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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 300x220, 300px-Fountain_pen_writing_(literacy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10938434 No.10938434 [Reply] [Original]

Please post a sentence of your own writing in this thread.

>> No.10938445

This is a sentence.

>> No.10938450

shr got dem yIDDIES

>> No.10938452

I just want to jump out of an airplane without a parachute.

>> No.10938464

We are never trully alone, there are always those voices that aren't quite ours keeping us company.

>> No.10938475

Allah is the lord of worlds, praise be unto him.

>> No.10938598

Regret stings less if you believe you don't deserve to be happy.

>> No.10938635

That did not work for me. You're a liar, anon.

>> No.10938661

Less being the operative word

>> No.10938691

I am an empty soul, a void will, the shadow of a mind. And I'm weary.

>> No.10938694

Unless you stick someone in the heart or throat, they're gonna live long enough to be upset about it. Strike true, strike hard

>> No.10938701

Laughing my @$$ off!!!!!!

>> No.10938751

They stand all ashimmer in the quiet creekbed; submerged to the ankles, slow ribbons of silt slither downstream.

>> No.10938784

The greatest love story ever told, was a lie. A beautiful lie, but a lie nonetheless.

>> No.10938813
File: 55 KB, 708x708, 1426305331680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the opener of a 90's cult drama movie or what?

>> No.10938823

a sentence of your own writing

>> No.10938828

The wakings are interplantedin the mourn, and the mourn is divided through Good.

>> No.10938850

Should it be?

>> No.10938857

>everyone try your hardest to be clever but don't actually be funny: the thread

yea cos its gay

>> No.10938863

I like cats

>> No.10938992

If traps are men gifted with a femininity such as to make them indistinguishable from beautiful women, under what pretense can we say that finding them arousing is gay?

>> No.10939015

We do get the odd contemplative pear from time to time, so if by any chance instead of congratulating you on your bold fashion choices it muses on the meaning of life, fret not, we will reimburse you fully.

>> No.10939016

Esas tro desfacila homulino achoo — ni esos triste la tristeso.

>> No.10939018

I’ve posted probably two dozen valuable excerpts, polemics and comments about culture, history, art and politics on here which I could have easily sold for financial gain.

>> No.10939042

Good one. A real knee-slapper.

>> No.10939043

I'm posting a sentence of my own writing in this thread.

>> No.10939066

Phuc Stevenson was a postman in Mansfield, a suburb of Dallas.

>> No.10939119

A roar streaks the air of the woods all around the track as the throttle is squeezed deep on the floor, the engine screaming down the straight before a slight flick of the steering wheel sends the car barrelling through the downhill right of turn one flat out, followed immediately by turn two and bringing it to what is, possibly, the greatest sequence of corners anywhere in the world: left, right, left, right, left, every single part of the car working in unison with the others to make the impossible seem effortless, and uphill and left along the Dunlop curve, preparing for the first and fastest of the Degner followed by its tricky little brother which guards the underpass, through the right hand kink that sets up the sweeping hairpin and slingshotting around the long curve of twelve, a few seconds of breathing before launching one of the finest machines ever devised by man into Spoon curve and its double apex, hoping to dear god that the tyres and aerodynamic forces will see it through, and, then, looking for the line of minimal resistance through the tight back straight, the slight bump of the overpass a reminder that one of the most feared names in the sport, 130R, is coming up and it will tolerate nothing less than absolute commitment and speed while the chicane that follows will ask for complete mastery of the brakes and the trust that more than six hundred kilos of engineered folly will obey dutifully and, once through, won’t make a mess of the gentle nursing of the gas needed for turn eighteen to enable the best run along the pit straight and into another lap.

>> No.10939125

Poor phillip never saw the angry man walk into his room, and hardly felt the perforation from the weapon that soiled his body. Now 2000 years later his ghost still haunts the scene of his hapless demise which has been replaced with a Wendy's.

>> No.10939240

you seem like a man after my own heart

>> No.10939444

A very continuous flow of questions and confusion steamed from his mind and there were no answers; just thoughts, uneasiness, a general inquisitiveness to the facade of normality we all put up.

>> No.10939553

It really was true, that I had to pee.

>> No.10939561

"Inquisitiveness to the facade of normality we all put up" reads horribly.

Your character sounds like an obnoxious middle-school pseudo-philosopher fedoralord. Unless that's who you're trying to voice, I'd try again.

>> No.10939570

>a very continuous flow

jesus dude.

