never reply to me again.

>> No.10962826

Most normies, regardless of gender, only ever read normie books. There's a reason why newspapers have to be written at a ninth grade reading level.

>> No.10962827

I work in the field, I lived there my whole life and there are plenty of literature about the lack of POC in academia in France, proportionally to their part of the pop. There are no programs of affirmative action, and examination are anonymous and use randomized.
You disparage all that because I was going out with a black girl, while I was explaining that there are smart and hard working black girl.
Circular argument m8

>> No.10962839

I am always listening to a fiction book while commuting because I don't have to pay attention to it while I drive and it's still amusing.

>> No.10962865

>postmodernism: the post

>> No.10962881

Try forum meetups, book clubs, it's fairly easy if you live in a costal state.

If that doesn't work, try to introduce someone to your interests.

>> No.10962888


>> No.10962911

>I've had sex with 4 different woman
Is this an achievement? Literally below average. Stop painting yourself as some educated Don Juan from a humble background. You probably pity-fucked four fat Fast Food workers and read Wiki synopses on the Greeks.

>> No.10962918

Don't feed the Petersonfags

>> No.10962926

>sending girls long tryhard messages like that
/fit/ here you blew it loser, why would you -

>le postmodern literature meme
oh I see you're a soyboy faggot
*crams you into locker*

>> No.10962944

Do you even know what a circular argument is? If anything my argument was an ad hominem, but I considered it valid since you used your own character as an argument.

>> No.10963011

Grow up you fucking man child. Your pop princess is a whore and your attempts to make her into some third reich jezebel is embarrassing.

>> No.10963023
File: 998 KB, 3840x2160, 898677-Jacques-Derrida-Quote-There-is-nothing-outside-the-text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a joke post chill dude

>things are good, people are being original and creative and coming up with new things to say, not everything is just a response to the people who came before them.
spookiest thing I've read all day

>> No.10963031

>I only read sad books, for some reason

I know that feel

>> No.10963039

Science fiction is among the lowest echelons of trash

>> No.10963080

Sci fi would be better if the people writing it weren't convinced it is the most important thing they could possibly be doing. Shit like the VNAs amazes me, there are sci fi writers who are convinced they're improving the world with their texts, it's the definition of pretentiousness. If you want to change the world be a firefighter.

>> No.10963131

>nigger cant be smart and hard working
>if you have a counter example it doesn't count, because you dated a black girl - so your judgement is impaired
That's a circular argument.

>> No.10963188

>derides others about their taste level
>shitposts irl about enjoying literal memelit

this thread is hell on earth

>> No.10963207

Young people have always and will always complain about the opposite gender. It's not necessarily the result of insecurity. My chad brother does it as much as anyone else. For some reason we've started exploiting timeless complaints people have of the opposite gender for ideological purposes (male concession is "mansplaining," female hypergamy is "bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks). What a shit time we live in.

>> No.10963239

>no france is racist against whites more than the US they're trying to be european
>meanwhile france has a legit nazi party whose dynastic founder tortured algerians and was pardoned by the french because everyone was doing it and birthday parties for hitler
talking to america is like talking to north korea about the global famine they think is happening sometimes

>> No.10963241

The only reason anyone ever makes any effort at anything is in order to feel superior to others. OP's only mistake was stating it out loud

>> No.10963244

>young people
>implying people grow out of the catty 'battle of the sexes' mentality after middle school
If they manage to keep it well into high school, they're stuck with it for life.

>> No.10963248

I'm under the impression that YA books are popular with anyone in that age range. I think people are just trying to distract themselves. And some of them are just idiots.

>> No.10963249

That's bullshit. The mentality is most present when you're in your late teens-early 20s, for psychosexual reasons. It's also being encouraged by popular culture now, which makes it last longer.

