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10912132 No.10912132 [Reply] [Original]

So DFW, apparently a smart man, killed himself.

I don't get how the refutation "you're going to die anyway in the not too distant future" doesn't stop anyone from killing themselves?

>> No.10912140

He had clinical depression. Goddammit.

>> No.10912142

If the first half of the book sucks, are you going to finish the book?

>> No.10912145

If it's the only book I'll ever have, yes.

>> No.10912146

Shit analogy, you have one life, you can aleayd pick up another book. Aldo heard his doc fucked up and switched his anti depressants which fucked him

>> No.10912148

>audience pussy whenever he wants


>> No.10912150

Depression doesn't just magically take control of your decisions and tell you what to do retards. It was him who decided to kill himself and he did it for a reason (HINT: Life is shitty and its not worth enduring)

>> No.10912153

you realize that you're effectively asking the question "why do suicidal people kill themselves" don't you

>> No.10912155

depression =/= suicidal

>> No.10912156

So, all his positive qualities become irrelevant in the presence of a mental disorder (and some fiasco with the treatment and meds, I think). We only see the superficial context, not full context.

>> No.10912159

you can be depressed without feeling suicidal but you can't feel suicidal without depression

>> No.10912161

youre making it superficial by saying "mental disorder"

>> No.10912176

And you're making it superficial by saying "oh what a chad he was: smart, rich, etc, why did he kill himself?! he had everything!". The truth is, it wasn't his first attempt.

>> No.10912182

No thats still stupid, were Samurai who commited sepeku depressed?
Sometimes there's simply rationally good reason to kill yourself

>> No.10912188

Life is the book your Moroons
Makes you think--doesn't it

>> No.10912194

here's a starving african childs perspective of you
>has clean water
>food too
>apartment with AC

you see what i'm getting at?

>> No.10912198

>Makes you think--doesn't it
No, it doesn't. It's simple. He entered a poorly-treated depression phase and off himself. He didn't go "oh I'm so handsome and rich, I'll never kill myself", that's not how it happens.

>> No.10912206

>being this simple
Ya know anon, good for you. Revel in your basicity

>> No.10912209


did he have a qt loving gf though?

>> No.10912215

I'm probably going to end up killing myself. The issue is that the latter part of one's life isn't really worth the suffering inherent to it unless you're still capable of producing good work. I'm not even 30 and I have tinnitus and a gammy leg; I can't imagine what the physical vicissitudes of old age are like, and whether or not they're worth suffering through just to continue breathing for a couple more decades.

>> No.10912222

>Revel in your basicity
"Oh so handsome and smart and rich, he had everything! Why did he kill himself?? I don't get it!". Don't talk to me about basicity.

>> No.10912223

He had an art thot Jewess wife. Make of that what you will

>> No.10912227

yes, he had a pretty wife.

>> No.10912237
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>> No.10912244

Having your basic needs met and a few luxuries doesn't provide for a meaningful existence, but that might be the point you're making as well.

>> No.10912250

What's the best day of the week to kill oneself?

>> No.10912261

Obviously Sunday. Even when I'm relatively happy there's something morbid and bleak about Sundays.

>> No.10912264

Was he even sincere?

>> No.10912266

>African child
>strong family centered community
>active outdoor lifestyle
>enthusiastic belief in God
>no need to work, just take food from NGOs

Would unironically trade my life with Umkenbo

>> No.10912272

The day of the sun, huh? Makes sense.

>> No.10912276

yea, but does it matter?

>> No.10912284

>Depression doesn't just magically take control of your decisions and tell you what to do retards.
That is quite literally exactly what mental illness does anon

>> No.10912293

Absolutely 100% wrong, even hardcore Schizophrenics do not operate in such a way

>> No.10912300

>I am mentally retarded

>> No.10912308

The brain is a system of formating thoughts Anon, thoughts never simply appear out of the ether, they all a logic to them and they all have a process through which that logic is generated.
Depression in particular is not a mental illness whatsoever. There is nothing irrational about wanting to kill yourself

>> No.10912331

I have this suspicious inkling he never could break from the post-ironic disposition he opposed. When you read the moments in his writing where he suddenly shifts to a humble midwestern voice after effortlessly weaving academic jargon and elevated diction together you are left with an impression of someone desperately trying to appear humble and relatable, despite all the indicators that say otherwise.

>> No.10912336

hmm, you make a good point Satan

>> No.10912361

>I have this suspicious inkling he never could break from the post-ironic disposition he opposed.

Definitely agree with you, if you read his biography with DT Max he (that is DFW) was well aware of this

>> No.10912397

Depression is literally classified as a mental illness retard

>> No.10912414

Depression is a chemical unbalance in the brain, so yeah, it's a mental illness.

