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10932897 No.10932897 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.10932946

Reminder that jews are and always have been the main promoters of pedophilia. Regarding the publication of Lolita:
>via his translator Doussia Ergaz, it reached Maurice Girodias of Olympia Press, "three-quarters of [whose] list was pornographic trash".
>Girodias was born Maurice Kahane in Paris, France ... His father was Jewish.

>> No.10933001

Essential minicore

>> No.10933099

A lot of pretty words

>> No.10933111


>> No.10933112


Severe pedophilia, Stockholm Syndrome, psychopathy, and something else.

>> No.10933123

Pretty cool wording, zero substance. Basically style over substance.

>> No.10933132

Lolita doesn't promote pedophilia you fucking brainlet.

>> No.10933133

Him making fun of these >>10933123 kind of people

>> No.10933149

Making fun of a kind of people by becoming them lol

>> No.10933247

Nabakov looking at a photo of himself as he vigorously masturbates in your face for ~400 pages

it was alright

>> No.10933256


Sounds good, not OP but I have Lolita to read right after Don Quixote.

>> No.10933261

He said jews promote pedophilia.

>> No.10934616
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Good stuff. I still miss the girlfriend I had when I was 15 so it speaks to me.

>> No.10934634

Unironically the greatest love story of our time

>> No.10934638


>> No.10934654
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You have to go back.

>> No.10934777

*pops your dick out of my mouth, pulling back with a dazed expression as a line of saliva hangs between my pink lips and your chocolate cock*
*stands, turns around and deliberately sashays over to a wall, walking slowly but intentionally to accentuate my the jiggle of my butt at every step*
*plants hands against the wall and sticks ass out, shaking my rear from side to side and then bouncing up and down on my toes to show off my fat, slutty ass*
Is there something you need, master?

>> No.10935583

My favourite part is when he licks her eyeballs.

>> No.10935743

Never trust the narrator desu

>> No.10935758

Is this essential women will never understand core?
I know 2 girls who have read this and they both said the same shit
>I felt so bad for Humbert
>I don't think he's a bad guy, his love is just so pure and passionate
>Did he really rape her though???? Like was it really rape?
>I know he ruined her life and all, but still he was so good to her

>> No.10935825

How to get women to demean themselves for you like this?

>> No.10935831

Make them cum hard

>> No.10935833

I hope you own a thesaurus

>> No.10935841
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>needing a thesaurus for lolita

>> No.10935850
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>> No.10935869

If you conceive of pedophilia as a disorder people can't help then this would be a common reaction. Though I had a similar reaction initially, as the story unfolded I saw the wretchedness in Humbert (outside of his relationship with Lolita) and I became less sympathetic.

>> No.10935890

It's pretty sad.

>> No.10935893

Pedophiles can't help being pedophiles sure, it's the acting on their desires that makes them wicked

>> No.10935907

A sad and beautiful book. I read the spanish translation and was impressed by the style. Really good stuff

>> No.10935922

t. Vanity Fair magazine

>> No.10935927

They are born wicked, kind of like how retards are born retarded

>> No.10935947

any tips desu

>> No.10935966

Spoilers: Lolita's death is mentioned in the middle of the introduction.

>> No.10935971

Wow thanks, I know to avoid it now

>> No.10936026


>> No.10936073

be very attractive.

>> No.10936160

rub their g spot
choke them

>> No.10936187

It took you a while?
Humbert was smug and douchey from almost page one.

>> No.10936192

Nabokov realizing that nobody wants to watch himself jerk off about how great he is for 200 pages so basically parodies the Nabokovian protagonist
He also basically rapes the dictionary

>> No.10936312

45-52 wanks

>> No.10936374

Why do they always change their names?

>> No.10936392

Aggressive sex, like you can’t stop yourself from grabbing them and fucking them as hard and as fast as you can. When they ask you about fetishes or what you like, play coy for a bit and then say you naturally like being in charge and telling them what to do.

Basically their strongest desire is to be wanted and dominated so much that you practically destroy them.

