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10928508 No.10928508 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.10928517

dunno more sell out old fart trying to be relevant by now claiming to be conservative? will there be an obese white guy smoking weed and eating food section? if no, I am not interested

>> No.10928599

this man stuck a dildo up his ass live on camera

>> No.10928603

>team chocolate

is this part of some april fools thing or what

>> No.10928606
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>> No.10928607

what is this gay shit

>> No.10928608

>this man stuck a dildo up his ass live on camera

this is the power of the New Right(tm)

>> No.10928613

you can do TM by holding alt and pressing 0153 on numerical keyboard.


>> No.10928619

based mini comrades

>> No.10928620

can someone explain to me how this guy has endorsements from mainstream media on his book when milo who is less far right than the alt-right proud boys got blackballed from industry? oh right, its because milo was about to name names about hollywood rape yachts, i mean mcginneses homies where at the fucking charleston march with the nazis yet somehow this dude gets away with it, explain me this shit cuz its fishy as hell

>> No.10928636

Because Milo is a known pedo dropping some names and omitting others which are his sodomite pederast buddies.

>> No.10928651

it was a long time ago

>> No.10928652

This book was before Gavin became super well known as a right wing provocateur, and Gavin never said that fucking young teens could be a good thing.

>> No.10928654

the funny thing tho is the rape yacht guy eventually got caught and charged, he was some rich dickhead from seattle i think he was affiliated with amazon somehow, too bad milo for milo he was out in front of #metoo by about six months and got smoked

>> No.10928664

only in america is marching with neonazis not as bad as having gay sex as a teen

>> No.10928672

You write like a child, so I'm guessing you're a faggot who likes Milo. Disgusting. But Milo is a loose canon jew; McGinnis is controlled opposition for jews. The former didn't work out as a foil, but jews need goyim (jewish word for non jews = cattle) who will act as stopgaps to keep whites from waking up to the jewish problem and settling for a kosher middleman like Gavin. Also,' nazi' is a fake word. The nazis never even called themselves nazis.

>> No.10928677


>> No.10928680

Gavin wasn't at the Charlottesville rally though, and he had the organizer of that rally on his show to yell at him and tell him that woman's blood is on his hands.

>> No.10928688

milo has a greek name the average non-woke cuckservative has no idea hes a chosen one

>> No.10928693 [DELETED] 

didn't you watch the livestream where his deputy canada420 got maced and then that millenialmatt homosexual nazi took over the stream and got his 15 minutes of fame

>> No.10928695
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Do you know anything about jews and pedophilia? Hollywood is a jewish pedophile rape den, moron. So no, "nazis" aren't the fucking problem, jews are. As always. Why do you think they've been kicked out 359 times?

>> No.10929215

This thread is shitty enough to roll in

>> No.10930351
File: 20 KB, 180x255, 8490B146-3EBE-4CD6-9D84-A2B522AE3C31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also,' nazi' is a fake word. The nazis never even called themselves nazis.

It’s not really though, it’s standard German practice to take the first part of two long words and make one name out of it: “Schupo”, “Kripo” “Stasi”, etc. I probably agree with you on a lot, but this meme really needs to die.

>> No.10930474
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>> No.10930487

What team am I on?

>> No.10931788

This desu

>> No.10931800

Why would anyone read this book or care what he has to say?

>> No.10931961

>it’s standard German practice
It's not German, and was not created or introduced by Germans.

>> No.10931970

vice magazine when mcinnes ran the publication was basically the thing that defined whether something was in or not

>> No.10932009

Well now it's run-of-the-mill jewish anti-white propaganda.

>> No.10932114

Ok, but it was common German practice of the time, do you have counter examples or do you not speak German? I mean, I gave you an example from ol’ Joey himself, don’t be butthurt anon, be better.

>> No.10932118
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butthurt nazi detected

>> No.10932146

You must be jewish. Only jews ever try to lend credence to this fake word by saying it was used in Goebbels' diary. Not see is a jewish word fused from Russian. The Germans never referred to themselves as not sees and we shouldn't either since it lends merit to jewish propaganda/kabbalistic techniques and lies.

>> No.10932161

Vice isnt owned or run by Jews and it was always ultra prog lib

>> No.10932194
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>Vice isnt owned or run by Jews
Let's try to get up to speed on how the world works, champ.

>> No.10932250

That’s not Goebbels diary you mong, if you could read, or even google it, you’d see that it’s a pamphlet Goebbels wrote for Socialist leaning people sympathetic to NS ideas. “Der Nazi-Sozi” which is what Joey was, he came from the leftwing of the party. Maybe the NSDAP itself didn’t often call themselves “Nazi”, but it wasn’t created by jews, it’s a common feature of the German language to shorten long names like that. Do you speak German, Y/N?

>> No.10932279

Whats mine

>> No.10932429

What are you doing on this board?

>> No.10932467

>What are you doing on this board?
He’s trying to pretend to be an intellectual without the necessary framework and a severe lack of humility that would enable him to learn new things. He’s not really wrong about the jews though.

>> No.10932476


>> No.10932488

people in this thread are posting like gavin has been the same all along and hasnt changed dramatically—also that vice was always the yuppie shit it is now. dude used to be funny, and williamsburg wasnt always like an outdoor mall

>> No.10932490


>> No.10932502
File: 138 KB, 1200x874, 203ed7_5962224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huff post

>> No.10932516


>> No.10932827

>Gavin McInnes
that man has no education

>> No.10933163

Because Milo feigns elitism while Gavin embraces depravity.

>> No.10933198

It's just a series of funny stories from his life starting at 16. It's basically just Gavin showing how cool he used to be.

I read it when I was 15 and thought it was great. Upon revisitation it's a little bland. The stories from his highschool days are pretty funny.

>> No.10933218

I've listened to him talk on his podcast about battles between the circumcised and uncircumcised kids.

>> No.10933277

as opposed to the privacy of one's own home where you do it.

>> No.10933530

A bitter old guy complains about millenials and leftists. He got screwed out of a lot of money by Vice so I am a little empathetic.

>> No.10933534

I'm far right and even I wouldn't bother with this shit. Just read the collected works of George Lincon Rockwell

>> No.10934500

A good book to read on an aeroplane

>> No.10935225

“This Time the World” is so comfy in his early autobiography, his vaudevillian father teaching him and his brother to roar with “roaring lessons”, his descriptions of sailing in Maine and his time in the Pacific. He was a really evocative and talented writer for an amateur.

>> No.10936406

I liked it a lot when I was 20. its a six year old book there are no politics in it. This is ad exec/amateur comedian Gavin, not right wing host Gavin.

>> No.10936658

From everything I have ever seen Gavin seems like a complete brainlet who spams basic talkingpoints and insulting/edgy stuff. He is a way worse version of Crowder. I assume his book will reflect that.