>> No.10939694

Everything of importance that can be said in a short sentence has already been said before.

>> No.10939701

it only matters if we want it to matter.

>> No.10939704

thanks i have ben reading cormac mccarthy and its inspired me to start writing

>> No.10939731


Long ago in the age of the mystical darkpast, when the only axioms were pre-aetheric molecules of psionic energy that had not yet differentiated into subject and object, antecedent and consequent, cardinal or ordinal weight, there were beings lurking in the waters.

>> No.10939811


>> No.10939812

This not a sentence.

>> No.10939813

It was the best of days, it was the....woah, look at those tits.

>> No.10939815
File: 83 KB, 1192x333, thank you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10939821

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.10939836

There was nothing that insinuated the strange happenings that would befall that evening: The warm summer breeze toyed with the desiccated grassland surrounding a rustic farm cottage and thin wafers of loose paint danced with the wind and, every so often, removed themselves from the decrepit wooden walls and journeyed wherever the hastened air would fancy.

>> No.10939861

The intrusion of their thoughts was complete, nothing left of me now.

>> No.10939885

My personal motto has always been: I have a real objective and physical existence.

>> No.10940038

Call me Fishmael.

>> No.10940181

outta the way bitches, big dick's back in town

>> No.10940230

However when she'd finally turned towards the polished glass to drink in the sight of her physique, transformed, she was instead greeted by something resembling more the black-skinned Ro’aq of the Northlands than she did any woman - a result that both parties had found decidedly disagreeable.

>> No.10940249

What it was that she remembered best of all was the fixed glassiness of his eyes as they stared out at her from beneath a still sheet of liquid, and the cheeks she had once regarded with a curious abashedness, now considerably fuller, bloated and putrefying in the shallow water, dimples and all.

>> No.10940264 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 500x372, 1522715637024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot.

>> No.10940773

three paragraphs of works that I had been working on

Seorang pelukis berdiri di hadapan lukisannya di lobi Muzium Azroth, tersenyum dan membongkokkan sedikit badannya sebagai tanda penghormatan untuk setiap pengunjung yang datang. Alfred Kreud, panel sejarawan Azroth merupakan penyokong utama yang mendukung kepentingan karya hasil tangan Frojd untuk menjadi sebahagian dari pengisian Muzium.

Georg Fjord Aleexen, bakat dan aset baru bumi Azroth, berasal daripada tengah-tengah ibu kota Azroth, Micciuni, muncul di kalangan komuniti kecil artisan Micciuni sepuluh tahun lalu. Pada mulanya Fjord dididik secara khusus oleh Peuler Rotov, seorang ahli seni halus visual Micciuni. Tiga tahun terakhir sebelum karyanya dihargai penduduk Azroth dan mencapai status selebriti, Fjord dikatakan telah menolak pengaruh Peuler daripada untuk terus kekal menjadi muridnya.

Gaya lukisan oriental yang melambangkan estetik dan sensitiviti budaya Azroth mula hilang daripada karya baru Fjord. “Cuma menterjemah minda penduduk Azroth pada zamannya. Menarik keluar dilema, permasalahan tipikal dan identiti jiwa yang Azrothian yang penduduk Azroth sendiri tidak nampak dalam diri masing-masing,” tulis Fjord dalam surat, kepada akhbar yang mengajukan butir soalan dalam surat untuk menemu ramahnya.

>> No.10940777

He grabbed her fat titties while sucking on her lips, and gasped "I missed you".

>> No.10940783


>> No.10940942

How could you possibly know if it's of my own writing or not?

>> No.10941059

My intelligence isn't high enough to understand this post.

>> No.10941135
File: 51 KB, 665x759, DCod4l8UwAEh4Qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Inquisitiveness to the facade of normality we all put up" reads horribly.
>Your character sounds like an obnoxious middle-school pseudo-philosopher fedoralord. Unless that's who you're trying to voice, I'd try again.

No that's just me. Haha.

>> No.10941167


I can tell you live a sketchy life.

>> No.10941218

She stared, face flush and breathing heavy. Her lips parted slightly as a breathy moan escaped from them. Two turgid nipples tented the fabric of her shirt, which now hugged her curves damp with sweat. Her thights rubbed together conspicuously, a patch of almost imperceptible wetness spreading across her crotch.

>> No.10941260

how sketchy?

>> No.10941281

I'm an idiot; forever gnawing on the pacifying erasure of loneliness. Oh Beth, my betrothed, I'm never to be without my loneliness more..

