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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 352 KB, 534x2934, 1277681684569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1095571 No.1095571 [Reply] [Original]

So.... who is learning Russian?

I started learning Russian because of my girlfriend but I actually have a sincere interest in it now.

Why am I asking /lit/ this question? Because I remember many people say they were learning Russian to read the good authors in their original language.
Pic unrelated

>> No.1095577

Learn Mandarin instead.

It'll come in handy when the troops come ashore.

>> No.1095573

Oh Hell, seriously?

Why doesn't anyone read anything other than Russian literature? Anyways you will never learn Russian, so enjoy.

>> No.1095583

I read French lit and American Lit too (occasionally Spanish).

Nah, Russian's going pretty well. After motherfucking Japanese, its a huge relief. I forgot most languages only require you to learn a few weird symbols and not a weird symbol for EVERY FUCKING WORD.

>> No.1095582

youuu gotta admit though russian literature/language tends to piss on the american equivalents, at least it used to.

>> No.1095584

....I'll leave that to my younger sister.

Someone in the family needs to know Russian for when Putin becomes immortal and takes over most of America.

>> No.1095586
File: 193 KB, 611x546, learnrussianblyad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1095587

I put a jihad on Russia.

>> No.1095597


>> No.1095601


Do you speak or read Russian? No? Alright then.
Exactly how much American literature have you read? Do I really have to admit it?

And by the way I like the Russians as much as anyone else, but they tend to be so ridiculous overrepresented on the Internet that it's just silly.

>> No.1095607

Op, if your girlfriend is Russian, you'd be better off learning some self-defense techniques.

>> No.1095610


Learn Russian,
Be a man!

the other word is a corruption of a word meaning whore but it's used as something halfway between an insult and an intensifier, faggot or motherfucker would be close

>> No.1095613

Why? She's shorter than me and definitely weaker.

Well... despite being so innocent looking, she IS kinda evil and likes heavy metal... But I still don't see why I should...

>> No.1095616

Fucking awesome. I'm learning Russian just because of this picture

>> No.1095617


>> No.1095619

>but they tend to be so ridiculous overrepresented on the Internet
what else did you expect coming on this board

>> No.1095623

She might be a MAN.

>> No.1095625

Ive put off any further learning until a time when I have more freedom to commit to the language but yes. I am learning Russian

>> No.1095626
File: 222 KB, 692x554, blyad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Neat :3

>> No.1095634


Oh fuck. My captcha:
Maruska jurrien

is Maruska something Russian?

>> No.1095638
File: 4 KB, 245x184, eeeeehhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll find out once you've learned Russian.

>> No.1095641

Or I could find a Russian to translate it. Actually, it can't be that hard.

-learn the Russian letters
-google translate the romanticized letters
Or does google translate use Cyrillic too?

>> No.1095645


>> No.1095646


It's written in a mixture of cursive and print, and some of the letters in cursive look like other letters in print. :3 good luck

>> No.1095647

Well in that case I think you're just hating the fact that they're overpresented, which makes sense. Lawl I don't think that you just said that. But the way its presented stems from that fact that its actually fucking good, I haven't read as much English lit as I'd of liked (even though im an english major?) because it really just bores me. I think Russian lit is so popular because it set the standards for what american lit eventually became and improved upon. I enjoy Russian lit the most, but I tend not to admit it for it seems everyone's bandwagoning it, with good reason though.

>> No.1095650

oops forgot a comma, i meant to say that i don't think you said that, that's what you actually said. WHOOPSIE

>> No.1095665


Don't watch anime, be a heterosexual, fucker.

>> No.1095668

I knew it was about anime as that word was easy to read but the rest got me.


>> No.1095670

Leaving /lit/ for a week,
learning Russian

>> No.1095673


> I think Russian lit is so popular because it set the standards for what american lit eventually became and improved upon

Not at all. The two developed in parallel with pretty much no cross-pollination--they have their foundational figures in the early 19th century and their first flourishing of literary culture from around the middle to the end. Russian literature only really started to be read in English in the early 20th century, well after American literature was established.

>> No.1095676


Why do you have to ruin things :C

>> No.1095677

I'm learning russian, in fact I have russian homework I should be doing right now.

>> No.1095683

that was fast:

>> No.1095690

What did they reply? I can't read Russian

>> No.1095701

"Дикарис... Не поймутс..."
Something NOT something

>> No.1095706

Can't translate using the internet...

>> No.1095720

Сын, я разочаро

>> No.1096021
File: 27 KB, 460x453, wearefuckedoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Trent posting in this thread?

>> No.1096024

>implying I give a fuck about Islam or sandniggers.

>> No.1096041


>> No.1096050

I'll learn Russian if Russia hosts the 2018 World Cup.
Because I'm going to the 2018 World Cup.
No matter who ends up hosting it.

>> No.1096153

only reason to learn russian is for a girl you love. otherwise fuck it. Nabokov moved HERE remember? embrace american english