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/lit/ - Literature

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10919161 No.10919161 [Reply] [Original]

How does /lit/ feel about stupid roasties bragging about books they own on instagram while abusing their pets?

>> No.10919175

Snakes deserve worse than that

>> No.10919213
File: 131 KB, 629x1173, evenmoreanger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fucking move.

>> No.10919233

One of my old friend from school does exactly that. Pictures of books closed on coffee shop tables with carefully arranged surroundings.
>this book was a really emotional read for me, like the last seven books I read because they're all the same airport fiction shit wrapped up in a different cover
She doesn't abuse her pets though, that's a new take on it

>> No.10919246

I truly do not understand people like this

>> No.10919256
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leave snek alone

>> No.10919263

I dont understand why she would do this, what is her message meant to be interpreted as through painting her snake.

>> No.10919271


>> No.10919277

This is some clowny shit

>> No.10919281

Reptile owners are fucking braindead so this isnt to out of the box

>> No.10919285
File: 45 KB, 420x420, 1-20-17-jones-stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when posters have more empathy for fucking baby eating reptitles than women

>> No.10919290

>Snake = benis
>Paint = my pussy juice

Its not hard to understand

>> No.10919299
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y she pent snek?

>> No.10919301

Do women ever think or get """"deep""" about anything else?

>> No.10919302
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>> No.10919305
File: 101 KB, 1000x748, What about the legless non-snakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10919307

I have respect for women and baby eating reptiles.
Don't fucking poison your pets.

>> No.10919316

Snek is good

>> No.10919325

never heard of "oi, don't stomp me"? snakes want to get through life, just like me, women want to ruin me, snakes are my brothers

>> No.10919337

snakes want to get through your garden to eat your children
snake genocide fucking when

>> No.10919351

This, fucking reptile globalists trying to convince us baby eaters are good

>> No.10919449
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Snek is innocent, woman is not.
Women don't even listen at the opera. Snek loves opera and sits quietly, enjoying.