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10892335 No.10892335 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write about the plight of the Western NEET? How do I novelise this? I feel like there is so much untapped potential here.

>> No.10892348

don't. there is no untapped potential because no one cares. if people cared about NEETs they wouldnt be NEETs. never post again.

>> No.10892366

imagine caring this much about people you never see who have a near zero percent impact on your life and have no political influence or agenda beyond wanting to subsist

>> No.10892369

The NEET character has to start off as a normal or even extraordinary man, and then descend into NEETdom. Perhaps he's a star college athlete who gets injured and then hooked on pain pills, and thus beings his decline. If the story starts with him being a loser, no one will care.

>> No.10892373


Now you can write about the absolute bitterness of NEETs, OP.

>> No.10892435

The Box Man by Kobo Abe
The Metamorphosis by Kafka

>> No.10892436

Are NEETs the new Syrian refugee?

>> No.10892464

no because George Soros doesn’t shill for them and they don’t get to go on CNN until they’re in handcuffs or an hero’d in some spectacular fashion. they’re invisible men, no one cares and no one should feel angry with them because they don’t do any harm to anyone. half of them are agoraphobic and stay inside all week, you’re more likely to see homeless or violent criminals than you are NEETs, they’re shy, harmless prey animals

>> No.10892469

Arbitrary stupidity. Pop culture brain.

>> No.10892474

But then again, maybe it is true.

>> No.10892483

It's been done a lot. Murphy by Samuel Beckett and Confederacy of Dunces immediately come to mind. But I know there are others.

>> No.10892515

But what about with the addition of internet culture, otaku culture and the like?

>> No.10892529

Yeah there is probably some amusing work to be done on the subject.

>> No.10892545

Dostoyevsky's oeuvre covers this basically.

>> No.10892592
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The only one's who are going to write compellingly about w-NEETs is going to be the people who aren't NEETs but are close to them. We know you better than you do, and what's interesting about your whole existence sits within a context that your shitty life has never granted you the perspective of.

>> No.10892603

Not always, especially not economically.

>> No.10892616

you don't get it.

Anyway, I wrote a story addressing this stuff. I think it is successful and a good story, so it is possible. I won't post it.

>> No.10892620
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I was a NEET for five years. AMA

>normal kid
>majored in philosophy, wanted to teach
>got hooked by perennial philosophy and hippie psychedelic culture
>fried my brain a few too many times with acid dmt shrooms mescaline and near everything from pihkal and saw a new reality
>literally was hallucinating so much I lost twelve months of time
>slowly awakened to a new new reality in a psych ward
>meds were a miracle at returning me to normal, I was saved from the mindless path of hobo shamanism
>didn't want to take meds
>didn't believe myself sick
>thought I could control myself with sobriety and meditation
>went crazy a few more times
>contemplated suicide after being put on injectible meds
>eventually returned to normalcy, school, jobs, and relationships

>> No.10892628

I don't think your existence (the NEET) is of particular interest, just the causes that lead to you being possible. Individually, NEETs are invisible as some anon said. They aren't characters, and their histories are every NEET's history.

>> No.10892633

Castaway on the Moon is about a NEET (sorta)

>> No.10892646

that's way more interesting than the average neet
>no hard drugs, no sex, no meds, no life threatening trauma, no fun, just got depressed dropped out of college and practically stayed in my room for 2 years

>> No.10892719

Your stories garbage.

>> No.10892748


>> No.10892818
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>> No.10892831

The Metamorphosis is about a man becoming a NEET

>> No.10892846

Books are usually about people who do shit and have relationships with other characters

>> No.10892872
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Do you even NEET?

>> No.10892878


Also Oblomov and Bartleby.

