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/lit/ - Literature

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10914894 No.10914894 [Reply] [Original]

>got a call back from Waterstones (only bookchain in the UK) few days ago
>"Hi Anon, we'd like to offer you the position"
>first shift today
>"Oh I forgot to add, here's your employee discount card"
"Thanks. I knew there was one but I'm not sure how much the discount actually is?"
>"Oh it's 50%"

Fifty percent.

>> No.10914902

I download all my books for free, anyone who pays for video games, books, tv shows or any media these days is a sucker

>> No.10914907

You are criminal scum

>> No.10914912
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>lol why pay for anything just steal stuff XD

>> No.10914918

grats man. it's the little things. hope you dont hate the job too much and happy reading.

>> No.10914921

>tfw only 100% discount waterstones books
It's cool you get that, and to write IJ reviews in your own handwriting, but Waterstones feels and looks like an over budget corporate tomb desperately trying to make money off its giftshop of tat in every branch. I don't even lift off them that often it just feels so shitty to be in one. I hope you got one of the ones with the staff counters near the windows.

>> No.10914937

If everybody did that then these materials wouldn't exist at all you cheap fuck. I'm actually mostly fine with piracy provided that if you actually enjoy the product that you go ahead and buy it when you can afford to. Fortunately I don't have to do this with books because I'm a productive member of my society with a job that can afford to buy books.

Also I get unlimited free proof copies. Seriously there's like a pile of 300 titles upstairs in the staff room and I can take whatever I want. Picked up some Jared Diamond earlier.

Now to come to my Waterstones so I can give you a stamp & save card u lil' shit.

>> No.10914969

But you don't have the paper copy. Your pirated goods only last as long as the infrastructure that allows you to read them exists.

>> No.10914970

I think one of the reasons they hired me is because I'm a bit younger and I mentioned in my interview that I'm familiar with the manga/graphic novels section, which the other staff aren't so that fills a gap for them.

So far it's been great though, I love chatting to customers about their purchases. Had a girl come in earlier buying some copies of Death Note and I had a giggle with her at the till about the disaster that was the live action film they put out on Netflix recently. I actually love it.

I never got that sense from the stores desu even before I was an employee. I always appreciated the rustic décor of the interior and regarding the gifts they stock, well I don't think anybody can argue that after the recession the importance of diversifying your stock. I'm one of those people that actually does buy book lights and cute metal pins though so I'm biased. Lots of parents came in today buying books for their kids and occasionally some would purchase a plush alongside them (Moomin, Stickman etc.). I don't really see a problem imo.

>> No.10914972
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>they pay for shit they can get for free without risk

>> No.10914973

disregard riaa shills, you're doing God's work. Only problem is that hard copy books are so much easier to read than a screen, but if it works for you then more power to you

>> No.10914979

>buying books
>working a dead-end job

>> No.10914981
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you're a bad man

>> No.10914983

the internet ain't going nowhere

>> No.10914993

Free stuff is always nice but a harsh light and digital text will never, ever compare to the feeling of physical paper between your hands, and you'll never be able to digitally replicate the sensation of turning a page. I'll happily pay for that experience alone.

Man /lit/ has quite a few cheap fuckers doesn't it? Pirating £299.99 software I can understand, but an £8.99 book? Then you're just being a tight-arse.

>> No.10914995
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>he slaves away in a bookstore... to buy MORE books

>> No.10914999

You can only read your books for as long as you have eyes.
What if your books are burnt in a housefire?
My things are all backed up in three separate places. Two physical and one digital.

>> No.10915001

>I'm one of those people that actually does buy book lights and cute metal pins though so I'm biased.
I threw up in my mouth a little, anon. You'll be fine, you disgusting normie.

>> No.10915002

I'm working at Waterstones as a hobby and because I want to, it's not my main form of income. My primary job is as a digital artist, and I've already had one local author come in today to setup a display who I talked to about maybe doing the cover for her next work. It's a great way to forge connections.

>> No.10915003

I do both pirating and buying without following any logic and consistency.
Get on my level

>> No.10915004

Second I said I got hired by Waterstones it should have been immediately apparent that I'm not a he kek. Waterstones staff is like 95% women, don't know why though.

