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10925441 No.10925441 [Reply] [Original]

150 pages into this /lit/
How can Israel be so Evil?

>> No.10925450

I love Finkelstein so much. He's one of the few political activists I enjoy reading and listening to.

>> No.10925471


>> No.10925486
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You don't know who he is, do you?
>tfw he stared at an Israeli apologist until she broke down crying

>> No.10925536

Sauce? How the fuck did I miss this?

>> No.10925568


>> No.10925576

Is there a way to download this book? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.10925597

its just been released
I had to pay $65AUD

>> No.10925604

Damn. That's way too expensive for me.

>> No.10925607

Absolutely fucking based

>> No.10925620
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>> No.10925688

>I've never been in a crowd like this. They're nuts.

>> No.10925723

so what sort of audience was it?

>> No.10925973
File: 35 KB, 456x456, Haha spooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The corrupting forces of money and power.

Religion, racial pride, nationalism, traditionalism. All spooks

>> No.10925993

israel aint evil , its saving lives by fighting terrorism .

>> No.10925996

>yeah let's just live side by side the arabs despite them outbreeding us! we don't need any group identity, it's not like they're going to force us to convert to islam or hurt us brah...

>> No.10925997

They recently killed 16 people for protesting. On their own land of course.
Ah, but you defend killer cops, don't you.

>> No.10926004
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Israel did nothing wrong

>> No.10926005

Impotently putting words into my mouth isn't much of an argument

>> No.10926009

yeah those 16 people were totally innocent
dey dindu nuffin inshallah
they were good boys they were juss studying their quaran
need more money for rockets

>> No.10926012

I can do whatever I want with stirnermongs, your prophet sanctions it

>> No.10926064
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i've been to something similar on the gaza border a few years back .

this isnt protesting , its an incursion into another country and a cover for terrorism. they literally brought AKs to this 'protest' . and just to remind you these are the people that regularly shoot rockets aimed at civilian population , do terror attacks and bombed busses for years (i've witnessed 3 bus bombings with 15-25 dead in each)

>> No.10926075

Dreddit brainlets will worship the Orange Buffoon until the very end.
Worse than Muslims in every way.

>> No.10926079
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Muhammed just lost control of his car at the military checkpoint he dindu nuffin

Stop gunning down innocent palestinians!

>> No.10926083

>if you are not an anti-semite you must love trump
now that is a new one

>> No.10926204
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Bootlicker, please.
They don't have AKs, no Israeli weekend warriors where shot at, no film of this accusation was presented. But I'm sure you'll whip up something in hindsight.
The Israeli state is a fascist terrorist organization.

Reich-wingers call me liberals all the time. I don't care who you voted for.

>> No.10926230

Cast Lead was all about "re-establishing credibility" - showing to the rest of the Arab world that Israel was quite capable of going crazy and wrecking insurmountable destruction and did not care about civilians and would just act insane and brutalise its enemy in any conflict

>> No.10926234

>free elections
>free speech
>launching rockets at civilians
>not terrorist
>attacking people launching rockets at civilians
if you want to be anti-semite so bad just join the nazis
no one is falling for the tired left-wing anti-israel meme anymore, the amount of retarded things you've said in a scarce fifty words is evident of that

>> No.10926238

>incursion into another country
Israel is blockading the Gaza Strip and colonising the West Bank
>brining guns to protest
have you seen the Americans lately?

>> No.10926239

>Mocking the person who wrote the holocaust industry

>> No.10926244

Israel’s doing exactly what China and Russia do to their civilians when they chimp out
Israel is no more a fascist terrorist state than Pakistan, Turkey, Russia or China

>> No.10926247
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>Dengerus terris!
>How dare you protest our killing your family and friends on a whim.
>Thas against duh law

If you don't want to discuss the book, fuck off.

>> No.10926254

>israel is colonizing their own territory

>> No.10926255

>free elections
When the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip elected Hamas Israel and America tried to stage a coup against them
Hillary Clinton was later recorded saying they should have rigged the election
Chuck Schumer was on record saying they would economically strangulate them for voting that way
>Free Speech
unless you criticise Israel, see response to Goldstone Report
>launching rockets
That dont work and dont cause any damage and are launched by a people with bombs and missiles and tank and artillery shells raining down on them
>attacking people launching rockets at civilians
the IDF deliberately and indiscriminately and systematically target the civilian population and infrastucture

>> No.10926258

I'm an anarchist, my dear.

