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10933828 No.10933828[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many commies on /lit/?

>> No.10933851

Reading educates.

>> No.10933859

Reading creates idealists

>> No.10933868

Academic bubbles indoctrinate

>> No.10933869

Reading exposes one to different perspectives, and communists are often quislings.

>> No.10933891

Readings makes you realize a lot of Red Scare propaganda is propaganda

>> No.10934751
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>> No.10934756

It's a mix of all of these.

>> No.10934759
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You mean jews speech policing.

>> No.10934763

people who are somewhat intelligent gravitate toward novel and counter-intuitive ideas, regardless of their validity

>> No.10934771

That's why I rely on Fox News to burst my bubble

>> No.10934782
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>Why are there so many commies on /lit/?
because they're smarter-than-average but that is no great boast. they have a lot of reading left to do, but normies like them tend to rest on their laurels and dream about having other people's property.

>> No.10934819

Are there still white male leftists under 25 who have internet access and still don't realize they're being manipulated by jews?

>> No.10934827
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>> No.10934838

Because we aren't retarded enough to fall for the capitalism meme

>> No.10934842

Hmm, why would a board full of resentful pseudo-intellectual losers have a disproportionate representation of communists? This one's hard.

>> No.10934878

because they willingly chose a major which has no value in the job market, but since they consider themselves and their knowledge to be extremely valuable, then the market must be wrong and in fact the whole economic system needs to be overthrown.

>> No.10934935

Counter WHAT? I just like Marx's sense of humor.

>> No.10934959

they're literate, well read.

>> No.10934972

how awful can one board be

>> No.10935060

Innate maternal instincts and or envy
People hear the general Marxist narrative and but don't buy it because people more often than not know how bad Russian and China were. Now that the Marxist idea has been repackaged in the form of social justice the same mechanism that converted people to Marxism in the past can now work on a new generation of college "wokes."

Also, kids nowadays want to be edgy, so they hang USSR flags in their rooms. Unannounced to them they've just become the bitch of almost every college professor to date

>> No.10935115

From the conversations I've had here about economics I would say most of the people here are incredibly ignorant. I think it's just a product of the school system. Most of the people here are in their early 20's and they just haven't read anything about economics but they have their opinions anyways which are influenced by the anti-capitalist bias that pervades the media they consume. It's not just a left and right thing either, the ringers on /pol/ are just as ignorant in their own unique ways. They are slightly more tolerable though.

>> No.10935126
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>people more often than not know how bad Russian and China were.

They unfortunately do not. Jews murdered upwards of 66 million Russians but very few people know that and only hear the "nazi nazi nazi" and "muh 6 million" narratives because jews run our institutions, don't allow anything negative to be spoken of them, and are psychopathic liars beyond what even many redpilled people are willing to accept.

No one is responsible for more death and suffering than jews, whether directly or exported to others via ideology. Judaism is literally a death cult built around the genocide of others.

>> No.10935137

I've added about 30 people from here on Goodreads and I don't think I've seen them read a single book on economics.

>> No.10935149

They're probably better off for it too. Economics is a joke.

>> No.10935159

Shitty argument, communist writers are usually very focused on economics and critiquing the neoclassical model. In fact if you take away the economics there's little useful to say in Marxism - I don't count authors who don't believe in class as Marxist. I find the libertarians have the least education in this subject, they don't seem to advance beyond basic bitch polemics like Sowell. On the other hand I see commies talking about Shaikh and economic calculation all the time, these are people who likely understand intro economics or they wouldn't even get to the level of political economy.

>> No.10935167
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*tips beret*

>> No.10935178

you complain about muh six million but then you talk about 66 million? please...

>> No.10935204

It wasn't an argument and I'm not saying there aren't any serious Marxist who know what they're talking about. I'm saying that I haven't found them here. It's hard to find anyone here who doesn't talk complete nonsense about laissez faire economics. It's always lame "down with the bankers bro, capitalists hate the poor" type shit.

>> No.10935245
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Its hard work and someone has to keep /pol/ in check

>> No.10935316


Fantasy is a popular genre

>> No.10935319

/lit/ enjoys good fiction

>> No.10935330

good film, based godard

>> No.10935334

Because everybody became a socialist a year ago

>> No.10935355


>> No.10935368

more like 666 trillion

>> No.10935392

Pro ke omni komunistini quin ni konocas esas tre bela (e pro ke ni ne prizas kapitalismo).

