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File: 673 KB, 1400x800, degeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10915063 No.10915063 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some other thinkers whose ideas have done more harm than good?

>> No.10915071

>being this retarded

>> No.10915074

Marx? How? Unregulated capitalism is eating the west.

>> No.10915083

Replace Marx with Camus.

>> No.10915084

So who's the second one?

>> No.10915090

Ivan Pavlov.

>> No.10915091
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>Thinking too much was a failure

>> No.10915107
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>Who are some other thinkers whose ideas have done more harm than good?

>> No.10915131
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Who are some thinkers whose ideas have done more good than harm, although otherwise intended?

>> No.10915137

Nietzsche, Plato, Jesus Christ (according to Nietzsche), Derrida, Foucault, Heidegger (through Foucault and Derrida).

>> No.10915177
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>> No.10915185

>history is made by big men
never going to make it

>> No.10915211

unironically, communism could save the West. If our economy goes down the shitter brown people might self-deport.

>> No.10915216

is that fucking blanchot

>> No.10915221

Shelley, Goldman, Kropotkin, Bakunin, Proudhon, Hayek, and Milton Friedman.

>> No.10915241

No one has ever proposed a reasonable way of making communism work. Just saying the answer will present itself after the revolution is not enough.

>> No.10915274

Since I only know Marx and Freud, can you name rest of the picture by each man?

>> No.10915298

Marx didn't want to regulate capitalism.

>> No.10916124

Technological revolution is needed to properly spurn along an economical revolution which would allow viable communism, the same way technological revolution created capitalism. Marx was foolishly optimistic to think that people could just will themselves into a better structure of living. Automation will likely be that tech revolution that allows the end of the necessity of work and frees us from compulsory capitalist wage-slavery and allows us to more freely pursue passions. Why should anyone have to pay for food when the food is harvested by machines which are maintained and programmed by other machines?

Of course there are issues of automation making it easier for bourgeois control to escalate past the point of revolution where the capitalist class will use this technology to keep themselves in power through automated mass surveillance and militarized, automated police forces.

>> No.10916174

Is that William James between Marx and Freud?

If so, then why the hell is he on the list of degenerates?

>> No.10916182

Who is the one furthest to the right?

>> No.10916186

Neil Tyson DeGrasse

>> No.10916194
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>> No.10916215

Will this shitty meme about thinkers having an influence over society ever die? It's obvious that masses don't read and understand books, yet people still claim that highly obscurantist philosophers directly influence the masses. Saying Marx was responsible for the Soviet Union because he influenced Lenin is like saying Homer was responsible for conquering Egypt because he influenced Alexander the Great.
The only one from your list who actually had an influence is Bernays, and guess what? Nobody calls him a thinker.

>> No.10916219

Edward Bernays, father of public relations and Freud's nephew.

>> No.10916235

Woodrow Wilson, anyone in favor of the French Revolution, anyone in favor of any democratic policies

>> No.10916238

ya beat me to it

>> No.10916280

Capitalism is too regulated...that's the problem.

>> No.10917268


How do you accomodate low IQ immigrant hordes attempting to force their way in to your comfort capacity utopia?

>> No.10917650


>> No.10917654


>> No.10917661
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Muhammad and Rousseau (as much as I love Rousseau)

>> No.10917673
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I hate the "human nature" meme but I don't blame the hopelessness of the current situation simply on the hegemony of techno-capitalism, how can any society seriously function with inequality and hierarchy? In anthropological terms any study of early stratified and urbanized sedentary societies shows the rise of inequality with the division of labour. I know Marx attempts to explain this away with his historical stages of development but the end of advent of equality under communism is pure speculation on his part. I don't like inequality or extravagant wealth but I don't see a way to abolish them without abolishing society itself, which you'd have to be a true edgelord to want.

>> No.10917679

without inequality and hierarchy** godamnit

>> No.10917724

lol at the notion that society is what creates inequality. hierarchy is biological, or do you believe all animals are equally successful in the wild?

>> No.10917999

>I hate the "human nature" meme

Its true though. Anti-Marxists just say Marx was wrong due to "human nature" because they don't know anything about Marxism at all apart from very general ideas of equality. Freud describes how how paradoxical the human experience is in Civilization and its Discontents. In order to progress and advance, humans realised that it was necessary to form groups and work together (form civilzation). In order to form civilization it is necessary to have rules governing interactions with one another, which requires the suppression of instinctual drives and the need to sublimate the energy into something productive. I can't remember the rest of it in detail, but basically we aren't Marxists by heart and we can never become the ideal Marxist or communist person. Most of the altruistic stuff we do isn't even done from the pure goodness of our hearts - its usually to satisfy some narcissistic desire we have.

>> No.10918254
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This fuck

>> No.10918466


>> No.10918482

What even is China?
Shit bait thread. Sage

>> No.10918714

And surprise surprise they’re all Jews

>> No.10918717

Not at all. Blame liberalism, capitalism, and science (the world wouldn't be anywhere technologically-speaking without it).

>> No.10918721

White people fucking it up for everyone.

>> No.10918724

Yes but it's more about biological fundamentals not cultural items and highly-abstract emotions (which is what is always peddled as 'human nature'). Part of our nature is, in fact, that we are highly malleable. Human nature is never used to any intellectual, philosophical, or scientific degree, it is almost solely used as a cop-out. To hand-wave away things for ideological purposes, without actually saying much.

>> No.10918745


>> No.10918762

>Part of our nature is, in fact, that we are highly malleable.

Eh, not entirely. We will always have instinctual drives and desires that are necessary to repress if we are to live in a civilised, orderly and cohesive society. The Soviets tried to train and condition their subjects into becoming good, ideal Marxists but it didn't work. They used Pavlov's ideas around 'conditioned reflexes'. Brainwashing people only works to an extent. You can never turn humans into altruistic automatons and attempting to mould entire societies into ideal subjects of a utopian ideology is fucking dystopian. You're essentially trying to take the characteristic human note out of man by trying.

That's why ideology is cancerous. We don't have the same temperaments, desires, instincts and goals as others. Our personalities are different, and so are our family, social and cultural backgrounds different.

>> No.10918774

Far better then the disaster of the economic system that is communism and the absolutely disgusting moral system of it, a complete rejection of gender and racial norms and spirituality.

>> No.10918787


Idiot. No one is arguing that it isn't. Capitalism requires rules. Without rules, capitalism is unfair and unjust.

>> No.10918791

It basically becomes Feudalism without regulations and rules.

>> No.10918805

But feudalism is a system of rules and its distinct from capitalism.

>> No.10918814

the regulations and rules only empower crony capitalists and without them it would devolve into economic inter-tribal warfare, sov corps gassing each other’s boards, raiding headquarters with wetworks teams, spying on competition’s customers. Capitalism unhinged is nomadic warring states period market dynamics, Good times for all who are are and swift. AI will hunt you, the other meek lineages, like the noble Steppe warrior hunted the goblinfolk of the Central European forests.

>> No.10918822


>> No.10918862


Unregulated capitalism without government inter fence would create mini nations in companies, the workers would become the peasants who follow their boss (lords) rules and work for him in return him gives them food and protection.

>> No.10918929
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This but ironically
Suppression of Tesla's inventions has been the story of all global conflict for the last 100 years

>> No.10918967

Said, Fanon, Spivak
Pavlov wasn't Jewish.