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10937774 No.10937774 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some prolific left wing (or liberal) thinkers like Chomsky/Hitchens? Someone who writes about many fields like Foreign Policy, History, Economics etc.

>> No.10937782

How the fuck was Hitchens left-wing? One was a neoconservative atheist and the other a Burkean traditionalist.

>> No.10937784

He called himself a leftist at the end of his life and talked about wishing there was still a working class movement like the old times.

>> No.10937793

Never heard of that to be honest. They were both Trotskyist scum anyway, no wonder they switch their politics around like a game.

>> No.10937797

Hitchens was a Leftist in the sense that he was not a reactionary, which is admittedly a kind of weak definition.

Calling the neocons rightwing just feels wrong though. It's like calling the Democratic Party socialists

>> No.10937801

His idol was Trotsky.

>> No.10937808

not sure if you're retarded or just trolling
Gene Sharp

>> No.10937915


Do you mean current ,or what? Here's a few who are current or relatively recent, and all important because they're taken seriously by many people in academia.

>Gyorgy Lukacs
Poisonous little spider, long-gone but still doing damage.

>Jean-Paul Sartre
Boss-eyed pervert, pretty much unreadable in the original. It's worth knowing what he said just so we can hate him all the more.

>Michael Foucault
See Sartre. Perverted sexuality and perverted politics are intimate bedfellows.

>Jacques Derrida
"Deconstructionism", the man. Burn in hell, sir.

>Slavoj Zizek
Equal parts incoherent and pernicious. If the average population realized what he was really advocating they would boil him in oil.

>> No.10937925

I should of added. No postmodern garbage.

>> No.10937931

bell hooks, Peggy McIntosh, Ta-Neshi Coates, Roxanne Gay, Kimberle Crenshaw, Gloria Anzaldua

>> No.10937950
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hmm well maybe the left should stop shitting on the working class constantly

>> No.10937966

>all these people are bad
>hey read these white supremacists who want to genocide all non-whites and plunge the world into perpetual warfare

>> No.10937973

Fuck off

>> No.10937982

yeah, no, undoing the recent changes to the west isn't going to result in another holocaust or world war. multiculturalism and mass immigration inevitably will, though

>> No.10937985

"Retreat From Class" by Meiksins Wood should be required reading for anyone wishing to get away from the "New Left" and impotent academic post-Marxism.

Another contemporary classic is Cockshott's "Towards A New Socialism", which really sets out the practical economics for a socialist society. Also read his papers that confront the economic calculation debate in greater detail.
Anwar Shaikh is great if you want to go deeper into leftist economic theory. Steve Keen's "Debunking Economics" adresses the neoclassical models in an acessible way.

>> No.10937994

He was a self proclaimed trotskyite before 9/11 and unironically used the word comrade back then, also his last words were "Capitalist, downfall"
he did turn neocon after the attack thought

not worth reading this guy anyways

>> No.10937996

it will tho, that’s exactly what transnational fascists want: take over nuclear arsenal, bait china or israel into war, glass them, reestablish colonies, seize remaining natural resources, liquidate undesirables with negative eugenics and genetic engineering. that’s what you want. its not enough to “undo the damage” because that’s not what the rw is upset about. they’re angry because the global genocide of non-whites was delayed by WW2 which made the race unwilling to follow through with its “destiny”

nigger trying to lie to me about his soul

>> No.10938017


>> No.10938033

>because that’s not what the rw is upset about. they’re angry because the global genocide of non-whites was delayed by WW2 which made the race unwilling to follow through with its “destiny”
do you actually believe this?

>> No.10938038

>last words were “capitalist, downfall”

Brainlets like your are the reason why there is a certain threshold of intelligent discussion on this board. If only we could exterminate people like you, we could surpass this threshold

>> No.10938042

yes. its the logical conclusion of fascism, total warfare against outsiders by all and any means, which would include nuclear arms and biogical weapons. Its seeping off of /pol/ near constantly. The beginning is WN, deportations, executions, then destabilizing previous allies and isolation from now enemy EU, then insurrection on Europe, then war with Israel or China, decapitation of enemies, recolonization, seizure of resources, depletion of non-white gene pool with negative eugenics, escape from ecocide. Cannot be argued with, is the only goal of fascism, which is predicated on Offensive Warfare and total mobilization. There is no other form it can take than genocidal. Only in its weakest and most ineffectual forms can it be restrained by its own pre-exhausted inertia. Much as commies inveitably have to kill the upper classes, fascists have to kill dissident ethnic groups. Its just common sense. Mass deportations means ethnic cleansing and concentration camps, which means legalistic warfare with the rest of the world and escalation.

Im sorry this is the way it will happen if we ever let white supremacists get near the nuclear arsenal. No one but disinterested centrist niggers can be allowed to touch WMD’s or else.