>> No.10912453

Means literally nothing. A bunch of Jews can get together and label anything a mental illness.
There's no such thing as chemical "unbalance" [sic]. The brain does not operate like bloody cake recipe. All brains have their own individual chemical composition with their own tolerances, receptors and areas of super and sub median activity. To assume negative thoughts are rooted in a mere chemical shows a totally naive idea of the mind and in fact any two treatments for depression can involve totally different chemicals working towards totally different models of where they aim the mind to end up

>> No.10912473
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>He thinks that ngos reach every poor person

>> No.10912560

>its a a bunch of litfags start pretending they know what depression/mental-illness and how it manifests chapter

>> No.10912562

Because I enjoy life and it’s near limitless opportunity, you 16 year old twat.

>> No.10912581


>> No.10912741
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It is pointless to argue with anons on 4chan about mental illness or anything past their obscenely small view of the world. Just dont bother.

So the answer to your question op:
Go fuck yourself you brainlet fuck.

>> No.10912761

>I don't get how the refutation "you're going to die anyway in the not too distant future" doesn't stop anyone from killing themselves?
why not do it now then? why even wait?

>> No.10912779

>only have one life
kek. Still fucked up to kill yourself though. You'll just pop into your next life in the fucked up spiritual state you left the last one. Might as well not be a lazy pos and fix it now.

>> No.10912790
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holy shit

>> No.10912793

>believes there's a "next life"
c'mon, anon, you can't be this naive, can you?

>> No.10912838
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>> No.10912845


This argument makes zero sense because any logical/self-aware person would see all those positives and further wonder why they wanted to off themselves. Also, none of those things are enough to prevent taking your own life, anyways lol

I'm tempted to paypal you $100k, putting myself in a fuckton of debt, just so you can see that you're still just a shitty faggot but slightly richer

>> No.10912857

DFW stands for:

D getting piss
F all over my
W cock

>> No.10912878

Depression as a chemical imbalance is actually rare, most people who suffer from depression is situational cause or struggle to fulimd meaning in what they do

>> No.10912885


>> No.10912986

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

>> No.10912995

>The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.
honestly do you faggots even read anymore
christ you get more embarrassing every day

>> No.10912997



>> No.10912999

that is so fucking stupid it hurts

>> No.10913003

Schopenhauer said this more concisely, with less melodrama, and coined a great new word in the process.

>> No.10913229

Kek, always the jews. pol/ was right again.

>> No.10913236
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You have to go back

>> No.10913239
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>> No.10913241

Show me, spoonfeed me.

>> No.10913734

>A bunch of Jews can get together and label anything a mental illness

Why do you even come here? It's obvious you don't read, nor even want to.

>> No.10913749
File: 195 KB, 500x552, 1522139801004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apparently a smart man

>> No.10913799

Because there comes a time when the weight of the depression becomes too much to bear and the various layers of your humanity begin to peel and your soul begins to crack. It is an excruciatingly painful existence and no superficial achievements like money and fame will ease the pain. DFW had already tried to kill himself on multiple occasions previously, I imagine the weight on his shoulders only grew heavier with each failed attempt.

>> No.10913834

I think Franzen said that he had reached a block when writing The Pale King and he tried taking the anti-depressives off to see if he could regain his inspiration. He probably didn't and the old depression hit him in full force on top of that.
Try to imagine it: middle aged, sense of worthlessness, no longer able to advance your career, the knowledge that you are only functional because of some pills, not taking those pills. People kill themselves for much less.

>> No.10913854

You should apply for disability benefits since you're genuinely retarded.

>> No.10913860

Yes, I can see it. But Franzen is a faggot, though

DFW= Mozart

>> No.10913904

Why kill myself now when I'll die and become nothing eitherway.

>> No.10913920

the part where you started being 110% retarded was the part where you leaped, with the energy and fervor of a poorly-trained undergraduate at a medium-low tier midwest state college, from the physical determinism underlying human brain chemistry to




in such an absurd and nonsensical fashion that i can scarcely begin to apprehend the confused, disjointed mess of thoughts which occupy your mind, to the extent that you have one at all

>> No.10913931


>> No.10914065

You are actually retarded. Not even the most hardcore advocates for freewill (which I do think we have some of) could deny that there are external forces that influence our decision-making, and with medications that fuck with your brain you could easily fuck up your brain chemistry, even if only momentarily, to act in a way that you would never had that influencer been there.
>inb4 muh discipline
No shit that can help to a degree but not everyone practices it and it can only take you so far.

>> No.10914070

hey guys david forster wallarce here, im a fish and this is my water. but you won't know about that until you're older. haha!

>> No.10914579

Amadeus is a really good movie, but it's heavily dramatized. IRL Mozart and Salieri were more along the lines of friendly rivals

>> No.10914640

DFW killed himself because he was NEET balding manlet incel. He should've studied STEM. Depression and MI aren't real.

>> No.10914648
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>He thinks that it's practical or even possible to reach every single poor person in the continent of africa

>> No.10914652

Nah dumb dumb, its still YOU making every decision, those factors may affect the decision but so do a billion and one other factors. But you prioritize only the exceptional (i.e. those that make him different from others) negating to consider the factors we all share, like how he was a human suffering through the same fears and doubts we all do. In the end there is no reason to prioritize either, unless you wish to decieve yourself that he acted in a way you could never understand which is utterly false.
All that matters is the decision came down to him and him alone.