>> No.10915007

>Free stuff is always nice but a harsh light and digital text will never, ever compare to the feeling of physical paper between your hands, and you'll never be able to digitally replicate the sensation of turning a page. I'll happily pay for that experience alone.
nice cope, buycuck. I have 10,000 books that take up no space in my home, just a few GBs on my hard drive, my kindle has a beautiful light so I don't need a shitty lamp or candle and I can change the font, look up words in the dictionary, it's some grade A shit


>> No.10915010


What did you say your favourite books were in the interview? I'm just curious about it

>> No.10915011

I have home insurance for that, but I think you've got me wrong. I do pirate books, but I allday always go ahead and buy a physical copy later if I enjoyed it. I keep a digital library and a physical one too.

>> No.10915013

you work in the Cardiff branch right? I come in the store sometimes and watch you. I never buy anything, just pretend to browse fantasy books and go home to masturbate over you

>> No.10915014

forge a connection with your couch senpai

>> No.10915016

>I don't know why though
Because they sell 90% crap.

>> No.10915018

>got 1200 physical books and about 2500 e-books
>feels amazing being surrounded by books

>> No.10915019

>If everybody did that then these materials wouldn't exist at all you cheap fuck
Your right, they would be better and there would be a far more diverse selection, marketing and corporate media would no longer be in control of our culture.
Things would be good.
Paying for information is stupid.

>> No.10915020

Waterstones is trash. I was in one yesterday and it's all tat gifts, cook books, children's shit and young adult lit. And its all so overpriced.

>> No.10915024

those are the biggest sellers though, you can't blame them for supplying what the plebs are buying

>> No.10915025

I mentioned one of my favourite authors being Jack London (Call of the Wild, White Fang). I also mentioned Aldous Huxley, Flowers for Algernon and Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, which I'd just got finished reading recently.

pls no boolee tastes.

>> No.10915026

Literally why would you buy anything if you can pirate it? I'll be damned if I pay 60 fucking euro for one of these academic books. Brits and Americans can suck my fucking dick.

>> No.10915027

If you do come in again I will call the police.

>> No.10915028

>only bookchain in UK
not working at the superior Foyles

>> No.10915037

true patrician

>> No.10915038

Yeah that's me, and I've had my eye on you too, daddy. Actually masturbating over you too rn ;)))

>> No.10915040

>you can't blame them for supplying what the plebs are buying
is this your first day on /lit/?

>> No.10915042

Is Waterstones a book shop? I thought it just sold some YA fantasy amongst expensive pencil cases and ugly flower patterned cups

>> No.10915044

>hard copy books are so much easier to read than a screen
Not even true, books are pretty clumsy to hold in your hand without resting them on a desk or something, whereas my e-reader weighs less than most books and easily fits in my hand anywhere.

Also as to any complaints about eyestrain, just buy one that isnt backlit and its pretty much a non issue

>> No.10915047


>> No.10915049

I don't know what that means, I'm on my sofa right now :(

>> No.10915050

>teehee I'm a gurrrrlreader don't hit on me silly boys :)

>> No.10915053

check it out

>> No.10915057

I haven't been in Waterstones since like 2011 back when I was a buyfag but in those days they did have lots of classics and literary stuff too

>> No.10915060

This. Physical books are fucking garbage and a waste of resources. Unless it's some super special edition that's signed by the author, why bother? I get scammed by a few of these fantasy authors that don't release the e-books at the same time as the physical ones and my god it's a fucking chore to read a 500p+ hardcover. Never again.
It means stop working you fucking sap. Unless you're an orphan. In which case I guess you have no choice.

>> No.10915064

haha u kno it hehe ;)
Gosh /lit/ staaaawp, I'm just ur friendly local bookstore qt teehee, omg Anon the Dialectic of Enlightenment? ur like, sooooo smart xDD ;p

Is this what you wanted to hear.

>> No.10915067

1-Paper feels nicer and gives you higher information retention
2-I think pirating is wrong, or at least incoherent in my case. So I try to even my sins out by buying some books.
3-A lot of books that i read aren't avaible online and I hate reading English translations

>> No.10915068
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Mods will send your IP to the federals!

>> No.10915070

I came, I like to think that we have booth came at the same time, thinking of our lover in waiting. We share a psychospirtual connection, I may follow you home, be outside at 10pm my love

>> No.10915069

I want to hear the sound of you choking on my cock, slut

>> No.10915072

Not that anon. They had manga and vampire sections last time I walked through one. I think they worked out the Harry Potter mummy market was their best hope, and with that came the inevitable degeneracy. Their gardening section was much better than I've ever seen it but that's about it.

