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/lit/ - Literature

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10916839 No.10916839 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do for a living?

>> No.10916853

work is not part of the literary lifestyle

>> No.10916854

i am a sociologist working at an highly renowned insitute. I have a lot of time during the day and can read a lot during my shifts. Last week i read Kacyznskis Manifest in my office and nobody cared.

>> No.10916855

I'm in college. Electrical engineering in a couple years.

>> No.10916858

I read and ponder books.

>> No.10916862

What's the sociology field like anon? I'm going back to college this summer and I want to major in sociology. Maybe even teach it one day.

>> No.10916866

pretty chill. i have a lot quantitative reasearch to do mainly with excel because of the data security and license issues there, but i have all the time in the world to get my projects going.

>> No.10916887

Is that all the sociology field offers people? Inputting data? I wanted to get into sociology to understand human society and how it works.

>> No.10916907

no, i am running a project that has a quantitative and a qualitative approach. reagrding the latter we designed an open catalogue of questions which should be answered really freely to let us develop hypotheses upon our data. However, i was very lucky. A lot of sociologist end up as data analyst for some market research or whatever.

>> No.10916911

every white collar job is gathering and inputting data. nobody will pay you to theorize in your armchair.

>> No.10916914

I am a cuck wageslave working in an almost all-female office and have to take orders from a 50-year old woman who clearly prioritises her female employees over me.
Found out yesterday two other women doing the same job as me are getting paid significantly more than me even though I'm the one doing most of the work. Asked boss about it and she said "It's because they're older".
I want to quit and take another job but the rent for my apartment is so high I can't risk having no income for even a week.

I hate my life.

>> No.10916918

Engineering student currently working as a test engineer at an HVAC company. I hate it and think the work is incredibly boring, but it pays well and will give me decent experience to where I can hopefully get a better job. Worst case I go back to my manual labor job, which right now doesn’t sound that bad.

>> No.10916929

>nobody will pay you to theorize in your armchair.
only if you have an academic career in mind

>> No.10916942

Start searching now, quit when you get another offer.

>> No.10916947

can you give some t-stats and p-values?

>> No.10916956

ive been looking for months and there's fuck all in my field
i get paid $52,000 pa and they get $62,000. Exact same work and titles

>> No.10916960

Join the Navy anon. So many benefits. They pay you handsomely, you get to travel the open seas like a hearty sailor, and the camaraderie with your fellow ship men is like nothing ever before.

>> No.10916961
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part time high school history teacher, kids can be a bunch of little pricks but most of the time is entertaining
I'm also studying programing, journalism and german, and doing some legal investigation stuff for political reasons
spare time is scarce and the only time I have to read is while commuting but things could be a lot worse

>> No.10916965

Looking to be a freelance writer?

>> No.10916966


>> No.10916968

>i get paid $52,000 pa and they get $62,000. Exact same work and titles
this doesn´t mean shit. a difference of 10,000$ pa is not significant.
Could also relate to your inability to work out specific contract details or other variables that affect the outcome

>> No.10916970

Tfw statistically insignificant

>> No.10916974
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I work at a dog daycare and apply pesticides in the summer months

>> No.10916976

yeah, I guess
I'm setting a lot of options and, if everything else fails, get a comfy 3-days-week IT job

>> No.10916984

Sounds gay

>> No.10916985
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>> No.10916993

mo, then you need to keep publishing worthless papers which nobody will read. at least then you can foist some of the quantitative work onto grad students; but first you are the grad student.

>> No.10917000

its just one possible way amongst others .

>> No.10917005

I worked as a chef for a while
But quit in November because of the abuse and gaslighting

>> No.10917012


Currently work as a support for people with developmental disabilities.

>> No.10917019

nice payoff

>> No.10917022

future management consultant

>> No.10917027

private eye

mainly read on the job, especially during stakeouts, which are generally pretty boring

>> No.10917029

One can only survive as a chef as an alcoholic or a psychopath

>> No.10917030

>I work at a dog daycare
ever had to put one down?

>> No.10917033

Part time retailcuck and sometimes low tier IT work. Aka wirepulling and set up.

>> No.10917035

How much do you make?

>> No.10917040


I have very little interest in what the world offers and have no idea how to find anything.

>> No.10917042
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>> No.10917049

Do you mean like euthanize? No. Some dogs have got fucked up by others, though. One time a little white miniature poodle mix wriggled through a crack in the fence and got picked up and shaken like a chew toy by the German Shepherd-Husky mix we have. It was not pretty but she survived.

>> No.10917054

What's a typical day like in the Navy? I've never heard anyone actually talk about the work or demands involved.

>> No.10917058

you couldn´t be more wrong

>> No.10917067

How much does the daycare pay you? Sounds like a nice job.

>> No.10917071

there is no work, it's adult day care. I fucking can't stand the fucking Navy, especially shore sailors. They get paid better than I do, don't have to live in barracks as long, and work a fraction as hard.

t. buttblasted Army

>> No.10917084

Hey man, be responsible for something, it feels bad at first but so does owning a cat, you have to clean up a lot of shit before it tales care of itself
If you have the IQ, debt fund a CS degree and sell out, you can easily make 6figures out of school

>> No.10917093

$10.50 an hour, which is minimum wage for Upstate NY. I do get to read more or less all day as long as I do it on my phone so my boss thinks I'm on facebook, or doing something else as vacuous.

If you don't mind cleaning up literal shit it's not so bad.

>> No.10917108

What is "the IQ" for a CS degree?

>> No.10917111

I doubt I could manage CS, coding bores the fuck out of me.

>> No.10917116

i masturbate for old nasty men on cam. own a ferrari.

>> No.10917124

that sounds cool, what's the most weird case you worked on?

>> No.10917125

how the fuck do you get a degree in counterstrike?

>> No.10917126

Completely unemployable, haven't worked in over a decade. Despite having a college degree, I can't get a job at a gas station.

I just write, basically, and enjoy my minor and non profiting successes at that.

>> No.10917128


Maybe I'm developmentally disabled, but I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or what you mean. That digital ambiguity in effect.

