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/lit/ - Literature

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10938453 No.10938453 [Reply] [Original]

i like grim dark fantasy. but i dont like long ass series. are there any grim dark stand alone novels? short stories would be cool too. im open to historical fiction as well, as long is its not any revisionist crap like female soldiers.

>> No.10938472

>historical fiction

>> No.10938498

That entire post. Beginning to end

>> No.10938612
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>as long is its not any revisionist crap like female soldiers
>there has never been in instance of female soldiers in the history of the world

>> No.10938618

I don't know of any stand alone novels, but The Black Company series is pretty good and not overly edgy.

>> No.10938621

>im open to historical fiction as well, as long is its not any revisionist crap like female soldiers.
>war in algeria never happened
somehow more retarded than 9/11 truthers

>> No.10938624

Grimderp is gay and for soys. Read chad fantasy like Poul Anderson instead.

>> No.10938634

Are you guys really going to start nitpicking the few and relatively insignificant wars where women actually had combat roles? Most of the time, women as soldiers were a last resort. I can't believe even 4chan has become feminized lmao

>> No.10938651

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.10938657
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>says female soldiers is revisionist
>gets called out
>hey guys, I didn't actually mean what I say
Maybe I don't mean what I say you cock nobbling goblin. Don't worry, I'm not being literal.

>> No.10938667

source on that image

>> No.10938676

>implying men and women were side by side during war during most of human history
>implying it wouldnt be a treat to the entire unit
>implying it wouldnt be a rape orgy during down times

>> No.10938682

Why is this such a sensitive topic for you? 4chan is not your safe space, faggot.

>> No.10938688

>treat to the entire unit
meant to say threat but it'd still be a treat if you were your average man who aint give a shit about consent

>> No.10938690
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>look at me mummy, I'm moving the goalposts
I never implied any of that. You asked for historical fiction and said female soldiers were an historical revision. They aren't, you got called out on it and now you are moving the goalposts to pretend that's not what you said, and now you are moving the goalposts to be about rape or something.

>> No.10938977

Try the Gap cycle by Stephen R. Donaldson. Not fantasy(Sci-Fi), but very grimdark and it's only 4-5 novels.

>> No.10938994

>war in algeria is insignificant
jesus you must be confused about the current world political stage. w/e about you missing camus v sartre, you missed terrorism

>> No.10939028

OP wants fantasy because he wants to revise world history: he wants a world in which no nation recognised the Black Panthers as the official government in exile of the USA, in which deGaulle didn't win but Sartre's campaign to elect a non-existent God succeeded, and in which having double the possible number of recruits doesn't lead to overwhelming numbers in face of torture by nazi supporters post WWII.
OP, you probably want Man in the High Castle.

>> No.10939750

>nitpicking rules about what can exist in a fantasy world
are you sure you don't want nonfiction?

>> No.10940144

me on the left

>> No.10940162

Namio Harukawa