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/lit/ - Literature

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10907605 No.10907605 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Describe your favorite book in the most shitty way possible.

>Prot is a big winny edgy bitch
>The villain is a guy who wants to live more, by killing people
>All the other characters have almost no importance
>Everyone acts like a teenager

>> No.10907622

For what reason?

>> No.10907632

That describes several books in the /lit/ top 100

>> No.10907640

>protagonist is a criminal
>keeps whining about the court system, even though they're treating him incredibly nicely
>insists he's done nothing wrong when literally everyone knows that he has

>> No.10907645

your favorite book better not be harry potter, anon

>> No.10907651


>> No.10907663

>main guy is fucking crazy
>becomes friends with this fat dumbass
>hallucinates like he's on acid or something
>everyone thinks he's a retard and he fucks up all the time

>> No.10907674


>> No.10907682

Infinite Jest

>> No.10907683

Not, but Now that I think about it, It really sounds like that doesn't it?

>> No.10907689

>protagonist is a god damn super human
>keeps whining because muh I'm a mutant
>gets cucked like 6 times
>every character is a complete asshole
>Most deaths are unnecesary and kinda confusing
>important girl is a fucking brat and a degenerate. Loves dicks and pussy

>> No.10907698

Performance Anomalies?

>> No.10907712


Could be Friday (Heinlein)

>> No.10907717

Wow I thought I was pretty damn specific.
The Witcher series you fucks.

>> No.10907723

I was going to guess the Witcher!

>> No.10907724


Never heard of 'em. This sort of thread only works if everyone's read the books :(

>> No.10907725

You know, that book sounds pretty interesting. Brb downloading the pdf

>> No.10907728

>literal retard gets the attention of the 2 hottest bitches in town and gets none because he fucks up

>> No.10907731

>Reading books
Well too late anon

>> No.10907732

The Idiot?

>> No.10907735

My fucking life?

>> No.10907754

A raging drunk goes crazy because his oneitis treats him like a beta cuck.

>> No.10907757


>> No.10907769

my diary desu

>> No.10907778


>> No.10907783

my life

>> No.10907843


>Benjy's a mentally retarded manchild.
>Caddy's a whore who's trying to see her daughter.
>Jason's a cynical fraud with a shitty job and contempt for his siblings and mother.
>Watch as J.C. tries desperately and pettily to keep his crumbling family together on the hit new sitcom...
>"The Compsons"
>*cut to Dilsey in the kitchen with a rolling pin*
>"Aw hell no! You have a deathwish, child!"
>Fridays on CBS

>> No.10907854

Don Quixote

>> No.10907874
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>gay manlets only friend is autistic
>they fuck around with a bunch of depressed faggots
>thot gets rekt
>sperg fucking dies
>the end

>> No.10907888

>dude goes on and on off topic and therefore 'seemingly' about nothing for what seems like forever.
by far and away my favorite book, anons..

>> No.10907890

> author can't even spell right for the first part of the book
> Protagonist is either a winny genius or a dumbass
>A typical love triangle
> "Muh IQ"

>> No.10907894

It's like someone wrote fanfiction of the Wikipedia page for whales.

>> No.10907900

>start out as autistic rambling about how people don't understand him
>actually has some good criticisms of modernity
>turns out he's a real life robot who does retarded shit IRL
>he blames everyone but himself

>> No.10907908


>> No.10907914

Wait are you a weeb? Death Note?

>> No.10907915


>> No.10907916

Catcher in the rye?

>> No.10907933

The Stranger

Tropic of Cancer

>> No.10907937


>> No.10907941
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>A very scatter-brained man tries to write his autobiography but can't get past his fifth year in the course of six hundred pages.

>> No.10907943


>> No.10907949

You forgot "Quentin wants to fuck his sister"

>> No.10908026


>> No.10908056

It's Brothers Karamazov

>> No.10908111


Quentin's dead, bruv. The Sitcom picks up from Easter 1928.

>> No.10908133

Well that's an obvious one. Mind you he gives plenty of love to wikipedia pages on ships too.

>> No.10908146

>Just, like, be moral man

>> No.10908153

Blood Meridian.

>> No.10908173

Man, I can't believe the producers retconned the Quentin flashbacks. What a gyp.

>> No.10908219

One Flew Over..?

>> No.10908327


Not so fast...

The first season arc is all about the mystery surrounding the family's slow demise. The two-part season finale is Caddy finally getting to have lunch with her daughter, who asks her mother whom she was named after...which beings us to season two, which will have a six-episode flashback arc with Quentin's childhood and downfall.