>> No.10938044


>> No.10938048

The year is 2028. You've been ordered to attend a state mandated screening of Star Wars XXVIII: Avengers Assemble, the latest MarvelDisneyGooglePepsiCo motion picture extravaganza. As soon as you get to the theater, Mickey Mouse and Barney the dinosaur strap you into the chair, force your eyes open clockwork orange-style. The images protected on the screen have nothing to do with starwars or superheroes, instead the audience is treated to what looks like blurry VHS footage of 4 blue haired fat positive "Queers" gang raping an innocent white child intersped with blipverts for the latrest techproduct. The progs in the audience are moved to tears by such vibrant and heartwarming display of diversity progress and inclusion: every last vestige of western civilization, bigotry, whiteness, heteronormativity and masculinity has finally been "deconstructed''. This is how it ends, not with a bang but with a whimper. A boot stepping on a human face forever. You think to yourself: gee, maybe the alt right wasn't that bad after all

>> No.10938056

Yeah but that is hardly what the 'right wing' is, you are picking the one most extreme variant of Fascism, which itself is not even an accurate expression of Rightism

>> No.10938062

>Brainlets like your are the reason why there is a certain threshold of intelligent discussion on this board. If only we could exterminate people like you, we could surpass this threshold
holy fuck you really are embarrassing, literally just google "Hitchens last words"

>> No.10938079

Yes I truly believe fascism is a genocidal annihilationist ideology predicated on hunting non-whites as a blood ritual to give birth to a new dominion which would allow whites to seize the remaining natural resources, cut off 3rd world pollution and open up farming land for their soon to be starving cancer ridden populations, and that they would do anything in their power to nuke Israel and then seize the Middle-East, Iran as well, and then China, maybe Russia too. I don’t view them as rational actors, just like I woule never view a communist as a rational actor. Bound by the forces of spirit to do exactly what they’re designed to, nothing less. No fascist can ever deviate from Imperium, its the very axiom which necessitates total mobilization in the first place.

Total mobilization implies total exertion, which is always warfare of some kind, initially trade war, then psychological war, then proxy war and finally invasion and annihilation. Just read Jünger, Lanz and Hitler its all right there. We’re not heading towards Pinoche (warmonger) or Mussolini (warmonger) we’re heading towards Caesar (conqueror) but with ICBM’s and saren gas. Turner Diaries is just whignat niggers channeling the ideals of the Thule Society, Esoteric Hitlerist openly discuss the final solution to the resource and non-white problem. There’s no reason to assume the public, palatable position espoused is the real position. You would not be so naive if talking about the final necessary logical conclusions of communism or Judaism, but im expected to take (You) a fascist propagandist nihilist political warrior, at your word? Absurd, bordering on obscene malice towards my own humanity. What fiends you all are, asking the public to let you kindly and painlessly, cut off all foreign aid, total mobilization of manufacturing, trade war with china, total removal of aliens, build up of military might. In past ages, when a pathway for power was not understood, the people could reasonably be expected to listen to tyranny. To hear out the half promises and canine bearing grins of the dominant caste pleading for more leeway. But now, with so much behind us, all that was assumed benign turned to madness, predatory psychosis, we have no reason to doubt the intentions of the animal man.

Bestial fascism has one goal, dominion, it cannot be delayed or obfuscated by any power on Earth. Even if it must attain its own realization with eugenics, trade war and genetic engineering, the total removal of all non-white life forms is the purpose of the fascist program. Its a spear pointed at the heart of Nature, a declaration of warfare on the Outside. Techno-fascism would only accelerate the annihilation of the species, hence it must be stopped at all costs, even if this means placating evil parasites. Guardians who simply feed off of your labor are much better than those who wish to eat you, no?

>> No.10938084

I understand where you're coming from but even the majority of white supremacists literally just want to be left alone. It is white countries that are being invaded by non-whites, not the other way around.

>> No.10938097

Adding to the list Rebecca Solnit and David Graeber.

>> No.10938110

i do not believe you or them, having listened for 5-7 years to the intimate conversation of white nationalists. their hunger for territory, natural resources, gross indifference towards other nations’ sovereignty and propensity to desire overwhelming military supremacy (ie rearm Germany and Japan, reestablish European dominion in Africa, dominate South America militarily and economically, just go on /pol/ and listen), quickness to deny or validate the Holocaust as necessary and total lack of ability to decipher when the military industrial complex is baiting them into combativeness is all the evidence i need.

Again, you would never believe commies would you? The Leftists, rightist and leftist just words people use to hide from Commie and Fascist, desire “peaceful” equality? But that’s not what they would do is it? You believe them when they say they wouldn’t harm you?

If you do, you’re quite foolish and hardly a man. So, then how could I be asked to believe dishonest, violent, greedy warmongering irrational sophists (and they revel in being called sophists), with the nuclear arsenal? with our stock market? you think power is incorrutible? Hell no. You can turn anything political into a vehicle for the exertion of power.

An ideology predicated on total mobilization, which is indeed the entire purpose of Trump’s new economics, and Fascist political machinations, that endlessly submits itself to the sword of Ares, this is like a wild tiger in our midst, and you want my children to see if its claws and mouth aren’t harmless?

fuck off

>> No.10938125

you're still ignoring that white people keep running away from other races, see 'white flight' and non-whites continue to want to live among white people.

Think of this from the perspective of white people, they are literally not being allowed to have their own communities.