If you're in earnest, I'm talking about a kind of spiritual payoff or fulfillment, you're 100% correct. The sense of gratitude that I have for having a properly functioning body and mind after six years working in this field is a kind of baseline daily contentment at this point. I work with individuals with cerebral palsy whose deformities are so severe it's like looking at a three-dimensional rendering of Picasso's Guernica. There are individuals out there who were once fully functioning and neurotypical who suffered traumatic brain injuries that have left him unable to speak or tie their shoes or wipe the spit off of their own chins.

I've also worked with children in the past who have incarcerated parents. Children as young as six who've born witness to their single mother overdosing on heroine or suffered years of sexual abuse at the hands of their father. I know one girl who I think about it at least a couple times a week, a gregarious and otherwise model camper, who would suffer random panic attacks or bursts of anger because she would keep coming back to dwell on the fact that her father murdered her mother while she was in the house.

If you just talking about a payoff in terms of money and benefits, it's actually decent. Base pay in my state for a harder position is $17 an hour and the health benefits are pretty good. Time off accrual is phenomenal and that's the best part. I also work at a 24/7 facility so it's really easy to flex my shifts around. Also I can generally get at least an hour of reading in a day at work.

>> No.10917129

computer science you weeb

>> No.10917136

115+ for high effort
125+ for medium
140+ for ez pz

>> No.10917151

Good on you, my dude! You are a hero. Honestly. I enjoyed your post.

>> No.10917155

t. coping code monkey. no one with 140 IQ is going to waste their life on a fucking CS degree for a measly $100K

>> No.10917158

Used to work as a content/blog post writer for an IT company. My soul was crushed. Words were treated with the kind of results-oriented disrespect that belies the beauty of language and soured my (thankfully) infrequent interactions with my colleagues.

I quit a month ago. Now, I'm trying to get some writing done. Some reading. I'm not optimistic about my potential success, but for the life of me I hope I make it. I'm tired of living another man's life. That I could really end up being that man is a devastating and hollowing thought.

>> No.10917161

and CS degrees become toilet paper in just a handful of years. what a waste of a life, dedicating it to the digital ephemera, the cogs and gears of capitalism's latest flash in the pan.

>> No.10917169
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i'm praying for you my guy. good on you for stepping out of the propaganda machine and treating language with the respect it deserves. i think you have the seed of a story there, already.

>> No.10917170

Cyber security is the current flash in the pan.

>> No.10917181

Thank you, man. Honestly, I appreciate it.

I've written two books already. One of them is very good. It's what gave me heart enough to pull the trigger and leave.

I sincerely do hope that one day all of us who want to read and write, will be able to read each other's good work.

>> No.10917184

Im the soon-to-be consultant lol, and being a doctor is a ton of work
This is actually totally incorrect and you're talking about anything in life, you start as a cog no matter what, in a family or a company

>> No.10917193

yeuh, mortgage your future for a dead on arrival vocation

>> No.10917198


Ask me anything, brah. I've got stories from my whole life. I'm like a character in a novel, and I mean that with some deep melancholy, not some overblown sense of my own profundity. I had a mentor figure in high school concoct a false narrative about having leukemia. My father is deeply defined by the shadow of my grandfather's life (he lived til my dad was in his 60s). My brother is an alcoholic, who is a closeted homosexual doubly alienated by his small town conservative culture and his own hatred for the flamboyance if mainstream gay culture. He's also likely an arsonist who burned down two pieces of property we owned.

My own origin story though. Eldest son, born after my parents tried for 8 years and then got a blockage removed from my mom's tubes. When I was born, my parents asked the doctor what was wrong with me, afraid of the silence. Doc just said, "Nothing at all. He's just not crying."

I've tried to stay true to that.

>> No.10917211


>> No.10917214

Then why are you wasting time shilling CS on 4chan, Doctor? Your free time is precious, you don't have much of it these days.

>> No.10917217

Tech is different, the boom is very much over and if you didn't get in before now you're going to have a lot of problems finding something stable.

3.1 million jobs in the US anon! I would never considering doing it but cyber security isn't going anywhere, it's constantly evolving.

>> No.10917223

work in a deli for minimum wage. dealt with parents going through bankruptcy, divorce, and general money troubles growing up. terrified of debt due to this. irrational refusal to take on any school loans but cannot commit to a shit job for long enough to move up. saving money is difficult.

wish someone would push me in a direction, repeatedly attempting and failing to do it myself. 4chan is the greatest distraction

>> No.10917224

yeah but we'll always need infosec peeps, the people really wasting their time or those doing phds on anything blockchain related, i mean sure they'll still get decent paying jobs as coders and maybe some adjunct gigs, but they are researching what amounts to an overglorified but really really shitty database

on infosec tho: if you're not a paranoid nerds who already knows how to avoid getting ddossed by script kiddies when u troll irc, then you'll always be mediocre and will probably just be relegated to updating anti-virus software on some network of windows workstations in an office, i mean anyone with the slightest tinge of the tism knows how to stay safe on irc, but u see faggy normies going into cybersecurity that dont know anything they didnt read in a textbook, pathetic

>> No.10917238

How much do you get paid to post here?

>> No.10917245


You have no idea how much this post made me smile.

>> No.10917246

>on infosec tho: if you're not a paranoid nerds who already knows how to avoid getting ddossed by script kiddies when u troll irc, then you'll always be mediocre

Eh? I won't get good going to a school for it? How should people learn it then?

>> No.10917248

i feel a very unpleasant emotion whenever i see normies talking about going into "cybersecurity" because there's money to be made, cybersecurity doesnt even pay much in the overall scheme of salaries, if ur a just a greedy normie then become a dentist or lawyer or something

>> No.10917271

I don't think it's the money it's the fact there's 3 million or so jobs going right now. Nearly everything is saturated so when someone "new" shows up it's obvious people will jump on it.

