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/lit/ - Literature

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10897805 No.10897805 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a Xenogenesis thread going or is /lit/ too pretentious for scifi?

>> No.10897816

>themes of sexuality, gender, race, and species are explored

miss me with that gay shit

>> No.10897821


All you had to say was "no, and yes"

>> No.10898064

>too pretentious for sci-fi
There's always an active sf general, so no to your second question.

>> No.10898147


Oh I didn't know

>> No.10898150

>third gender niggerbabble

>> No.10898197


>> No.10898217

>written by a Negro
hrm, wonder what it's about. I bet it features a compelling story that has nothing to do with negroid resentment and racial envy

>> No.10898239

but also
>Genre Fiction REEEEEEE

>> No.10898298
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You don't belong here, buddy.

>> No.10898450


>> No.10898617

Racism existed before pol, especially on the internet, bud

>> No.10898627

Funniest saga in Lovecraft's life was when he made Octavia call him massuh

>> No.10898633

but it wasn't annoying until you faggots

>> No.10898637

lit has always been a right wing christian board. you dont belong here.

>> No.10898649

What are you talking about? This board has a history of leftism.

>> No.10898661
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I've been here since Ayn Rand and Moleskine threads, kid. This was the board that originated the Right Wing Death Squad meme.

>> No.10898695

>you faggots
Oh sweetie

>> No.10898907



>> No.10898982


Not too much actually, but they're half-baked novels.

>> No.10898988



Care to actually back that ridiculous claim up?

>> No.10898991


Oh, whoops. I thought we were talking about the Seed to Harvest ones. I never read Xenogensis and this was all like a decade ago.

>> No.10899050

I like it, it's not as great as peole make it out to be, but it's a very original concept that develops in unexpected ways. Imo Butler's ideas really shine the most in her short stories. Speech Sounds still haunts me to this day and I read it ages ago.

>> No.10899055

Racism is anathema to Christianity, tho. Galatians 3:28

>> No.10899076


No worries.

>> No.10899083


I read that one time, it's like everyone's mute, except then at the end they can all talk or something, Right? And everyone's trying to rape each other on public buses

>> No.10899265

Some people are left unable to comprehend speech or talk, others lose the ability to read, some lose both. Also it seems intelligence has dropped off like 10 points for most people due to aftereffects of the plague and the brain damage that causes their impairments.

>> No.10899360

Hell yeah! Love this trilogy. Don't think I've ever seen it mentioned on /lit/ before. Which book is your favorite, OP? What other Butler do you reccomend? I have only read this series and the short story "Bloodchild".

Back to /pol/ guys. As a straight white male who reads almost exclusively from the modernist canon and who's favorite novel is Moby-Dick and who doesn't enjoy overtly political literature I liked Butler. Have any of you actually read her?

>> No.10899522

not too pretentious for sci fi, but god damn Octavia Butler made me feel ashamed not only for being human, but for being male. i am trying to remember a single positive male character in any of those books, but i can't. they were all painted as violent rapists.

>> No.10899542

looks like some Weezy Wuzzy shit

>> No.10899546

that's not the case at all ad generally people on this board consider Ayn Rand a himey brainlet

>> No.10899548

>getting guilted by poor narrative development

>> No.10900320


Shit yeah I need to re-read this, thanks for mentioning it

>> No.10900328


Gabe was a good guy. But yeah I do feel extremely prejudiced against when I read it. Still a good trilogy. Maybe even good because of that. It can be hard to make readers reeeeeeeee and still be compelled to read more

>> No.10900335


I think Adulthood Rites was probably my favorite. I love akin as a baby.

This trilogy are the only novel-length stories of hers that I've read. I've also read speech sounds, and that one where the oankali are actually slavers n shit. Pretty sure it came out way before xenogenesis

>> No.10900535

>Back to /pol/ guys. As a straight white male who reads almost exclusively from the modernist canon and who's favorite novel is Moby-Dick and who doesn't enjoy overtly political literature I liked Butler. Have any of you actually read her?
I read the Xenogenesis books and imagined her masturbating the entire time; they were that bad.