>> No.10935536

>The 1% grabbed 82% of all wealth created in 2017.

That's according to a new report from Oxfam International, which estimates that the bottom 50% of the world's population saw no increase in wealth.

Oxfam says the trend shows that the global economy is skewed in favor of the rich, rewarding wealth instead of work.

"The billionaire boom is not a sign of a thriving economy but a symptom of a failing economic system," said Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International.

The head of the advocacy group argued that the people who "make our clothes, assemble our phones and grow our food" are being exploited in order to enrich corporations and the super wealthy.

The study, released ahead of the World Economic Forum in Davos, was produced using data from Credit Suisse's (CS) Global Wealth Databook.

The report also highlights the detrimental effects of gender inequality with data that show more men own land, shares and other capital assets than women.

Rising inequality has been a major topic at Davos for years.

Oxfam said Monday that it is time for the global elite to stop talking about inequality and start changing their ways.

"It's hard to find a political or business leader who doesn't say they are worried about inequality. It's even harder to find one who is doing something about it," said Byanyima.

"Many are actively making things worse by slashing taxes and scrapping labor rights," she added.

Oxfam said that governments should focus on policies that would lead to fairer distribution of wealth and stronger workers' rights.

These could include introducing a living wage, supporting labor unions and tackling gender discrimination.

Governments also need to tackle tax avoidance and put limits on shareholder returns and executive pay, Oxfam said. The group argues companies should not issue dividends to shareholders unless they pay their workers a living wage.

Oxfam also said that tax policies should be used to reduce extreme wealth.


>> No.10935560

I can't be a fascist so I settle for the next best thing

>> No.10935586

> tfw when u don't understand that economic concepts are reified and thus are completely useless in explaining anything in a market

>> No.10935776
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If the jews are in control of education/media then why push a PC narrative in Europe when it's inviting in the people who want nothing more than to see all the Jews dead? Just a general question I'm starting to think old alex was right

>> No.10935784

I'm not actually a commie but I play one on /lit/

>> No.10935793


Honestly, /lit/ has some of the weakest thought processes on 4chan. Nearly Reddit-tier. You'd assume that reading philosophy would make you more logical but it doesn't seem to have helped. /lit/ is primarily English majors, while the majority of other boards are primarily engineers and scientists, which makes them more logical and makes them lean more to the right.

>> No.10935813

>Honestly, /lit/ has some of the weakest thought processes on 4chan
>literally right before uses muh ebin logical fallacies with no argument
just lol

>> No.10935821
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The other poster made no argument. Now fuck off brainlet.
>"m-muh ad hominem"
Pic related is you.

>> No.10935843

Yeah I find it very amusing that our friend here says /lit/ thinks like reddit and then calls somebody a strawman. I swear that retarded chart in their sticky is the worst thing to ever happen to this website.

>> No.10935865

Because those people don't actually threaten jews, who could flee to the Israeli home base anyway if they ever truly did. Jews view their main threat as whites and homogenous white nations, thus it's us they are seeking to destroy.

Jews also do not have the progressive, long-term "assessment based on gradual improvement" white person notion you seem to be working with. Jews only care about obtaining power for their group and genociding the host group, then moving on and whining to the the next unwitting subject about their victimhood, then perpetuating the same scam on them. If that strategy/dynamic had something built in that would allow them to consider potential benefits of establishing roots in that place, they wouldn't have been kicked out so many times, would they? The inability to address that the problems they incur as a result of their behavior is nonexistent; jews only ever blame others and deny responsibility, so the same thing keeps happening to them.

>> No.10935879

Having a conversation with yourself like this is really embarrassing bro

>> No.10935901
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>> No.10935906

any evidence for this?

>> No.10935909

Contribute some substance next time or just admit to being a jew or an idiot.

>> No.10935914

OH, I didn't even understand what you were getting at. As the other guy said though, no.

Just making known what I know, obtained through a variety of sources. If you have a specific question about something I would do my best to point you in the right direction.

>> No.10935915

he's right tho

>> No.10935926

He's right about the thing >>10935901
this guy showed he was wrong about, and that I didn't even understand with regard to samefagging?

