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/lit/ - Literature

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10897787 No.10897787 [Reply] [Original]

>read book
>forget 95% of it two months later
Wtf is the point

>> No.10897793


That girl will get old so what's the point? I bet you wouldn't be thinking that up close and smelling that cake

>> No.10897802

Do you remember the experience of reading it? How it made you feel, whether it challenged you, if it gave you some new insight into your own life? These things are more important that remembering plot details.

>> No.10897813

>How it made you feel
very rarely has a book ever made me "feel" anything

>> No.10897814

I'm truly sorry to hear that.

>> No.10897819

The 5%

>> No.10897824

I feel bad for retarded people too.

>> No.10897828

Wouldn't be the cake I'd be smelling

>> No.10897833


>> No.10897848
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>> No.10897850

>not sure if stupid or depressed

>> No.10897864

You don't forget, you're just not able to recall it at will. That's how memory works.

>> No.10897866

you are depressed. give yourself some time out. find your inner peace, relax.

>> No.10897874

she's an actress. Look at the elbows, how they're unnaturally tucked into her sides. It's a set-up, fucking idiot. Really, just go to /his/ or something.

>> No.10897910

Tfw she's gotta be 15 or younger
You like your lolita

>> No.10897916

nigga she's like 12 chill out

>> No.10897950
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>nigga she's like 12

>> No.10897968

I don't see your point

>> No.10897976


>> No.10897983

>wanting to ban people that have different opinions from you
you must be British

>> No.10897989

probably not being a pedophile and lusting after 13-14 year old girls

>> No.10897991

I would enjoy lifting that girls legs over her head and fucking her still she loves me. There is no law or rule against me saying this my friend.

>> No.10897994

*till she

>> No.10898060

>There is no law or rule against me saying this my friend.
This. I will fight to the death for his right to talk about railing that girl

>> No.10898062

who the fuck keeps fucking bird houses on a shelf
i mean ffs

>> No.10898066

>talking about book with someone
>they ask if I remember a part
>I don't

>> No.10898080

After you read a book, force yourself to write a page about it in a journal or some equivalent.
This will help.

>> No.10898081

it's kitschy you sperg

>> No.10898086

grandmothers of midwest trad qts

>> No.10898093

that's a 13 year old girl

>> No.10898103

Bruh, she's 6-7 years old, my dude.

>> No.10898173

>This for the most part
The function of long-term memory involves putting memories into "storage" for recall. It's likely that you haven't encountered anything pertinent enough about the theme of the book to immediately use.

>> No.10898190

If this is true I haven't encountered anything pertinent enough about anything ever. I can't remember SHIT, EVER!

>> No.10898196
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>> No.10898199

While that's true one is also required to recall that one must recall. Memory isn't a
controllable search and receive system like a computer, search for X get X. Its more like a chaotic stream of information some part of our brain deems probably useful at this current moment. We can ask of it but we can't control what we get

>> No.10898202

t. Nabokov

>> No.10898208

>forget 95% of it two months later
Today is the day you learned that you are a brainlet.

>> No.10898213

>Put my arm around head head like I am giving her a hug
>Put hand on head, and slam it in the cake

>> No.10898223

dude she's like 3 years old

>> No.10898226

same for me, the only exception being angst by stefan zweig. read it, maybe it works for you too.

>> No.10898235
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>> No.10898260

Actually you could get arrested and sentenced for writing that where I am. "Sexualizing children" is illegal. IIRC some cop was arrested for having pedo written fiction.

>> No.10898275

Yeah it's a damn shame too. You don't always get to sift through what's important or not. That's why you end up remember absolute trivial bullshit, like what you ate 5 years ago at a specific date.

>> No.10898294

in 3 years she will be riding the BBC.

>> No.10898308

Dude, she wasn't even born yet, her mom is still pregnant of her ffs.

>> No.10898332

Well I'm talking about the land of freedom not your dumb feminazi shithole

>> No.10898337

Alright reddit the jokes done

>> No.10898362

Daily reminder that hebephilia is not the same pedophilia.

>> No.10898373

it looks like she has 4 clavicles
do you even art?

>> No.10898380

yes it is faggot

>> No.10898386

This, pedophiles are deranged and disgusting, hebephilia is objectively how God envisioned human partnership

>> No.10898387


>> No.10898389

No. It isn't.