It is not about equaltiy or domination it is about separation, whites simply don't want the other races around them. This is not a moral thing, i dont care if this is justififed or not, i am just explaining what the overwhelming revealed preference of the white masses actually is.

>> No.10938147

so bullshit. not even person youre replying to but look at the propaganda of Nazi Germany. Fascists are masters of deceit. eat shit faggot

>> No.10938155

Im not talking about nazi germany, im talking about white people and the 'white supremacists' who simply say what all the other white people imply by their actions

>> No.10938169

most whites dont give a fuck of theres some currynigger or coon on their street. They are a curiosity and a butt of jokes. Maybe even a friend. Mass displacement would put fear in any races heart, but dont act like most of the ‘white masses’ give a fuck if 10-15% of their population is non-white.

>> No.10938177

>if 10-15% of their population is non-white.
no typically not, but there is a tipping point at which whites will abandon a city entirely rather than live among other races. Obviously this depends on the races in question as well.

There are also a minority of whites who almost fetishize other races but these whites typically will also prioritize sending their children to good(read:white) schools and live in white neighborhoods etc.

>> No.10938181

this only occurs in places where whites either have colonized or shipped cheap non-white labor into their midst. all these supposed injuries sustained are the result of your people’s shortsightedness and greed.

>think of the whites
i have thought of them, and then moved my thoughts elsewhere. You think whites deserve to have Zimbabwe and SA back? Your board does. Pretty reprehensible short term memory loss you all suffer from. Did you forget where those blacks came from? Did you forget where those Mexicans came from? You know that your people shipped them over here? Its not a war against you, white landowners, ranchers and factory owners, meat industry and farm magnates, imported the mestizos. Your ancestors shipped millions of blacks over here, and don’t blame this on Jews either, the largest slaving companies were owned or chartered by whites and white sovereigns.

You’re upset about Muslims? Why are you taking their oil at cost, bombing their nations and demonizing them in your media?

And if there is inevitable conflict, then we know exactly what type of animal fascism, or imperialist colonialism, which you all closely equate with one another, again lurk /pol/ with a >120 iq instead of being sucked into the frenzy of quipping p-zombies, must necessarily be. It is necessarily a zero-sum game which requires annihilation of opposition, the planet is not big enough for the appetites and destiny of the white race while simultaneously hosting the “inert brown hordes”.

go back to Europe and stay there if you want isolation. America is not yours, the Western hemisphere is red and brown not white. Fuck off back to England, Germany and the Netherlands if you don’t like it. Leave MENA, leave Asia and leave the Western Hemisphere. No one will bother you if you really don’t want trouble. I highly doubt you would ever retreat from even one inch of land stolen from other races. You feel a right to Zimbabwe and to America, other races homelands, and you feel no guilt knowing that millions were slaughtered to protect that right.

Your preferences do not matter, China would prefer if japan and korea were its possessions, Russia would prefer if America was split 5 ways politically and Israel would prefer if Syria’s south was their north. You think I care? Fuck the white masses. They don’t deserve even a little sympathy. Rape the Earth, slaughter millions, destroy peace, condemn truth, waste the heritage of a thousand generations, whine endlessly when Jews and Asians make you look weak.

Ressentiment filled, romanticist victim complex you have as a people.

Healthier, longer lived, wealthier, safer than all other peoples. Whites overwhelmingly control global wealth, but they still want more.

and the white masses are not fascist, you indict your whole race with the sins of the few. Jews do this as well. Its a nasty thing to associate great bodies of people with your own evil soul.

>> No.10938190

it's not about deserving, Im explaining that the dominant feeling among whites is a desire to not be around other races, rather a desire to dominate them.

i am not making this up, the revealed preferences of white people are extremely clear, as seen by their choices of where they live, and where they send their children to school.

>> No.10938194

>rather a desire
rather than a desire*

>> No.10938229

>liberals are leftists

>> No.10938243

I mean the left is so dead that liberals basically are leftists

>> No.10938470

Leftism is liberalism with gulags

>> No.10938496

yeah i remember Marx writing about the gulags.

>> No.10938500

hitler didn't write about the concentration camps

>> No.10938514

If fascists want to destroy non-whites, why do they want to arm Japan?

Checkmate, communists.

>> No.10938522

you are so fucking stupid
do you understand the neoconservative movement
do you understand that the majority of them were trotskyites who were vehemently opposed to stalin

>> No.10938528

reported by one dodgy guy - not corroborated by any of Hitchen's close friend
consider killing yourself, if that is your standard of evidence, my man!

>> No.10938642

I know. Maybe we should judge people who do bad things on the person and not their writing.

>> No.10938707

Quality posts Anon.

>> No.10938733

literally corroborated by hitchens best friend and family whilst also being reported by the richard dawkins foundation

>> No.10938760

No, you are a liar. Andrew Sullivan was not his best friend, which is what the report of the Richard Dawkin's foundation is based on.
Plus, even if we assume it was said, they are vacuous words of a man dying.

>> No.10938776

are you literally schizophrenic?