>> No.10935930

>how to get manufacturing to run away to china: the post
lol retard

>> No.10935945

can you not take up half the thread with you ((( )))

>> No.10936119
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Okay you caught me, and I have to apologize for my behavior recently. I've been actively trying to ruin every thread on this board for several months now. The fact of the matter is I have been down in the dumps for a while now, and getting (You)'s like this helps brighten up my day. I really like you guys here at /lit/, but I am unfortunately not smart enough to read anything besides /pol/ infographics. So, this is the only way I can feel like I am a part of the community. I am really sorry. The fact is that posting on reddit just doesn't give me the same satisfaction anymore and I have to come here to find any real reason to live. Again, I am so, so sorry for acting this way. I won't bother you anymore. Hope I didn't waste too much of your time.

>> No.10936141

Because communism only works in fantasy.

>> No.10936148
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How pathetic is it that an anti-white jew, in a sad attempt to try and make pro-white posters look bad, would actually go through the trouble of doctoring a photo, while thinking this would make anyone but himself and other jews look bad? I believe the phrase is something like, "I can't even..." right?

>> No.10936158

hopefully the cia will just smoke this fool like they did that guy who was making all the fakenews sites in 2016 and adrian lamo etc. eagerly awaiting the tiny little headline at the bottom of the nytimes saying "prolific anti-semitic troll dead of fentanyl overdose" and then he is never remembered again

>> No.10936169

good post

>> No.10936287

>why are there so many commies
>every other post on the board is about the jews
I hope you fucking kill yourself you polack piece of shit. Are you not gonna be happy until you completely ruin this board? Does every single discussion need to revolve around the "jewish question" to satisfy your deep mental/emotional issues? Is there nothing you hold holy in this world? Go away and stop pretending to belong here.

>> No.10936400
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Interesting picture, I'm 130 and a jaded reactionary but I feel I'm becoming unspooked as I read more. Normies are 90-110, however, also being a run of the mill liberal is the most normie poiltical position.

>> No.10936408

Reading philosophy on Wikipedia has made us conscious of how the world works

>> No.10936417

checkin' them dubs. now consider that chart, while keeping in mind that state schools are designed to produce people with the bare minimum skills necessary to keep themselves alive. if politicians would make it a point, and if we were willing to pay for it, we could raise the average IQ from useful idiots to actually rational adults / competent thinkers. that's not a huge leap, but it's enough to interfere in the state's plan for us. what chicken farmer teaches his birds to read? and what rancher teaches his beeves plato?

>> No.10936422

being a NEET tends to make you a commie

>> No.10936455

people who do nothing all day want to take things from people who do something all day.

>> No.10936575

God I hated this cunt of a film so much

>> No.10936762
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>this infograph
George Simons was a literal who Methodist minister who was in Russia for a time. He had no hard statistical proof for anything, he was just speaking his opinions to the Senate. Beyond that, I read his testimony and didn't see any stats proffered regarding the Jewish proportion of the Bolshevik central government. That 95% figure came from something else (btw, citations should include page numbers, but it's clear why they weren't included here, since the claim is bullshit, and stormfags are hoping people don't actually check their 'sources').


>> No.10936772

Bitch please if I had a nickel everytime some idiot claims that capitalism is anything but the concept of private property...

>> No.10936792

Sometimes i browse leftypol and see some thread about 'labour vouchers' or some bs like that and everyone just seems to assume such an idea is watertight and people wont try to find ways to exploit it. Same goes for commie bureaucracy, workers councils, the use of weapons etc.

>> No.10936855

No, the anti-SJW types tend to be the dumbest. Have no idea what a “liberal” is, have no idea what a “leftist” is, have no understanding of what communism is, have no idea what Marxists actually believe, think feminism and academic thought in general are somehow 100% unified movements where no one has differing views or disagreements, but pretend that complaining about PC culture and muh purple haired college kids somehow makes them knowledgeable about politics

>> No.10937346

Because consumerist culture is highly materialist and people here are highly numinous. They see the problem of consumerism as a product of capitalism and jump to the major ideology that has critiqued it. Basically, it is a reactionary position over the devaluation of the arts in culture, and the superficiality that follows from profit-motivated creation.
I disagree that Marxism is the answer, but their certainly is a problem.

>> No.10937612

Most literate people who've ever left suburbia noticed that capitalism is doing pretty much all the things it wasn't supposed to

>> No.10937631

congrats man i've put you on the tally chart. Lacan ouvre should be on its way to you in the post

>> No.10937637


>> No.10937648

Joke on you. I majored in finance and have a very comfortable job making good money. I happen to have this wacky thing called empathy where I understand that my own personal station in life is not representative of those all over the world.

>> No.10937653

>form of social justice
No legitimate communist gives a shit about this nonsense.