>> No.10892881

theres alot of themes to explore with NEETs
obviously the japanese and korean cultures give real world examples that are foreign enough to look at with an outsiders perspective

connect loneliness with class and material comfort. and the aquisition of material comfort and emotional deadness with the loss of sex and the rearing of children, or basic humanity.

connect this further with the emptiness and deadness of current consumerist post material capitalism. if youve read baudrillard, youd know how it connects to signs and simulacra and nothing material

basically the neets are from the future, inhuman human gods rejecting all things human and material for the immaterial and capitalist. where we're all headed towards. whether they do this by choice or not or maybe somehow both simultaneously is also an interesting route

>> No.10892908

i've told wagies i'm just an early adopter of the post-work society but they don't appreciate it

>> No.10893030

If you are neet just do the human race a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.10893234

I'm not a NEET. But as a denizen of 4chan and the other chan I'm surrounded by them.

>> No.10893245

I remember reading it around 14 and feeling like shit afterwards. It made me want to be a neet. But fortunately I escaped it. Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.10893306

begin with the pee pee and the poo poo

>> No.10893336
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holy shit

>> No.10893428

just copy notes from underground but make the social parts take place online instead

>> No.10893577

>hobo shamanism
im stealing that

>> No.10894916

dumb utilitarian

>> No.10894936

>tfw hiki'd too hard and now i accidentally agoraphobia and need a bunch of cbt to relearn being a normie

>> No.10894963

>normal kid
>majored in philosophy
You managed to contradict yourself 1.5 greentext sentences through. No wonder you ended up a NEET you fucking moron.

>> No.10894971

>How do I write about the plight of the Western NEET?
What plight? Being given everything in life and still failing? Sitting on your ass for the whole day doing nothing for no reason? Being a leech and a failure as a human being?

>> No.10895000

Russian literature touches on all those subjects

>> No.10895009

If you're given everything what is there to fail at? Why does doing nothing requires reasons rather than doing something? Why do you think not being a wageslave makes you fail as a person?

A lot of wagie ideology here.

>> No.10895014

Just because you're given everything doesn't mean you can't lose everything

>> No.10895015

I sincerely hope the government slashes welfare for neets. You're a fucking leech. You exist only because working people allow you to.

>> No.10895041
File: 137 KB, 600x450, welfare neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but that goes for everyone, including workers. In fact it's easier to lose your job than to lose your welfare. NEETs are already adapted to the frugal lifestyle, if anything they're better equiped for hardship than your average wageslave who lives above his means.

Any society with a market economy is going to have unemployment and it is objectively less expensive to that society to keep the unemployed fed and entertained rather than have them start causing trouble.

The people in charge don't want revolution, it's in their interest to keep the lumpenproles satisfied to a degree, even if that means wage slaves like you have to pay a bit more. You're probably going to pay for us for the rest of your life.

>> No.10895044

A simple change in government could ruin the life of your average neet. A wagie has transferable skills that a neet lacks.

>> No.10895046

>he thinks NEETs could ever achieve a succesfull revoltion
top zozzle you guys are incapable of talking to a real person without dropping spaghetti
>Any society with a market economy is going to have unemployment and it is objectively less expensive to that society to keep the unemployed fed and entertained rather than have them start causing trouble.
Nope, it would be far more efficient to use NEETs as human cattle (their IQ is that of cow anyway).

>> No.10895060

>What plight? Being given everything in life and still failing? Sitting on your ass for the whole day doing nothing for no reason? Being a leech and a failure as a human being?

Yes that plight, and the crushing guilt.

>> No.10895077

>A simple change in government could ruin the life of your average neet.
It won't, for the reasons I mentioned. Welfare programs are essential for maintaining order and stability. People don't want millions of angry hungry young men with nothing to lose and everything to gain by flipping the table. Welfare is in the interest of the powerful.

>top zozzle you guys are incapable of talking to a real person without dropping spaghetti
Most irl welfare recipients aren't like your animes. Lumpenproles are a pretty scary class of people, way less domesticated than your average wageslave.

>Nope, it would be far more efficient to use NEETs as human cattle (their IQ is that of cow anyway).
Keep daydreaming about your revenge fantasies, lad. It will never happen.

>> No.10895082 [DELETED] 
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>Lumpenproles are a pretty scary class of people, way less domesticated than your average wageslave.

>> No.10895093

Unless it was the opposite story: A fat beta NEET gets his shit together and becomes the star college athlete.