>> No.10938851

the propensity for middle classes and upper classes to flee the poor does not make a consensus towards isolationist ethnostates, if you ask the public if they want to deport 30% of the population they would decline vehemently, save for a very small number of people. You’re insinuating a virulent xenophobia where only mild distaste prevails, and this too is a sin of the right, to accelerate, catalyze, exacerbate and pathologize small cleavages, petty social differences, and everyday discomforts that come with a multi-racial world into reasons for political mobilization. America is not white, blacks outnumbered whites in the Southern US for almost a century, and the Latin Americans were brought here with the gleeful embrace of White agrotech and White Industrialists of the SW and deep south. You want the benefits of 3rd world resource harvest without the consequence of immigration and melding of kinds, this is not tenable. You act as if America, Australia and Canada are Norway, are Denmark. And in Germany, in the Nordic states, there is still to this day a white majority, Germany is over 90% white, its close to 95% white, Denmark and Sweden are over 90% white native ethnics. What more do you want?

If its merely the cessation of immigration, then fine, cut off your hand to stop a paper cut from irritating you. America should meter its metriculation of alien humanity, and doing so would only put a temporary stop to the inherent class, social and biological tensions of its “native” population.

But, you won’t escape strife by barring your gates to the 3rd world. You’ll only trap your own people in disdainful, mournful, resentful fortresses of white excellence, in the machinic bowels of the seige state, the militarized total mobilization state. That’s no land for men, no place for humanity, and yet this is what you claim whites want for themselves? And even more heinous than this isolationism masquerading as concern for the “best” people, you go further, you assert that the inclinations, the surface reactions, nervous weakness, of the majority, its fears, and the fears of the monied classes, that these constitute the proper program for the most advanced civilizations and most sensitive types. A herd animal calling for a more comfortable slaughterhouse, that’s a fascist middle class, that’s the right wing internet warrior shitposting from work. Please, by all means try to deport 30% of the US population and then behold the consequences of total disregard for the agency or self-preservation, will-to-life, of the other peoples of the Earth. If you answer this with war, if the Might is Right paradigm rules your intent and planning, then we know dominion and annihilation are the telos of fascism. But, you must act if you are acted against right? You admitted as much earlier, “there will be a second holocaust if anti-white propaganda and multiculturalism continue” as if some force compels you to return blood with blood

>> No.10938883

>mild distaste
Do you really think Whites fled the cities that they built and lived in because of mild distaste? It was a reaction to crime, to robbery, rape, and murder.

>> No.10938916

You could have just said that instead of vaguely alluding to whites not wanting to be around other races.

>> No.10938947

what do I read to learn all of this stuff?

>> No.10938949

>what is suburbanisation
you're so fucking toadlike it's baffling

>> No.10938974
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>leftist trust fund pseuds posting on /lit/

how far we've fallen

>> No.10938985

in Paris whites fled the suburbs for the inner city, because the non-whites concentrated in the suburbs. The factor is always the non-whites and their criminal behavior, and not 'suburbanisation' as if it were some magical devlopment unrelated to the orgies of crime that erupted in the 60s

>> No.10939033

Can you fucking pseuds please stop trying to write like that page of Nabokov opinions

>> No.10939034

well that's the main reason for the aversion, I was just talking about the aversion existing in the first place

>> No.10939057

nice argument.

>> No.10939061

I don't want to go "no true scotsman" on you but white nationalism (or rather its non-racial facets) is not what you described. There is no hunger for resources beyond what we need to describe. Colonialism and constant domination of others is what got us into the mess we are in. Why shouldn't other cultures hate us? I only wish that the white race be allowed to go it's own way. Segregation shouldn't even be considered racist considering everyone wins.

>> No.10939063

survive no describe. sorry.

>> No.10939074

Nice bait

>> No.10939093

you have never written, thought nor said a single human thing in your whole existence, and there’s strong reason to believe your extended family stretching back to the neolithic era, has nothing to show for its time on Earth. Collectivism is mental illness, is parasitism, is predatory parasitism (like the wasp or sea louse mother).
I think they left them because the suburbs were seen as clean, distant from industrial pollution and the imported masses of cheap non-white labor that was welcome into the inner city by white business owners. You continually use recursive thought to escape from having to answer for members of your in-group harming the majority of the tribe and its interests. White landowners import Mexicans to SoCal, four corners states and West/South Texas, suddenly White proles flee. What a queer phenomena to blame on jews or non-whites, it appears entirely as a self-inflicted injury not as some subversion or aggression from the outside. You have the whole might of the US military and security forces, the wealth of nations (of many subjugated non-white nations) and you want more, you attain the surplus value available from swapping white proles with mexican and black proles, who do you think invited the blacks north? and then rebuke them when you find they are not to the taste of the white proletariat. Dishonest, amnesiac fascist.
again, who brought them there, which forces opened up channels for their migration to the cities and suburbs, why are they in France? Did the French conquer North africa and use the natives for dirt cheap labor or not? was there a transfer of wealth, totally disproportionate, from the colonies to the homelands or not? What happened in the 19th and early 20th centuries?

Are you aware that the oil industry of Iraq and Iran was organized specifically for the interests of the British-Dutch-French and American monopolies? You know the Shah was give his power by the CIA? That Saddam was a CIA asset, so was Assad’s father, that Peron, Pinoche and Noriega are White projects, that the destabilization of central America and Mexico is due to White meddling? What do you think happens when you displace energy?

