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/lit/ - Literature

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10945629 No.10945629 [Reply] [Original]

>wanting to be a writer
is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

>> No.10945638

Yeah I always respect people who want to write. It’s more pretentious not to want to.

>> No.10945640


>being a writer for attention
>being a writer because you NEED to be a writer

Nobody falls into both columns.

>> No.10945642

fuck off reddit

>> No.10945647

The very act isn't particularly pretentious, although most people you meet who outright tell you some variation of "I'm a writer" without any prompting are most likely naive and pretentious fools it would be better not to associate yourself with.

>> No.10945658

Whats up Bukowski

>> No.10945664

Nope. Every single one of them that I've encountered was a narcissist with personality disorder, and vague degrees of psychopathy. Much prefer accomplished artists, painters and musicians, composers and sculptors, they know their place. Unbelievable how evil writers tend to be, and how vapid they turn out when they try their hand at poetry or philosophy. Really awful types

>> No.10945666
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>> No.10945668

Making this thread

>> No.10945721

gettin these dubs checkem

>> No.10945755

why is /lit/ so obsessed with Jordan B peterson. Can't stand seeing his smug face everywhere

>> No.10945760

Classical musician

>> No.10945861
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Aren't we all writers in some sense? Think about it...

>> No.10945955


Those who write, are writers.

But there are those who write for fame (Rowling-tier), and those who write because they must.

>> No.10945967

that's Robert DeNiro.

>> No.10946000

you're the pretentious guy OP was talking about btw.

>> No.10946010

Hey look, it's Otto Pivner!

>> No.10946281

itt people confuse "wanting to be a writer" and "wanting to write"

>> No.10946314

Wanting to be an actor, or a model. There's tons of things more attention-seeking.

>> No.10946318 [DELETED] 

>hasn't seen a movie in the last 40+ years.

>> No.10946319

Wanting to be a filmmaker

>> No.10946329

>haven't seen a movie in the last 40+ years.

>> No.10946332

being a filmmaker used to be manly, now it's the gayest thing.

>> No.10946334

wanting to be a neet

>> No.10946339

>tfw they'll never be another Keaton

>> No.10946340

wanting to be a stripper

>> No.10946346

imagine being this self-hating and autistic

>> No.10946347


>> No.10946356

You're behind the camera if you're a film maker though. Most normal people wont even know who you are and if they're a part of the small percentage of people who know your name they probably wont even know what you look like. Z list actors are sometimes more well known than famous directors.

>> No.10946364

Those who wank, are wankers

But there are those who wank for fame, and those who wank because they must.

>> No.10946372

Those are actual filmmakers, I'm talking about people who "want to be filmmakers".

>> No.10946377

Except they have to do promotianal shit for the movie and tons of interviews all over the world, more than a writer, filmmakers are prima donnas in themselves these days.

>> No.10946388

gaffers? grips? oh sweetheart, you've got a lot to learn

>> No.10946391

You mean people announcing they want to be a writer or actual working writers?

>> No.10946407

>I see Peterson's face in Hollywood actors now. Help!

>> No.10946419

I'm referring to film directors specifically. They're more attention seeking than writers and screenwriters.

>> No.10946422

i'm going to assume its b8 because i still like to believe /lit/ hasn't been overrun by brainlets. Also clean your room.

>> No.10946440

If you don't have the talent, then yes.

If you do, then you better stake your life on it.

>> No.10946451

Only reading on the train!

>> No.10946610

I started writing years ago and after I completed a substantial amount of work I sought out others who might be likeminded. Holy fuck 99% of people who go to writers groups are fucking awful. They either:
Don’t write but want to be a writer
Write but it takes them a month to do a paragraph because “I don’t know if this sentence is right”
OR write shit and just want to be jerked off and told that their shit is worth anyone’s time.
There are rare exceptions.
There’s a chick in my local group who made couple million writing erotica

>> No.10946630

Yeah, plenty of things. Off the top of my head (in roughly descending order):
>Wanting to be famous for being famous.
>Wanting to be Instagram/Youtube famous.
>Wanting to be president/prime minister/Comrade Stalin.
>Wanting to be a TV/movie star.
>Wanting to be a big label music producer.

Unsurprisingly, lots of writers have big egos. But people don't want to be writers just for the sake of having as much attention as possible. Ask normies to name one big literary writer of the last half century and see how many can.

>> No.10946634

>Don’t write but want to be a writer
what do you mean? they want the title but not to do the craft?

