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File: 29 KB, 485x443, 1518317026578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10934213 No.10934213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw slowly becoming more and more reactionary and angry at the world

Why is this happening to me?

>> No.10934245

Because you haven't thought deeply enough. Keep trying and you will be able to move on to the next level. Not to disparage though as being reactionary is a logical reaction to this world of lies.

>> No.10934247

Because the world is a fucking clown show and you are rightfully seeing it as such. Here, get some Bowden down ya


>> No.10934255

You're probably unsuccessful with women, work a shitty job, and dislike yourself

>> No.10934261

Check, check and check :(

>> No.10934262

fixed that for you

>> No.10934276

Yeah it's all on him brah, the world is totally fine. End of history and all that.

>> No.10934279

Don't worry, you'll soon come to revel in it.

>> No.10934282


>> No.10934286

>youre a nerd virgin

Now this is insightful

>> No.10934291


>> No.10934294


youre growing up lad

>> No.10934296

Really gets the brain tickin'.

>> No.10934302

Sorry, it's clearly the fault of Jews and women. Wish we lived in the Utopian 1950s, where I'd be top of the food chain and everything was rosy

>> No.10934310
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Because you're sane



>> No.10934315

This thread isn't big enough to contain your MASSIVE MINDBRAIN

>> No.10934321

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.10934324
File: 119 KB, 708x631, 1522015447470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't like the current state of the world? you think that the radical social changes that have been put in effect over the past few decades have had a negative effect? you must be some loser virgin, heh

>> No.10934325

>minicuck is a braindead lefty

imagine our shock

>> No.10934330
File: 448 KB, 500x364, yfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoah so the key to happiness really is just SLAMMING HOT PUSSY and STACKING FAT RACKS OF CASH?! whoda thunk the rappers were right the whole time! thank you based rabbi for enlightening us

>> No.10934335

Did you think this was witty?

>> No.10934336
File: 1.07 MB, 750x1334, 1517359191194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually the anglos

>> No.10934338

Give me ONE (1) reason YOU aren't.

>> No.10934340

Propaganda's a hell of a drug, isn't it?

Protip: anger is healthy. Your current outlet for your anger "happening" to coincide with the mainstream issues of the day is a purposeful misdirection. MKUltra 2.0. No drugs, only knowledge of the brain and a few memes.

>> No.10934344

Do meaningful work, have a meaningful romantic relationship, and work on yourself. Stop being a ressentiment-fueled victim

>> No.10934346

what team am i boys?

>> No.10934350

rEaLlY maKeS yOu ThInK

>> No.10934355
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>Superficial pleasures will solve your problems

>> No.10934359

I'm sure you're a nice guy and all but honestly I'm getting tired of people like you. We're living in very tense times and reactionaries are only holding society back. If you're not going to contribute anything then you should better remain silent.

>> No.10934378
File: 29 KB, 387x240, hasmush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slam pusspuss yes
get mone yes
stob being huwhite yes
keep masterbaytin yes

gongradulashun, now u are de ubermensch

>> No.10934386
File: 109 KB, 408x421, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm actually "meaning" is a white supremacist cis-patriarchal social construct you ignorant bigot so check your privilege stop promoting hate speech

>> No.10934388
File: 48 KB, 569x358, 833f1bf636cff71f2ab9d177f728c5b79d71dba5ab4a51d3d2ba35ba265de741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study the jew, read, train your body and your mind, and prepare for the time when we will remove this virus from our society. This is just stage one of the enlightenment, it will become easier.

>> No.10934389
File: 2.53 MB, 190x300, 1522523168618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bugger off mate

>> No.10934392


>> No.10934394

What are we being held back from? Not him but kind of curious, because the direction things are headed in looks pretty awful to me.

>> No.10934395


Externals. Character can't possibly be defined by them.

>> No.10934405

ebin strawman brah

>> No.10934418

>he doesnt realise that us reactionaries are the only thing keeping society degenerating into an orwellian nightmare


>> No.10934426
File: 1.83 MB, 360x202, Who could it be?.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shut up and take it goy

>> No.10934427

realize ur limitations

if ur ugly, accept it
if ur dumb, accept it
if ur both, off urself

>> No.10934440

same here tbqtp100%hnbs

>> No.10934454

you're probably just not very successful and you've been raised in a culture that makes you think you're entitled to be

>> No.10934467

I’ve been reactionary for my whole life it seems, has to do with autism I think.

