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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 202 KB, 800x596, IMG_4252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10898773 No.10898773 [Reply] [Original]

What makes a book or any piece of art "good"? Is it the deeper meaning? Is it the emotions it makes the subject feel when expierencing it? Is the ability of it to induce catharsis?

Take this impressionist painting. It's clearly an amazing painting, but why?

>> No.10898799

because the average person does not get to experience such a pleasant, cheery setting, it provides good vibes and hopefulness and remembrance how beautiful and well dressed some people are, and how noice their customs are, like outdoor get together dances, when here there is snow on the ground, it motivates me to find a traditionally dress girl to go to a park and dance, it motivates me to find a beige fedora, it lets the eyes relax on a space of multiplicity, focusing and unfocusing taking in a detailed image all at once, it is a snapshot into an eternal perfection, it is a distillation of a purity of humanity, that anyone and everyone should strive for, kind of like what animes do

>> No.10898822

>kind of like what animes do

You were absolutely on the money until you said this.

>> No.10898854

I don't think it has much to do with the deeper meaning. I think people are inherently drawn towards complex systems and find beauty in that complexity. For instance a flower is beautiful because of the billions of years of evolution that went into its conception. A great painting, or book, is beautiful because the artist had a grand vision in mind while creating it and managed to interweave various component parts into something whole and cohesive. Art always build upon ideas from other art, but when someone comes along and arranges those ideas in a new way it creates something precious and unique. And I think that's where "good"ness in art comes from, the successful synthesis of the old into something new and different.

>> No.10898859


>> No.10898872
File: 318 KB, 1280x945, Pierre-Auguste_Renoir_-_Luncheon_of_the_Boating_Party_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renoir. His paintings are pretty /comfy/.

>> No.10898877


>> No.10898888
File: 784 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10898970

Bullshit, the audience for this work was the same group of people it depicts. The 'average person' ie the 19th century farmer hasn't much to do with art viewing at all, its firmly bourgeois.

>> No.10898980

my answer refers to what makes the piece of art in op good, if you read the OP the OP asks:

Take this impressionist painting. It's clearly an amazing painting, but why?

>> No.10898999

Generally in the West an art work is 'good' if it demonstrates innovation/invention/genius, is rational in its drawing/expressive in its colour, depicts moral action drawn from history, discloses the rich inner life of the artist, imitates or perfects nature, or combinations thereof, etc. There's no single all-encompassing answer but one can give the vague suggestion, in our current era, that it's good if it 'provides evidence of how diverse and creative art production can be'.

>> No.10899006

It was good before people removed from that particular culture projected a false and alien nostalgia on it.

>> No.10899042

What exactly do you mean by that? Have you never been to a wedding, or upscale city park or back yard party barbeque? People well dressed, outside, happy, dancing, has nothing to do with nostalgia or anything, its a timeless quaint nice concept that most anyone can relate to, and if they cannot, then this art offers a glimpse of a possibility

>> No.10899081

I'm saying that art work isn't good just because it's relatable or offers possibility. That can't be applied to art in general. If you're only talking about the work in the OP you're missing the point. And even then you haven't accounted for all possible reasons why it could be considered good, as you have only covered the scene it depicts.

>> No.10899095

>you're only talking about the work in the OP you're missing the point.
already said I was, dont you think you could have provided 1 way in which I am missing the point about the work in the OP?

>> No.10899106

>What makes a book or any piece of art "good"? Is it the deeper meaning? Is it the emotions it makes the subject feel when expierencing it? Is the ability of it to induce catharsis?

The OP painting is a springboard for discussion about art in general, more universal values in 'good art'.

>> No.10899118

I know... but I was only ever answering about why I thought that painting was good.. and some things I said can relate to other good pieces of art...

>> No.10899123

that’s not good art

>> No.10899129

Form, style, function, technique, mood, contemplative, inspiring, relaxing, charging, recharging, reminding, motivating, enriching, to take the mind off, to put the mind on, at ease, at unease, at attention, at inattention, to showcase the possible grandeur and wit and power and subtlety and patience and discipline and inner vision of the human mind

>> No.10899132

that shit is trippy as hell but predates lsd by at least 50 years, obviously the artist could see what normies cannot

>> No.10899139

monet rarely painted ppl u pleb

>> No.10899140

that's not a good critique

>> No.10899146

what's good and bad varies from person to person

"good and bad are a point of veiw anakin"-palpatine

>> No.10899151

Hayden Christensen is an objectively bad actor though

>> No.10899154

its lifeless fatuous borgeois memory harvesting trash, it should be defaced with aborigines petroglyphic patterns and a baby calve should be birthed with it used as a platform for its first steps, still coated in amneotic fluid, the disgusting light reminds of a Hollywood flick aimed at serious film watchers, there’s nothing there. just another gay painting rich people find quaint, easy memories of a festival or a wedding somewhere in Europe. None of those people have anything to say, there’s nothing ready at hand for someone to access the absolute or to reflect the soul of the viewer, this is pure mittwelt sociopathy. The general milieu of “felicity” is its power, brush strokes aren’t appealing, color isn’t intelligent, subject matter is banal. This stupid shit stimulates one type of person, midwits

>> No.10899163
File: 174 KB, 333x467, 245642624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10899167
File: 163 KB, 333x489, 24575427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10899169
File: 280 KB, 403x490, 24575472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post some paintings you like please, seriously

>..this bitch serious

>> No.10899170

ugly dead souls, the common european human is abominable. men in suits and women in corsets is more debased than modern sociopathic beachgoers in swim wear, i really mean that anon

>> No.10899185

what should they wear? And what paintings do you like?