>> No.10917281

This one really fucked me up: I once had a middle-aged woman hire me to find out if her husband who was a dentist was cheating on her (which is the most common case type that we get). I trailed the guy for a few days, and nothing seemed suspicious at first. Then I learned that almost every Thursday, he'd spend several hours in the late afternoon at this dingy dive bar downtown. So I follow the guy in and order a drink, looking like any other john in the joint. After casing the inside for a few minutes, sipping my beer, I can't see the motherfucker anywhere. I assumed he was in the shitter or something, but ten, fifteen, minutes pass and nothing. So of course I go to the bathroom myself, finding nothing by shitty graffiti, including a number for some dude named Lucian, soliciting his services, if you will. Anyway, leaving the bathroom, I look around to see where else my mark could have gone. I see a door reading "employees only." It was the only other door in the bar. My first thought was to assume that it was an underground gambling den, which is pretty common in that area. So, I had to figure out a way in. Employing a few trade secrets with the bartender, I probe for access points. The man was guarded, to say the least. He professed nothing, and stiffly told me to drop it. Something was off.

Fast forward to the following week, my mark goes to the same bar, same time, and vanishes after going in. I leave and skulk around the building. There was a back maintenance entrance: locked. Nothing. I go back to my car and think of ways in. Sitting and thinking, I notice something peculiar. Two men, mid-forties, walk around the building with a young girl, about twelve, between them. She seemed inert. Then I realized, too despicable to be true, it couldn't be. I left an anonymous tip to the police and one week later, the entire bar was busted for running a small time underground child-sex ring. They'd take fresh finds to the basement, keep them there, and do what they willed to them. Our good piece-of-shit friend the dentist was arrested, along with six other pieces-of-shit. Turns out his wife was right, he was cheating on her.

Nothing else I ever covered came close to that pure insidiousness and evil. Been in the field for only five years (am 36), and I've dealt with something none of the oldtimers I know have dealt with. I'm glad I did some good, but fuck I never want to see that kind of twisted again.

>> No.10917286

Depends on the job, but you can score a clean two or three grand for a couples day work out in the field. Desk work pays significantly less. Risk pays significantly more.

>> No.10917291

so you think when you go on indeed or glassdoor or whatever and search for "cybersecurity" 3.1 million jobs show up in the results? and they're all legit jobs actaully trying to hire people and not 1) sketchy startups trying to look more successful than they are with a bunch of fake jobs 2) old corporate shit with unrealistic reqs and pay waiting to bring in a bunch of h1bs

like how do people see headlines like "3.1 million open cybersecurity jobs" and then when they search for cybersecurity jobs there are ten hits and three require a phd and the others pay below minimum wage when you factor in being on-call 24.7

where do normies get this retarded ideas? are there ads on tv shilling infosec bootcamps or something?

>> No.10917295
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I sail and build boats. It's pretty dope minus the fact that I foolishly bought an apartment I couldn't afford and struggle every month to make rent.

>> No.10917297

>bought an apartment
>make rent

i do not think bought means what you think it means

>> No.10917304

How does one get into this work? Are you former LE?

>> No.10917308


He bought the apartment, but he spends all his recreational income independently funding a production of Rent each month.

>> No.10917314

Of course I don't think that but that's why.

>where do normies get this retarded ideas? are there ads on tv shilling infosec bootcamps or something?

No just shit like this:

>> No.10917315

lol i just searched my area, first hit is for "phishing awareness" at some big corporate place, which basically means you give presentations to old babyboomers and tell them not to open attachments on emails, maybe if you have a phd they'll let you set up a filter that blocks attachments in emails, boring shit, no salary listed, probably total shit, mind u this is in a major urban area, the cybersecurity gigs down the road from the farm you live on are probably even shittier

>> No.10917316
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good story, anon, and good work. keep yourself safe and stay away from setups.

>> No.10917318

I work at a family members restaurant occasionally.
An illness keeps me from working long hours, which means I don't work much at all, though I wish I could.

>> No.10917322

tall too familiar, Anon.


>> No.10917327

35 million jobs? do you really think 10 percent of americans population would be or should be working cyber fucking security by the end of the decade? that headline is so shitty it didnt even bait me to click it

>> No.10917329

sounds like tough shit, but you did good anon

>> No.10917333


>> No.10917339


I clean the local mall on third shift and I am completely miserable. The company is horribly managed. They give us pay cards from another company that is absolute garbage and takes money.

I want to quit but I also want to find another job before I do and I feel some loyalty to my colleagues. I hate the mall. Once I quit I am never going back to it again, but it's not like I went there often. Just twice with my dog to get stuff from the sporting goods store when they had a sale.

I hate it.

>> No.10917340

good work, son.

>> No.10917343

It's 3.5 million, it's just the way the link went.

>> No.10917350

video editor for an esports organization

>> No.10917357

So is cyber security big bc of muh russia?

>> No.10917366

i do dental lab work. i repair dentures, add teeth, do bite blocks, bleaching trays, night guards, relines, etc.. its not bad but im losing my quality as a writer. i used to be decent, now im returning to some sort of newspaper style commentary. i feel terrible, and its mainly the fault of the people i work with. they are philistines

>> No.10917370

>a difference of 10,000$ pa is not significant.

t. neet

>> No.10917372

Same here minus retail

>> No.10917382

I'm a landscaper

It's a nice job, although not really /lit/ tier

>> No.10917404

cyber security is big because so much information is accessible through the internet and ways to circumvent current security systems are being developed all the time.

>> No.10917419

probably because those stupid fucks in atlanta just got ransomwared, and the hillbilly cucks in boeings north carolina plant got hit with wannacry lollll "cybersecurity" shit is so easy but faggy normies dont wanna hire people with the tism, the best inforsec ppl are always freaks, even that guy that was head of google infosec (who didnt have a degree btw) had a fucking doomsday prepper blog, lmao, if ur a normie buy a cs degree and learn node and then become a javascript cowboy, leave the hardcore gee shit to the kids with strong tism

>> No.10917433

I'm in the last year of Ironworker apprenticeship, it's pretty cool except it has made me somehow even more uncomfortable around women on account of I can go weeks without talking to one. A Negress qt at a library sat down next to me and I almost ejaculated.

>> No.10917435

anybody else feel like they recognize this cybersecurity professional from somewhere? hmmm...


>> No.10917443

I was a management consultant right out of school, it was pretty good.

Now I work at AWS. It's also pretty good. My team doesn't work that hard, but it's our team secret so we can keep it that way.