>> No.10934473
File: 339 KB, 2560x1022, 1522606491798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check those digits team creme

>> No.10934477

Get a job
Donate to charities
Smoke weed
Get involved in local politics
Subscribe to some high-quality, but tasteful and non-misogynist porn company
Find a mature, experienced woman who's ready to settle down
Establish an equal, respectful, feminist relationship with her
Pay your taxes

>> No.10934478

if ur ugly, exercise
if ur dumb, read nigga READ
if ur both, exercise and read nigga, READ

>> No.10934487

Isn't it odd how a place filled to the brim with society's biggest losers is also extremely right wing? What gives?

>> No.10934490
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>paying taxes ever

>> No.10934491

I'll have you know Marlon Brando spent his last days getting into fights over the internet on cinematic discussion forums.

>> No.10934495

A post so spooked it falls under the horror genre.

>> No.10934502

>local politics


>> No.10934522

Jews control the mainstream information realm because if they don't this information comes out about their nature and behavior. There are plenty of idiots like yourself who STILL don't get it despite having it right in front of your face, but people like that have always been inconsequential. This is the standard and always has been except when suppressed to protect jews.

>> No.10934548
File: 44 KB, 423x600, based_pilosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably raised in a traditional family and he's suppressing his parents mistakes and projecting them on jews and other minorities too...
baka senpai, luckily there are fewer and fewer ppl liek that

>> No.10934551

I love Brando. I wonder if I ever called him a fag on the internet.

>> No.10934563

You are getting peep pilled peep bro

>> No.10934565
File: 2.46 MB, 320x320, 1514314007698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my reactionary phase occurred during a time when I had a gf, liked my job, and was pretty high on myself

this desu

>> No.10934571

Whats the next level

>> No.10934574

Maybe I should pick up Hitler's book to learn the truth about the Jews. Thanks for the redpill, m8

>> No.10934577

Because the world deserves to burn

>> No.10934580

You need to eat more chocolate bro

>> No.10934582

>that pic
imagine having that much faith. the faith of a child, to whom the world is still unfolding its tale, and who is still listening. adults put away that mysticism, and that's a shame.

>> No.10934584

Why are you here? Do you even read? kill yourself

>> No.10934590

bc you were coddled like a little first world bitch as a youth

read (and watch) jordan peterson

>> No.10934652

Something about the Trump era has made me go from moderate liberal to reactionary in the last few months. I just can’t take the fucking stupid normies bitching about everything anymore. It’s just too exhausting to care about things that don’t affect me personally.

>> No.10934688

>cut your dick off and open up for black men

thanks but no thanks for the input

>> No.10934705
File: 852 KB, 1596x800, IQ chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is irrefutable

>> No.10934717
File: 128 KB, 888x888, kant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kantians belong with Egoists. There are more similarities between Kant's understanding of the subject and the Unique than most would like to admit.

>> No.10934720

Guys, OP admitted it was true. >>10934261 You can't argue with facts.

>> No.10934730

embrace it

>> No.10934735



>> No.10934740
File: 3.33 MB, 3000x992, ruin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i look like evola :(

feels bad

>> No.10934750

this describes everyone to a point

>> No.10934752

welcome to cold reading are you new

>> No.10934762

Fugg, you're right. Worrying about dysgenics, etc was just a phase. So glad I'm now mature person shoving these things into the back of my mind for my own future happiness

>> No.10934764

Why did he take a shit on his pillow?

>> No.10934770

it's dried blood, you spongebrained peep

>> No.10934772

Can't tell if sarcasm.

>> No.10934779

I don't know, man. I've taken shits on my pillow and it looked just like that.

>> No.10934784


>> No.10934785

>he isn't even post reactionary yet
Never gonna make it

>> No.10934789

Probably a type of radical traditionalism like Guenon. Or even better a genuine religious conviction.

>> No.10934806

Or, the transcendence of labels and the creation of one's own philosophy

>> No.10934864

That would be at least two levels I think yes?

>> No.10934889

Noce blogpost, faggot
Not literature

>> No.10934952

>tfw jaded reactionary

>> No.10934962

As a member of team peep its only natural you would start to understand the true nature of the world.

>> No.10934963
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1522602993195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? You don't want men to cut their dicks off? Stop holding society back man

>> No.10934965


>> No.10935662
File: 383 KB, 533x595, rarepete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I created this image

>> No.10935714

>tfw 4chan changed me from the default liberalistic modern to i have no idea what now

>> No.10935724

Bait but we unironically need more so-called 'reactionaries' to balance society.

