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/lit/ - Literature

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10947659 No.10947659 [Reply] [Original]

add friends/ recommend books


>> No.10947693
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>> No.10947723
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>> No.10947728

>reddit memes

>> No.10947732

I found it on this board dickhead

>> No.10947771


>> No.10947775


>> No.10947807


>> No.10947841

I'm a slow reader

>> No.10947845
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>this girl
>browsing lit

nice meme bro

>> No.10947865

>rating books before finishing them

>> No.10947994

lol which one? I rated only the ones I read??

>> No.10948075
File: 114 KB, 596x966, hotdaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good place to find a gf, bros? Any girls here need a daddy?

>> No.10948092

>a man that wants to take on the dominant role
>browses lit

Sorry but this is a soy board

>> No.10948232


>> No.10948238

>when you post a picture of yourself "ironically" but secretly you're actually looking for compliments

>> No.10948410

t. Cynical Cindy

>> No.10948412

t. Harry Chest

>> No.10948434

How's that even a go at me? You're just being tsun tsun right now.

>> No.10948451

>tsun tsun
im white so idk what the hell this kanji shit means

>> No.10948477

how many of these threads do you plan to make staniSTUPID

>> No.10948479

It means that the poster is a powerbottom turbofag.

>> No.10948491
File: 261 KB, 564x793, B3103717-07C3-409E-A2C8-D51295B2ECDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make one thread in a month, don’t be angry, friendo.

>> No.10948497

says you

>> No.10948526
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how did I see my this year read books with neat statistics and stuff ?

>> No.10948530
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got these heaux on repeat because ignant trap rap really gets me in the mood for writing, i'm probably at my most productive when i'm playing lil pump and future on repeat.

i like the books, reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass right now and thinking of reading Herodotus' The Histories afterwards, been wanting to read that for a while now.

>> No.10948555


>> No.10948617
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Thank you

>> No.10948731

I'm still working on mine.

I do, if you can get past the dick.

>> No.10948816

Wew lad

>> No.10948834

I'm sort of trying to read through my current books I own at the moment before I fork out more money (I fell for the paperback meme) for more books but I constantly find and hear about ones I'm interested in so Goodreads is sort of like my to-do list/wishlist for books.

>> No.10949192


>> No.10949581


>> No.10949841

Great musical taste for 16-old girl.

>> No.10949872
File: 51 KB, 404x303, The-Kurgan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fly with me, fly!

>> No.10949907

where 2 cop hot gf who reads Joyce

>> No.10949919

Uh, my real name is on my good reads account. I just made it like 5 months ago. Is it actually a good thing to keep up with and talk with people online? I always thought it was just sort of a place to keep track of how much you read.

>> No.10949928
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Yes, it's very fun.

>> No.10949983

I just used it as that until a few weeks ago. Changed my name on there and have been talking with a couple of anons about some interesting stuff.

>> No.10950008

https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/75648819-christopher-robin I guess here's mine then.

>> No.10950461