The common thread with the right wing is thus: energy can be displaced, masses can be rearranged in space, without an elastic reaction, without a reversion to the natural equilibrium within the system. Endless expansion with no consequence of exhaustion or a natural repulsive oversensitivity to the incursion. What does an organism do when new stimulus is presented? If it hopes to survive it will surely mimick, assimilte, combat and subvert the new environmental process. If it possesses some intelligence or dynamic energy it might even follow that current to its source. Faustian man goes into the jungle with musket and cannon, brings back what he assumes to be impotent, dumb material wealth, but also, just as Alexander orientalized Greece, pathogenic contamination

>> No.10939106

This isn't true. Consanguinity among whites means that it very much is a "We" situations.

>> No.10939109

>you have never written, thought nor said a single human thing in your whole existence, and there’s strong reason to believe your extended family stretching back to the neolithic era, has nothing to show for its time on Earth. Collectivism is mental illness, is parasitism, is predatory parasitism (like the wasp or sea louse mother).

Individualism is a disease. It is both deleterious to the human organism and an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.10939115

Howard Zinn
Naomi Klein

>> No.10939122

Whites fleeing black crime is so extremely obviously the origin of white flight I don't believe you actually think there is some other explanation.

you keep framing all of this in moral terms, don't you think that's clouding your view?

>> No.10939170

No, it does not. The interests of two Englishmen are not the same, and the peoples of Europe are all biologically distinct from one another, containing highly heterogeneous admixtures of WHG, ANE, EEF and Steppe genetics along with varying medleys of neolithic, largely assimilated and subsumed races which have long passed from memory. The antagonism between the Irish and English, the Germans and French, Meds and Nords evidences this. There is also the simple fact that biological determinism is no argument for white nationalism but for technate which would annihilate the old strains of whites and likely incorporate the best traits from all types to engineer a superhuman series which is produced as needed for the management of techne. Your idealism is self slaying and unfounded in the world as it is. A common kinship between a russian and his chinese colleague is often worth more to more Russians than the friendship between two skin head hooligans in a Munich tavern. You might disagree, but i simply can’t be asked to disabuse you of religious faith. And racialist solidarity is a religious faith. Christians interests do not align because of common creed, Whites interests do not align because of limited consanguinity, especially heterogeneous populations of only approximately blood bound domesticated mercantilist masses, who prior to the Pax Americana, were murdering each other en masse (Hitler should be included in this, as he saw the French and Slavs as inferior types)
Did I advocate for Randian-Nihilist acquisitive individualism or did i negate the reflexive self-asserting beligerence of arguments predicated on herd presuppositions? Does the powerful spirit really exist as autonomous atomic hermit or are the merely that which surpasses the host and far outpaces the rabble? I wonder how you think individuality functions in the human soul if you associate it with pop stars and businessmen.

>> No.10939222
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>Did I advocate for Randian-Nihilist acquisitive individualism or did i negate the reflexive self-asserting beligerence of arguments predicated on herd presuppositions?

You didn't do either, you just mentioned "collectivism" without explaining what this means or entails, and now you attempt to retreat into semantics and word-salad.

> I wonder how you think individuality functions in the human soul if you associate it with pop stars and businessmen.
I don't

Really, it sounds like you're just having a monologue here to show yourself how smart you really are. Your post is filled with so many strange and unfounded assumptions that it's not worth it to even start.

>> No.10939273

In the modern area specifically or throughout history?

>> No.10939285

if you aren’t capable of defending what you believe then that’s fine most people aren’t.

collectivism is almost always associated with the elevation of a totemic thought form, the We, over any and all individual interests. Collectivism as tribalism is an appeal to an abstract entity whose interests supercede those of the individuals, regardless if they can be argued for coherently. Its logic is predicated upon presuppositions of endless necessity for persistence of the thought form and the purported endless benefit or even dire contingency of survival upon the individuals reification of the totemic thought form. This includes suicidal warfare, ritual sacricice, beneficent tyranny, strategic public self-deception and cognitive dissonance being demanded, often as immutable laws, with the justification always lying in the unexamined abstract universal and the equally occulted assumption of contingent survival or benefit of the individual pertaining to belief and defense of the abstraction.

You’ve now abandoned even attempting to try to ward off critique of white nationalism, the reasons for the changing demographics, reduced fertility of whites, peacefulness of a fascist isolationist state or the positions of whignats because you don’t know the answers to my questions or are not strong enough of spirit to defend, to die for, these things you dishonestly, half-heartedly, probably involuntarily (indeed its almost certainly a nervous reaction which you cannot stymie or cessate) espoused just in the last hour.