Anti-capital, anti-state and anti-theist

>> No.10926268

>Israel’s doing exactly what China and Russia do
Now that's a standard to live by
West Bank is not Israeli territory
You cannot acquire territory thro

>> No.10926271

through war

>> No.10926279

>i'm anti-state but I spend most of my time being anti-one-state in particular and it just so happens to be the only majority jewish state in the world

>> No.10926283

i like how you threw muh ebil democrats in there too just so we know you are a retarded /pol/edditor

>> No.10926288
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every butterfly thread I generally support until she raises this sort of shit and roll my eyes and abandon the thread.

How can someone be so morally right but so politically pathetic?

>> No.10926293
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>> No.10926307

holy shit this guy is deluded

>muh my parents survived the holocaust
that doesn´t cure his antisemitism

>> No.10926314

Nice projection
I could cite Republicans too if you like
>caring about Palestine

>> No.10926317

>I spend most of my time being anti-one-state in particular
If the US were to "fall" so to speak, the world would start an incredible change, yeah.

My morals dictate my politics. How pathetic can you be?
>Has a peepee folder.
I see.

>Dumb posting.
Ought to be b&

>> No.10926318
File: 41 KB, 594x281, ss+(2018-03-31+at+09.59.03).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Israeli weekend warriors where shot at
but they were shooting , throwing rocks and illegally violating israeli sovereignty .
there's literal video of them shooting at israeli soldiers with guns ,before getting shot by a tank .

what the fuck are you talking about ? cast lead was about going easy on them . i still think we're always going too easy on them . if they were a state what they do almost daily would be a declaration of war but theyre basically a bunch of cities run by a terrorist organization with no regard to the welfare of those cities .

current israeli politicians care too much about public opinion , if it were up to me we'd just shoot white phosphorous on the crowds the moment they breach our sovereignty .

>blockading terrorists that target civilians is bad

they keep whining about israel being mean to them but if they just stopped with the terrorism we'd basically forget they exist .

>> No.10926321

arguments are spooky

>> No.10926322

>My morals dictate my politics. How pathetic can you be?
You are an unrealistic tool
>>Has a peepee folder.
Yeah google images when you google anarchist meme. like you are.

>> No.10926323

>Ought to be b&
If you don´t see that he is an obsessed anti-zionist, which neglects the right of israel to exist, then i can´t cure your brain cancer, sorry

>> No.10926324
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Don't bother arguing with SEETHING goyim

>> No.10926327
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>> No.10926329

why is joe gomez so cute?

>> No.10926331
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I wield my own self-tool

Read Stirner, my child.

>> No.10926334
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im not a fucking mutt im israeli

>> No.10926342
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this is now a jewish qt thread

>> No.10926346

>cast lead was about going easy on them .
because you take the hasbara for granted
the rest of your post is rambling stupidity
>>blockading terrorists that target civilians is bad
Israel is the one targeting the civilian population
the rockets are the natural response of a people with a boot on their neck
and they do nothing, from a tactical standpoint they are extremely counter productive because they give a perfect propaganda tool for fools like yourself to wring your hands and knash your teeth (and never once admit they do no harm) and justify crazed assaults
>they keep whining about israel being mean to them but if they just stopped with the terrorism we'd basically forget they exist .
>you must sit patiently as we brutalise and murder you
Lebanon 2006

>> No.10926351
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A more varied gene pool tends to make people healthier.

>> No.10926361

Yeah I never understood the whole mutt thing. I guess it could work against retarded american /pol/edditors but mutts are almost always better than purebred dogs in reality.

>> No.10926385

>mutts are almost always better than purebred dogs in reality

>> No.10926403

>rockets are the natural response
you're really telling me some people just cant help but shoot rockets at civilians that did nothing to them for no reason ?
>and they do nothing
they damage infrastructure , land and fields , destroy crops and damage roads , those aimed at cities cost tens of thousands of shekels per rocket to intercept and they can still harm people when they land outside cities .
they literally killed people before iron dome got good .

theres no excuse to attack israeli cities that have 0 military targets in them .

>you must sit patiently as we brutalise and murder you
its what we should do and would be doing if politicians weren't persuaded by leftists cucks to appease the goyim media . deliberately targeting israeli civilian populations should get their entire organization wiped off instead of the soft shit we're doing now .

>> No.10926455

>be palestinan "aggressor" rocket
>hit empty sidewalk, no payload
>one injury, zero deaths
>be israeli "self-defense" rocket
>hit a housing complex, reducing it to rubble
>45 injuries, 120 deaths
i don't really care of israel ethnically cleanses their rabble, but i'm not going to put a moral gloss on it, and i don't want to help them do it. we should be focusing on our own 5.56-oriented eugenics program.

