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File: 940 KB, 1844x1383, ontheroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10898514 No.10898514 [Reply] [Original]

...that place where there are young people fighting for their last threads of optimism and hope. Where you're hitchhiking in a van along the California coast, puffing on a joint. Where you're alone under a maple tree just outside Portland as the rain pours down all around you and you cry thinking about all the people you left back home. Where you're talking with a former heroin junky who's trying to find a place to sleep for the night with his newly sober fiance. Where you're walking along a highway hoping that a friendly person picks you up. Where you're hiding under the darkness of night, beneath the willow boughs along the train tracks, waiting for a westbound to take you on another adventure. Where you're finally five days sober and feel like writing something down. Where the soft mountain stream flows pasts you as it has for thousands of years, but for these five minutes, it's actually meant something, finally. Where you lay down under the stars after being on the road for two and a half years and the whole world opens up before you because you had no dreams.

What is that place for you?

>> No.10898750

Where do you all find inspiration?

>> No.10898763

Nowhere. Everything in my life is a dull slate and I do meaningless shit like shitpost about books I don't read to pretend like I have "interests" when in reality I'm a failure of a human being.

>> No.10898775


Have you ever tried to leave it all behind, even for just a week?

>> No.10898786

I used to think the idea of "giving it all up" was appealing back in high school. Spent a lot of time reading Beat lit, trainhopping, hitching, smoking cigarettes and listening to punk music, but I pretty quickly realized it was just a dumb way to distract myself from my problems. I feel like there are some good lessons that I learned from it about independence but I still don't see the value in my life. I guess I just grew up from feeling like I'm owed a happy life and now I can just accept my boring existence.

>> No.10898809


I hear you. But what has made your existence boring? Has it been a hostility towards the escapist perspective? No sense of adventure? Other circumstances?

I'm 28 and have reached the point where there's nothing to lose. No reason not to leave it all behind. Because I'm unhappy with my current life. Why would I NOT try something new?

>> No.10898992

I suspect it's some form of depression but I'm in no position to make that judgement. I'm an average person overall and I'm often bothered by the fact that I have no real passion for anything, but this isn't meant to be a blogpost, the point is I'm happy for you to try to add some adventure into your life, and I definitely think it's an interesting experience to have if you're lived a pretty monotone life, but don't burn all of your bridges. Despite all the self-discovering you will likely do, a carefree life isn't very sustainable. Most "free spirits" get tied down pretty quickly, just look at Pat the Bunny.

>> No.10899004


I don't have a passion for much either. But I have been able to find joy from three things in my life...you know what they are?

>good, honest conversations.
>drinking with family/friends
>traveling and writing.

I saved up $2000.00, went backpacking/trainhopping through the pacific NW. Had a great time. Met some deviants, junkies, hobos, and fellow travelers. Wrote about it. Reflected on it. And am trying to recreate it now.

>> No.10899011

"that place" is just outside

>> No.10899012


But how many of us are deprived of the real "outside" by day-to-day circumstances?

>> No.10899020

None of us, what you call "circumstance" I call illusion

>> No.10899025


You know what I mean. I have a day job. Yet I long for, and fantasize about, the great escape outside....mountains, highways, coastal beaches, firepits in the desert...and yet here I am.

>> No.10899031

"I have a day job", tough shit. That isn't an excuse.

>> No.10899054


You're right. That's why I'm making this thread. To remind us all that "it" is all within our reach out there. You don't need special circumstances, or a tragic upbringing, you just need to WANT to do it.

>> No.10899067

I only wanted to remind you that you won't find that place living vicariously

>> No.10899077

How pathetic. Go outside. Plenty of optimism and hope here.

>> No.10899082


You're right. I won't. I have to cash in my shares and hit the road and live as a vagabond.


How do you spend your days?

>> No.10899090

>How do you spend your days?

>> No.10899093


Residual income? No need to work?

Writing poetry in the garden? Traveling across the continent?

>> No.10899094

Why is that of any importance?

>> No.10899096

Living, choosing what I want and getting it. Small things though.

>> No.10899102


Okay. Keep obfuscating. If you can't admit how you life in your day-to-day life, you're obviously ashamed of it.

>> No.10899105

>pass the buck
Ok, sorry I offended you

>> No.10899164


Honestly. We're talking about finding a place where we can live freely as we want to live. And you're standing in the background, holding court about the "free" life.

Give me something, man. Are you happy with your life?

>> No.10899173


>> No.10899179


And how do you spend your days? What's an average Tuesday for you?

>> No.10899187

I don't know how to answer that exactly, I just do. What do you want from me?

>> No.10899200


There are 5 000 people on this board who are straddling the line between troubled lifestyles/functioning writers, and would like to know what it's like to live a functional, reasonably satisfactory life. Perhaps you can shed light on that.

>> No.10899204

Step 1 would be to not argue with people on 4chan. I'm still working on it though

>> No.10899210


You're being intentionally obtuse. We all recognize that interacting on 4chan inevitably takes us back a peg.

>> No.10899213

Sorry to offend you, again.

>> No.10899243


I'm not offended. But the more this interaction goes on, the more I recognize that you do not have anything worth aspiring to. You're just seeking interaction. And I'm happy to provide it, even when it inevitably leads no where.

>> No.10899520




>> No.10899814

I just try writing and eventually something comes forth

>> No.10901037
File: 7 KB, 205x246, shouldIgotravel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, your leisure time On the road will be vicarious experience mostly. You'll learn nothing but appreciation for material comfort. The only good that comes of travel is to meet face to face with people and become aware of your loneliness, to become mindful of your desire to be amongst. You can devour all the experience you want from the high aesthetic art of life, but it'll be from a place of hunger that you'll eventually fill either unconsciously or consciously. You can try to recreate subsistence living to shock yourself into appreciating the simple things, but you could do this more easily by giving a damn about the people around you, the community you exist within, the individuals who live this life not as a luxury but because it is their only way to keep living. Fuck The Road, it's absurd and should be spat on like all searches for happiness in abundant material and endless pleasure. Fuck those that sell this idea to the youth. Fuck the rich beggars of freedom, the flashpacker searching for their next festival. Fuck the folk-punk crusty who makes himself so oblivious to those around him by drinking and drugs that he cannot appreciate the sympathy of a community, the struggle of a community, the anger of those who bed down in their towns and cities with responsibility for each other as the highest good. Fuck your Western search for character, your beetle roll of shit. Fuck those above us and those below us, fuck their endless highs and lows as hooks for a fully lived life. Fuck all entertainment, all your desire for life. Fuck your glorifying rebellion, fuck the pleasure palace, fuck the organisations that work to divide communities. Fuck the machines that make social illusions. Fuck this feeling of futility and travel towards others.

>> No.10901054

>...that place where there are young people fighting for their last threads of optimism and hope.
>Where you're hitchhiking in a van along the California coast
losing me
>, puffing on a joint.
and stopped reading

I sincerely wish you death, for your banality and your degeneracy.

>> No.10901058
File: 150 KB, 261x370, Gabriele_D'Anunnzio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn't an hedonistic aesthete who unites himself with nature through Panic ecstasy
I almost feel sorry for you

>> No.10901063
File: 140 KB, 353x465, 1517920179916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fugging degeneroots