Don't tell anybody.

>> No.10917449

Do you live in Seattle?

>> No.10917460
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sea ice researcher. Been doing this as a hobby since HS so I have spare brainpower for reading after work

>> No.10917472

drop everything, size down, move out, go somewhere else and be free. cuck

>> No.10917479


>> No.10917488
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quant at an nyc hedge fund

i have no life, pretty much all i do is work and read

>> No.10917512

wow. like analyzing minerals frozen in solution or like gasses trapped in there or more like how the mass of ice is changing with climate?

>> No.10917539


I'm studying law. I have a job as a nude drawing model for Bachelorette parties but it's on-call work and I haven't started yet. There's this dentist-assistant job that I'm going to apply for. Wish me luck

>> No.10917541

are you that guy from /r9k/ many moons ago

>> No.10917545

measuring it with satellite observations, and forecasting it for military and commercial purposes. Bit of climate change stuff too.

>> No.10917550


>> No.10917555

Nope. Don't really venture to that part of town

>> No.10917556

I’m a human intelligence collector.
No it’s nothing like the movies.

>> No.10917558

I'm high IQ (137), how's that for a job. Every second I'm conscious I'm busy with intellectual labor that never has any reward

Also I'm unemployed and live with my parents

>> No.10917562

Lmao. I'm pretty much a retard and have a BS in Computer Science

>> No.10917565

Making big brain wojak memes is a job too, don't sell yourself short

>> No.10917577

Oh shit didn’t even see your post brah.
How’s it in the private sector?

>> No.10917588

aw, no field work? rip-off.
or maybe you prefer that?

>> No.10917593

Specialize in herpetology.

>> No.10917596

Anyone here graduate with a lit degree? I'll be done in May and have no idea what to do. Right now I'm working part-time at a smoke shop.

>> No.10917618

I’m the HUMINT guy and have a philosophy degree if that counts.
Liberal arts genuinely applies to a lot of things, you just have to find/stumble your way into a niche you like.

>> No.10917620

Isn't that something you should work out before choosing the degree?

>> No.10917629

I had hoped to continue my studies as a post-grad, but I don't have that kind of money right now.

>> No.10917634

>US Army psychological operations officer.

I'm assigned to disseminate propaganda on image boards. We are the reason for Jordan Peterson, you're welcome.

>> No.10917644

Oooooh look at me! I have a vehicle with speakers on it!
You’re even worse than CA tbqh.

>> No.10917645

Recently graduated, working in a bakery after selling weed for a long time and working at an ngo. Going to Tianjin in a few months to teach engrish.

>> No.10917646

We are Civil Affairs, silly.

>> No.10917655

Reservist POG

>> No.10917662

Sounds fun. What exactly do you do?

>> No.10917668

Huh, cool. Proof?

>> No.10917669

Do you fall under their management team?

>> No.10917674

i'm a software engineer. i'm also an anarcho-primitivist at heart trying to figure out how i'm going to quit the system and join the tribe

>> No.10917693

newspaper reporter, I write about crime and local government.

>> No.10917694

Work alone in abandoned cafe, read 7 hours a day, phone plugged in across the room playing a new Spotify playlist every week, expanding music taste + free coffee + paid to read all day + fine ladies coming through starting conversations with me, no effort put forth by me = WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? Stop trying to convince yourself you don’t hate your job! You don’t have to hate your job!

>> No.10917699

I can't imagine being happy working such an unfulfilling and meaningless job

>> No.10917702
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"he still thinks being happy is the end all"

>> No.10917708

yeah i don't know how edgy kids are so buttblasted about having to work for a living, its like if ur such a genius snowflake then u shud be able to find a way to get money that doesnt suck

>> No.10917710
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What is better than being happy? Everything else, including virtue, is just a means to happiness.

>> No.10917713

(What is more fulfilling than reading 250 pages of scholarly papers on Platonism every day? Like, seriously, do you really think there is a more valuable way for you to spend your time? Do you really think eudaimonia, this happiness you speak of, really comes from something other than learning about and practicing Platonic philosophy? Come on... please answer)

>> No.10917717

define "happy" what the fuck is happy anyways

>> No.10917718


there are many colors under the rainbow friend

and also many colors in the rainbow

and also many colors in the census

>> No.10917720

Part time retail. Wanted to get a placement this summer because I can't stand my job anymore, but I'm really underskilled despite three years of higher education.

>> No.10917723

you study herpes?

>> No.10917726


elephant butt herpes

>> No.10917727

IT support
driving to field appointments offers me a lot of time to listen to audiobooks

>> No.10917733

It's hard to explain the feeling of fulfillment that comes after a successful day of difficult work

Sometimes you need to do something, rather than just studying or thinking.

>> No.10917737

don't you mean rectal loxodonta herpecitis

>> No.10917739

Happiness is a durable internal state of pleasurable peace achieved by virtuous living.

ok bud

>> No.10917740

the easiest way for u little shits to get into a half-way fulfilling job is to work on some faggy politicians campaign doing door to door fundraising or other grindy bullshit, you put in a few election years as a foot solider while you go to school and eventually they will give you bigger roles in the campaigns, every city has shitloads of "political operatives" in both parties, sure the first year will fucking absolutely suck, but you will be gettin money and at least theoretically moving society in the direction you want, i mean yeah its not as cool as professional rockstar, but if youre some fucking pleb with nothing else going on, its a way out that doesnt involve getting blown up by an ied

>> No.10917743

suppose i get this state from hard grueling work, now what bitch?

>> No.10917744

It is. I currently teach and am doing some research on some coastal ecology of Gavialis
I probably could, given some readings. Biology is cool, just not worth trying to get rich in

>> No.10917746



>> No.10917754

Constancy in the face of hardship is perhaps the most valuable virtue for fostering happiness. I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Pleasure is not necessarily opposed to difficulty, there are different kinds of pleasure.

>> No.10917763

Video Editor in New York. It took some time to actually start getting legitimately good regular gigs. But I love it now.