>> No.10941412


>> No.10941435

it's a really weak writing desu. you should read more.

>> No.10941440

The earth shook and the bookshelf was all but emptied; only one book—mine—remained, for it was too pretentious to leave its facade.

>> No.10942044

I just looked over what I've already written and picked a sentence that makes the least sense out of context.

>> No.10942282

big ol anime tiddy

>> No.10942297

the cat put on the hat, and slept on the mat with his baseball bat

>> No.10942530

Recommend me something

>> No.10942543


>> No.10942671

Times were AMAZING folks, let me tell you, A-MAZ-ZING, but they were also terrible, really really terrible.

>> No.10942722

Its ok to be broke as fuck wit a small dick and ugly as fuck

>> No.10942732


>> No.10942741

Why should I?

>> No.10942742

I like this one

>> No.10942746

The devil may carry, if he lives in america and has no criminal record.

>> No.10942753

>The devil would be allowed entry into the states, provided he speaks Spanish

>> No.10942778

"I saw God outside Tesco, he recommends the French stick."

>> No.10942786

My winky hurts.

>> No.10942899

Somebody will read it someday
Somebody will understand of it
Remembrances will rush
How horrible and unpleasant it is
How horribly unpleasant it is
One necessarily must observe it
Murderously-beautiful silence
There is no place for the beauty
There is no place for the silence
There shouldn't be place for the silence
Rhythmical sounds interrupt rhythmical silence
Fears thread their way inside

>> No.10942919

This isn't a sentence.

>> No.10942939

Would it be gay to fuck your own ass, if such thing was possible?

>> No.10943424

Como a neve não derrete sob o sol do Rio?
Como um leve canivete corta em prol do brio

>> No.10943440

If anyone is reading this, please pick up a book and read that instead. Thanks in advance

>> No.10943646


Is this good?

>> No.10943672

Douglas drove off with the briefcase, but didn't see the irate man with the baseball bat in the back seat.

>> No.10944307


I don't quite understand why others like this. I read it as trying a little too hard.

Of course you can say that it trying hard is a part of the tone of facade.

>> No.10944814

Future developments could lead to improved efficiency of lossless compression for application domains such as medical imagery, where storage capacity is a problem due to the need of preserving high resolution, distortion-free images while maintaining archives easily available over medical networks.

>> No.10944848

Jim suddenly crept upright, machine gun shouting it's bassy argument and stabbing the fat beast with hot bullets.

>> No.10945452

I feel like death is the the greatest mystery left on this world, yet I can't pursue it.

>> No.10945465

this is why you aren't a writer.

>> No.10945474


>> No.10945511

ayo pull up on a nigga lil bih
bruh u aint nothin u ratty ass nigga
fuck w/ me hit me up on my twitter bitches yah
finna NUT

>> No.10945633

It was done for his children's future, to free it of a conniving evil threatening to repeat itself on them.

>> No.10945765

These thoughts and other more vague and tenuous concerns floated past Henry’s line of sight, looking askance from the crest of the hill down through the thick teal weeds and into the indigo treeline beyond.

10/10 would read this manual.

I don't know if this is from something, but I like it.

>> No.10945782
File: 193 KB, 505x438, 1522217511126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10946392
File: 105 KB, 1100x400, Writing-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here you go.

>> No.10946404

>twitter bitches

weak bro

>> No.10946495

In this way, meta-irony is the consequence of attempting to derive meaning from post-ironic communication which, by its very nature, obscures its meaning in impenetrable ambiguity.

>> No.10946501

I couldn't hit it sideways.

>> No.10946520

I laughed, also love Cormac

>> No.10946580

de plus

>> No.10946638

Repel, with what is best, that evil. We are most knowing of what they describe. Not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel evil by that deed which is better; and thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity will become as though he was a devoted friend.

>> No.10946760

The Holy Spirit last only but a short time in those who seek understanding.

>> No.10946852

>TL;DR: "beat evil with good"
Is this intentionally worded to be pretentious as fuck?

>> No.10946889

I'll never equal the great masters of old, so why bother at all?

>> No.10946934

Longe de mim as fímbrias da verdade:
Sou cortesão da possibilidade.

>> No.10946950

I am not the guy you're replying to, but Baroque prose and Baroque poetry are the only things worth writing.

By Baroque I mean heavy in artifice. In this sense, Dante and Homer are Baroque too. The Catalogue of Ships is the invention of Baroque and, as such, the single most important and relevant piece of literature ever created.