>> No.10915076

Good for you, OP, now you can buy all the YA trash you so much desire!

>> No.10915081
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You should kill yourself, unironically. You're the one that came here blogging about your meaningless life, you fat waste of space.

>> No.10915086

I didn't work for 5 years back when I was a mentally ill NEET and those were the worst days of my life. Everyday blurred together as one and I had zero structure or real goals, nor knew anybody. With the job I actually have structure in my life again and I'm meeting new people daily. What makes humans so progressive as a species is that we require some form of labour in our lives. We need to be constantly moving forwards and upwards and onwards. Stagnation without discipline or structure, it fucks with your head after a while. It fucked with my head after a while.

>> No.10915097

if you need a wageslave job to give your life structure you are a mindless drone with no real creativity or goals, sorry

>> No.10915098

Why would you want to meet new people? And you did nothing because you're a stupid woman that needs direction to do anything. Strangely I don't have a job, yet I'm busy the entire day doing either chores, reading, or writing. I don't even have time to do all the things I'd like to do. It's your fault you are the way you are, and that's why you're a disappointment.

>> No.10915099

I really have to wonder what it is guys that type this kind of stuff actually look like. It's such a weird thing to type to a complete stranger on a digital Mongolian fish-exchange conglomerate.

Also the jokes on you, I have a strong gag reflex. I don't call me the silent-succ for nothing.

>> No.10915100

>he doesn't read physical books

>> No.10915106

>I really have to wonder what it is guys that type this kind of stuff actually look like.
No doubt more handsome than you considering you're not only a female, but on 4chan, and on /lit/ of all places. You don't belong here. You can't even understand when you get trolled.

>> No.10915110

I am so handsome

we should hook up, we both live in the UK and love books

>> No.10915116

sheeeeit. op just got fucking noscoped

>> No.10915121

>only book chain in the UK

>buying new books

>> No.10915124

You're pathetic.

>> No.10915127

I forgot
4-hunting for used books in bookstores is one of my favourite things to do. I've discovered a lot of good books this way

>> No.10915135

you're ugly lmao

>> No.10915140

Good taste, Jack London is underrated these days. His books provide the perfect mix of 'saying something about the world' and 'telling you an entertaining story'. It's hard to picture someone who can't enjoy his work on some level.

>> No.10915141

it has been scientifically proven that print books are more based.

>> No.10915160

What horrible entry-level taste. How old are you?

>> No.10915161
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>the state of this thread
This is what happens when you powerlevel on 4chan.

>> No.10915175
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>I'm not a he kek
what a way to ruin a thread

>> No.10915176
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>This is what happens when you powerlevel on 4chan.
Nobody does that though. Also
>comic books
Fucking scum.

>> No.10915193

>Complains that you can't make a living writing books anymore
>Proceeds to pirate everything and never supports the publishing industry

>> No.10915214

How would you describe OP's behavior then, randomly changing the subject to your sex and then having a role play with another sad NEET definitely fits the description of "powerleveling to derail a thread"

>> No.10915226

>Also I get unlimited free proof copies. Seriously there's like a pile of 300 titles upstairs in the staff room and I can take whatever I want. Picked up some Jared Diamond earlier.
But if everybody did that then these materials wouldn't exist at all!

>> No.10915264

She's just a stupid cunt, what else?

>> No.10915280
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Powerleveling on 4chan is a side effect of stupidity, I'm glad we could agree about this.

>> No.10915309

This. Private property is theft anyways.

>> No.10915363

that's where your argument falls flat

>> No.10915425

>no creativity
Did you miss the post where I mentioned that my primary income came from being a digital artist or.

>> No.10915431

oh please you earn your money sucking cock and camwhoring like all thots

>> No.10915439

>and that's why you're a disappointment
P. sure disappointments don't get commissions from WotC to design new card art but project away if it makes your own life feel better in any way familia.

>> No.10915452

Dude, stop talking about your personal life. You're embarrassing yourself.

This is literally why 4chan is anonymous, so you can run off after making a fool of yourself and nobody will be the wiser. You don't have to defend your dignity, just slink back into the shadows and go back to talking about bookstores, or go become a tripfag on /who/

>> No.10915454

Well put. I actually discovered him quite young when I was still in highschool and his works taught me a hell of a lot more than any class could about the harshness and cruelty of the world and the necessities required to survive within it.

>> No.10915459

It's a roastie, don't bother responding to it.