>> No.10900559


You are a poor reader, what are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.10900567
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>didn't like a book about three gender alien orgies and eebul men
>poor reader
>doesn't belong on /lit/

>> No.10900827


Your green text doesn't mean anything. Stop being dumb.

>> No.10900846
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>stop being dumb
>insults others for not liking genderqueer poc scifi porn

>> No.10901649
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has anyone ever read beanogenesis?

>> No.10901717

I am the poster you replied to. I think anon probably said you are a poor reader because if your inability to separate the author from the text. Your "critique" has nothing to do with the novels. It seems like you had a negative perception of the author prior to reading the text (presumably because of her race and gender) and read the books in a very disengaged way that reinforced that negative perception. Obviously you do not consider yourself a poor reader, so try saying something intelligent about the three novels you supposedly read.

Adulthood Rites was my favorite as well!

>> No.10901938

Protestant or Catholic?

>> No.10902036


Correct. You get me, anon.

If you really read the books, and rather than getting a feeling of the extreme inner conflict butler had with creating the oankali, but you actually think the series was self-serving for her to the point of masturbation, I confess that I am inclined to believe you don't read that well

But you're probably just a /pol/shit who decided to take a breath of fresh air and visit an intellectually stimulating board.

Well we've enjoyed your visit anon, now pack up your turds and go back home bud

>> No.10902044


Also, I feel like AR has the most compelling plot of the three. It's the only book where I can about the events that are happening as much as reading about oankali biology

>> No.10902181

Actually I had no clue the author was either black or a woman when I read the books. It simply becomes that apparent as you read this smut. Enjoy your smut. Twilight has more value than this schlock.

>> No.10902198


>I can say anything on the internet and there's no way they can know I'm full of shit

>> No.10902224

>you thought the book was written by a man despite that blatantly feminine name
Sure buddy

>> No.10902248
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How are there two people who get this assmad when their taste in lesbian alien cock fiction is questioned?

>> No.10902299

I've never even read the books, I was just pointing out how amazing it is that you read an entire book without looking at the authors name.

>> No.10902303
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I haven't read Xenogensis yet but I probably will since I really enjoyed her Earthseed books! Its a real tragedy that she passed before completing the planned third installment to finish the trilogy.

I also read Kindred a few years ago (time traveling black woman is transported back to meet her enslaved ancestors- and also finds that the slave owner's blood is also in her lineage) and found it anything but a one dimensional and resentment laden treatment of race/rape issues; characters' circumstances were thoroughly accounted for, moral conundrums were confronted without any overt glossing etc.

>> No.10902332

Fair enough. I did look at the author's name but it just didn't register to me that it was a woman's name. I guess the -a suffix should have clued me in. Never again.

>> No.10902407

>I've never even read the books

Say it isn't so, pal

>> No.10902409


Oh wait I didn't realize who I was replying to, sorry for the attitude

>> No.10902449


Kindred sounds super interesting, definitely going to look it up. Thanks

>> No.10903853

the Oankali are... what would you call them? an entire Mary Sue civilisation?

>> No.10904156

Lmao dude nobody is "assblasted" you are just clearly lying. Who the fuck even finds out about Octavia Butler without knowing she is a black woman literally all of her books have black women on the cover....

> found it anything but a one dimensional and resentment laden treatment of race/rape issues; characters' circumstances were thoroughly accounted for, moral conundrums were confronted without any overt glossing etc.
I felt the same way about Xenogenesis. Very nuanced. Not reductive as some folks in this thread would have you think (really just one guy desu).

>> No.10905446
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>Who the fuck even finds out about Octavia Butler without knowing she is a black woman literally all of her books have black women on the cover....
I use an e-reader and do no research on books I read since I can read a book a fucking day.
Stay pleb, kid.