>> No.10946975
File: 133 KB, 775x960, 435C01A3-B98B-4E80-BF42-BEF6FCCFB826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful, anon.

>> No.10946993

>the only things worth writing
Is there even any air up there at the top of that ivory tower? You must basically be in orbit at this point.

>> No.10947004

When you move it and you groove it and you grind it, please rewind it.

>> No.10947060
File: 13 KB, 197x256, go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ivory tower

>> No.10947072

You can't make me.

>> No.10947233

You know just don't bottle up feelings, it'll consume you and you'll go mad with obsession when instead you can just say fuck off and be done.

>> No.10947794

why do you elongate so much?

>> No.10947797

poor OP, could've avoided all this by just putting "handwriting" instead of "writing"

>> No.10947860

Everyone does everything for their own desires and even the virtuous gain pleasure in selfless acts.

>> No.10947950

Black girl drinking white wine; put my fist in her like a civil rights sign.

>> No.10947965

Why is there a comma after "told?" Do you not know how commas work or are you just retarded? What's wrong with the sentence, "The greatest love story ever told was a lie." You fucking idiot kill yourself

>> No.10948026

Would Kant’s categorical imperative not in itself restrict what it means to be human, for to be human is to be everchanging in thoughts and feelings?

>> No.10948030

I think they assume a comma can be used purely to pause for effect

>> No.10948109

It's my own sentence. It's not much, but it is mine

>> No.10948116

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out

>> No.10948624


>> No.10948687

The nigger
It destroyed it's cage
The nigger is out

>> No.10950398

it can't?

>> No.10951485

If traps are men gifted with a femininity such as to make them indistinguishable from beautiful women, how come i can see your fucking hairy legs brah.

>> No.10951492

Because I ain't a trap, you silly goose.

>> No.10951898

"turgid nipples" is one of the least erotic phrases I have ever had the displeasure of reading

>> No.10953118

Human. Only he could be human. All of those other things which called themselves “human” lacked a sufficient level of complexity to fit into the criteria of what he had described as a human.

>> No.10953169

I'd soak myself in petrol just to give you the opportunity to set me ablaze.

>> No.10954386

The wind billowed their hijabs as they darted towards the school, like a fleet of amateur sailors, sails close hauled.

>> No.10954395

I'd shit my soul were it not already sold to a handsome devil.

>> No.10954423

Light had never been and would never be again.

>> No.10954916

And now I have become more certain that the prehistory that resides in people’s stomachs is the one that wrote and still writes the history of their heads.

>> No.10954919

i wish you were sucking me off, to be honest

>> No.10954928
File: 41 KB, 480x423, Gloria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hello" I said. He said nothing being a man of mystery. I walked away and drank a drink. The word "yummy" entered my mind but it turned out that I was in fact eating the man who had ignored me. He was never alive, he was in a grave and I was at a funeral. The priest puked at the sight, people looked at me in disgust and then I woke up. I was dreaming.

>> No.10954948

Shortly after i was born my grandfather tried to poison me.

>> No.10954953

thats a very good sentence right there

>> No.10954962


A single verse I just wrote (in a tragedy I'm working on):

>The human drought and great grasshopper of war

>> No.10954970

Lol what up niggas how u b liking my prose n shiet. I'm a gangsta I'm a straight up g the gangsta life is do life for me, spellings drugs by day Dijon hoes by note, being a gangsta is hell tyte.

>> No.10954973

Fukn spell check

>> No.10954981

I hear Dijon hoes are the best in France

>> No.10955005

"The mind is to pen and paper what pen and paper is to the chisel and the stone tablet; it is a tool of great power and versatility, and a well trained mind can do wonderful things, but we don't need to be the best of mind-magicians to make use of its powers."

From some personal notes on the importance of memory and imagination in art and problem solving.

>> No.10955115

Okok dunnodunno

>> No.10955255
File: 607 KB, 2048x1343, Aaron Groen; Eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart aches to sleep under the stars once more, to rest my head directly under God's.

>> No.10955455

I sense this feel coming on, a feel that feels feely, a true feel.

>> No.10955509

I tried to get the aftershave to come out of the bottle evenly, but instead it hesitated and then rushed out with a fright. It reminded me of a surge of blood, or an unwanted orgasm, or the cadence of my speech.

>> No.10956649


>> No.10956696


>> No.10956747

Nothing reminds people of their place in the world than a dick in the ass.

