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10922009 No.10922009 [Reply] [Original]

>I've always talked to myself, in my head, when I've been in tight spots. Pretend I got some friend, somebody I can trust, and I'll tell 'em what I really think, what I feel like, and then I'll pretend they're telling me what they think about that, and I'll just go along that way.
Was she autistic?

>> No.10922229

I'm like that and I have Asperger's so yes

>> No.10922242

Im like that and I don't have aspergers, so no.

>> No.10922283

Same mate, I dont even realise I do it anymore
I'll just be thinking about something in my head then instantly transition to talking about it with an imaginary person. Then stop after a minute and realise how fucking weird it is

>> No.10922322

lol this dude has aspergers an he doesn't even know it

>> No.10922337


>> No.10922342

What's weird about that? You're just entertaining yourself. It's as good as talking with another person. Even better because unlike other people, I'm not a fucking retard and I can have good conversations with myself. I've always done this and never found it weird

>> No.10922353
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>> No.10922440

I've spoken to myself since I was like 7. I don't pretend it's another person, though, it's more akin to addressing a different fraction of my psyche.

>> No.10922921
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>not creating TWO personas and mediating their debate

>> No.10922970

I do this all the time.
I created someone to speak and trust, her name's Ivanna.
I've created her when I was 7 after my cousin sexually abused me. She's someone who I can always be when the hard times come.
Is this some kind of problem? Should I try to stop this?
I'm 20 yo btw

>> No.10922978

Sometimes I'll think of a joke and then explain it to myself in my head, then tell myself "well you already know that though, of course" and chuckle inwardly

>> No.10922994

i don't think it's a huge problem unless you are talking out loud or the voice tells you to do bad shit

>> No.10923000


>> No.10923012

She's the opposite, she tells me to not to do bad shit.

>> No.10923021

sounds ok then

>> No.10923026

I have conversations with people real and imaginary, in the past present and future, literally all day every day in my mind.
Is this not how everyone thinks?

>> No.10923034

>in the past, present, and future

>> No.10923044

Sometimes one half of the conversation is me but when I was younger at one point or another, or a speculative future version of myself. I usually don't realize when I am thinking like this until I'm halfway into a deep daydream, I set up elaborate fantasies and scenarios too.

>> No.10923196

I do this too, anon, I don't see it as particularly unhealthy or even abnormal. It's more of a release of the thoughts you are having when you feel like you can't tell them to anyone at that time

>> No.10923233
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>tfw talking to myself
>realize I'm softly speaking aloud
>look around in a panic to see if anyone heard me
>qt girl walking right behind me
>now I look even crazier
>stare at her frozen for a few seconds, eyes wide with terror
>she crosses the street

>> No.10923257

She was a rapist but you managed to scare her off, im proud of you anon.

>> No.10923392
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If that's considered "autistic" then I need to see a doctor
>whatever book I'm reading I unironically talk to it in my head the way Tom Hanks talked to Wilson the volleyball, and I panic when I don't immediately feel "him" in my backpack or nightstand
>sit down to write, write one sentence, immediately fantasize that it became a NYT bestseller and I'm explaining how I wrote that first sentence on The Joe Rogan Experience. Literally having a conversation with Joe arrogant about it in my head.
>go to the gym and do a kickboxing class. I do a kick particularly hard and the instructor compliments me and I'm instinctively fantasizing in my head the next logical steps in this path and in my head telling Joe Rogan "Yeah I did some amateur kickboxing fights but I was banned because I killed a guy in the ring"
>think of what idea I want my main character to represent and I picture myself arguing with Jordan Peterson about it on our inevitable Rubin Report episode together as equals
>make the character a military veteran and I'm already planning the exact verbiage I would use to retweet Tim Kennedy's inevitable praising of me on twitter
>an Arab person gets on the subway car and I blatantly racially profile him and fantasize about jumping on him if he has a bomb vest, saving everyone else on board while sacrificing myself, and I'm picturing what Navy SEAL Jocko Willink would say about it on his podcast the next day
>i get one (you) on /lit/ and the intellectual validation washes over me so much that I'm answering Tim Ferriss's common podcast questions to him in my head

>> No.10924718

She also didn't mind letting guys fuck her for money while she was unconscious

She had some kinda brain problem

>> No.10924721
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The whole world was autistic

>> No.10924763

Why ivanna?

>> No.10924842

Talking/teaching something to someone (even imaginary) is beneficial for your own understanding of the subject.

>> No.10924851

I don't know
It just came out this way.
When I began to imagine her I knew in someway that her name was Ivanna.

>> No.10924874

>Meaning is "God's gracious gift"

>> No.10924917

I didn't know

>> No.10925139

>Case does nothing for her
He risks his life trying to bail her out both times that she breaks her leg when he knows he could easily get killed in the process and a smart operator would just leave her out to dry

Shit, he goes to confront Hideo when he's already aware that Molly was the one person in the world who MAYBE had a chance to beat Hideo and she already got rekt

>> No.10925194

Are there people who don't do this (have an internal dialogue between themselves?) Would it even be right to call them human?

>> No.10925206
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>tfw habitually say "nigger" or "goddamn faggots" instead of "fuck" or "shit" to relieve stress b/c it's more taboo
>sometimes say them outloud if I'm extremely stressed
>work in a very liberal environment
>have to watch myself on this constantly

>> No.10926539

I don't know what this is but it's garbage