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File: 778 KB, 712x600, jordan_peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10931672 No.10931672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, what do you mean by truth?

>> No.10931813
File: 69 KB, 1280x850, IMG_2620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That which serves life

>> No.10932412
File: 79 KB, 1200x900, DUrZ5ASU0AEAKMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by life?

>> No.10932463

I’m a JBP fan but this frustrates me

>> No.10932475

What's the meme. Newfag here. Fan of jp tho

>> No.10932501

>I’m a JBP fan
Oh boy

>> No.10932523

People on this board hate on anyone who people like because they think it gives them social capital amongst anons who all pretend they’ve read moby dick and call each other patrish

>> No.10932575

What? jbp is just an idiot

>> No.10932587
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when will he become Stirner Pilled?

>> No.10932591


textbook pseud

>> No.10932597

A fan? lol

>> No.10932612

he says postmodernist when he's specifically talking about post-structuralists therefore he's dumb and wrong and i'm smart.

>> No.10932624
File: 172 KB, 440x440, zize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson pretending to be Socrates, gets me every time.

>> No.10932625

jbp hates """postmodernism""" which he thinks undermines truth, but he also has an idiosyncratic pseudo-pragmatist definition of truth which kind of does the same thing.

>> No.10932642

JPB's definition of truth is actually laughable. I do like some of what he does but I just have to cringe whenever he brings up religion and the nature of truth.

>> No.10932660

And he’s super popular because everyone else is an idiot as well right? Thanks for proving my point
Terminology of somebody trying to impress the “patrish” in-group
And he’s super popular because everyone else is an idiot as well right? Thanks for proving my point
Yes, like I’m a fan of ice cream.

>> No.10932668

Second (you) meant for

>> No.10932721

>People on this board hate on anyone who people like because they think it gives them social capital amongst anons who all pretend they’ve read moby dick and call each other patrish

Hahaha. This.

>> No.10932746

Most of his fans are idiots, yes

>> No.10932755

Lol, his popularity has nothing to do with him being an idiot or not, it just has to do with the zeitgeist surrounding campus politics the oppositional conservative pushback. The man has little understanding of the “post-modernist neo-marxists” (practically an oxymoron in itself) that he criticizes, and his obsession with Nietzsche is selfserving and does little to elucidate the actual philosophy behind the cherrypicked passages he presents.

>> No.10932757

Watch any of his podcasts with Harris lmao

>> No.10932782

ER, Übermensch, Last Man, GM, Dio/Apollo, The Revaluation of all values, perspectivism and N’s psychology+aesthetics he all ignores because he’s a simping social psychologist with poor reading comp

>> No.10932814

Is JP an icon?

>> No.10932833

>And he’s super popular because everyone else is an idiot as well right Thanks for proving my point

>appeal to popularity

>> No.10932940

This thread needs a lil peep.

>> No.10932980

You're so fucking stupid. No one in academy takes Peterson seriously. If you tell any academic you like him they will laugh at your face. He's only popular because he makes reactionaries feel they can be intellectual too. He doesn't even understand what postmodernism is. LMAO. If you're a fan of him you're seriously pathetic and you need to go back to your conservative circles because people here actually read.

>> No.10933016


>> No.10933045
File: 56 KB, 862x360, show_162_thumbForVideoPanel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And he’s super popular because everyone else is an idiot as well right?
this is the same argument someone used when the child me argued that pic related was a retarded show for retarded people
>b-but how can millions people be stupid, kid anon
turn out they could

>> No.10933048

Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest
Now is the time that face should form another;
Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest,
Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother.
For where is she so fair whose uneared womb
Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry?
Or who is he so fond will be the tomb
Of his self-love, to stop posterity?
Thou art thy mother's glass and she in thee
Calls back the lovely April of her prime;
So thou through windows of thine age shalt see,
Despite of wrinkles, this thy golden time.
But if thou live, remembered not to be,
Die single and thine image dies with thee.

>> No.10933051

Truth is whatever you say it is, as long as you call the other guys liars after they die so they can't respond.

>> No.10933060

You didn't like Big Brother? Are you a virgin, bro?

>> No.10933180

This post but about this guy's (>>10932980) academy.

>> No.10933206

He's one of the most cited living psychologists moron

>> No.10933210

So why don't you explain why is is laughable? I don't see any problem really with his point about there being different kinds of truth.

>> No.10933223

Perhaps in his field, a field no one gives a shit about. Ask anyone else in the humanities and they will tell you he's an embarrassment of a human being.

>> No.10933258

That's because they're commie faggots. I went to college, I know that most humanities departments put activism and ideology before truth

>> No.10933268

beterson is a fucking pomo commie sophist

>> No.10933272

the humanities in general are a fucking joke. the idea that peterson is notably daft is hilarious.

>> No.10933436

>If you look at his academic credential they're shit
>W-well maybe not in his main field but in that one filled with SJW

>> No.10933458

what do you mean by mean?

>> No.10933459

>that guy is a very good chemist
>wtf mean he isn't a good surgeon?!?! the field is clearly biased

>> No.10933460

Funny how he worships Nietzsche and doesn't realize that philosophical postmodernism is largely following through with Nietzschean thought
Peterson is a relativist hypocrite.

>> No.10933483

>Steven Hawking wasn't so smart, I heard academics in Liberal Arts don't even cite him.

>> No.10933510

90% of academics are narcissistic, sheltered idiots who have read themselves dumb before graduating college. You know someone is doing something right when he irritates the world of academia.

>> No.10933524

It would work if humanity was a quarter as complex as surgery.

>> No.10933568

>he said on /lit/
can you fuck off to /pol/reddit already?
also you got it reversed

>> No.10933589
File: 134 KB, 1896x890, IM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you dumb fuck. I've seen professors who unironically believe Lincoln went to war to free the slaves. I've seen so many Iran and castro apologists i lost count. The humanities is fucking trash.

>> No.10933645
File: 397 KB, 1024x912, 1522595129220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth is a concept of perception.
Hence there is no final truth.
In the end there is only your personal perspective.

>> No.10933664


>> No.10933692

>I’m a JBP fan
He is a communist, dude. He uses the term "reactionary" with a negative valuation. He's already beyond redemption, dismiss his entire body of work.

>> No.10933754
File: 46 KB, 440x337, 440px-Ecce_homo_by_Antonio_Ciseri_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Τί ἐστιν ἀλήθεια?

>> No.10933780

>I've seen so many Iran and castro apologists i lost count.

>> No.10934183

>JBP defines truth as that which survives selection by nature and death
>most of the superstitious cultures of the world have been obliterated by more technologically adept and relatively secular empires
really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.10934226

no he's not lol

>> No.10934293

Peterson is a brainlet. He literally doesn't know what postmodernism is yet he blames on it every problem in the world. He's a bit like my dad when I was a kid and he would tell me videogames were bad for me but he didn't know anything about games and called every game a nintendo. I honestly think Peterson just feels old and wants to feel needed so he tells the kids they're in the wrong.

>> No.10934339

>the technically adept empires retain distilled values of previous cultures
Protestantism -> Capitalism

>> No.10934363

>it's now cool to like peterson again after not liking peterson became cool after people started to like peterson
i can't keep up with this fucking website

>> No.10934393

It's gay to wholeheartedly like him but gayer to hate him. That's been the strat for at least 6 months.

>> No.10934402


>> No.10934414

Stupid fucking logic. This board isn't for you.

>> No.10934416

kill yourself