>> No.10914653

I don't know if I'd call it rare, but this is certainly true in many cases.

>> No.10914662

>Blah blah aaaablah blah

Shut up faggot

>> No.10914667

>Why do you even come here? It's obvious you don't read, nor even want to.

Thats literally all a "mental illness" is you fucking idiot, they're not actual diseases with objective line of causation and necessary sympthoms, they're just a collection of bullshit alchemy categories to make the management of those with thoughts deemed unacceptable by intellectual society (today Jews).

Its for this reason Transgenders are now apparently perfectly healthy normal individuals and it'd be hate speech to imply otherwise meanwhile having evolutionarily sensible attitudes like racism and paranoia are treated like you're insane. Its all just a gabble of horseshit

>> No.10914791


>> No.10914795

I hate douchebags who believe in freewill, but then again, you didn’t choose to believe in freewill anyway. In fact, “you” don’t even exist, your brain has no fixed entity in it from moment to moment, memory just tricks you into thinking you’re one unified self all the time.

>> No.10914810

>I hate douchebags who believe in freewill

Probably because you're a weak and conflicted person who finds the idea of responsibility threatening. Slimey wicked Buddha worshipper
Why not be tricked, why not at believe yourself to exist? Is it really so disgusting for you to imagine?

>> No.10915041

He was like 40 something right? How do you get through all that and then end it?

>> No.10915258

Read through the thread. Why is OP so unforgiving? Has his ruthless and whorish devotion to free will—one that disregards the many external influences on a man's final will—fogged his compassion for those who erred in their free will? It seems he holds only a cold understanding of free will..

>> No.10915292

Its not as if it just sprung on him at once, it wasn't his first suicide attempt and he was trying tons of different things to ward off the darkness from his writing to fucking electrotherapy.
He was always fighting a war and that day it appears the battle was lost.

>> No.10915696

because we stole the sunnday from god

>> No.10916296
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>if I yoos lodz ub ajektibs den I smaaaard

>> No.10916325


>> No.10916329


You don’t have freewill anyway so there’s no use feeling contempt for you, you’re just a robot

>> No.10916348

At least if I am then I am a robot which aspires to will freely, what does that make you? We are defined our ambitions my man, yours a squalid and self defeating one

>> No.10917503

Do you really think that every action is the product of a rational pros vs cons thought process?

>> No.10917509

Not an argument. There is more to reason than your binary utilitarian strawman

>> No.10917521
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>> No.10917546

>sound of a distant lanwmower

It happened in the late evening according to the police report
Nice attempt Anon but immersion ruined

>> No.10917652

>He doesn't night-mow
DFW didn't either and look where it got him.

>> No.10917670
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I thought he used the word (psychache) here but it must be elsewhere, anyway:
>When in some horrid and frightful dream we reach the highest pitch of terror, it awakens us, scattering all the monsters of the night. The same thing happens in the dream of life, when the greatest degree of terror compels us to break it off.

>> No.10917729

You don't just die from a 1 foot fall. He'd have been strangling for several minutes before he passed out from lack of oxygen.

>> No.10917810

You can pass out in under ten seconds if blood flow is properly blocked

>> No.10917819

There's a good likelihood he may have been drunk or drugged out to shit too

>> No.10917829

ur on 4chan and u havent seen enough nerds an hero to know how death by hanging works? remember that kind in sweden or norway or whaever that hung himself from a doorknob? he was out cold in like 5 seconds, then his arm twitched and his face turned bright red as his last life energy left him, and then when his heart finally stopped pumped the color left his face and he looked at peace (on a side note he was also wearing a nike shirt that said "just do it" so maybe he inspired shuaiby's final sartorial choices

i mean i think at this point we should all know how hangings, beheadings ,immolations, shotguns to the face etc. play out

>> No.10917834

>You don't just die from a 1 foot fal

actually you do if u have a rope around your neck, the shit snaps your spine and in some cases pops the fuckers head clean off, jesus christ didnt any of u lil shits watch the saddam hussein execution?

>> No.10918572
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Depression isn't real.

>> No.10918575


>> No.10918597

I don't get /Lit/ obsession with this writer.
With all the respect, he was, for unknown causes, heavily depressed. So what? So many writers were unhappy. A lot lived miserable lifes, some killed themselves, other died forgotten. DFW wasn't the first and is almost impossible to know what made him do it

>> No.10918599

cuz he was close enough to papercut. fresh bleeds are snippy to the quick, son. everyone wants a snifter of that sweet stuff before it gets meted out at the next karmic assembly.

>> No.10918609

The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.

>> No.10918610

to translate before you ask, he was recent and had some influence on the literary world. people want to know if depression may have played a part, and how to remain relevant without succumbing to the same pitfalls.
plus when a big man dies, his brain meats get redistributed, so to speak, his muses look for virginal ponderin tools. there's only just enough room through the porthole for a few eyes and sometimes lips.

>> No.10918618

The reality is that he was never genuinely sad enough to consider himself depressed, so he ended up killing himself using what little melancholy he could scrape up at the time.