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10954672 No.10954672 [Reply] [Original]

>fucks every female character he comes in contact with
How does Severichad do it so effortlessly?

>> No.10954684

He's pretty buff. Excruiciating burns a lot of calories.

>> No.10954793

He's LARPing

>> No.10954819

Combination of LARPing, being in shape/attractive and his status. Sev is nearly as tall as an exultant and he’s in a guild (albeit the autist one)—he has a lot of social standing.

>> No.10954843

Because wolfe is a shit writer

>> No.10954855

>he has a lot of social standing
He and his friends literally have to avoid normie kids in case they get beaten up FFS.

>> No.10954899

Combination of writing his own memoir and trying to rationalize his rule. How would Trump look if he wrote a memoir of his high school/college years and it was all about how he was a beta and never got laid.

>> No.10954902

what did you expect?

>> No.10954983
File: 71 KB, 316x494, Flashy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's got nothing on ol' Flashy though

>> No.10954994
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>> No.10955158

>fucks every female character he comes in contact with
Is that what it’s like to be over 6 feet tall?

>> No.10955207

Severian is editing his memories as he consistently does throughout the book

>> No.10955262

I don’t get it why would a guy exaggerate how much sex he has?

>> No.10955629

Can't tell if bait or not.

>> No.10955682

I have to turn women down all the time and I am poor and short ... don't be a tool and have some charisma and a social platform that shows off your expertise and women are easy work. I can always tell when someone is pathetic by their belief that Severian's love life is some kind of fantastic occurrence. Women have never been easier than they are right now ...

>> No.10955715

woman spotted

>> No.10955722

is this true? if so this book doesn't sound that great although I've heard it's very good

>> No.10955738

so you have to waste your time showing off to attract women? that sucks

>> No.10955747

It's the greatest book ever. It really isn't that many women geez. I think Henry Miller bags more in Tropic of Cancer and some people proclaim him to be a feminist (sure). The main character's sexuality is really only thematically important insofar as the theme is the survival of humanity in certain extreme conditions ...Wolfe deals in archetypes.

>> No.10955751

You don't show off for women. You show off because it is in your nature. Their attention is very much a by product. Do it to attract them and you are certain to fail. All one needs to be greatly desirable for the hive mind is for several other members of it to find one desirable.

>> No.10955753
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What does showing off to you mean, anon?

>> No.10955768

>have some charisma and a social platform that shows off your expertise and women are easy work
Teach me your ways senpai

>> No.10955790

having to prove you do or know something to other people instead of simply doing it and let other people "discover" you

>Do it to attract them and you are certain to fail
OK, but
>You don't show off for women
who said that?

>> No.10955819

You should hear what he thinks of you, faggot.

>> No.10955820

He's tall and dangerous, these two features will make any woman wet.

>> No.10955854

>Has sex with a women being kept prisoner in his creepy torture-tower
>Has sex with a women putting up with him just so she can kill him and loot his body
>Has sex with some waitress
>Has sex with his own grandmother
>Has sex with the waitress again, this time with questionable consent

Such a chad

>> No.10955879

He was. Every time he beckoned to a woman she came to him

>> No.10956013

I thought he never fucked Thecla and later on he acts like he did.
Also I don’t think he ever fucked Agia

>> No.10956045

its almost as if the book is a power fantasy and a mutation of Greek hero myths with a grim-dark, toodeep4u, bent which allows it to have a meandering and pointless plot with contrived try-hard prose

>> No.10956101


>> No.10956142

They fuck. Dorcas interrupts them and gets pissy, if I remember right.

>> No.10956338

Nah, Severian gets Agia naked, and then they have some argument about the note left in the room or something

>> No.10956344

Are you sure you're not thinking of Jocasta, who Severian may or may not have raped?

>> No.10956348

*Jolenta, not Jocasta. Sorry.

>> No.10956393

Hands down the best fantasy book ever written.

>> No.10956723

>a literary genius writes a sublime fantasy series
>its literally the greatest thing ever
>the world is staggeringly fascinating, youre not sure whats going on but every paragraph is so rich and dense, the world building is subtle and infinitely captivating, the characters are enigmatic and youre stimulated by every page like intoxication
>lit obsesses over who the narrator hero bangs

guys. cmon. lets be better.

>> No.10956802

nah, when the dorcas agia and sev are at an inn dorcas goes to shower or something and sev tries to fug the corpse looter but gets caught up in the letter shit and then dorcas comes back and is salty
he fucks jolenta after the play at house azure after he takes her on a boat ride, and then when they come back dorcas is salty
but it doesnt matter because jolenta dies next chapter from ODing on plastic surgery

>> No.10956809

>the world building
found the genrepleb