>> No.10963256


>> No.10963352
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Yes only women are capable of being gratified for vain things. As a man, as anyone, you can exploited for just as much. Have a high position and good job at that great school? You bet the adjunct faculty is going to eat your ass and be your yes men in all you do. Have something that someone wants/needs? You bet theyre going to treat you differntly than someone who doesn't.
Have you literally ever been pursued by a woman? It's sad to me that this is what you're life of non-stop rejection has reduced you to. I've been pursued by women my entire life and i never once stopped to think i was any worse a person because of it. I put effort into how i present myself, women notice this. By your logic im a piece of shit for getting up in the morning and taking a shower.
Of course if you or anyone replies theyll attack this one thing and say im some 30 year old virgin but im indifferent.
But of course the entire dynamic of interest and desire begins and ends with women and sexuality.

>> No.10963740
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>> No.10963764

No its not because most handsome men are straight and like pussy, and get more pussy than you because they’re handsome and dominant, and you neglected to think about this because you’re not handsome or dominant

>> No.10963765

New tinder bio, thanks

>> No.10963928

Don’t shit on metal or you’ll fucking get it.

>> No.10964149

>I've had sex with 4 different woman

>> No.10964242
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I'm surprised this thread is still going.

>> No.10964272

>promote poor health
>violent sex
its interesting how normal fags don't get the duality of sensation and its relationship with projection, repression and aggression-submission and think things don't leave traces or stains in their subconscious or have anything to do with derangement from childhood or their social institutes. Its just bizarre if you ask me. Its cool how they mimic porn and tumblr gifs too

>> No.10964291

>her: omg I’m so into video games and computers!
>me: oh no way, me too. What’s your setup? I’ve got a gym 1070 and an i7 6700k overclocked at 4.2Ghz
>”oh haha it plays overwatch really good”

>> No.10964522

>I don’t want to be rude but why is YA fiction so popular with girls in their early twenties?? To me that’s like reading picture books at 16.
I'm a man and a full decade older than that and I still read Dinotopia and David Macaulay books from time to time.

>> No.10964532

>ya i love dogs haha look at this dog filter i got on snapchat haha

>> No.10964549

I know men like that, this isn't a gender issue.

>> No.10964612

>the charts shared on here are not well studied by most people who teach lit or study english lit at all. We recommend more esoteric books and fiercely debate the merits of authors like Kafka and Faulkner near constantly, there's also the meme books that are bandied around here which most academics will not even look at.
Have you ever been outside your house, let alone in an academic environment? Kafka and Faulkner are assigned in high schools.

>> No.10964630


>> No.10964633

Definitely. Beowulf would've been considered crappy fantasy for spergy 13-year olds.

>> No.10964643

>They either have a superiority complex or are complete pseuds.

Just like the mong who created this thread

>> No.10964703

>Yesterday's YA novels are today's classics.
True; my graduate thesis for my degree in pubescent literature was on the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew and my minor was in Rowlingology. Truly these works deserve to be enshrined along those of Shakespeare, Melville and Hugo.

>> No.10964747

I don't know where you get this idea from. The kindest, smartest, most beautiful (inside and out) women I've known were into literature.

>> No.10964761 [DELETED] 

The Iliad is shit, though. I don't know how anyone manages to actually enjoy Homer's tales.

>> No.10964828

please archive this glorious pseud-infested /lit/ thread

>> No.10964829

Might as well archive the entire board

>> No.10964851
File: 7 KB, 301x167, lopeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern men are so fucking dumb, women are not like men.They find your books weird and boring, only reading Camus because they find him attractive, etc. There's no way any girl is going to know the people you mentioned.
The best you're realistically going to find is a girl who reads John Steinbeck and Vladimir Nabokov. Unlike my boy Tai Lopez.

>> No.10964880

This makes perfect sense, she probably doesnt feel the need to prove anything unlike most of the people on here.

>> No.10964888

Today's college womyn are tomorrow's unmoored, childless divorcées.

>> No.10964896

>z chromosome
What are you, a bird? Fuck outta here with that female heterozygosity!

>> No.10964897

what is the bump limit? this thread is a pain to read

>> No.10964937

>are you, a bird
Nah I'm a lad.

