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10925808 No.10925808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone written a book about people their experiences with Tinder yet?

>> No.10925822

Take this shit elsewhere, you boring faggot

>> No.10925823

no, want me to?

>> No.10925834

perfectly valid question faggot

>> No.10925836

did anyone write a book with their experiences with the personals section of the newnspaper?

>> No.10925838

i was hoping picrelated were a trap

>> No.10925842
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yeah bro

>> No.10925880

yes, my diary desu by me

>> No.10925917

their might be a story in one of the recent best american short story collections

>> No.10925920

No shit cunt.
>>10925822 is right.
Take your faggot ass back to the confinement boards.

>> No.10926201

But Tinder is objectively the alienation of traditional relationships you faggot. Why can't we talk about relevant issues of the twentieth century?

>> No.10926209

>*twentieth-one of course, my bad

>> No.10926237

>Tinder is objectively the alienation of traditional relationships
87 IQ detected
>iq is meaningless
top laff

>> No.10926250

not that I disagree with what you're saying, but stop using the word "alienation" in such a retarded way please

>> No.10926257

there are some woman authors in some of those trendy buzzfeed, huf post, type sites where they basically write about getting laid with thousands of dudes, why not read that?

>> No.10926262

>discusses a book idea that has to do with modern sexuality
>incels freak out
this is like the time a guy asked for books about porn, just because you're le triggered doesn't mean the thread belongs on /pol/

>> No.10926265


>> No.10926275
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>> No.10926297

>our hook-up culture is without precedent! tinder is the prophet of a new era!
imagine being this ignorant.

>> No.10926305

i met my gf through tinder

>> No.10926306

OP's question is literature related, you can be mad if you want but it wont change much.

>> No.10926309

wow, she sounds like a keeper

>> No.10926325

Reigen, La Chartreuse de Parme, Decamerone, list goes on...

>> No.10926328


I enjoyed this article enough to remember it. The vapid nature of everyone is fantastic.

>> No.10926363

Hook up "culture" is just another aspect of prole drift. Old money patricians are no longer, and all elements of society have adopted the sexual mores of the lower classes.

>> No.10926371

save it for your manifesto, cuck

>> No.10926373

is this good or bad

>> No.10926387

Interesting observation.

>> No.10926393

how to patrician sex?

>> No.10926410
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I wish anon, I wish

>> No.10926415

The culture is indeed degenerate, but casual sex isn't, because you don't need to be a part of the culture to have it.

>> No.10926419


What do you mean "old money patricians are gone"? You mean arranged marriages?

>> No.10926426

That feel when you haven't had sex for 2+ years and it's eating you up inside out

>> No.10926434
File: 14 KB, 460x276, obese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got it backwards. The lower classes have historically (and naively) believed in the sanctity of monogamy and marriage. Insincere marriages and sexual promiscuity are bourgeois inventions that have trickled down into the lower classes with the advent of mass media communication technology. It's the same process by which gout has permeated the lower classes as they have got fatter (ready access to fatty, purine-rich foods). The valorized habits of the wealthy that they get bored with are passed off in an ersatz form to the lower classes as a means of keeping up the illusion of "progress."

>> No.10926449

>as a means of keeping up the illusion of "progress."
Could you elaborate on this?

>> No.10926454

What's her instagram?

>> No.10926476

broken logic

>> No.10926479

The anon didn't even bring up IQ.
What's yours? 89?

>> No.10926481

arranged marriage. if you have a child by an affair, deny it's legitimacy, have it thrown out from your household along with the other parent, or else raise them as a servant.


the lower classes have always fucked each other until some union produced a child, at which point they got hitched.

e.g. wealth used to derive from property; now every prole wishes to be a "homeowner."

>> No.10926486

Not at all. Though this anon said it better than I did >>10926434

>> No.10926490

I bet she'll meet her next boyfriend on it to. Treshaun.

>> No.10926495

AS always, /lit/ remains on the cutting edge of the intelligentsia


>> No.10926497

If legal prostitution didnt exist in classical culture similar shit would have happened

>> No.10926498


>> No.10926502

>the lower classes have always fucked each other
Wrong. Certain lineages of a species go extinct, you know. In all generations there are such lineages. These are the lower classes which don't get to have sex for some reason or another.

Not to mention that harems are almost always exclusively possessed by the wealthy and stronger classes.

>> No.10926526
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In earlier history, in the earliest diffusion of Abrahamic religion around what is commonly called the time of Christ's birth, the "lower classes" did indeed behave this way. It was important that a Roman patrician could ensure the monogamous fidelity of his wife because strict lines of succession were demanded by the gens to ensure purity of blood (i.e. that patricians remained patrician). The final death of the primacy of the family unit with the political victory of the bourgeoisie brought a full ended to this necessity; marriages were arranged for the sake of wealth rather than to the end of strengthening the family itself along sanguinary lines, as happened in the feudal period. As long as the bourgeois families wedded their wealth, the actual fidelity of the married couple is irrelevant. Obviously this is a gross simplification, but if you'd like to learn more about this take on things I recommend Engels' "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State."

>> No.10926560

The culture is indeed degenerate, but cannibalism isn't, because you don't need to be a part of the culture to have it.

