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File: 152 KB, 220x326, Ready_Player_One_(film).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10925378 No.10925378 [Reply] [Original]

>ignore the worlds problems
>just play games
>ignore overpopulation and depletion of wilderness
>'member the 80s, huh?
>ignore corporate over reach
>retreat to the internet
The book does not condemn this
It celebrates it
How would you write a book to deliver a rebuttal to this?

>> No.10925393

By making a novelization of the Matrix
It's practically this book/movie's antithesis

>> No.10925395
File: 30 KB, 333x500, Capitalism and Desire The Psychic Cost of Free Markets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the book already exists

>> No.10925403

You don't. This book/film is not worthy of a direct response or reaction, like most modern and banal media productions. It's better left to be forgotten.

>> No.10925419

but its propaganda is well known
and why it is wrong is largely unknown if you simply chose to ignore it

>> No.10925420

Who cares about writing a rebuttal to some trash like this? We don't have time. We have to much work to do in ending global capitalism.

>> No.10925453

Kek theyre never gonna do shit about overpopulation considering who is going to make this a major problem

>> No.10925461
File: 4 KB, 282x179, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10925468

The Matrix celebrates narcissism, which is the cause for everything OP describes.

>> No.10925531
File: 5 KB, 213x237, 1518504876895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Is this actually what the book id about? Pretty on point about today's life, then. Maybe I should read it.

And, about your question, OP, you can't. Society is too apathetic, too bureaucratic and too dependent on these superfluous luxuries to actually care about issues outside from lootboxes in Battlefront 2 or the gender of attack helicopters

>> No.10925647

It's not, it's wish-fulfillment about a nerd that gets a qt gf and saves the world all because he's a gigantic nerd.

>> No.10925786

>tfw sincerely thought this post was responding to the Matrix because of >>10925393
top jej

>> No.10925813

>its not
>describe it exactly as that guy and OP described it

>> No.10925883

Do you even Engrish?

>> No.10925894

Scott pilgrim already exists.

>> No.10926634
File: 109 KB, 500x522, Hannible waking up to capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does Spielberg make this into a film?

>> No.10927761

Nigger shit up.

>> No.10927781

>Praise the invisible hand in the name of the free market.

>> No.10927790

It won’t peak for 50 more years and won’t come back down to acceptable levels until the end of the century. Significant damage will be down in the interim period, anyone banking on magic efficiency and carbon reclaim projects is not involved with ecology or climatology. Economics will not save capitalism from itself

the west is already overpopulated even with declining birth rates as is Japan which is a higher sustainability nation than the US. Canada doesn’t count because they’re just a resource depot but Toronto is overpopulated now. Its not a question of whether we need to kill a lot of people, its a question of how long we have to hold our dicks in our hands before we need to drop nerve gas on India, China and Africa to stop the pollution. If Trump nuked India it wouldn’t be immoral

>> No.10927792

post bussy

>> No.10927864

>Significant damage will be down in the interim period
nigga significant damage has already been done, you're way too optimistic in your analysis. I personally hope we don't technologize our way out of the current ecological crisis because we don't deserve to, and a post singularity world sounds way worse anyway.

>> No.10927899

I'm trying to go off of what I've seen from ecologists and climatologists without resorting to hysterical alarmism anon. The liberals being in charge of warning the world about the holocene extinction was the worst thing the species has done. Al Gore's movie did more damage to the preservation of the biome than any new factories trump builds or new strip mining operations Xi and Putin open up in the Manchurian and Siberian outskirts of their territories. I'd agree we do not deserve to "ascend" or to "escape" to Mars or into the noosphere or wherever. We should be culled severely, brought down to miniscule numbers <100,000,000 and kept there permanently with extreme violence used to prevent population growth. Its just not feasible to communicate with wealthy whites, asians and jews while being completely honest about the intuitive truth, which is what you are getting, that its already too late, that we deserve severe punishment and that the end result of the climate disaster will be worse than any predicted apocalypse the media or religious nuts could have concocted. Bone acidosis and underground cannibalism, tactical nukes going off, giant ant swarms of migrants being mowed down by drones, bioweapons attacks as the public loses its mind all of that should be expected. I hope they build more nuclear plants so when cyber weapons and nanobots become easy to miniaturize or to produce will low manpower terrorism will become more frequent and maybe that will horrify the public. The security state will accelerate too, people got memory holed, they forgot that we've known about Eschelon and PRISM since the early 90's, you used to get v& for saying anything about it at work or in "nice" social circles. IT doesn't matter, but its worth bothering them about.

>> No.10927937

Wreck it Ralph, the LEGO movie, the emoji movie, Ready Player One. what's up with multiBrand gamer nostalgia megaCrossovers? a sign of the apocalypse? seriously, there's something genuinely lovecraftian about these films, muhltiple layers of reality, the simulacrum is realer than real. Inception and Scott Pilgrim were the most influential popular films of the last 20 years. LEGO movie is Plato's republic for the 21s century, I wouldn't be surprised if interdimensional nicklandian terminator vampires from the future are writing this shit, the LEGO movie predicted Donald Trump,AKA president business. Shrek was a fairytale for kids raised by tv. Our civilization hasn't progressed beyond the 80s. The world ended with Reagan's election.

>> No.10929482

So in your analysis you don't expect/want humans to advance any further than we already have? Or is it only a select group that ought to. I don't have a problem with your approach, albeit it's a little pessimistic.

I was shocked when the cops showed up at the end.

>> No.10929501

REEEE fun is bad - you