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File: 265 KB, 500x750, 1281945968357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1095048 No.1095048 [Reply] [Original]

Books that have impacted your world view.

>> No.1095051

the koran
praise be to merciful allah

>> No.1095059
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Our prosperity is paid for with the blood of Latin America.

>> No.1095066

The Waiting Room, by Lisa Loomer

Survivor, by Chuck Palahniuk

Not trolling. Please don't hate me, I was in high school.

>> No.1095075

Fahrenheit 451
I realized how retarded and pointless TV is

>> No.1095079
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>> No.1095086

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.1095087

There's a line in some Lorrie Moore story about how it's normal for a man to date someone "below" him and pathetic if a woman does the same thing that I think about surprisingly often. How To Suppress Women's Writing by Joanna Russ is another thing that was instrumental in the making of the fruity male feminist that I am today. The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon made me figure that if someone bothered to publish a book about male bisexuality then probably I wasn't either a super-repressed gay or a case of breaking something in your brain by jerking off too much.

>> No.1095093

ishmael/beyond civilization
days of war, nights of love
stranger in a strange land (notably the jubal harshaw)

>> No.1095097

OP's pic is making an impact on my state of arousal...

>> No.1095103

Let's see, Animal Farm...Spy of God...not much else

>> No.1095105
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>> No.1095113
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Made me realize how much I love comic books and homosex. If only I could touch dicks and read Sandman at the same time ;_;

>> No.1095114

What harm has it ever done?

>> No.1095115

u mad, bro?

>> No.1095119
File: 17 KB, 248x382, x938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and the Outsider should be mandatory reading in all schools.

>> No.1095120

that's all anyone ever did in the 90s really

>> No.1095135
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At first, nothing. Kind of boring, not something I would read at my leisure, but no harm done. I thought my English professor would be done with by midterms. But nooooo, it had to take priority over every book we were going to read, just because it so goddamn magnificent. It's not the book, bro, it's the fact that it was shoved down my throat.
See picture.

>> No.1095139
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>> No.1095146

The Fountainhead, like you don't even know

Also, In the City of Shy Hunters

>> No.1095162
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His fucking impromptu vocabulary though. I swear he was trolling sometimes.

>> No.1095164

Whois that bitch and do you have her nudes?

>> No.1095186
File: 23 KB, 350x240, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you guys think of Farmer's Riverworld series? It was fascinating until I tried to read them, I got through the first book and was so depressed about the human race I couldn't start the next. Did I miss out?

>> No.1095196

Life of Pi changed me from being an annoying self-righteous atheist to someone who let people believe what they want as it isn't my business
Brave New World managed to put into words a feeling I had

>> No.1095203

My sister, and yeah, i do.

>> No.1095210

The Little Prince helped me value youthful spirit.

>> No.1095207

flowers for algernon

i had a fear of the mentally retarded (one tried to sexually assault me when i was like 10)

then i read that book

>> No.1095215

The Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut.

That book left me stunned after every chapter. It was goddamn beautiful. It's one of those books you just keep looking back on and thinking about.

>> No.1095228

Post tits or GTFO

>> No.1095243

Unfortunately, all of the pics but that one were eaten by my dog. Sad indeed.

>> No.1095244

That was not the OP, and its a actress, I dont remember her name, but she was Donnie Darko's cherry popper.

>> No.1095246

Siddhartha, pretty much.

>> No.1095247
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I never knew such things existed. My world was never the same. I'd credit it with as much impact as discovering sex/porn on the internet.

>> No.1095256
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Whats this about?

>> No.1095258

Does she do hardcore pornography or at least pose nude?

>> No.1095262

She actually does scat videos.

>> No.1095271

I think she has done some nude scenes

>> No.1095272
File: 46 KB, 400x616, 356e5467r889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Illuminatus! trilogy. I know it is full of cheese, but in HS it helped me solidify my atheism and learn how to think for myself.

>> No.1095277

Fucking awesome, post'em please.

>> No.1095279

Jena Malone, and she's done at least one nude scene.

>> No.1095280
File: 21 KB, 283x475, Sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.

>> No.1095286 [DELETED] 

You're not exactly brightest star in the horizon, are ya, kid?

>> No.1095287

You're not exactly the brightest star in the horizon, are ya, kid?

>> No.1095288

If you solidified any of your beliefs I think you misinterpreted the point of the book.
RAWs whole philosophy(in his own words) was about "getting people to be more agnostic. Not agnostic about God but agnostic about EVERYTHING."

>> No.1095296

If you can't see that its a troll post than you're the idiot here. So how's your English major treating you?

>> No.1095311


>> No.1095310
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>> No.1095316


>> No.1095318

Hello Mr. Grammar Nazi,
Do you liek the typos I left for you to see if your English major at least does something?

>> No.1095325

If you read Ickes books its both funny and very uncomfortable. Funny because reptiles, but uncomfortable because all the descriptions of his spiritual experiences/revelations are very obviously symptoms of Mania.

>> No.1095334
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>> No.1095446
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Do you really believe that stuff?

>> No.1095501

>call his stupid theories funny
>compare his spiritual experiences to mental illness
I obviously have nothing but the utmost respect for the man, as you can see from my post.

>> No.1095509

Well, guess his intentions didn't quite work out, did they? I fail to understand why the effect the book had on me is invalid because it doesn't match the author's intention.