>> No.10898408

This. Unironically this. Suppressing those completely natural attractions are unhealthy.

>> No.10898416
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Reported every person in this thread to the FBI and Interpol to be safe

>> No.10898440

Thank you. Save me from myself.

>> No.10898443

lol I'm in the bureau faggot, goodluck

>> No.10898456

Chill bruh, she's a sperm cell right now.

>> No.10898463

Gulag Archipelago gave me some feels, but they were pretty obscure. At once point Scholtz described when they would sit on your back and wack your tailbone or the soles of your feet with some sort of implement. At first I was like, yeah okay that would hurt. But in the very next line he described why it was one of the worst punishments: they were all famished and super thin without any body fat to defer some of the pain of the blow. After that I felt it in my soul and I audibly "YEESH!"ed

>> No.10898464

I'll give to ya, it was pretty reddit, sorry.

>> No.10898467

reported to the CIA

>> No.10898590

Thats the most superficial emotion imaginable. Stop reading pleb shit

>> No.10898797


I love when the comments on Reddit are like this. You guys are so fucking funny.

>> No.10898806

5% of a lot of books adds up to a lot of memories

>> No.10898812

>hating on some harmless fun
get over yourself, reddit

>> No.10898889

Funny, because literature is the only artform that really moves me in any way.

>> No.10898899

good post

>> No.10898906

Yeah, if those bird houses are yard used they would stink to high heaven.

>> No.10898911
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>> No.10898969

>can't envision pain well enough to recoil from the imagined horror
You have my condolences for your privileged sheltered lifestyle

>> No.10898981

I usually forget after a year or so. Whenever people ask me for book recommendations, I struggle to come up with any answers for this exact reason. Most of the things I've read have slipped through the cracks of my memory and all I can go is mention names. I can't give reasons as to why I am suggesting the thing except that I remember it being good.

>> No.10899497

Every time I re-read something I'm hit by a wave of awe at how good the thing really is, as if in memory I'd really downplayed it for some reason.
makes me sad to know even if I remember the content of something I've read I'll never hold onto my appreciation or enthusiasm for it.

>> No.10899521

Glad to see this thread is still going strong.

>> No.10899536
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>Peterson reading list

>> No.10899543

only good answer

>> No.10899559

best part about reading Ulysses, or any book, is getting to read it again.

>> No.10899586
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wtf is wrong with her thumbs

>> No.10899587

You’re subconscious remembers them.

If you read high quality literature often enough, when you sat down to write you will synthesize all of your reading into an amalgamation if all the styles that have stuck with you and had the largest effects on you. In a creative writing class you can always tell the reader from the non-readers, easily, because they are always much better even if they are only just starting out.

>> No.10899661

>tfw remember every book I read at least pretty well and don't know OP's feel at all

>> No.10899688

That's why I underline stuff throughout the book and then write at the beginning of the book very short summaries of what I underlined with references to the page where those passages are found.
But I never read fiction so I don't know if that would work for you.

>> No.10899738

i can only recall the full plot of movies i've seen at least 3 times. hopefully that will help you out.

>> No.10899744

I've read Villehardouin's chronicle of the Fourth Crusade at least two times, maybe three. And yet if I had to write down everything I remember from it, I doubt it would amount to much more than a page. Multiply this times several hundred, and I get an uneasy feeling when I look at my bookshelves. What use is it to read all these books if I remember so little from them?

A few months ago, as I was reading Constance Reid's excellent biography of Hilbert, I figured out if not the answer to this question, at least something that made me feel better about it. She writes:

Hilbert had no patience with mathematical lectures which filled the students with facts but did not teach them how to frame a problem and solve it. He often used to tell them that "a perfect formulation of a problem is already half its solution."

That has always seemed to me an important point, and I was even more convinced of it after hearing it confirmed by Hilbert.

>> No.10899753
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>> No.10899764
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>Memory isn't a controllable search and receive system like a computer
pleb detected

>> No.10899770

Is there a correlation between memory and intelligence? I'm kind of surprised that so many people on /lit/ seem to have awful memories- I guess I always assumed that, the effects of age aside, memory was one of those things that didn't vary dramatically between people. The idea of barely being able to remember books I've read or films I've seen horrifies me tbphwy

>> No.10899772

The point of a novel is to read it like a dream that washes over you. You enjoy the ride and it leaves you only with a vague reminiscence, so you can go back and enjoy it again.
The point if poetry is to memorise the words so you can recall them at will and evoke them at appropriate times in your life.
The point of philosophy is to internalise the ideas themselves, not the words.