>> No.10899212

>t. Pan-Africanist drug dealer
post some good art.

>> No.10899216
File: 4 KB, 225x225, schoenber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its level of internal logical consistency. It also helps if its in agreement with nature but that's not as crucial as the former.

>> No.10899222

Fucking awful aesthetics.
A bunch of rich French cunts isn't a 'wonderful painting' no matter what stylistic flourish it has. That being said, 'lol theres sunlight and people are moving and the city is like so colourful despite everybody besides the woman on the midground left wearing some pink wearing some shade of blue, generally dark wow i am SO FUCKING SMART"
You've said it it. Bourgeois garbage.
A Pan-Africanist wouldn't aid in the degeneration of black communities via selling drugs. If you mean that they perhaps source drugs for gatherings, then so what?

>> No.10899227

Watch more anime. E7 is genuinely immeasurably important and the only real dramatization of the fullest and most deep ecological thought. That being said, the moron you're replying to is a moron. Humanism is a cancer.
A proper reading and understanding of the series can only lead to this realization. There has been no other project so successful in re-sacralizing the earth. It breaths into theory; theory breaths into it, and vice versa.
Of course, I am preaching this to some techologue anthrope moron who fetishizes urbanity and Franco-romantic back-patting.
You are literally incapable of understanding it. You will probably retort with something about intelligence. That only compounds the point; you reduce everything to some sterile intellectual exercise. Damned Platonist.

>> No.10899238

post some good art then

>> No.10899249

Why? I don't play ad hoc games, sweetie.
Just watch: >>10899227
You will fail because you are dead, so why?

>> No.10899250

Stupidest thing I've read on here all month but this isn't surprising considering /lit/ is visually illiterate. "It makes me feel feelies". Bah.
OP there isn't a single thing or a single criteria that makes every masterpiece a masterpiece and that's precisely why we think those works of art are masterpiece, because in them we find something that is not to be found in any other piece of art.

>> No.10899253

You are visually illiterate as well. Subhuman intellectualist.

>> No.10899255

What are the 7 most important things in life? How aesthetic is your room/how important is that?

>> No.10899256

Imagine being unable to go beyond the most basic level of visual analysis yet trying to talk about "the absolute". Imbecile.

>> No.10899260

Why would you post Schoenberg while saying this?

>> No.10899261

No I'm not. Go take your pills you mental ameba.

>> No.10899262

>because in them we find something that is not to be found in any other piece of art.
what is the point of finding things in art? What does art do? what can art do? "Oh thats different" "oh, look at this one, its different than that one", "oh, guys look over here, here is a difference"

>> No.10899263

What in my ass are you even trying to say?
Please find a cliff, Platonist.

>> No.10899268

clearly my smooth philistine brain can't understand that Renoir was actually a charlatan, and not one of the greatest painters of the 19th century. I'd like a big brained genius like yourself to to show me a piece of art that exemplifies all that is good, so that I may learn.

>> No.10899269

Complete utter fucking moron. Why are you on a literature board if you can't read?>>10899263
I'm not a platonist you lobotomized dendrophile. Go sodomize a three.

>> No.10899280

not him, but you're trying too hard with the misspellings now friendo.

>> No.10899283

I did suggest one. Try again.
You are an intellectualist, and so a Platonist.

>> No.10899333

>implying there is anything outside and before differance

>> No.10899342
File: 178 KB, 750x757, 3404B42A-F791-4FD7-A273-1BB72DC64EC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah posturing

>> No.10899368
File: 50 KB, 542x441, 1515401887069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the music of Schoenberg is exemplary of the first principle with a minimum of adherence to the second. Of his mature serial works each piece is its own universe.


And I suppose a secondary reason is to dispel the idea that this kind of rhetoric is essentially conservative.

>> No.10899485

his may be true of music but music is a craft; a production of design and nothing else. Music's internal logical consistency is the cart before the horse, almost literally: art, on the other hand, functions by the same principle that guides all metaphysics -- that a logical consistency precedes directly from an agreement with nature, is born of and reappropriated by nature -- that is otherwise argued on the /exterior/ of music as being the case of its interior. The exterior theory of music provides a literary framework, not a musical one, of interpretation for a medium that deadens the voice; the transformative mimesis of nature by man as a matter of teleological course, the animating spirit of art. The claims made by music to art are deluded because it cannot function as art while distancing itself from metaphysics, which is true of its history as accompaniment to poetry in Greek theatre through to its more advanced theoretical modes.

>> No.10900757

or normies on lsd see what artist predifined, does a chinese and a european person experience the same visuals on lsd

>> No.10900761

Fuck off, bourgeois cunt.

>> No.10900784
File: 45 KB, 746x541, 1521358956990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that was all shit

>> No.10900859


>> No.10900876

Calm down haystacks