>> No.10915464

26. Would you have respected me more off I'd quoted Horkheimer and Adorno kek

>> No.10915470

Don't think you understand what a proof copy is m8.

>> No.10915477
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There are plenty of well behaved roasties on /lit/

OP is truly an exceptional individual

>> No.10915479

It's only because I'm Anon that I'm talking about my personal life. Maybe I'm just a pitiable person but I never tire of watching people spaz out about something as arbitrary as sex, so I keep feeding it.

>> No.10915489

>paying £8.99 for a paperback of a classic novel that’s in the public domain
deary me

>> No.10915490

You are trash.

>> No.10915515

>so I keep feeding it
I unironically cannot understand this mentality. It's like being a real life heel wrestler, except nobody is enjoying themselves but you. You're not only making yourself look bad, you're making random normie-ass strangers look bad by being associated with you.

It's peak "but I was only pretending to be retarded.".

Am I the brainlet here? How is this fun?

>> No.10915524
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>> No.10915525

seconded this

>> No.10915575

>you're not only making yourself look bad
Doesn't matter if I look bad because this is an anonymous messaging board and you'll never know if anything I say on here is legitimate or not. I could be anybody. Who says I even work for Waterstones.

>how is this fun?
It's fucking hilarious to me watching a handful of individuals spaz out and start calling somebody a whore/roastie/slut et cetera and telling them to choke on their cock and shit all for arbitrarily mentioning that they're female. I've never taken offence to it but for some reason I just find it so amusing to watch/bait. I can't imagine being able to flip out like that in real life let alone on the internet of all places, it's like bear baiting.

>> No.10915601


Good on you my man, congratulations.

>> No.10915606

so, when we gonna fuck? I need some pussy

>> No.10915611

Man, I'm sorry to say that Waterstones have nothing good to offer, unless you can get specialist stuff on order.

>> No.10915614

it's not because you're female, it's because you're a shit female.
>b-but /lit/ doesn't have pure waifus
this is how shit you are

>> No.10915668

she is just a book nerd who wants some attention, don't be so hard on her

>> No.10915677

There, there, here's another (You), don't go spending it all in one place you miserable wretch.

>> No.10915681

True. I really don't have anything better to do right now.

Thnx daddy.

>> No.10915737

post your boobs and you will have my attention for a long time

>> No.10915784

>what is Kant

>> No.10916003

Such a success you have to work in a fucking book store like some pleb. Something even obscure YouTubers with Patreon followers have enough money to not need to do. So impressive. >>10915464
No, I'd have respected more if you had some actual opinions of your own and weren't picking random /lit/ authors, idiot.

>> No.10916032

>have to
Think you've problems with your sight m8, 3rd time I've said this but this job is a hobby, my actual career is in digital art.
lol, you're just a NEET prole masquerading as an intellectual.

>> No.10916044

post boobs and butt, baby

>> No.10916061

Im not that guy but Horkheimer and Adorno are both /lit/ memes

>> No.10916067


>> No.10916075

I'm sure you're a resounding success, just like every other person in retail. What's next, climbing up the chain at McDonald's for fun?
>lol, you're just a NEET prole masquerading as an intellectual.
They are memes and you are a moron. I doubt you've read either, not to mention the countless other writers that aren't posted normally in these threads because, you know, we aren't all fucking teens. But you're a woman, so you're going to be as dumb as a teen forever. Good luck with that.

>> No.10916088

Hi wanna be my gf

>> No.10916112

She probably will, if you pay her $5.

>> No.10916118
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>this thread keeps getting worse
>I'm just watching the shitshow from a safe distance
>feels good

>> No.10916360

>I'm sure you're a resounding success, just like every other person in retail. What's next, climbing up the chain at McDonald's for fun?
It's 8 hours per week part-time position you dumb fuck lmao. I work 2 days a week in an environment I love where I get to talk about books all day, get a 50% discount on all stock, free proof copies and pocket £62 to use as pocket money at the end of it. You seem to be under the delusion that I took this job because I'm struggling financially. I didn't. I took it because I was bored. I make more than enough accepting digital art commissions (just got one from WotC 3 days ago), but I could drop either role and become a full-time NEET anytime because my partner earns more than enough that we could both live very comfortably even if I never lifted a finger in labour again. Though he'd probably be pissed at me lazing around the house all day.