>> No.10935752

reactionary right, who sides with an ideology because the worst of the modern left disgusts you
very low level desu

>> No.10935785

decent b8

>> No.10935788

>tfw becoming more and more in tune with religious ideals

>> No.10935820

i believe its what we call the "red pill"

>> No.10935852

I don't know, anon. It's more that I don't think most of the modern left are leading society (socially) towards things that are actually good for it. I think a strong (and restrictive) cultural basis for each nation is a positive thing, important for the health of humanity even...and beautiful/interesting too. I don't like the aggressively homogeneous culture-destroying Anglo-American global culture that prevails. Within it, it's as though no one actually has any culture or principles or opinions. It's like an empty, dismissive surface-level relativism and consumerism, appearing almost designed to destroy the fabric of other nations/cultures. Of course, this view still comes from a similar kind of relativism/principlelessess in that I don't think purely through the lens of my specific culture/society but rather the world stage, relativistically. I actually hate that I'm not more narrow-minded. It would be nice to genuinely (and naturally) subscribe to that cultural basis in an objective, maybe even chauvinistic fashion. I also hate capitalism and corporatism, seeing them as primary drivers in this regressive matter.

>> No.10936033

>because the worst of the modern left disgusts you
Nah it's pretty much every part of the modern left. Their ideology is incredibly destructive at its core, moreso than any fascism or genuine revolution.

>> No.10936046

>10 years ago milquetoast center-left neoliberal
>now fascist reactionary catholic

I think for me the change was spurred on by the realization that no amount of material wellbeing can compensate for a void of meaning and the feeling of becoming an outcast in one's own society.

>> No.10936085
File: 102 KB, 960x960, 1522614966632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read M O L D B U G

>> No.10936093

I've become more reactionary as I've become more religious. I think the two go hand in hand.

>> No.10936130
File: 93 KB, 885x560, william-lane-craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that supposed to be William Lane Craig?

>> No.10936132

>Anglo-American global culture
You mean the jewish global culture, since jews are the ones in charge of that culture. They have merely taken over the cultural machinery whites built and installed their own as arbiters. Furthermore, it's the nationalist whites who seek to preserve national western cultures and who point out and wish to dismantle the global jewish culture who are portrayed, by jews, as the greatest threat to their hegemony.

There is no more left and right; there is jewish globalism vs European/white/western nationalism. All whites need to recognize this and get on board.

>> No.10936207

No. It started with the Enlightenment, it is a European product. Jews are very right-wing.

>> No.10936224
File: 268 KB, 1240x1297, 1504816733562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This desu. I became a practicing believing Catholic last year (after being an atheist cultural Catholic my whole life) and my entire view of life has shifted for the better. I now understand where meaning and purpose lies, and have a real way of accomplishing real good in my life. I'd worry about your fascism though. Fascism appeals to some primordial part of us that craves power and destruction. It's not necessarily evil per se, but I think it compromises your ability to be truly obedient to God. I have a strange affinity for fascism (once cried during a showing of Triumph of the Will) even though I completely disagree with it and would consider myself a left-wing Catholic.

>> No.10936269

Jews are not very right wing. And even if the seeds of liberalism/egalitarianism did begin with the enlightenment, that doesn't take away from the fact that jews have become through parasitism the new elite in the west and are the primary drivers of the post 60s cultural rot.

>> No.10936280

I can't imagine believing this strawman

>> No.10936333

Most jews live in ethnic enclaves or their ethnostate. They are very right-wing. A few parasites doesn't negate the West continuing on the same path it has been on since the Enlightenment. Although the odd amount of apparent jews in positions of power is concerning, it mainly displays nepotism, not a unified and planned plot to steer western civilisation. Further, I wasn't talking about just the West, in fact, it is the West that is destroying the world's cultures and nations. The West is actually deserving of destruction and degradation, it will be much better for the world if it dies down. But the damage is already done, other countries have entered Western-styled imperialism. The world is already doomed due to the West fucking it up.

>> No.10936344

It's good and normal.

>> No.10936373

>Why is this happening to me?
Too much time on 4chan

>> No.10936378

>watching 50 minutes of a failed white supremacist

>> No.10936387
File: 52 KB, 442x500, 1518996175065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are very right-wing.