>> No.10899775
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>> No.10899776

Yes, reading history is not about remembering dates but about broadening your mind and deepening your understanding of humanity.

>> No.10899778

Yes there is, from a neuroscience perspective memory and intelligence are both associated with the frontal lobe and engaging in memory exercises seems to stimulate the same regions as cognitive tasks.

>> No.10899780
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>the mind is physical

>> No.10899782

>the mind is a magical entity that we can't know anything about because we are such complex beings and science will never be able to penetrate the complexities of blah blah blah


>> No.10899784
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>someone I don't like likes something therefore it's stupid and I shouldn't like it
Hmm, yes, my fellow intellectual, you are spot on!

>> No.10899785
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>The mind isn't physical

>> No.10899787

I literally don't understand what people who claim otherwise are on about.

>> No.10899800

you...you actually linked the Wikipedia page for "Grandoise Delusions"
but why?
is this some sort of meta postironic critique of a teenager's idea of a being mordantly witty?
holy shit dude, I'm not that anon but yikes

>> No.10899802

Let me give you a lobotomy or even just ablate a certain area of the prefrontal cortex and see if you're the same person then.

>> No.10899810

A professor gave a very good explanation of this...

Imagine you have a chess board with pieces in the middle of a game. You ask someone who's never played chess before to memorise the pieces -- he would have to remember that "the horse thing is on this square, and the tower piece is on that other square". Meanwhile a grandmaster would look at the board and just think "mate in three".

The first person uses his memory; "memory" being the ability to recall specific sentences in a book. The second uses intuition. The technical name for this kind of intuition is "crystallised intelligence".

When you read a book you might not be able to remember any lines, but what you're doing is building that crystallised intelligence, which translates across all aspects of life, without you even knowing it.

>> No.10899821

I'm just sick of people who get defensive when scientists manage to crack mysteries about the brain or the universe or anything else they deemed "magical". I think they dislike the idea of being reduced to simple organisms like all the other species on the planet. I tell you if somehow we figure out what consciousness is, some prick will come out and protest and make some kind of argument - b-b-b-but you can't know WHY consciousness exists! Fuck off.

>> No.10899851

The brain is an instrument through which the mind thinks, it is not itself that which thinks. Of course the mind is impaired when the brain is damaged - it has lost the use of its instrument.

>> No.10899863

youre a pleb, yesh you are

>> No.10899868

Well obviously thats an extreme strawman, but its undeniable that neuroscience is just not going anywhere beyond watching how a specific area of the brain shows some reaction on a scan when a certain emotion is stimulated. So what we can infer from the sum total of the cognitive sciences is that we do have a physical brain.

>> No.10899874

Interesting side note but its been shown that grandmasters ability to remember numbers of specific moves is no better than any random population saample.

>> No.10899875
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Back to Descartes with ye, I mean, me!

>> No.10899876

You need to close the Richard Dawkins youtube clips, its been proven that watching that shit causes parkinsons

>> No.10899880

>1000 years ago
>well of course neuroscience might be able to tell us what the brain looks like but it'll never figure out where the soul is located

I can't believe people still think like this. We're just figuring out how to settle on other planets and how immortality might be attained, and you can't envision a better understanding of the brain?

>> No.10899884

Grandmasters actually perform worse than non-players when the pieces are located in illegal positions.

>> No.10899887

>I see that things are progressing so the biggest philosophical problem is irrelevant!

>> No.10899888

Funny. I started reading The Greatest Show on Earth and stopped after 2 chapters. His writing isn't particularly edifying if you're actually scientifically literate.

Let me attack you with a similar strawman: You need to close the Jordan Peterson youtube clips.

>> No.10899889

To be fair settling on other planets and immortality sound extremely easy compared to figuring out qualia

>> No.10899895

What used to be philosophical problems are now in the domain of science.

>> No.10899900

>the domain of science
Ok, mr Reddit, I'm sure you actually understand what science is and can give me a detailed analysis of falsifiability and scientific method - which actually state that they (and that domain of STEM) can be falsified anyway. Science has no monopoly on truth.