>> No.10917771

I’m 28, I’ve worked office jobs, food industry, music production, residential construction, lifeguard, I can’t think of a job genre I’ve missed. I know what it feels like to have had ‘a hard day’s work’, but I, unlike you, know that sense of accomplishment that I realize every week when I look back on the more-than-1000-page stack of scholarship I have tackled while on the clock, and then look at the bookshelf of over 52,000 (low estimate) pages of scholarship I have analyzed and annotated in the past year while being paid, and then look at the fat stack I hope to destroy in the coming weeks. I mean, can you honestly claim there is some professional lifestyle in the real world that is, not only more lit but, more fantastic? Come on now, quit your unproductive job and start to pursue the only passion worth having

>> No.10917778


dude what

>> No.10917792

Was responding to>>10917733
Which was responding to>>10917713
Which was responding to>>10917699
Which was responding to>>10917694

>> No.10917796


>> No.10917798


yes thank you for the step by step but I was dude whatting you more in the realm of lmao look at this goofball who aint much of a goofball but who goofin around on two feet like a woohoo-er

>> No.10917799

You are literally the last man, enjoy your fever dream of a life

>> No.10917807


my glasses, I can't read anything without my glasses!

>> No.10917821

Oh, sorry, I take this job shit too seriously because my last job nearly killed me and I got nothing done, intellectually, the entire time I had it, and then I started working in a coffee shop and my outlook completely changed, and I wish more people realized that 1) there are jobs out there that will allow you to pursue your own intellectual interests, and 2) there are intellectual pursuits that will make your life worth living. But I most certainly interact as though I were a woohooer, and for that I repent

>> No.10917822

What are you saying?

>> No.10917828

Bro same only I’m mechanical

>> No.10917832

You need to be a careerist to become the overman?

>> No.10917835
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this makes a little more sense now gotcha

repent! the life of enjoyment and ennui coincide into glares! oh the glares! and oh the glares back!

right there with you. make a good latte for me.

>> No.10917844

why the fuck do people major in mechanical? that shit is gay as hell, you're just gonna get a job baby sitting some big ass machine in a factory full of mexican guys, or if ur lucky maybe get to design a washing machine or something

>> No.10917852

Careers often enable overcoming. However, the term "career path" is misleading. Self-made men needn't make themselves by pursuing careers. They simply need to make themselves greater, thus being made men.

What's the size of your footprint?

>> No.10917855


the same size as my foot

>> No.10917857

I work and Chuck E. Cheese and live my parents. I'm 18

>> No.10917861
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>While the true thinker desires nothing more than leisure, the professor fears it, not knowing how it is to be used. Books are his comfort; he listens to everybody's different thoughts and keeps himself amused all day. He especially chooses books with a personal relation to himself, that make him feel some emotion of like or dislike; books that have to do with himself or his position, his political, aesthetic, or even grammatical doctrines; if he have mastered even one branch of knowledge, the means to flap away the flies of ennui will not fail him.

>> No.10917862

Wow thought this was supposed to be more civil than /pol/. Because you make more money as mechanical. And I live in a rural area where I own property where civil is less needed.

>> No.10917864

are you the anon from the chuck e cheese tard birthparty greentext?

>> No.10917866

nothing wrong with that but go enroll in school or something before youre 25 and working at chuche cheese living with your parents, once you're out of high school time is going to start going fast as hell

>> No.10917868

I'd like to get into field work desu, doing to antarctica would be absolutely incredible. Problem is that sort of work pigeonholes you as a low tier scientist. I come from a stem heavy background so I'd like to eventually move into mathematically intense numerical modeling/chaos theory work where all the new discoveries are likely to come from. Aesthetics vs exploration kinda dilemma

>> No.10917876

if you want to make money why dont u do electrical and move out of that podunk shithole and go to silicon valley

>> No.10917881


silicon valley is the innermost layer of hell

don't come here, I'm leaving as soon as possible

>> No.10917884

I was not saying. I was asking if there is a more fantastic profession than one that allows a person to pursue his own intellectual interests for 7 hours a day while on the clock, but no one has been kind enough to provide me with an example of a job that is more fantastic (or lit). Would you care to be the first person to respond with a suggestion of a possible profession? Or you can react like the rest of these butt-hurt wage-fucks (that will wake up in thirty years with less of a grasp on their understanding of the meaning of life than the have today) by thumb-typing Nietzsche references that have no real connection to the situation at hand, it’s up to you.

>> No.10917887

I’m a copywriter. I’ve done ad agency work, and I’m currently at a tech company.

I’d rather be writing fiction, but I really just have a hard time following through. There’s no money in fiction unless you’re writing a ton of genre pulp, or you get picked up by a publisher. I don’t have the heart to do the former, nor the patience to do the latter.

>> No.10917889

I find Nietzsche convincing but I can’t seem to picture what an overman - or even someone who isn’t a last man would look like.

>> No.10917893

tenured professor

>> No.10917894
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>> No.10917895

>reads and annotates compulsively to give meaning to his life, and avoid a lack of externally directed mental occupation
>doesn't see how this >>10917861 applies to him
sub 120 IQ detected

>> No.10917900

slut alert slut alert

>> No.10917909

ymmud uoy ,rohpatem a saw ti

>> No.10917912

Reading that much is just stupid af. The entire point of reading scholarship is to develop a better mental model of your preferred subject (or reality/being itself for philosophy). You don't do that reading 52000 pages a year. Those are just meaningless words to you

>> No.10917914



>> No.10917920

I like my poddunck shithole it’s got very few leftists. And the rednecks around here are a peaceful folk. I can bitch to my friends about politics, read old books and hunt in peace down here

>> No.10917921

having a career you can absolutely identify with is pretty damn important, which is why it's a tragedy that it's so uncommon nowadays. Without it you have to look to images/aesthetics for a sense of identity. last psychiatrist explained it pretty well.