>> No.10937752


>> No.10938645

but isnt that a desirable thing/trait? Being wicked I mean? Sure Humbert likes lil girls but his general mindset, tendency to psychopathy and disregard for others can be useful in other pursuits in life

>> No.10938759

Doesn't excuse the fact that he raped a girl and ruined her life
Every time it's the same thing
>Well he's so intelligent
>His personality is strong and useful for many things
>He's so romantic and passionate
None of that matters, he's a rapist and a pedophile
Ask someone who didn't understand the book to describe Humbert in 3 words, it'll be along the lines of: Intelligent, passionate, loving
Ask someone who did understand it and they'll say: Rapist, manipulative, evil

>> No.10938764

what is the deal with using the word 'rape' to describe people engaging in sex willingly. it already means forcing people why is it being changed to mean these other things

>> No.10938771

Ya I sort of mistook it as satire then I realized he's just an asshole

>> No.10938792

Lolita was raped you faggot
Humbert was a child groomer, he was literally gonna kill her mother to get her all to himself

>> No.10938802

didnt lolita literally initiate the sex with him? you dont differentiate between this and physically forcing an unwilling person to have sex

>> No.10938827

>Trusting Humberts account of anything that happened
Also just because a 13 year old does some dumb sexual shit that makes it okay to have sex with them?

>> No.10938840

Yeah but it's a good read.

>> No.10938844

im not saying it's ok, im saying it isn't rape. Lolita would be an entirely different story if he was forcing her to have sex

>> No.10938848

>why is it being changed to mean these other things

a quick google search will show you that sex with a minor, regardless of consent, has been called "statutory rape" since at least the 19th century. it's not being changed at all, you're just uneducated.

>> No.10938855

that's fine, that's still not what rape means

>> No.10938860

What is it then?
Also from what I remember, the first time they had sex, Lolita just mentions something about how she did stuff with someone at her camp. Humbert then uses that to justify him coming on to her, saying because she's already impure he can do whatever he wants

>> No.10938868

the fact that it has been used that way for 150+ years means that yes, it does in fact mean that. that's how language works.

>> No.10938874
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>> No.10938879

Improved crypsis.

>> No.10938896

>it's not rape if you're not "physically forcing an unwilling person"
>if i make you suck my dick at gunpoint it's not rape because no physical force was exerted

well i'm going to have some fun at work tomorrow

>> No.10938926

this is the part in question:

d. “You mean you have never —
?” — her features twisted into a stare of disgusted incredulity. “You have never —” she
started again. I took time out by nuzzling her a little. “Lay off, will you,” she said with
a twangy whine, hastily removing her brown shoulder from my lips. (It was very curious
the way she considered — and kept doing so for a long time — all caresses except
kisses on the mouth or the stark act of love either “romantic slosh” or “abnormal”.)
“You mean,” she persisted, now kneeling above me, “you never did it when you
were a kid?”
“Never,” I answered quite truthfully.
“Okay,” said Lolita, “here is where we start.”
However, I shall not bore my learned readers with a detailed account of Lolita’s
presumption. Suffice it to say that not a trace of modesty did I perceive in this beautiful
hardly formed young girl whom modern co-education, juvenile mores, the campfire
racket and so forth had utterly and hopelessly depraved. She saw the stark act
merely as part of a youngster’s furtive world, unknown to adults. What adults did for
purposes of procreation was no business of hers. My life was handled by little Lo in
an energetic, matter-of-fact manner as if it were an insensate gadget unconnected with
me. While eager to impress me with the world of tough kids, she was not quite prepared
for certain discrepancies between a kid’s life and mine. Pride alone prevented
her from giving up; for, in my strange predicament, I feigned supreme stupidity and
had her have her way — at least while I could still bear it. But really these are irrelevant
matters; I am not concerned with so-called “sex” at all. Anybody can imagine those
elements of animality. A greater endeavor lures me on: to fix once for all the perilous
magic of nymphets.

>> No.10938948
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>Doesn't excuse the fact that he raped a girl and ruined her life
why would there need to be an excuse for that?
Yes, one may be rapist, manipulative and evil but if he is evil and manipulative enough to get away with it then he he doesnt care what you or others think about him.

>he was literally gonna kill her mother
he though about it but he didnt, so what are we though police now?

pic related,
the law is stupid, statutory rape that actually has no rape in it, funny how for a long time it was only applied to girls and not boys (young male, older female)

>> No.10938979

>pic related, the law is stupid
i was wondering how long we would have to wait for an unironic "why am i not allowed to fuck small children?!" post.

>> No.10939001

Giving women the right to speak their garbage opinions was the worst mistake we made.

>> No.10939048


I had to read that part several times to make sure that actually happened.
Still not quite sure what the fuck Nabokov was thinking there.

>> No.10939068

I was wondering how long we have to wait for an unironic "I was wondering..." post

>> No.10939076

I finished the book last week, and I recall that bit being him stating not that he could whatever he wanted because she wasn't a virgin, but that it wasn't his fault that she no longer virginal. A "Yeah, I fucked her, but hey, at least I wasn't her first" statement to make him sound like less of a rapist.