>> No.10956770

The snake had attacked from below, prompting Sigthir to rise his purified sword once and engage it with the ground of the Northern Seat with such only-divinely-possible and inconceivable force that the entirety of Hyperborea shattered and fell with all its golden weight onto the snake, who fell with it all the way down to the mortal realm and was buried deep below the mountain that resulted from the collapse once the mass had hit the ground.

>> No.10956828
File: 31 KB, 720x480, tumblr_mujctiCnyV1s9mwh8o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for validating me, bro. I came back to this thread in hopes that I'd get one reply lol.

>> No.10956838

I felt this one. Keep with it, anon.

>> No.10958187

I am the nothing that yearns for everything.

>> No.10958208

I have the special talent of creating the optimal chain of decisions that results in the worst outcome possible.

>> No.10958215

>ITT: underage think its a shitpost thread
Isn't this supposd to be an actual constructive discussion thread?

>> No.10958222

> Baroque prose and Baroque poetry are the only things worth writing
Oh fuck dude, whats it like being the president of Mensa?

>> No.10958247

All the important questions are utterly untractable, but we can't stop asking.

>> No.10958266

This black blood clot of the brain scribbled, incessantly, on the inside of his head. There was no rest, and no compulsion to do anything, either. He became resigned to a limbo-state of passive anxiety over nothing.

>> No.10958281

26 letters hold within everything that was, everything that is, and everything that will be. Yet they are at their most precious when transcending those three.

>> No.10958302

> Two turgid nipples
Cracked a laugh. More seriously, your writing reads like you're trying to translate a film into writing
It feels mechanical and describes the visual scene too much

>> No.10958331

I'm not a practiced writer but as a consumer I definitely pause when reading a comma

>> No.10958339


>> No.10958364

The mangled old cur rests serenely on a crumbled step, spent by the cantankerous agressions of the day; spotted and diseased, it respires quietly against the dour concrete.

(Apologies for any punctuation errors. Random sentence from something I'm working on.)

>> No.10958436

Oh donkey, what beauty you hold! The humbleness of your simple form a contrast to your virtue. Though it is designated that you bear staggering weight, you stray not from your nature.

>> No.10958445

Thanks for teaching me a new word but put the thesaurus away

>> No.10958759

It hasn't got anything to do with magic, by the way, I'm not a retard.

>> No.10958767

Reminds me of something Pynchon would write

>> No.10958815

In the reflection of his eyes there were only colors arranged in a meaningless form.

>> No.10958833

You can sit there all alone and just think of moments gone by, consequences leading up to your current situation, the life you could be living, experiences you missed out and why their isn't anybody next to you right now.

>> No.10958872

>your own writing
This brings to mind a question I've been thinking about a lot lately which is how does one devolope one's own style of writing?
I've written small bits of things that are stylized and even somewhat unique but i can't seem to do it consciously.
Any tips/thoughts?

>> No.10958887

nice stuff
like the lack of adjectives, and how the longer sentence adds a feeling of confusion in the reader, seeing all these fast clauses go by, instilling the speed of the race in the poetics.

Thought out on many levels. Good job.

>> No.10958891

>This brings to mind a question I've been thinking about a lot lately which is how does one devolope one's own style of writing?
You don't. What the idea of "style" has become is one of the great cancers of contemporary art. You strive to make good art, not to make a style.

>> No.10958930

So basically what you're saying is just write something and if its good and unique it will be good art and therefore stylized by virtue of being good and unique?
So don't set out to write something stylish or different, set out to write something good?
That said, is it wrong to embrace something you've written that is both good and stylized and try to write that way specifically?

>> No.10959028

Don't listen to this guy. He's clearly just over reacting to recent trends of trying to be constantly ground breaking
Theres nothing wrong with having your own style. It's not something you work on or develop, its just a by product of you being a person
In the same way your diction will develop and change as you grow older and are exposed to new things so will your writing style

>> No.10959116

Seems to me that what the both of you are saying doesn't necessarily conflict.
But thanks for the answers. Puts my mind at ease a bit. I guess I'll just write and let my "style" develope on its own.

>> No.10959139

>Theres nothing wrong with having your own style.
Way to misinterpret what I said. I didn't say it was wrong to have a style, because a style is something that inevitably shows up as you develop your trade; what I'm saying is that it's dumb to pursue style.

>> No.10959143


>> No.10959470

And this is safe, flowing, love, soul and light.
Motions aren't in the shape that emotions are.
Good morning myth to somebody I call in light.
Motions aren't in the shape that emotions are.