>> No.10917925

You certainly don’t have the freedom to pursue your own interests for 90% of the time you are working. You would maybe get 30% of your time towork on publishing, and even then there are a number of other influences that direct your attention that eventually take the real value out of your work. That was vague, but the point is: time distribution doesn’t come close to the coffee shop alternative, there is additional shitty work you have to do as a professor (the shittiest work (teaching the same shit to students that don’t care about that which makes your heart tick)), and there isn’t nearly as much freedom in the intellectual adventuring of a professor. Call bullshit, but take issue with a particular, don’t throw up ‘fuck that’s

>> No.10917941
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It is not stupid ‘af’ if you are specializing on a topic. All of the texts refer to one another and they weave a bit of a net that does a great job of holding itself together. Sure, if I were reading fiction, there would be no point, but I’ve read the books pictured, and I’ll be going back through them (along with the 30% on the subject that I am still trying to buy for reasonable prices) in the next year, and I assure you I will not regret it. And I will get paid for reading them. I don’t know why anyone would argue against this

>> No.10917948

I work in business dining

>> No.10917955


holy shit haha fucking oh my god you need to vary yourself homeboy this is something the fuck else

there was a bookshop run by this 80 year old platonic researcher where I lived for a few months (super shitty area) and he had these thick as fuck round glasses like you'd see in a cartoon or something and he just sat around in his bookshop with his cats talking about the Platonic ideal.

now I'm not telling you don't be like him, but my god man. Vary!

>> No.10917958

wanna take you out the a mild rooftop and swing you bud

>> No.10917963

If you truly understood them you wouldn't exist in your apparent state

>> No.10917969

I supervise the claims department of a mid-sized insurance company.

>> No.10918009

honestly, how easy/prevalent is it to screw people out of a claim over a technicality?
Conversely, how many fraudulent claims do you think get through based on clever scam-artistry or whatever?
Which side is "winning?" Well, obviously the company since they're still in business, but how's the spread, I guess.

>> No.10918114

Psychiatrist. I have my own reception with a couple of colleagues. It’s neat, more than a decade of hard work to get to this point, but now I see the patients I want and work with the people I want. It pays really well(tax laws here allow for some funky stuff when you are a company) and I have a huge degree freedom in my activities. It still requires a lot of work to be one the best in the country in my specific area of expertise, but I have an interest in this stuff and can do it while on the job. Now in my early thirties and trying to find someone worth settling down with.

>> No.10918140

the key's a key at a time

>> No.10918157

I really thought it was gonna be some kind of fight club

>> No.10918162

No. But I did just get offered a sailing job there so it's strange that you would ask.

>> No.10918362

I m 36 no kids work in a big bank as an analyst my job is to increase efficiency
I make 3220 eur a month have a very small mortgage
I can read only when my "girl friend" forgets about me which happens only when she s not around
Last saturday I spent 8 hours reading felt good man

>> No.10918449
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Line cook.

And I feel like a professional alcoholic sometimes.

>> No.10918453
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Credit analyst.

>> No.10918487

In charge of a new major product in the family company.
It feels like cheating and I feel bad when friends from college and high school congratulate me on my success in life. I don't feel like I haven't worked hard (I have), but my achievements feel cheapened because a lot of it was enabled by my family.

Oh well. We are planning to sell the segment I'm running off in five years and think we'll be able to get mid-nine figures for it. I'll probably get about 10% of the sale (I don't have any equity invested, so I'm just getting compensated for work). Going to invest all of it and take it easy for a while, then move to another city and get involved with a startup. Build it up, sell out, rinse and repeat.

>> No.10918539

Sounds cozy, mind my asking where you're from?

>> No.10919286

Journalist. I write frothy, vapid profiles of rock bands and movie directors. Beats working behind a cash register, though. And I do get the interview interesting people.

>> No.10919495


>> No.10919514

recently quit my job selling meat to restaurants. I've been in the meat industry for a year now and can pretty much recognize any kind of meat cut, but I just fucking hate all the pressure received from my boss.

>> No.10919587
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Used to work in a fuel shed. Now I work around autistic children.

>> No.10919602

>Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar.

>> No.10919832

>lmao just go to school
>just join the military
>just go to work
>just be obedient

Spooked, the lot of you. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.10919866

Says the guy born in the 90’s

>> No.10919884

>Now I work around autistic children.
Spending your day on 4chan isn't a job.

>> No.10919888

t. Raskolnikov

>> No.10919895

This is how Marxists come about in the wild.
>Working a job you hate in order to support an overpriced urban rent habit

>> No.10919910

What did you mean by this?

>> No.10919919

Are you innawoods living off the sweat of your brow? Or are you in some sort of inhereted wealth NEET scenario where you dont have to think about acquiring your day to day needs?

>> No.10919920

How do you think I got the job?
Interviewer: do you have any experience?
Me: been on 4chan since 2007, /lit/ since 2013
Interviewer: holy fuck, so.... um, would you like to be a manager?
Me: will have to shitpost about which books are most like anime?
Interviewer: Jesus, God no.
Me: ok I’m in.

>> No.10919927

Doesn’t matter what I mean, am I correct?

>> No.10919935

Was your rhetorical point that being born before th 90s is better or after the 90s was better?

>> No.10919941

unironically work for goldman sachs. is this /lit/ or no?

>> No.10919957

The big bad banker meme is stale in terms of /lit/. The coke fuelled behind the scenes intrigue however. Someone should make a contemporary The Name of The Rose but instead of monks its account executives.

>> No.10920039

I'm a so-called "fed"

>> No.10920045

I'm a freelance journalist. For the past three months I have also written press releases for a relatively big European cultural festival.

>> No.10920054

No, just the correlation between being a shithead and the gross likelyhood of being in your twenties. Yes or no, queerbait?

>> No.10920056
File: 6 KB, 187x270, 149239174747702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are living a true littérateur lifestyle, my friend.

>> No.10920065

Currently a first year high school history teacher and it has only made me realize that I want to get my Masters and teach philosophy at the college level. Then write a book.

>> No.10920069

Doubt he's a hermit. He'd be more humble. Definitely some dickhead wealth NEET.

>> No.10920072

Damn you totally sound like the type of character I'd want to put in a novel.

>> No.10920076

imagine being a wagie and being grateful for it

>> No.10920083
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Keep up the good work anon

>> No.10920117

I'm a banter merchant, working under the archbishop of banterbury

It's quite hard work

>> No.10920128

What does /lit/ think about mathematics+cs double major?
Got phd in cs, as I didn't want to starve to death.