>> No.10965111

What bands does she listen to?

>> No.10965130

>tries to prove that men are not children
>makes a childish argument

>> No.10965133

>why is YA fiction so popular
Aren't we all just looking for the next Naruto?

>> No.10965838

That's not circular. The nigger being smart and hardworking, you dating a black girl, and your judgment are all separate things, a circular argument uses your end conclusion as an argument. Example:

>niggers are stupid
>counter example
>she's stupid
>because niggers are stupid

That's circular. My comment on you dating a black girl was an argument against you appealing to your judgment. Neither your judgment, nor your dating a black girl have anything to do with my original argument of your sheboon getting through on affirmative action.

>> No.10966086

Why are people so deeply concerned about what books, they themselves or others, are perceived to be reading more than the act itself. Reading is an idle solitary occupation, completely non-productive to society unless you act on what you have drawn from it or use it to pen something yourself on paper. There's only a set variety of stories that can be told, so why are the moral and practical teachings extracted from the subtler substances of dusty tomes regarded as superior to the blunt and easily digested paperbacks bought hurriedly from an airport, unless it is to vaunt a self-obsessed devotion to taste, a keener perception in extracting the same notions in a more laborious manner.

Robert Frost famously stated in a letter qualifying his work:
>I want to be a poet for all sorts and kinds. I could never make a merit of being caviar to the crowd the way my quasi-friend Pound does.

It's easy to cower safely behind 'taste' when it is largely supported by the literary elite.

Your taste is absolute dogshit btw

>> No.10966102

Lucky you I guess, none of that happened to me and I live in Europe.

>> No.10966481

Well, you described your argument +1 step, but nevermind that, since you function on a flawed premise.

>> No.10966532

we should all just watch beetlejuice with sandwiches and coke in a theatre guys just

>> No.10966546


Are you me anon? I call my tinder matches "Haircolor Firstname" as well in my phone. I gave up trying to talk to them about books though, now I just ask them to fuck.

>> No.10966608

Holy fuck i Keked

>> No.10966658
File: 43 KB, 480x360, 293FE37B-6FF0-4DBD-B8E7-F3A1247E1FA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10966666

>slight sardonic smile
none exists under that beak of his

>> No.10966696

>books r 4 nerds
Why are you guys even here?

>> No.10967898
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>> No.10968110
File: 75 KB, 242x209, MonkaS.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sweet jesus. I didn't think it was possible.

>> No.10968441

I mean, yeah.

>> No.10968472

>So many people on this board have clearly never talked to a girl that is not a relative or cashier.
Please refrain from this sort of talk, it hurts my feelings.

>> No.10968476


>> No.10968485


>> No.10968486

the joos thing and the ironic nigger thing is true it was just a joke and then stormfags brigaded the site and it turned into real hatred

>> No.10969600

I mean he has a point.

>> No.10969602

finally some quality lit comment

>> No.10969633

>why are young adult books popular with young adults?

>> No.10969644

some things are better than other things

>> No.10969656

I adfirm this post

>> No.10969848

>Hot guys don't need to come up with topics of conversation. It is their female admirers who desperately try to find a topic of conversation that interests them.
Wrong. Are you that detached from life to see that your male edit of his post doesn't work? I mean, sure, maybe some delusional ugly/average looking girls will start some conversations with him, but that's a rarity. He still needs to initiate talk with the females of his level, as hot as he is.

>> No.10969881

>that's a rarity
>laughs in Chadian Arabic

>> No.10969973

You have to go back.

>> No.10970701

Absolutely this, what you read is more important than whether or not you're reading in the same way that watching documentaries is different from watching instant-pleasure netflix. People glorify their medium for taking in information and historically society treated poems and books like we do books and television now. Given the average YA, fantasy/escapism and romantic crap that sells by the barrel these days people should worry more about content instead of trying to find some shit to puff themselves up about.

I'd respect a girl a lot more if she were actually ashamed about her reading choices instead of trying to be proud because muh reading.

>> No.10970787

well said