>> No.10899907

>he actually thinks anyone takes falsifiability seriously
drop your Poopper and read Lakatos and Feyerabend

>> No.10899909

Terraforming (Earth-shaping) planets would be simpler than controlling imortality or Qualia.

>> No.10899910

okay this is some sort of high-soy reddit trolling.. post some pics of your wife fucking truck drivers or something

>> No.10899912

Where does this idea that reddit is a scientific community come from?

Also I'm not interested in playing word games with you. If philosophy to you is simply saying "you can't prove it" over and over, then you're wasting your time.

I actually like the ideas of both Heidegger and Wittgenstein but they'd both agree that just because we can't know anything for sure, it's not an excuse to be a pompous twat like you are being now.

>> No.10899914

Seriously, though, what the hell is the argument against physicalism? I always see that Mary person being mentioned, but...
>Mary lives in a black-and-white room
>she learns everything theoretical about colours but doesn't actually see them, ie light of the necessary frequency doesn't hit her eyeballs
>she leaves the room
>light of the necessary frequency hits her eyeballs and she learns what seeing colours is like
>this somehow proves there is a mind in addition to the physical brain
I mean... what?

>> No.10899916

That's the position I'm taking, you idiot. LMAO!

Read some philosophy of science, retarded neopositivist.

>> No.10899919

haha le funny hip meme! how trendy!

It's literally what has happened, even Kant wrote about this you illiterate fuck. Instead of philosophising about matter, we have models of subatomic particles. Instead of just speculating whether things are made from water or fire, we have chemistry. Philosophy gives birth to other disciplines.

If you didn't already know this you're probably 16-18.

>> No.10899924

The fact that you call me a positivist tells me you don't know what the word means.

>> No.10899926

Reading is not learning
Studying is not reading

>> No.10899928

when philosophy delves into discussing topics better dealt with by physics or biology, it turns out like shit. it's only good if it discusses analytical/mathematical logic or moral questions

>> No.10899929

>The fact that you call me a positivist tells me you don't know what the word means.
The fact I called you a neopositivist tells me you don't know how to read.

>> No.10899946

Is a neo-Marxist not a Marxist? Is a neo-Kantian not a Kantian?

I knew you were the kind of shit head that wastes other people's time playing word games.

Please stop replying to me.

>> No.10899950

Ethics questions are better answered by psychology half the time, especially descriptive ethics. Philosophy might be of some use in normative ethics.

>> No.10900046

Mr. Nolan, I am the Bureau.

>> No.10900057

>have sex
>three days later forget 95% of it and get horny again
Wtf is the point

>> No.10900268

>Please stop replying to me.

>> No.10900281

>s a neo-Marxist not a Marxist
That is correct. The term neo implies some level of contemporary reinterpretation, which for Marxism is absolutely necessary

>> No.10900286

Is there any feeling worse than this?

>> No.10900461
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>> No.10900503

dude chill lol

>> No.10900510


Unless it's a book I really enjoy, re-reading feels boring. Like I can remember every single thing, every beat of the plot, in the act of re-reading, even if I wouldn't be able to remember a single damn thing about it in a conversation.

>> No.10900512

>That's the position I'm taking, you idiot. LMAO!
Then why are you attacking science on the basis of muh falsification since nobody takes muh falsification seriously?

>> No.10900538

Since when have the established scientific "community" - rather monopoly - been epistemic anarchists like Feyerabend? They nearly all go on about falsifiablity making something 'true' or tenable. Wasn't I attacking someone who I knew had this form of rationalist, neo-positivist science in their mind?

>neo-marxism exists
Back to Youtube with ye.

>> No.10900622

>eat good food
>most of it is shit out anyway
What’s the point of eating food?

>> No.10900671

More than 5% will be there in your subconscious, plus reading increases all forms of intelligence.

Besides, "I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

>> No.10900838

You dont need to remember 100% of the book. If you read it attentively and apply it to your thinking while reading it, then it will impact you sobconsciously. The effects of the reading will unfold for years and years. Keeping the specific facts, scenes or quotes in your conscious memory at all time is not the point, unless you are doing specific historical or scientific research.

>> No.10900848

The dichotomy you're posing is dumb as fuck. There are more positions than popperian autism and epistemic anarchism. Literally what is string theory

>> No.10900863

The only valid position is epistemic anarchism. The only valid position is total anarchism.