>> No.10926458

dios mio

>> No.10926466

>my dear

>> No.10926494
File: 128 KB, 1024x576, rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take peoples land
>commit ethnic cleansing
>regularly attack them and kill countless civilians
>lolwut dude why are you firing rockets at us you're targeting civilians for god sake what is wrong with you
figure it out moran
>they damage infrastructure , land and fields , destroy crops and damage roads , those aimed at cities cost tens of thousands of shekels per rocket to intercept and they can still harm people when they land outside cities .
pic related
very devastating damage
also your reference to shekels confirms you're tolling
really gotta maintain the poker face broheim

>> No.10926499
File: 204 KB, 990x597, QassamImpact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they damage infrastructure , land and fields , destroy crops and damage roads
>and damage roads
actually they don't even manage to do that

they extremely counter productive look at the propaganda tool they give Israel and trolls like yourself

>> No.10926503
File: 612 KB, 1000x602, projectile_gaza3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they actually managed to damage some of the brickwork
who can stop these maniacs

>> No.10926528

Anti-zionism isn't antisemitism you illiterate mongrel.

>> No.10926554

Fuck off

>> No.10926555

Yeah it just so happens that anti-zionists also hate Jews, but you're right they are different words. Good job man.

>> No.10926575 [DELETED] 

Quit larping, Trumpboi


>> No.10926588
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>> No.10926601

>implying orthodox jews don't hate other jews more than hitler

>> No.10926619

Free Palestine? I´ll take two!

>> No.10926649
File: 9 KB, 734x107, ss+(2018-03-31+at+11.18.48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attacking civilians and commuting terrorism is fine if you're bad at it or if the other guys are good at defending themselves
just listen to yourself dude .
by that logic we shouldn't arrest anyone who attempted murder and failed because they were bad or someone stopped them .
>>regularly attack them and kill countless civilians
only retaliation for terrorist attacks and only because they intentionally place rocket launch pads and terrorist weapon caches near civilian population .
we warn them all the time that if they live near military targets they are in danger .

and yes firing rockets at civilians is wrong , how the fuck can you justify aiming a rocket at a city that has no military presence in a nation that isnt at war with you .
>also your reference to shekels confirms you're tolling
how the fuck is referencing the cost of this shit trolling ? pic related its the ceo of rafel that is literally saying its much more expensive then even i estimated .

>terrorism and attacking civilians is ok if you're bad at it

>> No.10926670

>visit Irael
>everyone is literate, women have equal rights, there is freedom of religion, everywhere there is prosperity, they are a modern and democratic state
>visit literally any of the Muslim countries Israel supposedly terrorizes all of whom publicly wish Israel death and support terrorists who target innocent civilians
>education is scant, women are second class citizens, they have actual slaves , everywhere there is filthy, poverty, and tyranny
Gee, idk, who am I suppose to root for? Even if Israel is killing these people, why is that a bad thing?

>> No.10926677

>visit literally any of the Muslim countries Israel supposedly terrorizes all of whom publicly wish Israel death and support terrorists who target innocent civilians

There are only two such countries: Syria and Iran.

>> No.10926678

At law, if you over-escalate a situation you forfeit your right to a claim of self-defense. If I throw a hot dog at you and you shoot me, you're gonna go to jail. Obviously there is no jail at the international level, but it's hard to claim that what Israel does, it does in self-defense, especially given the means by which they came to take over the territory they currently possess.

Wait a second, why am I arguing in good faith with some Zioshill? Gas yourself.

>> No.10926735

they literally sent people to bomb buses in our country ,i've seen an 8 yearold kid's torn leg lying in the street after palestinians were done with him .
nothing we ever did in gaza is 'over escalation' compared to setting off bomb vests on kids . if anything israel is being extremely merciful and media-cautious with them (far too much for my taste )

and if anything is 'over escalation' its shooting a rocket with a warhead and shrapnel built to kill people at a civilian city with no military targets out of the blue . what they are doing is inexcusable and one day they'll stop getting it this easy.

>> No.10926739

Most Muslim states view the very existence of Israel as transgressive. Why do you think so many of them were keen to join the six day war only to get btfo by based kikes?

>> No.10926766

The only Muslim state outside of MENA which joined the Six-Day War was Pakistan. The Arab side of the conflict was led by secular nationalists rather than some kind of Islamists.

>> No.10926771

>Most Muslim states view the very existence of Israel as transgressive

Then why do Egypt, Jordan and all the Gulf Arab states except for Qatar actively cooperate with Israel?

>> No.10926786

>moving the goalposts
Don't pretend it wasn't motivated based on religious and national identity.
Who can say, they were at war with Israel not that long ago, maybe they've just been sufficiently bribed. Of course the real answer is probably infighting, and Israel is convenient to help them against their former friends, until they turn again that is.

>> No.10926793

that's a BTFOing for the ages

>> No.10926796

Israel is the only civilized place in the middle east. Whatever they had to do to those savages to get there is justified.