>> No.10920135

good lad

You probably have autism, and I don't mean that as an insult, it's a sort of compliment really, because to do mathematics+CS you must have something ticked off in your head. Not sure what you're doing on a literature board though.

>> No.10920156

Yeah, my field of research does require a lot of mathematics, and I thought i'd become a better researcher if I studied both. Turns out to be true.
CS and math is quite similar though, at least in my field.

>> No.10920168

Receptionist at a conference center, part-time
Also some office work at a local store on the side, a friend lets me work off the books when I have time to spare and need money

Overall it's not satisfying and there are no prospects

>> No.10920171

Software developer. Work with Automation and CAD tools for a govt aerospace contractor.

>> No.10920175


>> No.10920277

High end and rare grey market bourbon hustler.

>> No.10920291

portfolio manager

>> No.10920303

literary as fuck

>> No.10920310

I used to work in the laundry room of a disgusting hotel. The spics were subhuman trash, the creole girls tought me to speak like them, the white workers were the only literate ones, and i spoke to my eastern European coworkers about Dostoevsky.
The dryers burned the tips of my fingers to a crisp, i had to manually clean shit, vomit, and blood off the sheets, and had no time of the day to wash my hands or get the smell of urine off from me until i got home.

I left as fast as i could after making the sum of green i needed.

>> No.10920320
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>> No.10920327

nothing i got put out of work five years ago due to my mental state & ive never looked back more so when friends endlessly complain about work. no moral qualms in taking my boons & running with them

in effect i use my neet bucks to curate a lifestyle of total indulgence exploring the limits i can push leasiure while occasionally thumbing through a book or two

>> No.10920334

I live in Kentucky and bourbon is in a renaissance. There’s no end to the flow of out of towners who want “pappy van winkle”. I talk to people who want to sell bottles at a high markup and make the transaction, minus a significant commission. I also hunt bottles of my own and flip them at the same huge markup and pocket all the profit. I make about $175-$250 a day selling rare and special batch bourbons to aficionados and noobs who want the Crown Jewels of whiskey.

>> No.10920335

NEET college dropout with no ambitions, marketable skills or the first idea of a desired vocation.
I'll probably kill myself once parents get sick of my shit. So far I've minimized my expenses as far as possible so I can continue the lifestyle of gazing lifelessly at my wall from morning to midnight.

>> No.10920342


>> No.10920345

Sounds amazing friend

>> No.10920346

Are you a FuckDrumpfr FuckWhypipo? I can't imagine being a "journalist" and not having to bend your writing to every whim of your publication.

>> No.10920348

Can relate

>> No.10920349

Stephen King had this job, I remember

>> No.10920359
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I don't remember writing and posting this.

>> No.10920377

Edit. I make 175-250 shuffling the smaller shit like 12 year weller, Elmer t Lee, stagg, special bottles of Blanton’s for “letter hunters” trying to collect the whole set. (Bottles of Blanton’s come with a stopper that has a letter on it and a horse frozen in a statue mid gait. If you align the stoppers in the order of b-l-a-n-t-o-n-s it looks like a slow motion action of the horse running. Japanese pay the most

>> No.10920393
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A bottle of Blanton’s was in John Wick to my surprise

>> No.10920411

My 9-5 is writing for a science magazine - they basically let me write what I want as long as it's relevant to the readership. I also freelance for a few UK newspapers and political sites, which means I can pitch based on the leaning of the story. I'm right-leaning and pro-Brexit, but I mostly write about why Brexit is probably going turn out badly for most people.

>> No.10920444

what le hell do sociologists do

>> No.10920449

I'm an archaeologist.

>> No.10920460

I make 75$/hr playing poker for a living. If anyone is moderately experienced with poker and wants lessons hit me up

>> No.10920475

recently got into whiskey and scotch. big fan of a few of them, but upon trying some nicer things, I haven't found anything that pleases me so
much as a bit of buffalo trace, and a bit of wild turkey 101.
I have tried a few more expensive bottles, but they just didn't impress. I recall getting some eagle rare that had an undistinguishable taste of dirt. I mean undistinguishable musty someone ruined this smooth sweet bottle of booze with potting soil. I stopped throwing down cash on stuff I haven't tasted, returned to pipe tobacco and the occasional glencairn of wild turkey to my honey nut cheerio delight, and my bran flake navy flake virginia.

>> No.10920511

i have a large bone for you to examine

>> No.10920562

Might I then suggest Elmer T Lee. It’s my Go-to. 80 proof and a distinguished even flavor. Enjoy.

>> No.10920568
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No connections, no formal education, no experience, NO WAY OUT

>> No.10920590

80 proof? no thanks. I like my sips to count, gotta diet you know. You ever smoked a pipe?
May try some elmer, but as I say, not keen on wasting money anymore. I rabidly examine each culture i get into for some three or four weeks, then steadily move away from it, it's a shame when your dilettantish nature proceeds into interests of vice.
Seriously, have you ever smoked any tobacco from a pipe? a corncob or a briar? even a meerschaum? you're missing out on a similar experience, and i'm sure you can turn on your old boy clientele to some of those finer products.

>> No.10920602

Class assistant to highschoolers within the autistim spectrum

>> No.10920616

Rideshare driver full time

Mommy died and left me 250k at 19 y/o, enjoyed most of it went full trust fund neet

Now i work when i want, have a cryptocurrency nest egg (if monero hits 5k ill be a millionaire...), a way out, but if the worst that happens is i rideshare drive while working towards a networking cert/job, thats ok

I love my job honestly. I meet a lot of people.. everything from potheads with 4 kids and weed in the car to moms with their kids, a deaf man, a private jet attendant, alcoholics who cant drive anymore, foreigners, many more... lots of stories

>> No.10920624

>Mommy died and left me 250k at 19 y/o, enjoyed most of it went full trust fund neet


How do i get over the resentment of being a poorfag?

>> No.10920629

you on the clock when you browse here?

>> No.10920631

You work hard and stop being poor.