>> No.10900867

There is no mind.

>> No.10900873

Imperialism is easy, yes. Death to STEMspergs

>> No.10900877

STEMspergery is wrong though.

>> No.10900880

Found the STEMsperg

>> No.10901081

Before I say what I think about the girl can I ask, how old is she?

>> No.10901086

>The only valid position is epistemic anarchism.
Contradiction in terms

>> No.10901192

Let-s just say she is the ideal age.

>> No.10901306

Found the samefag. I have two degrees, one in computer science and another in philosophy. You literally can't use the credentialist argument with me, fuck face.

>> No.10901420

Same here, feels patrician

>> No.10901484

>grow up normally
>forget 95 % of it

>> No.10901494

>lazy town shirt

>> No.10901495

>on a Congolese peanut butter forum


>> No.10901518

13th Warrior?

>> No.10901891

t. caltech janny

>> No.10902070

1. That 5% may be all that matters
2. The book might have influenced your thinking in more subtle or nuanced ways, maybe subconsciously
3. If you literally forget 95% of a book after a month, you're not thinking about it enough. Don't read it and forget it. Let it stew in your mind. Write down your thoughts. Maybe write a review. The real utility in reading isn't the actual act of reading, it's when you incorporate what you've read into your existing worldview.
4. For books that are essentially just a bunch of facts (like a history book), consider using SRS like Anki. I use it for almost everything. Helps me remember all the shit I need.
6. Extra point I guess if you enjoyed reading the book, the experience itself is a reward. If you're just reading genre fiction than that's all that really matters I guess. Although even then, you can take inspiration from the plot, characters, prose etc. if it's well written.

>> No.10902114
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I know

>> No.10902133

Even if you don't remember OP, what you choose to do in each moment of your life makes up who you are. Though you may not remember the lives you've lived, with reading you get to live more than one. You learn, grow, and exist outside of just yourself engaging with the fabric of humanity. You have to keep going. You have to keep living.

>> No.10902197
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this, not sure I can go on any longer if I can't get a trad gf to breed

>> No.10902256

>what you choose to do in each moment of your life makes up who you are
well that's a terrible thought

>> No.10903200


>> No.10903248
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"I do not study books, I dip into them: as for anything I do retain from them, I am no longer aware that it belongs to somebody else: it is quite simply the material from which my judgement has profited and the arguments and ideas in which it has been steeped: I straightway forget the author, the source, the wording and the other particulars.

I am so outstanding a forgetter that, along with all the rest, I forget even my own works and writings. People are constantly quoting me to me without my realizing it. If anyone wanted to know the sources of the verse and exempla that I have accumulated here, I would be at a loss to tell him, and yet I have only gone begging them at the doors of well-known and famous authors, not being satisfied with splendid material if it did not come from splendid honoured hands. In them, authority and reason coincide. No wonder that my own book incurs the same fate as the others and that my memory lets go of what I write as of what I read; of what I give as of what I receive."

>> No.10903254

Not at all.
>muh 'contradiction is bad' me-me
Still a STEMsperg.

>> No.10903274

>t. brainlet
If you don't use that 5% to store the concept, the basic plot, and important pieces of text than you aren't really reading for a purpose.

>> No.10903281

Oh look, the retard doesn't understand literature.

>> No.10903286

ahee he he

>> No.10903348

based Montaigne, noble Aryan forgetfulness

>> No.10903412


reading for plot

reading for ideas

>> No.10903999

reading for plot

reading for ideas

Reading for style and form, so you can write with so much of it you never need a plot or idea.

>> No.10904771


You pretty much forget most of everything that happens in that kind of timespan because a lot of stuff happens
I mean do you remember everything you ate exactly 2 months ago to the day?
Probably not

>> No.10904798

You know that faggot euroboy Hugh from memeland in the 12th century or some shit, or whoever the fuck wrote the Didascalicon, said that it's natural to forget what we learn, and the trick to retaining it is a "meditation" bloc in the learning process. After you read something, you ruminate and meditate and turn it over in your mind — and you'll never forget it.

>> No.10904833

Reading for memes and cultural references, so you can meme them even more.

>> No.10905466

>be alive
>forget 95% of it two months later

Wtf is the point.

What you read, whether you realise it or not, becomes a part of you