>> No.1095518
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Post was attended for other guy, sorry pussy wolf.

>> No.1095527

I was just politely disagreeing with you on what he was intending to get across. Im not saying its effect on you was invalid. If it strengthened your faith in there being no god, more power to you.

>> No.1095539

The Divine Invasion

by Philip K. Dick


>> No.1095542

Apparently their going to be publishing Exegesis soon. Now we can finally start a religion based off pink laserbeam God.

>> No.1095540
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Go fig. This one turned me from a mealy-mouthed agnostic to a solidified "Why are so many of the religious trying to force their beliefs into the government" atheism.

>> No.1095543

A Series of Unfortunate Events helped me not so much -shape- as -understand- why I like the literature I do or think a lot of the things I think. I like complicated backstories, misleading narrators, etc. even more now than I did before hand. Also, it got me listening to the wonderful music of Stephin Merritt.

>> No.1095545

And that's a good thing?

>> No.1095548


Yes. It's common misconception that atheists are some bogeyman that are only interested in the destruction of religion. There are surely some that are, but most the ones I have come across are more interested in simply keeping religion from interfering in the government and sciences. I couldn't give a rat's ass what people did with own time and money so long as they don't waste my time and money on their nonsense.

>> No.1095549


well, he's right.

>> No.1095572

Not believing in falsities is always a good thing, unless your a dogmatic pragmatist.

>> No.1095574

I'd impact her world view.

>> No.1095576

dude me too! I loved the surreal nature and elaborate back story! Those books were the shit! When I was like 11 I used to poor over those books and the internet for hours trying to solve it's mysteries. Now at 19 I'm way into ARGing. I credit SoUE directly for that

>> No.1095592


You know what I can't stand? People who pretend there's some sort of huge stigma attached to being an Atheist, or being anything else , and that they are really helping out by not buying into all of that themselves. I don't know where all of this anti Atheist stuff is supposed to be because I've never even heard a whisper of it outside of the internet.

>> No.1095611
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>> No.1095615
File: 2 KB, 100x126, 1282279429679s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont think their is a stigma attached to atheism? You have to be trolling.

>> No.1095648
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>> No.1095659


Where do you live? Do you live in the deep south of the U.S.A? An orthodox Muslim country perhaps?

If not the stigma is all in your head.


>> No.1095679
File: 22 KB, 447x560, fonzie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I do live in the south, Alabama to be exact. I agree that the stigma is heightend in certain areas, but I think it applies to all of the U.S. and most of the world for that matter. Where is it that you live exactly?

>> No.1095692
File: 90 KB, 644x914, albert-camus-letranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I was 16.

Still does.

>> No.1095695


I live in Canada.

>> No.1095704

...and my high opinion of Canadians just took a blow.

>> No.1095714

Mine did to, I always thought they were more enlightend.

>> No.1095716


The entire US is actually fairly religious. Sure canada may be a big gay socialized medicine orgy, but that is pretty opposite of what the US is like.

>> No.1095722
File: 23 KB, 325x500, the_myth_of_sisyphus.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most influential books I have ever read.

Fucking YES!

>> No.1095726


I've lived in the U.S, and outside of the south (where I've never lived) I've yet to notice any stigma towards atheism.

>> No.1095733
File: 34 KB, 585x359, WALKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the one that you asked where I lived, I wasnt one of guys talking bad about Canada. I respect your opinon. I'm also the OP and I was just wondering what are some of the books that have impacted you?

>> No.1095735

You know what I love most about Canada. Being healthy, going to a gay orgy, fucking the hell out of similarly healthy gay men, going home, smoking my de facto legalized pot, having a bit more gay sex, and then going to my free fucking doctor to make sure I am still healthy. Suck my gay dick Americunts.

>> No.1095739


The Wind in the Willows - Responsible for piquing my interest in reading from an early age

The Horse and His Boy - Same

>> No.1095748

Well you have relative good taste, and I dont want you to think Im trying to argue, and like I said I do live in the south, but Ive been all over and I do think their is a stigma.

>> No.1095749
File: 100 KB, 600x849, uncle-tom-cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book dun changed ma life.

>> No.1095753

On the Road. It really revived my sense of adventure

>> No.1095756

Okay, I really want to upload OPs pic in order to fap to the sexy intellectual looking girl but its not loading, can someone tell me the model's name so I can get it off Google?

>> No.1095760

You know what I love most about America. Being healthy, going to a straight orgy, fucking the hell out of similarly healthy women, going home, smoking my de facto pot, having a bit more sex, and then going to my competent doctor to make sure I am still healthy. Then beating up fags. Please dont suck my dick

>> No.1095761



I'm not entirely sure how accurate this is since I just did a quick google search. Looks like the U.S really is a religious country, but I knew that already. I just have not noticed a stigma in real life. I hear about it all the time on the internet though.

To be honest I've observed more of a stigma among the "intellectual" crowd towards religious persons.

>> No.1095778

Yeah your right about the prejudice against religous people coming from atheists, I'm a agnostic. Like I said I enjoyed your taste in books and I appreciate that we can disagree without slipping into ad hominems. Just wondering are you religous?

>> No.1095784

Hahahaha, enjoy paying your rediculous fees for your 'competent' doctor. Hope he doesn't send you for too many tests...otherwise you'll be poor like the majority of your fucking screwed up country.

>> No.1095786


No I'm not.