>> No.10908336

The Gulag Archipellago

>> No.10908346

I can't even kek at this bait

>> No.10908351


>> No.10908352

Great Gatsby

>> No.10908362

Sounds like quite a Lynchian sitcom

>> No.10908387

>some fucking autist wanders around bitching about everyone he meets
>kind of a pompous asshole as well
>his friend is too cool for this shit but is probably bored as fuck
>won't shut the fuck up about his goddamned bitch

>> No.10908396


>> No.10908427

The Idiot

>> No.10908431

The Trial

>> No.10908652

man lusts after prepubescent girl

>> No.10908676


>> No.10908696


>> No.10908907

catcher in the rye

>> No.10909072

got it, sorry for the late (You)

>> No.10909233

Has to be The Rings of Saturn.

>> No.10909658

Confederacy of dunces?

>> No.10909696

>guy with a clubfoot his girlfriend it's a bitch

>> No.10909699

>Kid comes from Christcuck family
>Thinks about philosophical nonsense
>Does some gay shit
>Gets terrified of holy retribution
>Wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.10909706


>> No.10909709

Finally someone gets it

>> No.10910977

no one?

>> No.10911022

>Protag has a dream
>Nobody like his dream
>Says "fuck society" and does it anyway
>Spends his entire fortune pursuing this dream
>Bank repocesses all of his shit
>Is now penniless
>Mooches off his dad for awhile
>Comes up with batshit crazy conspiracy theories to justify the fact he's penniless and ostracized from the rest of society.

>> No.10911048

>gotta breath some better air
>oh no now my lung is fucked
>let's think about time

>> No.10911071

The MM

>> No.10911080

>man lives in harmony
>woman ruins it

>> No.10911085


>> No.10911091

Of mice and men

>> No.10911096

Flowers for algernon

>> No.10911126

>shipping down a long river
>The Horror, the horror

>> No.10911348

The beginning of the old testament

>> No.10911907

Get the fuck out of my way and let me do as I please

>> No.10912646

>it's the hare and the tortoise but in wessex
>nothing interesting happens at all

>> No.10912819

Like Sebald, but no. Better guess than I anticipated, though.

>> No.10912842

To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.10912863

Heart of Darkness

>> No.10912869

I need to know what this is

>> No.10912962

Got it

>> No.10912971


>> No.10913121


>Some old guy keeps trying to get handsy with a little girl
>He doesn't get she's not into it anymore

>> No.10913222

>an eclectic group of well meaning American gentlemen find themselves wandering through the deserts of Mexico occasionally incuring disagreements with the local populace due to cultural misunderstandings

>> No.10913230

The screenplay of Sicario.

>> No.10913271

Tristram Shady

>> No.10913284


>> No.10913301

A teacher cheats to help an autistic girl win a creative writing competition while a female assassin kills Jesus. The two decide to meetup to hold hands.

>> No.10913704

Industrial Society and it's future?

>> No.10913723

400 pages of complaining and misanthropy

>> No.10913753

>Fuckboy fantasizes about his lesbian friend
>everybody gets some except for him, naturally

>> No.10914178

my diary desu

>> No.10914186

>dad fucking dies
>priest fucking dies
>have a big fuck off party a few towns over
>everybody gets epilepsy, consumption or autism

>> No.10914189

>new gf has a moderate personality disorder
>also has a husband
>thinks train stations are an appropriate place to threaten suicide

>> No.10914195

>wealthy patricians leave the plebs to die to the plague
>living the literary lifestyle until they start workshopping writing to each other and all subtly realise they'd be better off sticking to YA

>> No.10914305


>> No.10914315

>a bunch of nerds get cucked by a cripple
>criminal shit going on in mexico
>apparently you didn´t get shot in ww2 if you looked scary
>the guy that invented three flavor ice cream waffles was a genius in many fieds but only got credits for the waffles

>> No.10914324

You can tell they're well meaning; one of them is a judge!

>> No.10914327

>protagonist isn't even the main character in most of it
>mostly just fighting scenes
>they're all dry and formulaic
>story takes forever to get anywhere

>> No.10914344

>lazy man considers doing things, eventually decides not to

>> No.10914354

Cats kill each other and rant about pseudophilosophy

>> No.10914472

>Literal retard gets left to die on derelict
>gets so fucking mad that he becomes a genius
>teleportation n shiet
>rapes negress and creates circus
>sees colors

>> No.10914478

Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia

>> No.10914481

my diary

>> No.10914486

Gulliver's Travels

>> No.10914494


>> No.10914548

> psh whatever fag, I’m going to just do what I want

>> No.10914570


>a group of assholes get drunk in Europe

>> No.10914741

The Sun Also Rises

>> No.10914992

journey to the end of the night

>> No.10915006

>sheep dog fucks woman
>man pees in another womans anus
>keeping art alive, you know

>> No.10915009


>> No.10915012

>depressed poet compares the Italian landscape to his feelings

>> No.10915036

i wanna know

>> No.10915043

Opus pistorum by Henry Miller

>> No.10915300

Henry Miller wrote a book about that South African paralympian who killed his girlfriend?

