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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 343x429, Littleprince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10943089 No.10943089 [Reply] [Original]

What are your shitty opinions on this one?

>> No.10943108

I feel like I read it too late in life for it to have the emotional impact so many other people claim it had on them.

Wasn't bad by any means, but largely forgettable. For me, anyway.

>> No.10943132

Same here, I guess. I'm not sure if it was down to my age, really, but I had already developed a kind of cynicism that made it *very* hard for all the glorification of childhood/childish innocence in the story to resonate with me.

Love the art and some of the encounters, though.

>> No.10944238

I liked it as a child. While in school read Nightflight, Wind Sand Stars, and Southern Mail- the latter two are excellent.

>> No.10944596

Am indifferent about the book. Love Exupery though, like the other anon says he was a badass who wrote awesome shit; just a shame he was French and couldn't write it well.
The film that came out recently made me bawl like a baby. Better than Citizen Kane. 11/10 movie.

>> No.10944621

was always too edgy and retarded to enjoy something like that

>> No.10944663

This. It wasn't redpilled enough on women and non-whites

>> No.10944665

I didn't like it even as a child. And never understood why other kids liked it.

>> No.10944831

First book I read entirely in French, so that was cool. My teacher loves it but I could never get into it.

>> No.10945096

Beautiful ideas, good characters, average prose. It used to be my all-time favorite book, but I've read a lot since then and realized that it's only "pretty good." Still has a special place in my heart.

>> No.10945105

it's a timeless masterpiece in my opinion

>> No.10945111

First book I read entirely in French, so that was cool. My teacher loves it but I could never get into it.

>> No.10945112

If he is so little why is he a giant standing on an asteroid?

>> No.10945117

If you had read the book you'd know, moron

>> No.10945118

Same here, I guess. I'm not sure if it was down to my age, really, but I had already developed a kind of cynicism that made it *very* hard for all the glorification of childhood/childish innocence in the story to resonate with me.

Love the art and some of the encounters, though.

>> No.10945126

>First book I read entirely in French
Same here. What did you move on to?

>> No.10945131

wow really swaying me to read the book with your immense powers of having a stick up your ass.

>> No.10945136

Why should I care if you read it? I'm not invested

>> No.10945808

>an overabundance of white characters

>> No.10945814

invested in deez nuts apparently

>> No.10945828

It's important.

>> No.10946970

I was surprised by how oversold the book was. I was expecting some kind of transcendental classic given its reputation, but it was just a children's picture book with some metaphors.

I even read a few analysis of the book to see if I missed anything, but there is really no depth to the book at all. Any complex analysis of the book derails into a biography of the author or analysis of french culture after the war.

I think this book is popular because it jerks off the middle and lower classes: "Look at how smart you are, understanding this snake metaphor!" "Money is for boring adults who hate themselves!"

>> No.10947002

Super Mario Galaxy in /lit/ form

>> No.10947008

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.10947355

That's honestly the only one I've finished so far. Everything else has been reading menus and shit.

>> No.10947583

Overrated but still decent

>> No.10949445
File: 133 KB, 491x367, 1519796855067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Money is for boring adults who hate themselves!"
t. missed the point entirely

The businessman's obsession over money has a sense of poetry to it, and the prince acknowledges that ownership is a beautiful thing. The end of the dialog doesn't assert that "money is bad," it asserts that "ownership should involve more than merely claiming something for oneself." In other words, the businessman should get up off his ass and do something with the money, instead of just counting it over and over.

I can't believe you've managed to misread a children's book this badly.