Reactionaries are aping their masters, the owner and ruler classes, but have none of the justified cynicism or requisite will force to crush close inspection of their ideological presuppositions. You are too honest, but also too feeble, to properly defend your beliefs. This is my assessment of “reasonable” right wing political warriors. The strongest among you know perfectly well, most of my accusations are founded in truth, you do really believe war is inevitable and that if anyone should reign supreme, it should be the white race, that you did indeed cause the displacement of races, and that its your right as supreme beings to excise that which you infect yourself with, without even a second thought as to what caused it or will be caused by it. Cynical rhetorical violence is only found when communists and fascists are pushed into their own ideological dens, and forced to defend their whole herd from unwanted dispelling of mental shackles, like the notion of guaranteed solidarity and symbiosis among biologically analogous peoples. You can’t stand to do that now, obviously you are not one to be that petty, so you’re giving up.

Which is fine. I just want overwhelming damage to the cog diss of the right wing, converting people is irrelevant. Only rendering a belief system untenable to new converts matters to me.

>> No.10939966
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Good recommendations my man.

>> No.10940339

your gay little outline is pretty appealing to new converts though. it's basically 'ethnic competition is a zero sum game so start fighting for your side'

>> No.10941999

i wish more people like you faced alt right figures in their talking shows and "debates", instead of allowing them to exist in their bubble, discussing whether the blacks or the jews are the problem

>> No.10942730


>> No.10943704
File: 65 KB, 800x732, 1515849393927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piketty's 21 century capital PDF is on the "other" chan
If i post link ERROR

>> No.10943716

>Steve Keen's "Debunking Economics"

>> No.10943723

>David Graeber.
conspiracy nutjob reactionary, he failed economics 101

>> No.10943725

They can't do that because in an honest open debate way too much hatetruth about blacks would come out, and their counter-arguments are ludicrously poor.

On the Jewish question though they could make serious inroads because it is a genuinely ambiguous matter. The only sure thing there is that Jews have a lot of power and influence, but that's all that can be stated without controversy.

>> No.10943740


>not worth reading this guy anyways

He wrote some of the best literary and historical criticism of the late 20th century. He was among the most well-read and well-connected essayists as well. He had a deep love of literature and only gets a bad rap because you fucking faggot Christians are defensive about him being an atheist.

He was a left-winger in almost every sense of the word...here are the four things that got him branded a "neo-conservative."

>He was staunchly critical of Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa against Salman Rushdie
>He was in favour of the US removing Saddam in 1991
>He was staunchly critical of Islam and the role religion played in 9/11
>He was in favour of the US removing Saddam in 2003

If you want to talk about where you stand on any of these issues, it's a conversation worth having. I've found, in the last year or so participating on this board, that it is only ignorant faggots who dismiss Hitchens as a writer.

>> No.10943775

Hayek and the whole field of economics in general for liberalism.
Norberto Bobbio, John Rawls.

>> No.10944097

i think this anon would acknowledge most of what you refer to, and might even agree in some ways with race realism. he isn't afraid of taboos or name calling anyway, it would make very fun and interesting discussions

>> No.10944186

Liberals are right wing. Chomsky and Hitchens are both right wing.

>> No.10944203
File: 101 KB, 779x1141, Wolff - Democracy at Work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitch sided with the neocons (a more imperialist strain of the right-liberal Republican. At first just a soft regular liberalism, but after Nixon/Kissinger more socially "conservative", with barely any light between them and the "neoliberal". They're just both pragmatic liberal-capitalists) to fight "Islamo-fascism". As eloquent a journalist as the man was he was not the sharpest of strategists. The hate heaped upon him from this board is quite strange. He was not in charge of any DC decision. Lambast him for the propaganda, but he probably had less sway than Brook Baldwin and Wolf Blitzer.
Of course he was a lefty, he was a Trot in his youth. But sensibly grew to see it as a pseudo-religion. Shame he didn't see the sense in Kropotkin et al.

This. And:
Gore Vidal
Richard Wolff
David Harvey
Gar Aplerovitz
Chris Hedges
Charlmers Johnson
Eric Hobsbawm
Grace Lee Boggs
Naomi Klein
Thomas Frank
Karl Popper

^Just some of a decent mix of left-liberals and other side of the fence socialists.
The Left-liberal, aka progressive or social-democrat, are like leftist Christians, they're sure the faith can be reformed if we just strike a certain balancing act. I'm not sure if this approach is anymore desirable than the purists in the right-liberals camp, the free market fundamentalists are delusional, but so are the left-libs. Capital corrupts any and all reform measures. I used to like Roosevelt

Chomsky is not rightwing

>> No.10944431
File: 63 KB, 580x424, maoist mango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek, Badiou, Axel Honneth, Zygmunt Bauman for philosophy and sociology. Varoufakis and John E. Roemer for economics.
Read them, not trash like Klein or Hedges. Some thinkers in the list of this butterfly Anon >>10944203 are good though.

>> No.10944498

until the combined force of cooperative out-groups crushes you into ten thousand shards of wailing, ressentiment filled, fate denying, malice. There is more going on then Hobbesian psychopathy. The Right Wing does not, can not admit to this, because, much as admitting biological differences characterize social stratification would destroy the Marxists, so too would cooperation, trade, barter, compassion and the idea of symbiosis or low cost indifference (tolerance), render the right wing totally at a loss intellectually. One has to make things a zero-sum affair and lower the resolution of analysis as much as can be afforded to ensnare high status violent types which locks the system into a state of perpetual alert, aggression and mistrust. You could say that the egalitarian prog libs do the inverse, they lock enough high status people into a cycle of unthinking sympathy, defference, agreeability, narcissistic pleasure seeking and dependence which prevents healthy discrimination or aggression from being expressed. the disequilibrium is common to all threads of extreme political discourse and is also the mechanism which leads inevitably to banal centrist impotence dominating both schools of thought. Of course ask a right or left wing about the regime, and they always say it is secretly fascist or communist, which is again a sign of cog diss, an indication of disequilibrium, and would provide the uninterested observer with another symptom to diagnose pathological thinking with.