>> No.10915314
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>> No.10915343


>> No.10915626


>> No.10915740

>determined dipshit tries to create a dynasty, incest almost ensues
>literally everyone is an unreliable narrator
>unreliable narrators recount stories told to them by other unreliable narrators
>near the end characters just begin making up the rest of the story and it's "true enough"
>no one knows how to speak in simple sentences

>> No.10916394

"Absalom, Absalom!"?

>> No.10916486

Guy eats some pork chops and kills himself and his girlfriend.

>> No.10916509

Autistic Irish doctor and his buddy fuck around on a ship.

>> No.10916543

Scrotey McBoogerballs?

>> No.10916845

Master and Commander

>> No.10916881

>a real prankster kid gets bored one day and decides to create his own world
>creates a man and a woman sim and a lot of other things, laughs at them because he said they aren’t allowed to interact with any of the tempting things he created
>also creates a snake just to trick them, lul
>they inevitably do the thing they weren’t supposed to and are punished for all eternity
>the kid sadistcly lavish as he forces them to live lives of suffering and then kills them all off one by one
>creates a new sim family, says he loves them the most but never protects them from the horrible things thAt happen to them
>says it’s because they are greedy assholes , which is partially true
>one of his sims tells him to stop being a douche and that it’s better to be nice to people
>kill him on a cross
>don’t mind him it was just my faggot son
>two thousand more years of indiscriminate killing

>> No.10916915


>> No.10916938

This guy >>10913271 got it.

>> No.10917039

what is this I want to read it

>> No.10917276

>main character is a NEET who suffers from antisocial personality disorder

>> No.10917409


>> No.10917845

>Each of the main characters is drunk for almost the entirety of the book.
>Each of the men is in love with a girl they are all well aware is a fucking whore
>Not a whole lot happens outside of traveling and drinking and nobody really learns anything

>> No.10918296

You got it

>> No.10918303

The Decameron?

>> No.10918659

a guy looking for some bitch — possibly dead— his dad was in love with, and then another dumb fuck microwaves his balls as a contraceptive method.

>> No.10918709

I wanna read this

>> No.10918713

my diary, dang it

>> No.10918718

animal farm

>> No.10919110

>Thinks he can just ice a bitch without tripping

>> No.10919126

> American goes camping in European mountains
> shit blows up in his face
> at least the gypsy got the horses

>> No.10919156

> In the end, the guy you thought was dead wasn't dead, but then kills himself to confound everyone

>> No.10919183

>can't wipe his ass
>dad beats him
>hot air balloon
>use electricity to grow food

>> No.10919328

One of Verne's works?

>> No.10919403


>> No.10919435

Pigs lose their shit in a farm. Horse is pig bitch.

>> No.10919441

St Augustine's Confessions

>> No.10919474

Could it be... Animal Farm?

>> No.10919491

>Narrator somehow avoids being firebombed

>Schizo who thinks time-travelling aliens keep visiting him.

>His daughter is kind of a bitch

>> No.10919518

spot on.

>> No.10919531

>old robot hates jazz and spends all day on /r9k/
>meets a bum that gives him his own diary desu
>acts like an aspie to his only friend
>goes on a date
>listens to jazz and dodges a massive cucking
>gets high while listening to pumped up kicks
>dreams about shooting people with the author of the book
>wakes up and finds he murdered his gf
>kills self (?)

>> No.10919558


>> No.10919567

Far From The Madding Crowd

>> No.10919593

Stars My Destination

>> No.10919599

Sun Also Rises

>> No.10919609

Transgression & Retribution

>> No.10919617

Ten Little Niggers

>> No.10919620


>> No.10919624


>> No.10919669

>prot is a big whiny bitch
>everyone acts like a teenager

Takeshi Kovacs?

>> No.10919692

>mad lunatic calls builder in to build extension
>builder says having foundations would be a good idea
>lunatic says there's no need, faith in God will do just fine

>> No.10919701

The perfume

>> No.10919796

>The king is dead
>I must die too
>Everything goes wrong

>> No.10919825


>> No.10919849

The Spire

>> No.10920192

Stone 'er!

>> No.10920194

My niece's diary, desu.

>> No.10920202

>this dude wants to govern
>doesn't know he's a rube
>gets smashed makes great speech next day
>oh shit he running things now
>wants to open hospital
>sleeps with head surgeons sister
>gets himself shot
>guess I have to marry the broad now

>> No.10920215

The Stranger
The Apology of Socrates

>> No.10920231

Fucking kekked.

>> No.10920282
