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/lit/ - Literature

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10947325 No.10947325 [Reply] [Original]

Well, what do you think /lit/? This is what you must read to get the degree at UCL.

Paradise Lost - John Milton
Rape of the Lock - Alexander Pope
Tristram Shandy - Laurence Sterne
The Prelude - William Wordsworth
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass
The Mill on the Floss - George Eliot
The Waste Land - T.S. Eliot
Midnight’s Children - Salman Rushdie
The Odyssey - Homer
The Iliad - Homer
The Aeneid - Virgil
King James’ Bible
Inferno - Dante Alighieri
Essais - Michel de Montagine
Confessions - Jean Jaques Rousseau
Genealogy of Morals - Friedrich Nietzsche
History of Sexuality - Michel Foucault
The Miller’s Tale - Chaucer
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Le Morte D’Arthur - Thomas Malory
Second Shepherd’s Pageant
The Wanderer
A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Thomas Middleton
Essays - Hazlitt and Lamb
Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
Lonely Londoners - Sam Selvon
Poetry - Browning and Tennyson
Villette - Charlotte Bronte
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Middlemarch - George Eliot
Tess of the D’Urbevilles - Thomas Hardy
Selected Poems - W.B. Yeats
Portrait of the Artist - James Joyce
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
Mrs Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
Good Morning, Midnight - Jean Rhys
Book of the Duchess - Chaucer
House of Fame - Chaucer
Parliament of Fowls - Chaucer
Troilus & Criseyde - Chaucer
In a Glass Darkly - Sheridan Le Fanu
Arabian Nights - Sir Richard Burton
The Rubaiyat - Omar Khayyam
She - H. Rider Haggard
The Beetle - Richard Marsh
Kim - Rudyard Kipling
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Passage to India - E.M. Forster
Black Mischief - Evelyn Waugh
According to Queeney - Beryl Bainbridge
Hawksmoor - Peter Ackroyd
From Hell - Alan Moore
Jack Maggs - Peter Carey
Fingersmith - Sarah Waters
Knight’s and Miller’s Tales - Chaucer
Reeve’s, Shipman’s and Merchant’s Tales - Chaucer
Wife of Bath Prologue and Tale, Squire’s and Franklin’s Tales - Chaucer
Tale of Sir Thopas, Nun’s and Priests Tales, Retraction to The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer
The General History of Virginia & A Narrative of the Captivity Suffering… - Smith & Rowlandson
Autobiography - Benjamin Franklin
Emancipation Narratives
The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock
Beloved - Toni Morrison
Complete Dramatic Works - Samuel Beckett
Midsummer Night’s Dream - Shakespeare
1 Henry IV - Shakespeare
Macbeth - Shakespeare
A Winter’s Tale - Shakespeare
Richard III - Shakespeare
Henry V - Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare
Othello - Shakespeare
Hamlet - Shakespeare
Things Fall Apart - Chinua Anichebe
Death and The Kings Horseman - Wole Soyinka
Foe - J.M. Coetzee
Ghana Must Go - Taiye Selasi
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
NW - Zadie Smith
Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
Orientalism - Edward Said
Homo Deus - Noah Yuval Harari
Moor’s Last Sigh - Salman Rushdie
Satanic Verses - Salman Rushdie

>> No.10947327

London Journal - James Boswell
Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens
Confessions of an English Opium Eater - Thomas De Quincey
Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
The Bostonians - Henry James
The Adventures of Huck Finn - Mark Twain
The Awakening - Kate Chopin
Selected Poetry - Walt Whitman
10:04 - Ben Lerner
The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
White Teeth - Zadie Smith
Politics - Adam Thirlwell

>> No.10947332

Very Anlgo-American centric.

>> No.10947345

UCL is in England, isn't it? And the degree is English, if I am not mistaken?

>> No.10947346

>Requiring reading
>In the name of "education"
No wonder there are so many school shooters

>> No.10947352

>English lit

>> No.10947356


My Uni lets each prof make up their own. You'll read totally different shit depending on who you get and which course you take.

>> No.10947361

Needs more Faulkner

>> No.10947585

Why does the miller's tale come up twice?

>> No.10947613

A lot of that shit wasn't originally written in English.

>> No.10948285

I'm surprised they let you out of Kindergarten without learning how to count.

>> No.10948459

>Homo Deus

I can only imagine the sort of smug satisfied low IQ pop sci faggotry that book engenders in English majors

>> No.10948500

That’s a lot especially considering some of the size of the work in there. Also based that Satanic verses is on there I struggle to believe it is but big if true

>> No.10948508

lol at all the tokenism

>> No.10948515

what a joke

>> No.10948520

>This is what you must read to get the degree at UCL.
>he thinks most people actually read the works when getting their degree

>> No.10948522

I've read most of these, now where is my degree?

>> No.10948524

Why is this in such a nonsensical order?

>> No.10948532

Where's Pynchon?

>> No.10948533

Not bad but there is a noticeable lack of post-modern fiction and modernist poetry
found the Peterson cultist

>> No.10948610

>From Hell

>> No.10948647

>found the Peterson cultist
i'm a bloom cultist you piece of shit

>> No.10948675

That's political indoctrination.
>muh queer lit
>muh multiculturalism

>> No.10948676

could use more evola

>> No.10948685

it includes a comic book so it's automatically worthless

>> No.10948702

Surely nobody needs to read three Salman Rushdie novels. Clearly he's got the "token wog" part nailed down ...

>> No.10948703
File: 22 KB, 261x186, palance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Alan Moore? What the actual fuck?

I can only presume UCL is a former polytechnic.