>> No.10926562

I don't think we disagree on anything. Once marriage devolved into a purely money making scheme (e.g. marrying off your noble daughter to a wealthy merchant instead of some other broke noble) it was gg no re.

>> No.10926576

>that image
Why is this hilarious, I don't even understand.

>> No.10926590

fucking bougies

>> No.10926874


18 and already publicly stating she knows how to ride dick...

>> No.10926888


>> No.10926899

no it is broken logic because you’ve reversed causality you nigger

>> No.10926926

Analogy doesn't work here. Casual sex is not relatable to cannibalism.

>> No.10926933

Any books about tranny chasing?

I mean, with those shoulders maybe. She's suicidal or at least depressed...

>> No.10926947

>Any books about tranny chasing?
M. Butterfly, it's not good.

>> No.10926955

Why not? Values differ, bro, that's all.

>> No.10926974

>Any books about tranny chasing?
The Anubis Gates but it's about reverse traps

>> No.10926988

> i met a cute and funny 18 year old on tinder
> think she can't possible be a roastie yet bc she's only 18
>she tells me when she was 17 she had a relationship with her 27 year old boss
>promptly delete all of her contact info

women not even once, christ

>> No.10927009

Damn. I've read Orlando, tho. Good read.

Eh, I'll pass.

Guess I'll have to write one. Only bagged two so far.

>> No.10927021

What? Nooo. Buddy. You should fished for more info. Fuck, that's some novel material, fag. That's all they're good for. Mine their experiences and craft a yarn. Don't you know anything?

>> No.10927024

No one is arguing for whatever retarded strawman you're attacking. Casual sex is enjoyed by privileged upper classes in society and is tyrannized by lower classes, cannibalism isn't part of the upper classes.

>> No.10927040
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>Casual sex is enjoyed by privileged upper classes in society and is tyrannized by lower classes
are you serious? sex is literally free and has always been enjoyed more by the lower classes that have no decency

>> No.10927042

go read some smut then buddy. the adventures of a roastie novel would make for some rather banal platitudes.

>> No.10927043

cannibalism is a part of the upper class subculture and has been for thousands of years you dumb cattle pleb

>> No.10927046

What was that short story by the chick who dumped the guy that was all the rage on /lit/ for about 48 hours two month ago?

>> No.10927049

She's a whore.

>> No.10927057

unironically DeliciousTacos

>> No.10927133
File: 34 KB, 500x333, 1934985_141499848174_7975743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw had a shitty tinder date last night and came on /lit/ to distract myself and there are two tinder threads
>reading comes up in conversation (she's studying to be a teacher)
>says she likes scifi
>ask her if she likes Asimov, Bradbury or Orson Scott Card
>never heard of of any of them
>says the Hunger Games is her favorite series

>> No.10927151

>>ask her if she likes Asimov, Bradbury or Orson Scott Card
>>never heard of of any of them
>>says the Hunger Games is her favorite series
same garbage desu, american scifi is a joke

>> No.10927156

you're not gonna find a patrician gf on tinder, go back to college if you want even a slim chance of that

t. college dropout

>> No.10927168

lmao none of those writers are patrician though, like >>10927151 said. I was going for the lowest common denominator. This girl was on another level of basic, but at the same time I've spent too much time in the insular world of my university (just moved back home to a smaller college town from big city uni).

>> No.10927174


>> No.10927202

how can you be surprised by the depths of normalcy you descend to on tinder?

>> No.10927227

Used tinder a bunch in the big city (in another country btw) and also had a long term gf and none of them were nearly this basic. In fact a bunch of them postured to have read more pretentious shit than they possibly could have. While the average tinder thot is a retard, geography has a massive influence on the kinds of girls you'll find. It's just sad because she was a real qt with an adorable laugh and a really nice smile. And tbqh dating an actual "patrician" girl is the fucking worst, I'd rather date a turbopleb to get my mind out of the academic gutter.

>> No.10927311

What a farce. Anyone with the power to bed lots of women is going to. And such people always have.

>> No.10927321
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>sex is literally free
lmao people actually think this

>> No.10927709

The point is that if were you'd be saying the same stupid ridiculous shit defending it. Ergo, it's no defense at all.

>> No.10927729

This is why people kill themselves. And others.

>> No.10927743

It is a defense though, because one is already happening, and the other one never happened.

>> No.10927756

>I'd rather date a turbopleb to get my mind out of the academic gutter.
So why did you ghost this qt? She probably would have sucked your intellectual cock all night

>> No.10927798
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>reading in public
>girl comes up to ask what I'm reading
>I get excited and start talking about it and the author
>"oh haha I don't actually read much"
>she just used it as an excuse to hit on me
This has happened to me six times and I'm tired of it. Nobody at my stem school reads anything.

>> No.10927907

I've only been on two tinder dates.

Girl 1:
>meet up with girl in my college town
>we walk from a park to a 7-11
>she buys cigarettes
>we sit on the curb and she immediately smokes like 5 cigarettes in a row
>she talks about how her ex-bf was an asshole
>then she leaves and we never speak again

Girl 2:
>meet up with a qt girl in a city near my hometown
>we walk around by the waterfront and talk about literature, movies, school, etc.
>wow this is pretty great
>suddenly she stops and says, "so anon, i'm in an open relationship and you will be one of my side boys. if you're not ok with sharing me with several other guys then you can just go ahead and leave right now."