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/lit/ - Literature

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1092381 No.1092381 [Reply] [Original]

So I met a really cute and intelligent slovenian girl in one of my literature classes. We sit next to each other in class and make conversation with each other. She's usually the one who strikes up the conversation. Yesterday we went out to eat after class and all is going well until she suddenly throws in "my boyfriend" into the conversation. Turns out she has a long-term boyfriend who she lives with.

So I'm a little pissed... I thought a cute, intelligent girl was attracted to me, but i guess it turns out she just wants to make chit-chat.

pic semirelated

>> No.1092387

sure you weren't just drunk?

>> No.1092388

Are you going to write a book about it? What is this doing here? Where am I?!

>> No.1092390

Happens to me all the time. Feels kind of like your stomach caves in, no?

>> No.1092394

You got friendzoned, move on. Also, this is not /adv/.

>> No.1092397

No, that's because you're a tub of lard, which is coincedentally related to the fact girls don't want to touch you.

>> No.1092403


Oh look, it's a tough-guy on 4chan. How cute.

>> No.1092406


>> No.1092414

Are YOU drunk sir? I spent a week in Slovenia and the muff there is grade A. Fourth best on my travels behind Czech Republic and Croatia.

>> No.1092417

I am actually drunk because I meant third best.

>> No.1092420

That's cool. You're cool.

>> No.1092421


Its above Croatia in diversity. For some, to me unknown reason, all Croatian girls have black hair.

>> No.1092424

Oh dear god, a girl wants to be friends with you and have interesting conversations, when all you really want is to get in her pants, and you really think you're the wronged party here?

Also, this isn't /lit/ in any way. Please take this shit to /r9k/ or somewhere else where it may be relevant.

tl;dr gtfo my /lit/

>> No.1092428

I'll tell you what happened, OP - she thought you might make an interesting FRIEND. Forget getting 'friendzoned' or any shit - it didn't even get THAT far. She thought of you as a friend from the beginning and never once had any consideration of you as being anything more than that.

Seriously, is this /r9k/? A girl talks to you and suddenly it's

>she wants to fuck

Sage for an idiot who thinks that a girl wanting to 'make chit-chat' is something to get pissed about.

>> No.1092430


I love you, good sir.

>> No.1092436

I am a woman, and thank you, you're not too bad yourself

>> No.1092444

>he thinks "I have a boyfriend" means anything

>> No.1092445


>> No.1092446


What this guy said.

OP just to let you know, every dude that talks to you is attracted to you as well.

Think about that next time Chad gives you a high-five. His hand is so smooth because he just wanked off to the thought of you.

>> No.1092454

I coudlnt find in any other website.

A comedy sketch about "girls with boyfriends"

Also a sketch from Snuff Box

>> No.1092458

i fucking knew it

>> No.1092459

Did she at least give you a slice of pie? Good luck fucking up Dr. Octopus, dude

>> No.1092462

i am a boy in the process of friendzoning a girl. feels good after hearing so many anons bawwwing about it over the years. i've never been friendzoned, i guess because i don't see women as only potential sex objects. i don't know. maybe i will end up having sex with this girl, actually. c'est la vie.

>> No.1092468


Hi to you too.

>> No.1092469


Oh, I'm sorry. Then I love you, good ma'am.

>> No.1092483



>> No.1092487


Yep, I often try to get my grip on women over the internet. Bull's eye!

>> No.1092490


>> No.1092530

Not much, pretty bored, just surfing 4chan, annoying everyone on /ic/ by samefagging a Picasso thread

I should really go to sleep though

>> No.1092532


On an anonymous board at that :D let me just get a piece of paper to write my personal info on

>> No.1092533

No, watch this! if you are bored.

okey, okey... i will go to my corner :(

>> No.1092541

>pic semirelated
So, once you will not be willing to continue under the old conditions with her not being able to provide any further concessions her means of production will be seized in a violent upheaval?

>> No.1092542

was to

>> No.1092548

share the link

>> No.1092553


What? So I really have put my grip on you? I MUST be a wizzard.

[spoil]inb4 idiots[//spoil]

>> No.1092563


either sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, or I'm just desperate. But that's for me to know and for you to obsess over.

Also, I highly doubt anyone on this board is even from the same country as I am

>> No.1092570


I also was being sarcastic lol. That's what my failed spoiler meant.

Also, I'm not an English speaker, so pardon me, but I didn't get what that : « But that's for me to know and for you to obsess over » meant.

>> No.1092575

I'm so glad this thread was dismantled and deconstructed in exactly the way it should have been. I thought this board had gone down the drain a bit, but apparently not. Most other boards would have come up with "lol trolld hard" or "yeah me too OP that sux lol" but /lit/ replied as it should have and called OP out on his crap. Thank you.

>> No.1092581


What language do you speak?

>> No.1092591


French and Spanish.

>> No.1092596
File: 24 KB, 550x300, TyBrax10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>33 posts omitted. Click Reply to view
>Why am I in /r9k/?
>Am I in /r9k/?
>Why is this in my /lit/?

>> No.1092599


Read the thread lazy fucker.

>> No.1092611

Meh, I speak a little French (I'm Belgian) but not too fluently.