>> No.10948713
File: 367 KB, 540x304, 1522518542740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post my reading list sometime, but I was in a Great Books and then English program at a North American university. We started with the Sumerians, and then the Greeks. There's a lot of overlap with this. But if you want a rundown just crack open a Norton Anthology of English Lit: Major Authors edition, Medieval and Tudor Drama by John Gassner, English Renaissance Drama (Norton), add a dozen or so Shakespeare plays, and a Norton Anthology of American Lit. Add the Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism if you go for honours.

Pepper in some non-English texts along the way like The Song of Roland, The Tain, The Saga of the Volsungs, The Nibelungenlied, and Dante's Divine Comedy.

For more recent lit I recall reading Toni Morrison's Jazz, Don DeLillo's White Noise, Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five, Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake, and David Adams Richards' Mercy Among the Children and For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down. I know some professors will assign Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, Auster's New York Trilogy, Palaniuk's Fight Club, and Krakauer's Into the Wild.

There was a lot of freedom added in some courses, so I got to choose areas of study, meaning my list would be vastly different from someone else's, which also depends on how much work you put in. I actually corresponded with a couple of authors and even published two articles (and some weak poetry).

Generally students need intro credits, a research methods course, a survey course (Beowulf to Virginia Woolf), a Shakespeare course, and then need to fill the rest with courses based on authors, genres, and regions. If you do honours then you need theory and two seminars, too.

>> No.10948723

>read dozens of great works
>get complacent
>accidentally read a comic book
>lose all your reading have to start over

>> No.10948799

It seems pretty solid but with some weird inclusions and omissions.

>No Keats
It's not as though we're asking you to read Remembrance of Things Past. Just Ode to Autumn & Grecian Urn & Nightingale & La Belle Dame Sans Merci takes like 30 min total out of your life.

>No Blake
Again, you don't have to spend that long on him but you have to have a look. Restrict it to a few from Songs of Innocence & Experience if you're really busy.

>No Faulkner
Err...what? I mean I'm English, not American, and even I know this is absurd.

>No Updike
You can't really ignore the Rabbit novels.

>No Emily Dickinson
I'm a little surprised about this given they normally like to emphasize women writers and she is legitimately great.
(The poetry all-round is pretty bizarre. Where's Robert Frost gone?)


>Our Mutual Friend
Err, why this exactly? Why not A Tale of Two Cities or Bleak House? Hmm...

>Inferno (Dante)
Once you start talking non-English literature you're opening up a bigger can of worms than you intended, my friend.

>Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock)
Are we talking about the screenplay? There are many better ones than this, even just from a purely literary standpoint.

>> No.10948857

Post more reading lists.
Extra points for old lists.

>> No.10948874


>> No.10948892

Oh hey... it's my alma mater!

>> No.10948895


>> No.10948897


and not even Watchmen for fucks sake

>> No.10948912

Seems like a cruel thing to suffer through reading old scientific and mathematic texts instead of having the most relevant excerpts reprinted in a history textbook exploring the thought and advances of that time.

>> No.10948922

Yeah, looks like good old fetishization of old paper.

>> No.10948925

From Hell is many orders of magnitude better than Watchmen, though.

>> No.10949309

What are you talking about? UCLA is like every other university: you choose from a number of required courses, and the profs set and change the reading lists. I have no idea where you got that list, but nobody has to read all those books specifically to get a lousy BA. "I'm sorry anon, but until you've read Moor's Last Sigh, Hawksmoor and She, you can't graduate!"

>> No.10949398

There was a Reddit post. I just checked. Recently I've noticed a lot of people are posting things here from r/books.

>> No.10949423


Can someone tell me what degree this reading list is for?

I been following it for a while and it's perfect

>> No.10949430

OP you in UCL? I'm your neighbour at Imperial

>> No.10949436

go away faggot

>> No.10949449

I went to St. John's (only for the first two years, though). the list isn't "for" any type of major, since there are no majors. Every student studies the list.

It comes out being the equivalent of a major in philosophy and a minor in mathematics... which is why 80% of Johnnies go on to graduate school...

>> No.10949458

UCL = University College London you fucking goblino

>> No.10949459

how tf do people get an undergraduate degree without a deliberate and reserved study of Walden?

>> No.10949460

Give it 10-20 years and Faulkner will be universally recognized for his work's achievements. For some reason the 100 year mark seems to be a proof of disctinction for universities.

Cucked again...

>> No.10949484

Ok please explain. I'm from England, i finished High-school an applied to University. I'm now studying in University (STEM) and we don't have to read anything like this.

Is St.Johns a university? if so how can a med student alongside his studies read this...

Sorry for my ignorance but i don't understand the system in the states

>> No.10949497

I've only read Sandman by Gaiman as far as comics go. How does From Hell compare?

>> No.10949513

also when you read a book what then... do you discuss the books and go through key concepts or is it just read and research on your own?

>> No.10949598
File: 103 KB, 963x1200, 1522837109015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you?

>> No.10949606

I hadn't noticed the typo I made, but I know it's UCL. Look at the real course options and reading lists yourself. That list is bullshit.

>> No.10950783


Not just in England but in L O N D O N

That's how you know it's very important indeed.

>> No.10950867

>tfw read about 5% of the books on my degree's reading list and still came out with a 2:1

expensive bit of paper. imagine what I could've achieved if I had applied myself. my life in a nutshell.

>> No.10950904

read all this shit to work as a tour guide? no thanks bro

>> No.10951972
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 1521959022054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of all those books I only had to read Sterne, Pope and Shakespeare in my entire undergrad
>All of said books were in different classes taught by the same professor
Liberal institutions were a mistake.

>> No.10952268

I've read most of those and didn't have to waste a shit ton of money to do it.

>> No.10952310

zadie smith lmfao

>> No.10952322

>Omar Khayyam
You mean Fitzgerald, he wrote it himself
>Frederick Douglas
Lmao token
>Salman Rushdie
>Zadie Smith
Super meme