>> No.10920638

ha ha, yes it's me dude
I'm Nick

>> No.10920639

enjoy having a mother

>> No.10920645

I only play Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.10920670
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Assistant manager at a grocery store. It's pretty good. We've filled our department with younger people and we all get along and have a great work culture. 90% of people outside of our department are shitheads though. The sackers are retards, the other department heads are mostly old people stuck in one method, and our store director is a huge bitch. She just got back from a 3 week medical leave and is hell-bent on getting in everyone's shit to prove she's still the boss.

All in all, not so bad though.

>> No.10920698

Of course!
There actually isn't much difference though, since a good lot of them are xenophobic memelords. Still a very likeable group of individuals.

>> No.10920708

kinda makes me feel better about myself then.

>> No.10920710

Strategy consultant

>> No.10920825

I work in retail at a plant farm. I clean fountains, stock shelves and set up flower displays. Pretty chill most of the time, but it picks up in the spring. I love it.

>> No.10920834

sell software b2b, work from home 3 days a week, get 10% on 5-7 figure deals, shit post and write mostly waiting for people to call me.

>> No.10920853
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part time at a pub
not really a career but I enjoy the spare time it affords me

>> No.10920867

This guy gets it.
I’ve got friends in heir 30’s who never left home and diner keep a job and bitch about never having money. I can’t relate. I have a job I love and there’s always extra money left over at the end of the month

>> No.10920908

I'm a resident in an 80% female specialty and I've come poorly prepared on the subject matter (had a 4 year pure science gig between med school and this) and completely unprepared for the raging office politics and female social petty shit that while childish can severely affect your career. It's an exciting time to be alive, I learned more about humans in the last two years than in the 28 years before.

>> No.10920997
File: 832 KB, 250x163, 6C1A733F-4A51-4343-A380-F9CF543D9550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women in the workplace are fucking crazy. They’ll spend a whole week trying to figure out the best way to make the office look cute but won’t do their actual jobs. I don’t like working with women as a whole but my boss is a super toned hot lesbian who brought me in to manage the office trim. I don’t sugarcoat things with her and she leaves me alone. Every other week we take a long lunch and go to the local tiddy bar to get lap dances. Shits cash.
Pic related:

Tfw you high five your boss when you both have tiddies in your face and you were supposed to be back at work 45 mins ago.

>> No.10921012

i work with a bunch of women and it makes me want to kill myself how cliquey it is.

>> No.10921057

(Tiddy guy here again)
What’s great is having a different work classification than the women. None of them can pull rank, put their work on me (oh how they try) or try and flirt their way out of work (they will do fucking anything to get out of doing work.) they get pissed at me because I’ll see on Facebook where they’re getting some mani-pedi or spa day bullshit stuff done on their lunch hour but then get pissed when I reprimand them for coming back late. I seriously get the feeling these birches think they’re going to be carefree Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City and just work when they feel like it and collect a paycheck while reading Vogue at their desks. Um, no. Get back to work or you’re fucking fired. One chick posted a pic of drinking champagne on her Instagram at a day spa on her lunch hour. I called the spa and told her not to bother coming back and she could pick up her shit from the security shack. It should be noted I get no pleasure in any of it but for fucks sake do your job.

>> No.10921090

High finance

>> No.10921137

Hey can you explain? I plan on going there and want to know more.

>> No.10921158

enjoy hell

>> No.10921431


all i do is:
>work (6:30 am - 5:30 pm)
>read at the public library (5:40 pm 7:00 pm)
>watch anime/browse 4chan (8:00 pm 11:00 pm)

I don't even get paid for all that hours, but i don't care so much cause the enviroment is good and manual labor if healthy for my mind

>> No.10921632


I'll tip my hat to that. Good work.

>> No.10921685


I did that for a while, even made enough money to live away from home. Then I moved to London and things went downhill.

>> No.10921742

Engineer at the Family business. It's an electrical engineering firm, but I have a materials/metallurgical engineering degree. It turns out the that first year electrical 101 stuff, and a solid basis in math means you can fake it until you make it. All science and engineering disciplines are recapitulation of the same shit. My main regret is that I'm trapped with my parents 5 days a week for the foreseeable future. At least I know who I'm working for and who's getting rich off my labour (muh inheretance)

>> No.10921774

if you're still here, can you talk about what it is you exactly do and you must make a decent amount of money working at a hedge fund in NYC

>> No.10921785

Currently a High School Math Teacher - I make $54k a year from my job, my trust fund pays out about $40k a year, and I made about $600 from my writing last year.

>> No.10921858

do you get taxed for the $40k

t. someone who knows nothing about trust funds

>> No.10921867


>> No.10921877

so you get taxed for $94k?

>> No.10922013

I'm a factory worker.

>> No.10922026

what do you factor

>> No.10922042

Welding machines, lathes, brake presses, metal operations mostly.

>> No.10922094


>> No.10922112

i am unemployed and live in an attic crawlspace of a holiday home. i survive by eating infrequently and leaving no trace. 4 months out of the year i need to sleep outside and it's pretty rough with the bugs and mosquitoes. but at least im not dead i guess.

>> No.10922160

Its one I would like to keep and hope to get a promotion in but its not what I am really want to or suppose to be doing.

>> No.10922161

What is it about lit that attracts so many retard wranglers? Really makes you think...

>> No.10922166

occupational disease

>> No.10922180

my dad started asking me when I'm gonna stop being a neet

>> No.10922260

Part time job as a janitor. it funds my book purchasing budget and helps my mom pay bills.

>> No.10922274

Security Guard
Lots of time spent standing around doing fuck all, which I just spend thinking about how to improve my book draft

>> No.10922279
File: 75 KB, 184x184, samurai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped out of high school and worked at a grocery store pushing carts mostly but eventually started doing every job in the damn store.
Got fucked over, quit, now looking for another job. Any suggestions?

>> No.10923100

I'm a waiter. I first got into the industry 7 years ago and worked for 3 years at the same restaurant. I went to school and graduated last Dec but since I couldn't get a job in my degree, I went back to waiting tables.

I make enough money to stay a float but I dread every day. Send help, please.

>> No.10923263

chemE is better for living in rural areas. And chemE is patrician af

>> No.10923546

Do i know you?

>> No.10923655

Underrated post.