>> No.10926798

because israel has a modern well organised military and egypt is a shambles and at the moment they have a common enemy greater than their own hatred for each other
there are still several muslim countries that will deny entry to people who have evidence of having visited israel in their passports, and still others who deny their own citizens the right to travel to israel. this includes even supposedly "moderate" muslim countries such as malaysia

>> No.10926803

why aren’t you decrying the US, Syria, Russia, China and Turkey? why Israel specifically?
if you are a Statist you should support Israel wholly and China. If you are an anarchist be consistent in your critiques

>> No.10926804

>haha dude thousands of people angryily trying to cross a sovereign border haha dude just let them through haha

>> No.10926805

Jordan is better than Israel.

>> No.10926814
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>> No.10926822

Plenty of people decry all of those for good reason

>> No.10926836


>you can walk freely with a quoran and a palestine-scarf through tel-aviv without any problems
>if you walk around with a kippa in gaza you probably get killed

>> No.10927003

The Middle East is literally the birthplace of civilization. If MENA isn’t civilized, I don’t know what region of this world is.

>> No.10927034

Underrated post

>> No.10927064

Yes, it is perfectly legitimate to compare a besieged, overpopulated and devastated region with a rich city subsidized by the wealthiest country in the world.

>> No.10927082

By that post I decry all that at once.

Stop LARPing, Trumpboi

>> No.10927114

>The Middle East is literally the birthplace of civilization. If MENA isn’t civilized, I don’t know what region of this world is.
that was pre-islam

>> No.10927123

being besieged, overpopulated and devastated is no excuse for bad behaviour, my friend!

>> No.10927132

Islamic civilization is still a civilization, even if you dislike it.

>> No.10927171


Nice move, coward: call everyone that doesn’t agree with you an antissemite.

>> No.10927186
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>> No.10927229

it's a parasite using real civilization as fuel, and it's running on fumes.

>> No.10927369

You can call people who disagree with you anti-semites when what they disagree with the fact that jews shouldn't be slaughtered.

>> No.10927370

fuggen based

>> No.10927396

>jews do evil things
>4000 years later still doing evil things
>people are still surprised

>> No.10927419
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Don't worry Gaza, Hezbollah will give the Israelis a whopping again soon.

>> No.10927428

Yes it is, the same can be said for Northern Ireland, go around a catholic area during the troubles announcing you were a loyalist see what would happen, same in a protestant area announcing you were a republican.

>> No.10927446

I like how Jewish history can be summed up by them committing genocides and stealing land from natives and by them getting exiled from foreign countries.

>> No.10927718

zionist is so fucked up

>> No.10927739

Please tell me all of these Jewish sponsored genocides with historical sources

>> No.10927744

>If MENA isn’t civilized, I don’t know what region of this world is.

>> No.10927765
File: 51 KB, 440x540, kevin_macdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald

>> No.10927975

>national sovereignty means you’re a trump supporter.
Treaty of Westphalia>memes about Stirner

>> No.10928007
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20 pages into this, /lit/
how can football be so evil?

>> No.10928015
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I am accusing the zionist of being a common pol/tard.
Most people are still quite enthralled with nation-states, unfortunately.

Try read the book before you compare it to some lawyers scribbling.

>> No.10928030

somewhat unrelated but the only reason I'm still enthralled with nation state is that I don't want my country to become another anglo hellhole where publishers put the words "insightful" and "thought provoking" onto book covers

>> No.10928046

can we read books about Whites genociding other races and indiscriminately destroying the environment too? or is that not allowed? also didn't whites spread and take to collectivist christianity and collectivist nationalism largely on their own? Weird how most of the axioms of his thesis are bad or double-standards. But, whenever you want to talk about white colonialism, genocide of other peoples and indiscriminate destruction of the biome we can talk about it

>> No.10928145

>can we read books about Whites genociding other races and indiscriminately destroying the environment too? or is that not allowed?

Obviously that's allowed, and obviously that subject is freely and often discussed and written about.

What's suppressed is any discussion of Jews doing these things for peculiarly Jewish reasons.

>> No.10928149

>>10927739 or gtfo /pol/edditor

>> No.10928263


>implying a capital city has no military targets

It has all the most important military targets.

>> No.10928282

tel aviv isn't a capital friend :^)

>> No.10929263

Define Judaism. Better yet, define Jew.

>> No.10929549

“The Jews are a peculiar people: Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.

Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people, and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it. Poland and Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchmen. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese--and no one says a word about refugees.

But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis. Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace.

Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world.”

>> No.10929599

>sovereignty is a meme ahah just read stirner you larper
>palestinians go to the unexistent border
>get blown the fuck up
Wow, pretty effective for meme

>> No.10929856

The israeli jews only, mongrel.

>> No.10929912

seriously bruh?