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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 220x306, solanas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10937616 No.10937616 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ love Valerie Solanas all of a sudden?

>> No.10937625

because we hate "great art" these days

>> No.10937628

Anyone who is angry enough to stab an artist is ok in my book

>> No.10937642

Agreed. I thinking stabbing an artist, especially a modern artist, is a radical act of Homeric heroism. Almost an act of ritual magic evoking primordial currents of vitality, feeding the old soil with fresh blood so something great may yet grow.

>> No.10937659

Agreed, we can only hope for more to come

>> No.10937856

looks like jezza

>> No.10938454

I want so badly for her to tell me that I'm a detestable masculine scum and should be killed off from this earth along with all men, before she spits in my face and rests her feet firmly on my head as I eagerly prostrate to this feministic goddess.

>> No.10938462

the SCUM manifesto is literally the female version of r9k, i laughed so fucking hard when i first came across it

>> No.10938662

We're a lot of proud /r9k/ robots here, buddy. Praise Kek

>> No.10939775

Is it satire or no?

>> No.10939809

It was legitimate schizophrenic rage

>> No.10939840

So was Finnegans Wake and that's hailed as a masterpiece.

>> No.10939850

Joyce wasn't schizo, Jung was just a hack
>Hurr he's so smart he controls it
Fucking idiot

>> No.10939856

>that part where the protagonist hears himself being talked about on the radio
>that part where some women talking to each other turn into a tree and a rock

There are different degrees of psychosis and his daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

>> No.10939865

why isn't there porn of this

>> No.10939872

Did he hear voices himself? If not shut the fuck up with that stupid cherrypicking
Schizophrenia isn't even a real mental illness

>> No.10939892
File: 144 KB, 1890x1630, 1521401849640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10939903

The only Homeric thing about it is God intervening to stop this dumb dyke from killing Warhol

>> No.10939906

>Schizophrenia isn't even a real mental illness
Of course it is, you fucking retard.

>> No.10939919

It literally isn't. Its just an umbrella term used to lump together a wide variety of symptomatic patterns that psychology in its limitless ignorance has no explanation for. There is no causative chain at the heart of any schizophrenia diagnosis, it's a naive descriptive catchall.

>> No.10939976


Neither /lit/ nor anyone else loves or has ever loved Miss Solanas.

(This perhaps explains why she turned out as she did.)

>> No.10939986

why do feminists all look like beta males

>> No.10939988

>stabbing some timid fag artist is an epic act

>> No.10939997


Perhaps the same could be said of all DSM diagnoses. But enough talk, have at you!

>> No.10940043

It literally is. Read the fucking DSM.

>just an "umbrella term" for symptoms
Yes, that's what illnesses, disorders and diseases generally are.

>There is no causative chain at the heart of any schizophrenia diagnosis
No "causative chain" necessary for anything to be classified as a disorder. You can put the unifying label of "illness" or "disorder" on a set of correlating symptoms irrespective of whether or not you actually understand/identify a unifying causal mechanism.

If you want to denounce the entirety of the DSM (or psychiatry) as illegitimate, then I'm actually quite fine with that. But singling out schizophrenia as "not real" despite it being identical in kind to many other acknowledged mental conditions is indeed indefensible bullshit.

>> No.10940198

>No "causative chain" necessary for anything to be classified as a disorder.

Which from a medical standpoint is absolutely proposterous. Imagine going to a doctor and having them tell you that "You have a cough"

I single out schizophrenia because in its mythic like haughtiness its the one illness taken as most credible but has the least attempt to explain it

>> No.10941954

she looks nothing like Alex Jesalenko, get the fuck out of here.


>> No.10941967

What are you doing on a board devoted to literature?

>> No.10941978

If you don't have at least five artists you want shot you're a pseud and have no real interest in literature

>> No.10941987

We do? I've literally never seen her mentioned here before.