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/lit/ - Literature

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10953748 No.10953748 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished. What now?

>> No.10953759


>> No.10953764

wait to graduate highschool, i guess.

>> No.10953783

Something not from the 20th Century. The fastest way to become knowledgeable about literature is to read a wide range of stuff.

>> No.10953789

Something not on a chart bruh

>> No.10953854

Lolita is hardly a hs read

>> No.10953926

greeks or one of the three big meme books

>> No.10954006

Meme books?

>> No.10954014

Infinite Jest, Finnegans Wake, My Diary Desu

>> No.10954019

isn't it ulysees, not FW, in the meme trilogy?

>> No.10954021

meme trilogy dumbass. Google images. Actually 2/3 through it.

>> No.10954022

The fucking Greeks

>> No.10954026
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>> No.10954027

gravities rainbow +infini jest + lastly bill clintons: my life

>> No.10954029

Already finishes the Greeks. Now what?

>> No.10954031

You haven't even begun to begin. It is going to take years but it will be very rewarding. I recommend Dostoevsky next if you haven't read him yet. Read Notes from the underground first because it is short then Crime and Punishment then Brothers Karamazov which is his best and one of my personal favorite books.

>> No.10954042

Resume with Romans
Continue with the Christians
Descend into Descartes

>> No.10954158

Nah dude it is though albeit a very good and uncomfortable one but loads of students read it in high school

>> No.10954170

The Semites

>> No.10954183

Joke's on you, I started with Demons

>> No.10954218
File: 9 KB, 189x267, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it honestly worth reading 1984, to kill a mockingbird and A Clockwork Orange if I've seen the movies?
They all got the point pretty well across. I've heard American Psycho is pretty different.

>> No.10954229

>/lit/ chart includes books never mentioned here

>> No.10954533
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Dance with Dante
Get shiggy with Shakespeare
Mellow with Milton
Frot with Flaubert
Jaunt with Joyce
Piggyback on Pynchon

>> No.10954651


>> No.10954670

I dont get it, these were all assigned readings in highschool and then some. Did you not go to school?

>> No.10954680

I'm from Somalia

>> No.10954721

>Americans thinking every country is the same

>> No.10954767

Portrait of the artist

>> No.10955106

>being hostile towards someone not getting some shitty term that only retards use anyway

>> No.10955120
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>> No.10955131

Hey guys I’ve never read How to Kill a Mockingbird and I don’t plan to read it because it looks boring; is that okay?

>> No.10955181


>> No.10955182

Sure anon, you're just going to be that guy who likes movies but never saw Jaws and when all your movie going friends try to talk about Jaws and you admit you've never seen it they're all going to give you shit for skipping a classic that's pretty universally acclaimed and then you're going to have to defend yourself but you can't come up with anything better than "I dunno, just didn't seem interesting" and your friends will go on and on about how it is, it really is and you'll either be bullied into finally reading it or you'll be doomed to repeating the conversation every few years when your friends have forgotten that you skipped a cornerstone of the medium and bring it up again in casual conversation. Otherwise yea dude, just read whatever interests you.

>> No.10955197

definitely read 1984; the movie does a good job but by necessity it can't show a lot of Winston's internal thought processes which are critical to understanding Orwell's view of the world.

>> No.10955231
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I've got several charts saved depending on what you're in the mood for
>and an npr guide to picking fantasy/scifi books

Another anon already posted a top 100 list so that'd be fairly redundant. There are also specific author charts if you'd like some of those.

>> No.10955284
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Because it's what everyone else recommended

>> No.10955304

Crime & Punishment

>> No.10955311

But Jaws is shit and To Kill a Mockingbird is even worse

>> No.10955336

Hit me with this one, dear.

>> No.10955372

Reminder that there is a shitload of charts gathered on an imgur thread:


(Note, I kept this link from years ago so I don't know if there's been a newer updated one)

>> No.10955675
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move onto this chart OP, it's more advanced and has a lot of important classics

>> No.10955942
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>> No.10955961

A Clockwork Orange is definitely worth a read, once you get use'd to the language used

>> No.10956136
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anything off of this chart

>> No.10956160

These charts need subtitles. I can't read some of that shit

>> No.10956195
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>> No.10956239

>look for Nabokov's works at the school library
>Pale fire
>Ada or Ador
>Lolita missing
>Ask librarian about it
>"Well, you know anon, heh, it isn't exactly in the group of works on which the library focuses on collecting"

>> No.10956281

Pnin is a better place to start with Nabokov anyway desu

>> No.10956331

I've read a few pages of it out of curiosity. It was pretty nice. His description of an out of touch professor telling good but otherwise outdated jokes is pretty interesting.

>> No.10956357

Why is this such a meme reply.
I read of mice and men, holes, and millions while in highschool and nothing else

>> No.10956957


>> No.10956975

In HS, Lolita was on the recommended reading list, along with Naked Lunch and Tropic of Cancer.

>> No.10956982

mayhaps a book written by a woman for a change? Anything by Virginia Woolf is very good, especially To the Lighthouse and Orlando. Short stories by Katherine Mansfield and Flannery O'Connor are all fire bars. Rachel Cusk has an excellent book called Outline

>> No.10957018

>Virginia Woolf

How's that gender studies degree going?

>> No.10957020


>> No.10957899


>complaining about hostility on 4chan
go back to safe space

>> No.10957925

he's just trying to be a faggot

>> No.10957955

You are ready, player one, to start with the Greeks.

>> No.10958061

A Clockwork Orange is pretty fun to read and the movie version isn’t completely faithful

>> No.10958084

There’s a whole wiki with most the charts and recs