>> No.10936413

As someone who's spent his entire life in an area of the world with many Jews, I can tell you that you're both right in a sense. Politically-engaged Jews tend to fall into one of two categories: radical "common sense" progressives or devout Zionists. You're right to say that Jewish concentration of power isn't some grand unified conspiracy, but then that was never really the argument. Sure there are some people who would say such a thing, but that's not really what people are trying to get across when they start talking about Jews in positions of power. It's a common strawman brought up to paint anyone that's pointing this fact out as a conspiracy wingnut. I think a better term for Jewish nepotism, rather than a conspiracy, would be a stand-alone complex. Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, while somewhat of a meme nowadays, actually does a good job of examining this whole phenomenon if you're interested.

>> No.10936414

Pretty much this.
You all have been children for too long with your MUH VIRGIN GF and MUH DEGENERACY. It's time to do what your father and grandfather did, get a job, join the military, find a woman.
Go contribute to the world instead of crying here about jews, man up 4chan.

>> No.10936426

Vice versa for me, as I became more traditional in politics I realized religion was good.

>> No.10936436

>angry at the world
you are doing it wrong

>> No.10936438

>Argument not found

>> No.10936441

reacting to what? you're sitting at home on a device hooked up to a giant communist computer network, typing away your most personal thoughts directly to your dear leader.

seems like you are so inside the system your face and hands are caked with shit.

>> No.10936445


Fire up those brainlet memes, I've been upset by this post!!!

>> No.10936461

Can someone make a William Lane Grug?

>> No.10936508

No, it's Peter Hitchens

>> No.10936532

I've found I became more calm when I became more religious

It's easier to "forgive" opinions I disagree with now too

>> No.10937299
File: 49 KB, 1060x595, intersectionalitystick_ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were probably raised in a privileged situation, and you feel threathened because marginalized folks are finally allowed to speak up , demand fairness and humane treatment. It's up to you to practise radical empathy and become more conscious of the ways you benefit from the oppression of other people


>> No.10937635

Not OP, but minorities are a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. The core issue is the legacy of postcolonialism, which has created a state that must work equally for everyone. Of course, due to the subjectivity of human experience, as well as our knowledge of our own history, this is impossible. And so every country with this legacy and significant minority populations is undergoing a shift wherein the minority populations attempt to restructure the society to represent themselves at the expense of the majority population. This inevitably involves dismantling the majority culture, shaming their history and works, and attempting politically and socially to marginalize the majority people. While economic wellbeing is most certainly not a zero-sum game (immigrants do create jobs and contribute to the material success of a nation), cultural hegemony and the psychological wellbeing of a population certainly is. We can see this objectively by looking at statistics of which nations are most happy overall. All nations in the top 5 are almost totally ethnically homogenous, with generally neoliberal to social democrat economic policies.

>> No.10937645

The result of aging. You have learned to value things and then young people come along to destroy them in their misinformed activism.

>> No.10937656

Intersectionality is the poor thinkers individuality.

And the "fairness" you talk of is equality of outcome. Pushed by university intellectuals, not by actual poor marginalized people. Miss me with that gay marxist shit.

>> No.10937677

>it's clearly the fault of Jews and women

Well, yeah it is

>> No.10937693

masterful bait

>> No.10937742

Intersectionality is valid, and important in understanding social reality. The problem is extending that as a justification to change society as a way to fight 'oppression'.

>> No.10937755

>Nick Land
Best version

>> No.10937758

>Intersectionality is valid, and important in understanding social reality.

It isn't because it implies I should in anyway care about niggers and fags

>> No.10937765

>tfw slowly becoming more and more reactionary and angry at the world
>Why is this happening to me?
Maybe indoctrinating your self with propaganda isn't going to help.

>> No.10937766

>you were probably raised in a privileged situation, and you feel threathened because marginalized folks are finally allowed to speak up
>marginalized folks
>TED talk

>> No.10937780

Not even TED, it's TEDx

>> No.10937800

What is so destructive about it ?

>> No.10937811


will humanists ever change?

>> No.10937855

Gnosis, asceticism, individuation

>> No.10937869

pretty accurate desu

>> No.10937879

>anyone who dislikes/disagrees with X exhibits these negative characteristics/attributes, represented by Y

I love this format. Truly a game changer.

>> No.10937898

it's a natural reaction to modernity, although this should come with you having arguments for your opinions, not out of pure dogma(which is often the foundation behind certain arguments as well)