>but you're a woman
Blah, blah, you're an angry dudebro on the internet with a superiority complex, how unique. You gotta get over Stacey at some point you know. Ta-ta Anon x

>> No.10916386



>> No.10916465


>> No.10916474

even if barnes and nobles' had a half off discount it still wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.10916475

I'm not trying to be mean but you sound like a terrible human being. I hope you're very young or just a sad dude larping

>> No.10916747


Even with the 50% discount you'll be getting overcharged.

>> No.10916782

Im not that guy but yeah thats lame trying to justify your career and brag about your partner's(?) money on an anonymous forum. Thats why Im not looking for a LTR any time soon, lol

>> No.10916798


>not making friends with the flavorful character who owns your local second-hand book store and getting him to set aside all the good literature and philosophy books for you as soon as he gets them and then selling them to you for 2-5 euro a piece

>> No.10916803

t. angry virginal child

>> No.10916874

Im jealous.
Its really comfy in there

>> No.10916943

>paying for information is stupid
You’re stupid.
Assuming you mean non-fiction books.
You have no right to access that free of charge. Do you know how much time goes into writing a book? How much research? The cost of a book reflects the value of the writers time and effort and own financial cost that went into writing it. It also reflects the price that people think it’s worth.
You fucking 12 year old idiot. Learn things before you talk about them.
You’re the type of person who gets emotionally attached to an idea like open borders and argues for it vehemently with people without even considering the economic and empirical evidence.

>> No.10916975

Based, don't listen to the spooked """people""" ITT

>> No.10918388
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this thread is the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.10918398
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>"Doesn't matter if I look bad"
>spends entire thread defending herself

>> No.10919366
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>> No.10919488

Imagine running the UK government. How much of a fucking brainlet would u have to be to think OH I'll just raise book taxes even more . literally retarded. In the US books cost a few dollars in the UK it's 29 for your average classic. England is retarded paki country.

>> No.10919863
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that's Dr angry virginal chad to you, pussy

>> No.10919937

Waterstones is pretty good actually. It's a big chain with the same stock everywhere but they have a good selection and nice interiors.

>> No.10919959

>my e-reader weighs less than most books and easily fits in my hand anywhere

sounds a lot like a penis to me

>> No.10919970

also, doesn't anyone use a library? With interlibrary loan you can get a book, read it, and get rid of it. There is a medium between having an overflowing bookshelf & 10,000 books on a hard drive.

>> No.10919999

>if everybody did that

stopped reading

>> No.10920022
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This isn't /b/ dude

>> No.10920101

Good thing the world is full of gullible retards like you.

>> No.10920125
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This is genuinely the most pathetic post on /lit/ at the moment. And it's by a woman. Schopenhauer truly was right.

>> No.10920368

You can just buy most books for like 99 cents on alibris or whatever, or use a public library

also >>10914902 valid

I dont like the term, but it is pretty valid here


>> No.10920541

good post

>> No.10920579

>t. non-categorical imperativist

>> No.10920614

Don't chains like that sell mostly shit though?

>> No.10920632

I went into a Waterstones recently and they've got half the store dedicated to empowering women writers and entire sections on modern feminist literature. Otherwise it's a standard bookshop, with books in it. You can't really go wrong

>> No.10920664

hundreds of books on trump and the decline of democracy, authors of color, history books for old men who want to relive battles their fathers fought in, celebrity and political tell alls, and reams of shit built for middlebrow modern mothers.

>> No.10920678


It's a jumped up airport novel store.

>> No.10920723

>the absolute state of the city of the female gender

>> No.10920738

If you are real you are pathetic

>my partner earns more than enough that we could both live very comfortably
kill yourself

>> No.10920775

Large branches tend to be much better - picadilly branch in London for example

>> No.10920840

Gower street seems alright too
>Wandering through three stories and finding two shelves full of loebs and zizek on the table opposite

>> No.10921908

>Ta-ta Anon x
is this graduate level sweetie-posting?

>> No.10922369

You aboslute fucking pleb, don't reply to me.
You have no idea about research. When I can't find a PDF for piracy i email the author, and they usually give it to me(I've only done this on journal articles)
You might not know this but researchers get paid a salary and they don't like spending it on books and journal subscriptions for information their colleagues would be happy to share with them for the sake of it. The open access movement is being driven by the very people you claim it is hurting.
Go die you stupid capitalist baby.

>> No.10922679

there's no point in paying for digital media, but you sound poor