>> No.10946713
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Pic related.
THIS MOTHErFUCKER right here is the worst. He shows up, doesn’t bring any writing, and doesn’t do any actual critiquing as much as he makes that beta ass whiny nasely voice of his and says dumb shit that has nothing to do with the shared piece.
“Well it’s kind of like Star Trek TNG when Picard...”

I want to stab this fuck in the face for being disruptive but the group won’t do anything about him for being a distraction.

>> No.10946856

fully agree. Writing is for people who've actually lead an interesting life. You can't decide to become one it just happens.

>> No.10946902

What the fuck...

>> No.10946918

for all we know that's just some dude who fucked anons gf

>> No.10946922

Like Fernando Pessoa, who spent his whole life either working as a typical clerk in a Lisbon company or else reading and writing alone inside his room in the middle of the night...

You know nothing about literature, so shut up.

>> No.10947440

Underrated advice

>> No.10948694

It's a mix of interesting people and normal people. William Carlos Williams literally worked a normal doctor's job all his life in a boring-ass city.

>> No.10948924

You sound like the dick desu...

>> No.10948930

Writers are better at discerning hostile, judgmental nerds like yourself... So that's why they give you the stiff treatment.

>> No.10948931
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>It’s more pretentious not to want to.

>> No.10948933

I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking about me like that.

>> No.10948953

Nah, there are writers who writer about life and there are writers who live it. Borges vs Hemingway.

>> No.10948959

Words are at the base of our entire experience; they're the product of immeasurable, communal effort on humanity's part; over the millenniums, when beings could only utter guttural noises, and point aloft to the fiery sun that burnt their skin, that fed the Earth, that would be praised across our species in myth, and religion, we somehow managed to distill these incredibly diverse images, with diverse feelings, and attach those together with mere noise, a mechanical training of sorts, all sounding like a musical incantation that can somehow penetrate our husks, our minds, and made meaning out of the blurry, primordial beginnings; how these feelings, like fluid, so immense and infinite in all its depth, its breath, were sculpted into a medium almost as infinite: precious noise, lovely vibrations that diffuse all across the solar systems, here and beyond, forever.

Writing is a fucking miracle, anon. I love it. I'll always love it. Call me a narcissist all you want...

>> No.10948982

You can make up for an uninteresting life with shittons of literature, but personal experience is always superior.

>> No.10948985


Wanting to be a critic

>> No.10949020

Nobody needs to be a writer you stupid pseud

>> No.10949055

>he doesn't understand the transcendence of composing something great
>he hasn't felt the overall feeling of pure contentment while he creates

Everyone's like you, eh? How's being a fucking young dolt treating ya?

>> No.10949124

ooo, good answer

>doesnt understand what need means

>> No.10949162

lol that was funny

>> No.10949177

I don't exactly understand the second half.. is he reading a letter he received?

>> No.10949188
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>The written transfer of information isn't needed

This guy.

>> No.10949204

yeah, in the part he says he is reading from a letter—which part tripped you up

>> No.10949207

this, but unironically

>> No.10949264

Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand why everyone's laughing? It seems reasonable (but maybe naive) to have the mindset of the person writing the letter (as in the writer being able to move people). Why are they taking it as a joke?

>> No.10949270

that's part of what he's making fun of—misguided conceptions of what it is to be an author

>> No.10949300

I mean, it's a romanticized view but I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If you feel you must write then that's one thing, but in questioning why you make "art" at all isn't there an element of wanting to affect people?

>> No.10949307

Get out. Get your shit and get out.

>> No.10949476

I want all my learning to be done via traveling bard groups like the good ol' days.

>> No.10949524

Trips of truth.

>> No.10949531

yes, being a stripper.

>> No.10949537

"Tell me about the lobster"

>> No.10949569
File: 53 KB, 440x588, 2390874092374983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

michael mann's movies having something very masculine (no homo) about them. de niro's character in heat is a good example: a man with a plan imposes his will on reality, but gets turned back in the end.
though he definitely uses the language of movies, and borrows certain things from naturalism, he works in a completely different genre than the trite, reddit-tier, tongue-in-cheek self deprecation that passes for self-awareness in most modern movies (and most novels.) his characters are not self-conscious. it's almost like he is making proto-movies, inspired by the unity of epics and tragedies, not the polyglossia of the novel.

