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/lit/ - Literature

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10945886 No.10945886 [Reply] [Original]

>the most discerning and original views were combined in her with an absence - apparent but, for all that, difficult to fathom - of all the most universally accepted moral and social prejudices.

>> No.10945911
File: 76 KB, 640x874, radclyffe-hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twisty sentence. Do people like this kind of writing? It's not really fun to read, it's just byzantine.

>> No.10945925
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she doesn't appreciate twisty things that aren't fun

she posted that picture and she doesn't appreciate twisty things that aren't fun

>> No.10946101


The Opposing Shore was 10/10

>> No.10946123


ty library soon

>> No.10946132
File: 190 KB, 900x1243, CHRISTER-KARLSTAD_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy twisty fun things. The sentence was coldly byzantine

>> No.10946147
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she doesn't enjoy the icy grip of prudery and religious zeal

>> No.10946166
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I am all too familiar with it, actually. Had my fill.

>> No.10946185
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I figured.

Isn't it annoying sitting on the couch trying to do something while you're in the room with people trying to look like they're sitting on the couch doing something.

>> No.10946236
File: 443 KB, 1280x1616, 1404408027261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is annoying about it?
Are you questioning their sincerity and/or your own?

>> No.10946320
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I was making shallow conversation under the guise of caring about your upbringing.

>> No.10946361
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>> No.10946400
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how awful, a k-er

back to your books Darla. Darien. Dracula

what a strange name

>> No.10946454
File: 229 KB, 885x700, sorren_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a Joe Sorren mixed with Ray Caesar

>> No.10946464

Are you really this sad? Honestly, I can't think of anything less lit than a trip. Lose it and keep posting.

>> No.10946479
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I used to go without all the time
But people started impersonating me and the janitor banned the lot of us.

>> No.10946498
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>wanting to be lit

>> No.10946521

Justify it however you want, it is attention seeking.
Avoidance of a particular does not indicate the desire for the opposite.

>> No.10946535
File: 38 KB, 355x500, f3107f203a2ae0d1b98b014c401aae49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>avoidance of a particular does not indicate the desire for the opposite

particularly avoiding the indication of desire opposes a does not the for

brick head. enjoy invisibility and chiming in at the hint of someone doing a thing that tickles the chord of "I wish I could do that too, but I'm just so sour, and they told me I shouldn't be sour, so I fight. I fight, I fight, I fight."

away with you. or stay. you finally have a choice.

>> No.10946550
File: 65 KB, 600x383, 0916-paz-de-la-huerta-drunk-600x383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is individuation. I was just another anonymous for many years and it was cold, sad and lonely. Somehow felt better with a name. No, not the "attention"
Read Stirner, anon.

Lord Byron is right though. Who would want to be like the mush of people that makes up lit these days. You don't even read.
Having had my fill, I will be leaving shortly anyway

>> No.10946563
File: 645 KB, 1954x3000, Jewel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you b-fly never change it's always nice seeing you around. stay safe keep reading

>> No.10946587

Really not the case, what I desire is invisibility. That was the point, it makes the content meaningful, the fact that it can`t be attributed to any one person. Unbiased. And discussing literature in that manner is interesting.

>> No.10946608

States how attention depraved they are. Gets a tag whereby they will be recognized and inevitably receive good or bad attention. "Somehow felt better." Claims it is not about attention.
I'm fucking out.

>> No.10946609
File: 25 KB, 233x351, immoralist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so you still haven't come to the realization that different _points_ make different _contents_ _meaningful_ to different people.

this is your way of doing things.

>are you really this sad? honestly, -I can't think- of anything less lit than a trip

discussing literature in an unbiased manner is the most uninteresting thing I can think of. and given the extent of my imagination. I can think of very uninteresting things.

>> No.10946615 [DELETED] 


It also means you can be a condescending arsehole with ease. Nobody ever owns up that but we all know that's what attracts a hell of a lot of people to 4chan. There are positives to anonymity but they're much smaller than the negatives.

>> No.10946619
File: 48 KB, 480x480, BNC+doggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I am still unknown to you all, and I have a book that I am working on.

Many will hate it, but someone may read it. And wonder who the author is.


(Brittany Nicole Cox hugging reaction image)

>> No.10946648


I concur. I think we all need a name here.

>> No.10946661

You say a whole lot of nothing. Unbiased in terms of who the biased opinion comes from. Why don't you take a moment before you get to work on your keyboard again. It is 4chan friendo, the very essence is anonymity - the reason you are here afterall, for the unfitered stream of consciousness regarding your specific field of interest. But let me have it, another projection of some sort and a misunderstanding of what I even said.

>> No.10946678
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watch your tone goon

why would I ever want to say -something-?

the more nothing I say the better my day gets

I would seriously, severely, and with the smoky aftertaste of seared salmon selectively avoid considering being anything like you.

anonymity is optional. and the more you don't do it, the better you get at not doing it.

every time you fall asleep remember that I believe what I believe and you can't do much about it.

>> No.10946693
File: 1.00 MB, 3000x2152, 2019637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and the second you forget to stop remembering it go ahead and get a headache and think, while headaching, damn I really wish I knew where this headache was coming from.

and then you'll remember

so either you think about me, or you have a headache every night.

damn it feels good to be a gangster

>> No.10946706

Out of curiousity, are you on substances?

>> No.10946711


no i'm just a rad dude that reads books and looms over morons

>> No.10946729

When I started this discussion, there was a genuine desire to get my point across. Unfortunately, it was a waste of time and in its place I only pity you now. Goodbye.

>> No.10946731
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I AM substance.

>> No.10946736
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>> No.10946955

same about myself

>> No.10946991


if you wouldn't have included about myself I wouldn't have been sure what you were talking about