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10902608 No.10902608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw could potentially be the greatest philosopher of this generation but my thoughts are too complex to coherently turn into words

>> No.10902618
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sounds like you’re a self-aggrandizing tardo to me

>> No.10902619


> Implying philosophers coherently turn their thoughts into words

>> No.10902624

Give an example, even if it's horribly incoherent and vague.

>> No.10902630

If you can't put it into words then it isn't thought.

'Muh feels' are no basis for philosophy.

>> No.10902635

unless you've solved the hard problem of consciousness you've got nothing kid

>> No.10902644
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Ive solved it.

>> No.10902645

You could still become the greatest mathematician of our time.

>> No.10902650

It doesn't really seem possible that language could precede thought, since one would have to think in order to create a language. Some thoughts even after language can't be put into words exactly, like a symphony. You could describe the feeling you get when listening to it, but you can't translate the music directly into verbal language.

But it is true that "what can be said at all can be said clearly."

>> No.10902653

>average /lit/ poster

>> No.10902655

solved it when I was 22 get on my level

>> No.10902658

not as long as that cave dwelling hermit perelman still exists

>> No.10902659


I thought I did one time, but it turned out I was just schizophrenic

>> No.10902660

pleb tier answer

>> No.10902661

Verbal IQ too low to coherently express your own brainlet status

>> No.10902666

>not Trinity

There are 3 things


>> No.10902674

there's only one thing. the one.

>> No.10902676

this is funny OP but Wilfrid Sellars actually had this problem and the only way he found to remedy it was to write for 10 hours every single no matter the quality that he produced. It ended up being really dang good.

>> No.10902680

Language is a vessel for meaning and emotion. If there was no language, there would still be communication. Look to babies and animals for all the evidence you need.
>inb4 dogs speak dog

>> No.10902685

What did your schizophrenia told you about it?

>> No.10902687

How can conciousness be a problem if I'm doing it right now, kiddo?

>> No.10902696

Ayy me too, what’s you’re theory?
Mine is that consciousness an absence of some “hypothought”. The hyper thought is unconsciousness. Basically, consciousness is a missing piece in a puzzle, that puzzle being matter. The absence is a neural absence, like all absences a neural absence must be filled by something. We fill it with sense experience. As I write this more I realize how bogus it is but I’d like to hear another psychotics viewpoint.

>> No.10902699

I was really hopeful gnostics were a thing of the past.

>> No.10902706

more like the hard petitio principii

>> No.10902712


My schizophrenia told me that the solution to the hard problem of consciousness is schizophrenia being retrocausally manipulated using NP Complete which is the true name of God.

>> No.10902718

gnostics are the hipster religion in 4chan

>> No.10902721

>petitio principii
you can just say begging the question pseud

>> No.10902723

I'm not a gnostic, Im a theologist.
A shadow is a very real place, ironically, God designs it as this
The unreal; is the place of all things have meaning spelt from, as we derive all meaning from a place of non-meaning.
As this, we understand all things real also must not exist, and this is the shadow.

>> No.10902727

Yes. This is correct.

>> No.10902731

"the hard begging the question" doesn't sound as nicely

>> No.10902735

I don't see how you'd "solve" consciousness.
You mean describe what it is?
Why is that even a relevant task?

>> No.10902738

Do you know what Google is? you can...gasp..google what the problem is!