>> No.10939087


She refers to HH as her lover when he picks her up from camp. She tells him to kiss her, and is absolutely the first initiator of things. I believe she's only joking about HH being an old rapist after the first time, in an "aren't we so naughty?" sort of way.

Statutory rape, yes.
Conventional rape, no. Not at that time, at least.

>> No.10939096
File: 75 KB, 290x371, 20130504_ldp001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This books gets meme'd so hard here it's not even funny. Is this mandatory reading in all of the anglosphere or something like that? Nabokov obviously gets off on that stuff, it's of little value beyond its face-value (Humbert is obviously unreliable, he's manipulating a child, Lolita and Dolores are obviously fake names alluding to a suffering he can clearly recognize, etc.). Many anons have made many a thorough analysis on this time and time again and it has basically been beaten to death.

Also Nabokov has shitty opinions and would have been a regular shitposter in here these days. A Jezebel poster, even

>> No.10939097

i was wondering if you were going to try to weasel out of being an unironic child rape advocate but i guess not.

>> No.10939101

a very qt girl doing very qt things, also sexy legs

>> No.10939107

he probably deflowered her at 12. Wat a fucking insolent slimy faggot.

>> No.10939142

>implying he waited that long
he's clearly a pedo that bought himself a child sex slave off of some impoverished dustbowl family and because the law was lax he was allowed to make it official.

>> No.10939150

No yeah it's pretty good, you can tell he isn't as much of a douchebag as he was when he wrote The Gift or Invitation to a Beheading

>> No.10939174

for what purpose??

and they lived happily ever after
while today divorce rate is about 50% (20 year marriage)

>> No.10939181


>> No.10939484


>> No.10939758

formerly chucksville ?

>> No.10939771

I am currently at my day 74 of no fap.. And today as I exited my vehicle to walk into work I caught scent of a female in heat 73.35 meters upwind. Because of the fog I couldn’t see her yet but judging by the scent she was mid twenties, and healthy. My ultra attunated hearing was able to pick up her gait, which put her at about 5’6”. My mind, free of the constraints of porn and indecent imagery, was able to calculate her weight based on the ripple in the testosterone continuum produced by her footsteps as she walked away from me. Being that I was 10 minutes early for work, I made chase and followed her through the fog still without visual contact. I was like a pilot navigating the white abyss by instrument alone. I was trailing her about 130m behind when I sensed her phone vibrate in her purse through the pavement. Holding my ear to the ground I was able to faintly pick up on the conversation she was having with beta BF. Based on the annoyed tone in her voice I knew now was the time to strike. I readied my legs and concentrated all of my Testo-chakras into my Vastus Medialus muscles as I assumed a sprinters starting stance. I exploded forward in a cataclysm of sex hormone fueled rage. Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later I began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum. As I phased through the helpless female target I nutted directly into both of her Fallopian tubes, destroying her previously unbroken hymen and causing her to orgasm INSTANTLY. As I began to slow down 33.6 light years later, I realized that while she would have wanted to thank me for giving her the gift of my superior seed that she was already dead and gone having raised my CHAD progeny to repopulate the earth. As I float into the the celestial abyss of the greater Crab Nebula I am not filled with regret for having left my world, but rather happiness for having left it a better place. You’re welcome gentlemen

>> No.10939791

based, are you the same jew namer on tv?

>> No.10939805
File: 75 KB, 450x703, blackbook.Image16259.lolitaaaa.j_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only convincing love story of our century

>> No.10939808

Who writes this trash?

>> No.10939972

the goat novel

>> No.10940031

>He doesn't know that the percentage is inflated due to people who have been divorced before getting divorced again and again
Divorce rate is not truly 50% you tard

>> No.10940070

>ignore the fact that Nabokov, a Russian-American, wrote the book
>hey look his publisher's dad was a jewish man

>> No.10940253
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>> No.10940285

fuck you read it and fuck off. Or read this spoiler:
she dies in prologue, he dies when knows that

>> No.10940362


Are either of the two movies any good?

>> No.10940476
File: 470 KB, 1920x1080, lolita_01_dvd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kubrick one is decent, changes a bit of the story for the better. It definitely doesn't reach the greatness of the book though, translating it to the screen loses much of what makes it good in the first place
Haven't watched the other one. But I'd say watch the Kubrick one if you liked the book

>> No.10940523

The quintessential masculine perspective focuses not on feelings but on facts. A feminine mind would focus on Humbert's intentions and find him innocent. A masculine mind would focus on the results of Humbert's actions and find him guilty, and also pretty fucking retarded. That is why women will never understand Lolita.

>> No.10940855

Catholic Church where?

>> No.10940898

pretty gay desu, a soyboy ends up masturbating using the panties of some little girl.