It means c'est a moi de saver, et a vous de plus hanter, or something to that effect, I had to babelfish 'to obsess', sorry.

>> No.1092616

I still don't get it.

>> No.1092618


What show is the first clip from?

>> No.1092620

hantez de plus? J'sais pas.

I wish my French was better, best I can do is order a pack of cigarettes.

>> No.1092625


Personne veut voir mon lien, j'ai devenu triste et puis mon Français est terrible!

>> No.1092626


I wish your grammar was better faggot nigger.

>> No.1092629

Oh, you watched it!!! Sadly, I dont know neither.

>> No.1092639


Guy who didn't get it at first. Still don't get it. At all :D

>> No.1092643

This is now a hookup thread.

>> No.1092645

guess what buddy... if you thought that she is "cute and intelligent", you probably weren't the only one to think that.

>> No.1092648

looks like its game time trying to get a girl that already has a boyfriend is a great hoby for me just think of it as a chess game

shes the queen hes the king and youre the white or black king pick one

and use every pawn at youre disposal while eliminating those fucking bishops that come out of nowhere

>> No.1092649



>> No.1092655



>> No.1092658

>making a shitty thread more shitty

>> No.1092659


I think it was the point.

>> No.1092665


Cling cling cling! Hookup possible.

>> No.1092666

Nah, it is a football game (or soccer for USA). The goal keeper is the boyfriend, the net is the pussy, the ball is the dick and the forward player is you!

>> No.1092668


> thinks Montreal is in Europe
> whatthefuckamireading.jpg

>> No.1092675

It is in Canada, right?

>> No.1092679


Wanna exchange contact info, so I get my grip on you over the internet :p

>>1092655 = me

>> No.1092682



>> No.1092688
File: 359 KB, 521x620, gay dude from mad men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I get my grip on you over the internet :p

>> No.1092700

How? I've never been to Canada and I can't afford to go overseas any time soon

>> No.1092703


Sir. I am trying to get in contact with a funny lady using humor. Would you please leave me alone.

Truely yours,

>> No.1092706

That wasn't funny that was just creepy. Seriously I made a really disgusted face when I saw that

>> No.1092709


I meant email. Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.1092712


It was an inside joke. You'll get it by reading the thread.

Still truely yours,

>> No.1092717

c'omen people, let's not be a cock blocker here.

give him your email, give him your email. you both go and set up a very quick temp. fake emails so you guys can exchange real emails in private.

>> No.1092722


No cock is being blocked here bro. Guy lives in Canada, girl in Belgium.

>> No.1092726

Belgian girl here.

I am so enjoying this.

I'd actually like to exchange some intelligent emails with you dashing young men, but, you know, this is 4chan.

>> No.1092727

sorry, I don't chat in private with strange guys.

>> No.1092730


You make my heart sad.

>> No.1092733


You're the one who's losing ;)

>> No.1092735

currently setting up false email, anyone still want it?

>> No.1092736

So much trolling in here.

>> No.1092738


Yup. I'll use a fake one too, cause you know, this is 4chan.

>> No.1092739



>> No.1092740

I'm a Belgian girl too and I have bigger boobs, anon pick me!

>> No.1092741

No, I'm the real Belgian girl!

>> No.1092745

No. I am Belgian girl.

>> No.1092746

Hahahahahaha I am amused

have fun guise, I going to bed soon, it's 2 am here.


>> No.1092752



>> No.1092755

It really is funny how you neckbeards think you're attractive

>> No.1092756

interesting fact: stag is actually in the right in this thread

signed, a belgian girl

>> No.1092758


I'm new here but I already heard of you. I just don't understand your reputation. It's so obvious that you suck cocks. Or at least that you wish to. How did you manage to get that reputation? I'll detrone you in no time, amateur.

>> No.1092764

Hi, I'm a Belgian girl interested in lesbian literature.

Are there any lesbian girls here?

>> No.1092766

I wish I were the real Belgian girl, It could be fun to have a vagina.

C'omen where is the 80s movies farries to make us exchange bodies!

>> No.1092770

holy shit, shut the fuck up, you're already more annoying than stag

>> No.1092772
File: 74 KB, 384x405, u jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jelly detected

>> No.1092773


Well Stagolee's mom is just behind him, being sure he doesn't watch bestiality again. I think she's a lesbian.

>> No.1092776

but is she B E L G I A N?

>> No.1092778


That's the point, fuckface.

>> No.1092780

12/M/What is this

>> No.1092781


>> No.1092783



>> No.1092788

third base

>> No.1092791


>> No.1092793

the only good board

>> No.1092794


Aaron Boone?

>> No.1092797

Fucking archieve this shit.

>> No.1092802

what can i say, i like the classics

>> No.1092813

what a dumb thread

>> No.1092875

OP here

I put this in /lit/ because I met this girl in a /lit/erature class and we talk about /lit/ together

>> No.1092889


Legendaring an already legendary thread

>> No.1092922

She used you OP. Consider yourself friendzoned for life

>> No.1093130

can't beleev this thread got sooooo long

>> No.1093170

We're all Belgian girls.

>> No.1093174