This is why I call anti-Semites and egalitarians pathological. The inborn, presupposed, proclivities of the souls of those who make up the right and left, manufacture eternal enemies, which would always necessitate extreme, extraordinary, total violence, fields of punishment, surveillance, purges and programs of purification and through this some kind of stasis of imbalance (not that they would recognize the imbalance until the end, Hitler’s Generals, the late Soviet population) is assured.

>> No.10944542
File: 49 KB, 333x499, Towards an Inclusive Democracy - Fotopoulos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed Should have included them, it just looked like the OP was still on the fence.
What do you think of Fotopoulos?

>> No.10944602

Too utopian socialist for my taste (just like parecon, but a lot worse). Enormous plans and detailed visions of the future always fail.

>> No.10944626
File: 205 KB, 780x1089, Bauman - Liquid Times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed again. We can't help but solidify our ideals of the future, but must let it go as we try to direct it.
Which is Bauman's best Liquid pieces? Likely the first, no?

>> No.10944648

Trotsky is literally the most pleb left winger choice, it's some kind of weird "i like the soviet union but i don't want to take responsibility for all the shit they did, so i'll choose an irrelevant guy that got purged early before he could do too much nasty shit as my idol" kind of shit

>> No.10944654


>> No.10944664

the only respectable Leftists are Stalinists or Maoists because they have a legitimate example they can point to as what they want

any sort of utopian fuckwads can go jerk off in the corner

>> No.10944678

Exactly, although his early works are good too (Socialism: The active utopia included).

>> No.10944696

>not the patrician choice of bolshevik
spotted the brainlet

>> No.10944706

Good post!

Dude, you are a fucking brainlet. You are literally ignoring China, the antithesis to your stupid ideas. Hurr durr white people. Yes, maybe in the US. Is it because they're white? They happen to be white. And you happen to have a bad case of ideological possession.

>> No.10944710
File: 27 KB, 850x400, Qu-Peter Kropotkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone on Earth must be subjected to a one world state of tyrants, the birth of the commune bring peace.

Completely forgetting what we want most of all is freedom.
Authoritarian-socialism is the hug-box pseudo-Christian cult we *don't* want.

>> No.10944726
File: 76 KB, 468x437, article-1082308-024B6CA2000005DC-654_468x437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior Hitchens passing through

>> No.10944737

>what we want most of all is freedom.
you cant have it

>> No.10944740

You are mentally ill my friend, seek help. Your prose is decent so you might lure some redditors, but very little of what you say is true or makes sense.

>> No.10944768
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 1512155538722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

>> No.10944792
File: 11 KB, 230x328, 1479275941766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This single, tiny, very sophisticated, yet so quirky comment.

>> No.10944808

Since Oswald Mosley is the true heir to the British labour party you should read his books

>> No.10944827


>has that unmistakable autist look
>most transparent case of an entire personality born and developed out of sibling envy of all time
>venerated by internet contrarians who hold no real opinions, but consider reactionary views to be chic

Well, I guess you're right that he is superior to a fedoramaster, but it's not saying much.

>> No.10944862
File: 229 KB, 637x665, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, *I* can have it alright. It's my mission to win it for all others though.

>Old meme coming through.
Hurry along now.

>> No.10944865

you're a serf you deluded retard

>> No.10944878

Reading comprehension

>> No.10944904

Shes a communist, so shes fighting "intellectual battles" on the internet so everyone can be equal. as serfs

>> No.10944946


I don't ID as "communist". I have no idea what shape a socialist future would take. I am against centralized power bases and money.

Talking online about it isn't really a way to "battle". Just being open.
I know I'm not free at this time. I'm not stupid.

>> No.10944960

>globalist anti-worker policies you support
Right wing politicians are even more overtly contemptuous of their constituents then liberal ones are, and that's saying a lot.
Labor is dead, and desu im salty that conservatives still worship the people who did kickstarted it

>> No.10944967

>Working for the betterment of your community is serfdom
>Working to make your boss and landlord richer is true freedom

>> No.10944988

you're either a serf or a master, always been this way, always will be

>> No.10944996

You type like a pretentious little pseud. Please fuck off

>> No.10945031

What about when your job is automated away? As a ton of jobs and industries are already in the process of doing? The technology is only going to get more widespread as it develops
Just let them all starve and let god sort them out?

>> No.10945039

i dont have any answers for you dude, im just explaining the extremely obvious and simple reality that soceity is always dominated by a tiny elite

>> No.10945045
File: 112 KB, 450x600, Göbekli Tepe Pillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always been this way
Except, no.