>> No.10937657

>/pol/ more tolerable than anything
>People here don't understand economics
>People here don't read economics
You have to go back >>>/r/t_D

>> No.10937662

You haven't found them here because you only come here from /pol/ to post in shitty bait threads like this one

>> No.10937680

Commies are people who don't know shit about science and economics who rely on emotional stories to make up their minds about issues.

>> No.10937686

Almost like /pol/ is full of retards regardless of ideology.

>> No.10937687

Gomunisum sound great on paper. And if your country has never been destroyed by it you start to like it.

>> No.10937712

People interested in literature are more likely to identify by their ideas and therefore tend to choose them like accessories. If you want a nice accessory that makes you look special and interesting you're likely to look outside of the most common ones and go for the fringes (but not too far to be completely offputting since the whole purpose is to signal). Going a bit further out onto the extremes of left and right wing views tend to do that.

>> No.10937730

it's that what your religion told you?

>> No.10937735

because communism is fashionable in academia and has been for over century, and lit is mostly part of the academic cuture or its periphery. There are two elements to this, one is that communists purposely infiltrated academia as part of their strategy for gaining political power, and the other is that communism appeals to a certain kind of intellect which is overrepresented in academia.

It is a very 'neat' way of looking at history, it offers a clearly defined enemy and goal, a simple explanation of the origin of various social problems, an outright promise of utopia, but its real staying power is that the 'dialectic' idea(specifically as applied to 'contradictions' in social reality) can be expanded upon and refined and altered almost infinitely. There are literally endless possible permutations of this idea, which can be applied to basically any social system or subset thereof. All Marxist thinkers of the 20th century invented new ways of applying this idea, often in very interesting and insightful ways.

The more obvious reasons that communism appeals to people- specifically that it offers low-status people higher status both in the short term as part of a movement and in the long term as having some important role or whatever in the post-revolutionary world have been gone over enough probably. It is worth mentioning though that the absence of reactionaries in academia is the result of politics and not any sort of scholarly debate, the Left utterly destroyed the forces of Reaction in the 20th century and most of the fundamental tenets of any sort of reactionary worldview are prohibited even from being spoken on campus.

tldr; academia is Leftist, and communism and marxism are fashionable and intriguing forms of leftism that appeal to intellectuals.

>> No.10937738

Interesting that you think so, that's mostly been my experience of reactionaries

>> No.10937748

Depends on how you define reactionary. It is true for many populist movements. And most applications of marxism are populist at their core.

>> No.10937757

>commies trying to lay claim to empathy
>not realizing their entire system is based on violence against the minority to (ostensibly) help the majority
>thinking empathy for some justifies the enslavement of others

I feel bad for poor people too but I just donate my own money. I don't try to force everyone else to donate theirs at the barrel of a gun.

>> No.10937796

Your money doesn't mean shit next to the worldwide network of sweatshops, plantations and slave laborers necessary to prop up your lifestyle
It's only violence when you might have to look at it?

>> No.10937804


>> No.10937807

>most applications of marxism are populist at their core
I'm not aware of any that aren't
You're likely right though, human intuition wasn't meant to operate on the scale at which our politics currently do. Separating yourself from emotional judgement requires a level of detatchment that's almost certainly unhealthy

>> No.10937810

i think in reality most applications of Marxism are eltitists masquerading as egalitarians while most modern 'reactionaries' are ressentiment-filled proles appropriating an 'aristocratic' veneer

>> No.10937815

This is probably true
which is why neocons are the masterrace

>> No.10937818

you can just drop the pretense and say 'jews'

>> No.10937820

You are a deeply annoying person.

>> No.10937837

what you mean is that you find certain truths terribly inconvenient and would rather you didn't have to think about them

>> No.10937843

I read /lit/ and am also comfortable around academic hippy SJW types. It is my hope that the two balance out.

>> No.10937848
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because literatur means you have empathy for other ppl, and that means your not a fascist racist??

>> No.10937884

Why are city dwellers such commies when these are the most blatant areas of consumerism, elitism and capitalism?

>> No.10937895

University, contrarianism and projected self-hatred.

>> No.10937905

It actually makes a lot of sense that you've created this whole us vs them mentality to cope with the fact that nobody likes you.

>> No.10937910

guilt. Deep down they feel like they don't deserve their wealth, in a way they don't, but they also don't want to give it up, that becomes the ultra-rich's responsibility, never their own.