>> No.10949596
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Agreed. He's also working with an incredible sense for aesthetics:

>> No.10949609
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>> No.10949632

no*an borrows heavily
but pays respects

>> No.10949803


>> No.10949845
File: 51 KB, 759x422, christopher-nolan-7591[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh blue color correction
>muh sterile brooding
Nolan is better than Mann in literally every respect, from the screenplay to composition to dialogue to movement. Everybody already knows and agrees with this statement, they know that they're more entertained by Batman Begins than Thief (a film with three good scenes at best, like all Mann pictures), but they're afraid of being seen as IMDb redditors so they choose the slightly less appreciated pop crime filmmaker.

Not me! I won't be bullied into pretending Mann has the psychological depth or technique of a Nolan.

>> No.10949902

>psychological depth
it's a false comparison, but you haven't understood. nolan borrows from his aesthetic, and there are superficial similarities between their 'plots', but mann is doing something categorically different. not that the people you are talking about don't exist—i'm sure there are lots of people denying themselves the pleasure of batman, but they don't matter

>> No.10950013

Please anon, do share your incredible taste in physical comedy

>> No.10950269

>incredible taste
>physical comedy

>> No.10950491

How do you have an interesting life?

>> No.10950501

he's not wrong tho. there's nothing attention-seeking in wanting to release your thoughts. bye.

>> No.10950521

reading in the train

>> No.10950543

Why stop there?

>wanting to be a painter
>wanting to be an actor
>wanting to be a dancer
>wanting to be a musician
>wanting to be a sculptor
>wanting to be a film maker

All art is self-aggrandizing in some way, but notice, only if it sells. Creatives have nervous systems that are wired for attention seeking. Good ones can context-switch the attention from "look at me" to "look at this." It's a kind of high resolution experience. They might have to wear glasses or hearing aids like everyone else, but the information that their senses feed to their brains gets processed in higher definition. It's not a bottle cap on the counter. It's a consumer product, a brand identifier, evidence of an act taking place in a time frame, that the roommate stole my Mountain Dew; it's a sign of sloth since the wastebasket is right there; it's an attractant to insects and vermin; it's evidence of a care-free whimsicality; or a suggestion of appetitive vigor - "I discard the cap because I am drinking this whole thing in one go." All at the same time. Imagine experiencing everything this way. Every waking moment. All the facets twirling in a kaleidoscopic profusion that you have to make sense of and filter most of it out to keep from overwhelming your ability to function. Reverse-autism. Not a void of affect, a surplus. And a big one, at that.

>> No.10950557

reading philosophy or classical literature in the train

>> No.10950592


>> No.10950593

>autism: a void of affect,

>> No.10950611

Who can say, but it's definitely not staying inside all day.

>> No.10950656

Damn, I think I love u

>> No.10950992

Sounds like a meme but it's true.

>> No.10951855

It's thinly-veiled narcissism disguised as modesty and integrity. How can you affect people without wanting to reach the greatest audience as possible? Why not admit that you're striving to be the greatest you can possibly be in your individual experience?

>> No.10951902

Foolishness. The tired archetype of the poet with the weight on his shoulders is so lame and tired.

There are a wide array of artistic types that fall under so many categories, even ones literally diagnosed with autism; yet, their indivual distillation of reality, their experience, is entirely unique to their own biorhythms and thought structure. Ones whose contempt for others is so large, that they forgo all external influences and go directly within.

>> No.10952021

Don't we have rules against this shit now?

>> No.10952261

>You're behind the camera if you're a film maker though.
You haven't seen pomo films, have you?

>> No.10952775


Why does it matter if you're pretentious or not? If you enjoy it, do it. Honestly 4chan is full of so many insecure people pretending not to be insecure hiding behind a thick layer of irony and sarcasm. It's pathetic lmfao

>> No.10953911

Just write, don't 'be' a writer.

>> No.10954305

I never felt like a writer until I stopped caring about what people thought about me.

For me, it happened when I stopped attention-whoring.

>> No.10954448


>> No.10954532

you're just ripping off post-recognitions william gaddis, fuck off

>> No.10954605


>> No.10954830

Protip: Doing something for attention is not inherently bad.

>> No.10954870

imagine being this wrong

>> No.10955353

For thousands of years before the internet existed every repost was already a repost of a repost.

Wrap your anal ache around that, brow-ridge.

>> No.10955392

no*an is up there with rick and morty, just above worst redditsoy.

>> No.10955410

you have a pleb taste in directors and a pleb taste for michael mann movies. rankings are as follows:
>miami vice
>the insider
>public enemies
>the last of the mohicans
>the keep