Do you like it this way, anon, or are you just incapable of seeing there was a prehistoric human? The Hebrew's writings are fiction.

>> No.10945062

>a prehistoric human?
which was a violent and inegalitarian affair. the inequality was less extreme for the simple reason that the total amount of wealth and power was much smaller

>> No.10945154


>> No.10945171

What about?
I gave my two cents

Your idealism interferes with what was the norm

>> No.10945175

>Your idealism interferes with what was the norm
pot, kettle, etc.

>> No.10945244
File: 101 KB, 750x544, Jitka and Ivana - Tree of Life [Or is it knowledge?].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushed answer, but still.
They were smaller tribal that looked to authority figures that knew what they were doing. Wealth was fertile land and strong healthy people working together. The technology unlocked a whole host of inevitable curses and conveniences. Their hunters beat their way to power and passed laws, their fireside stories turned to religions, the rare metals used as tools became valuable. and it all spiraled out of control, Pandora's box style, only it wasn't a woman's fault.

We changed our minds, our conduct. We can change it again. We're smarter now. Trouble is, the greedy sociopaths still control us all.

>> No.10945268

>only it wasn't a woman's fault.
lol. But yeah I see where you're coming from.

I think things were maybe less pleasant than that, but there is no arguing with the idea that technology does monstrous things to human relations.

As for changing I think it is just a sort of property of how power works that it froms a pyramid. Usually Leftists accuse me of 'justifying existing inequalities' when I say this, but it seems like basic common sense to me that the decisions that a mass of people need to take can only be taken by a very small number of people. Everybody cannot decide at once, that just doesn't mean anything.

>> No.10945302


About this:


>> No.10945424

>Everybody cannot decide at once, that just doesn't mean anything.
Technology is advancing to a point that we can operate on our own easier than ever before. And we can certainly educate ourselves, and those in power are starting to worry. Which is why they want to kill off/allow to die most of us.

>> No.10945428

ironic that the number one thing that leads to technological advancement is capitalism ~.~

>> No.10945434

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.10945451

technology creates competetive advantage for firms, which gives them the incentive to research and develop even more new technologies. after a few years when new technology comes out, the public is able to use the old ones. theres a reason why silicone valley companies are the most profitable in the world. it's all driven by money, take that away and the incentive is gone.

>> No.10945454

its not at all, you fucking bug

>> No.10945492

I'd rather we advance slower without capitalism.
You aren't going to make me a born-again capitalist

>> No.10945496

Not him but Jesus are you dense. What he’s saying is, white people brought those minorities here. We then profited by making them work for cheap. Then neofascists want to expel the problem their own race created, blaming it on the other race and still wanting to keep credit for and still keep the wealth gained by making these minorities work cheap.

>> No.10946064

Chomsky is right wing, and so are you basically. Sorry, but liberals aren't left.
Democracy is incompatible with leftism. Sorry hon, but just changing an economic system won't fix anything. Democracy is part of the problem. The core of the problem is your sort of culturalism.
You are corrupted by capital, liberal.

>> No.10946069

le christKEKINSANITY is le bad ecksdeee
Fuck off, liberal. You aren't left wing, you're a reactionary teenage girl.
Liberals aren't communists.
>muh humanism
Fuck off, anthropocentric.

>> No.10946075

Nice pseudo-science. Keep sciencewashing your ideology, liberal.
>we're smarter now
Liberal teleology. Adorable.

>> No.10946107

>Chomsky is right wing, and so are you basically. Sorry, but liberals aren't left.
I'm not a liberal. Liberals are to the right of me.
Democracy is incompatible with liberal-capitalism, yes. Very compatible with socialism right on up to Stirner's union of egoists.
Changing the economic system is key. You switch the idea of wealth from an accumulative bit or blip to your friends, family and community and you create a free world of people that must grow friendlier to one another in order to progress, instead of greedily hoard the game tokens.

>you're a reactionary teenage girl.
Ah, to be a teenager again... I was Christian-conservative back then, so missed out on a decent time

>> No.10946187

you're so dumb

>> No.10946211

>I am my everyone of my race
Really castrates my tesiticles

>> No.10946425

You are a liberal. Don't delude yourself.
Democracy is incompatible with any leftism. You like democracy because you are a liberal.
>Changing the economic system is key.
Marxist delusion.
>Ah, to be a teenager again
You're like 19 like every socdem/syndicalist. Stop deluding yourself, liberal.
>of people
Fuck off, anthropocentric.

>> No.10946791
File: 130 KB, 575x776, Michelangelo-Merisi-da-Caravaggio-Flagellazione-di-Cristo.-Roma-S.-Prassede..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew lad.

Soc-dems aren't syndicalists. They stand for union reps and "stop" to workers owning their own business.

>You're 19
I wish. I'm 45.

You gotta be kidding me.

>> No.10947377

I never equated them, I said that they were similar. Which they are.
Please, go be a liberal on reddit or something.

>> No.10947396

>>Slavoj Zizek
>Equal parts incoherent and pernicious.
Couldn't agree more.

> If the average population realized what he was really advocating they would boil him in oil.
What exactly is he advocating except trite descriptivist "theories" of what's happening?