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10945582 No.10945582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I write about sex and girls if I'm a virgin loser?

>> No.10945586

You can't. Don't try to write things you don't understand. Write your own experiences.

>> No.10945587

you lie.

>> No.10945589

they're laughing at you OP

>> No.10945599

Write about sex and girls from the perspective of a virgin loser

>> No.10945612
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>> No.10945632

go away
of course

>> No.10945680
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Find examples that other people have deemed good, then imitate.

No one who has ever been in a sword battle (or ridden a dragon) has ever written about it. Also, go out and get laid. Lowered standards are your friend. Consensual sex is what life's about. Don't waste it.

>> No.10945703

The only girls that like me have severe mental disorders and would fuck any guy that compliments their hair. I'm not far enough for that.

>> No.10945713

Don't write about sex, it's the most pleb-tier subject in literature.

>> No.10945822

It's easy if you have imagination. I've never had sex, possibly never will, but I don't think there's anything about it I don't understand and couldn't effectively convey in writing if I felt the need to.

>> No.10945832

So compliment their hair, fuck them then ask if their dad is proud of them

>> No.10945845
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"Every one says I'm awfully pneumatic," said Lenina reflectively, patting her own legs. "Awfully." But there was an expression of pain in Bernard's eyes. "Like meat," he was thinking. She looked up with a certain anxiety. "But you don't think I'm too plump, do you?" He shook his head. Like so much meat. "You think I'm all right.
>hey Huxley could do it, I bet you could to, OP

>> No.10945889

>consensual sex is what life is about
no reproduction, killing, surviving, planning, learning and rest are what life is about. Sex is a product of those activities
if a heterosexual nonincel male writes about it, it can be an in depth theme for a story to touch upon, it shouldn't be the point of the novel but its something worth weaving into the narrative

>> No.10945935

>but I don't think there's anything about it I don't understand and couldn't effectively convey in writing if I felt the need to.

>> No.10946009
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>there are people ITT who don't know the joy and intimacy of climaxing with your partner and holding/being held by her in post coital bliss
>there are people ITT who don't know the primal feeling of power that comes from possessing, dominating and conquering a married woman as you savagely fuck her into a quivering mess and knowing that at that moment she has opened her womb to you at the expense of her husband
I feel bad for you guys desu

>> No.10946031

Indeed, an incel can understand sex better than a Chad, because he has had occasion to deeply reflect over it; for Chad, it is no different than tying his shoes.

>> No.10946033

How to kill Darius

>> No.10946040

In that case it sounds like the best writers should be those who have fucked but are no longer fucking. Not people who have never fucked and never will

>> No.10946059

well, does anyone write sex well? the problem is published authors are too successful in life, and have had sex. anyone who lived a life that led to them being a published author probably would have also naturally had sex in the course of that life. the incel who may be able to write well about sex isn't in a position in life to be published.

>> No.10946102

How can you write about death if you're still alive?

>> No.10946125
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Maybe you're right. E rodge wrote about it pretty well

>> No.10946194

virgin losers shouldn't write at all

>> No.10946229

>when you abandon the struggle of finding meaningful relationships in your life to ruin other people's lives, all the while reinforcing an /r9k/ style world view in yourself and permanently marring your soul

It's neither difficult nor admirable to be a horrible person and surround yourself with horrible people.

>> No.10946395
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>grow hair
>get gym membership
>wear yoga pants (learn to tuck)
>shave your body
>do nothing but cardio
>be slim
>cruise the showers for gay sex
>write as if you're the woman

>> No.10946503

>all of these unqualified assumptions
wew lad

>> No.10946715

>early medieval bishops and abbots
>virgin losers