>> No.10895123


>> No.10895259

Hot damn

>> No.10896335

Nobody wants to read about neets jerking off to Wendy's porn.

>> No.10896364

I do

>> No.10896569

yes they do dipshit

>> No.10896624

u're wronk

>> No.10896631

Being a NEET isn't a plight, it's the absolute best way to live life. If you think otherwise it's because you're a bitter failure, not because you're a NEET. I am working my ass off for the chance to be a NEET (i.e. retire in comfort). I was a NEET for several years after graduating college, my mid 20s were the best time of my life. I'd give anything to have that carefree lifestyle again. Unfortunately I need money to do so.

>> No.10896761

i fantasize about having a secluded, moderately sized manor somewhere by a lake in the woods; being free to sit by a fireplace in my comfy library, reading books, writing and ignoring civilisation falling apart around me
maybe i'd have a few servants i would barely ever see, and a dog and a cat. sometimes i'd go fishing out on the lake, and every day i would take a stroll in the woods and fields, by foot or on horseback
maybe someday i would invite some lonely autist artists i met on the internet, browsing sometimes in the only room to have any modern technology, to come live with me

>> No.10896795

someone should stomp on your throat for being a faggot

>> No.10896837

that's fine

>> No.10897511

Just write what happens in a single day. Repeat it over and over with maybe one thing changed. Only honest way to portray it.

>> No.10897554

I mean I'm a NEET right now and I know there are quite a few people that care about me. At least in my personal experience it's less that if people cared about NEETs there wouldn't be NEETs as much as if people didn't care about NEETs then I wouldn't be a NEET because I would have killed myself a long time ago if I didn't have to worry about all of the people that would mourn me.

If I could push a button and just delete myself so there was no physical trace or memory left of me in this world then I would seriously consider it.

>> No.10897966
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I like that idea. You can insert the NEET's past and daydreams in between that. I suppose NEET's all failed to socialize properly as adolescents. They fail to adjust to society so they reject it close themselves off and become isolated. They missed out on all of the things ordinary people take for granted like friends, love, and work. Eventually they develop depression, agrophobia and internet addiction from the NEET life style. So rather than just writing about their daily life you can include the circumstances that led them to become NEET's and the terrible loneliness and regret they experience daily. I'm sure our friends at r9k have more to say about it

A lot of people think stories need some sort of direction and resolution though. I'd have the protagonist either overcome NEETdom or commit suicide.

>> No.10898023


Write about a Roman Catholic who gets indoctrinated by /pol/ memes to become a neo-nazi, then shoots up a school and kills himself.

>> No.10898065

I was a NEET in my late teens and early 20's 18-20, and I went to parties, went to class, passed tests, had gf, had sex, had friends I just didn't like people. you don't know what the fuck you're talking about at all and its bleeding off of you

>> No.10898099

Five years is nothing...

>> No.10898108

kind of a coward

>> No.10898129

You weren't a neet lol.

>> No.10898139


>> No.10898142

>You don't know what the fuck you're talking about at all and its bleeding off of you
NEET=Not in education, employment or training.
>Went to class
That's not what comes to mind when people think of NEETs. You're a normie, anon, I'm sorry.
I'm assuming OP was talking about shut ins and not people that didn't work for 2 years while taking classes. Even if you're not a people person that doesn't make you a NEET. Go on r9k and you'll see what I mean...

>> No.10898143

This is what I hate about normies: they fail to see the tragedy in failure or in evil. Yeah, NEETs failed at life in the traditional sense, but hey, guess what retard: that's a sad thing, and it's a tragedy of its own.

>> No.10898232

White male failure is not sad, it rules. The planet is watching you with barely stifled laughter. Have you bought your exit mask yet? Or are you waiting for the new episode of BLACKED before checking out? lmao

>> No.10898737

>inactivity can achieve eudaimonia
Do you even Aristotle?

>but "the life of contemplation!"
I assure you, eating tendies and playing MOBAs does not fit that mold.

>> No.10898753

>rejecting all things material and capitalist
Hah! That's why they play games, read books, watch TV, eat junk food, and browse the Internet.

>> No.10898772

I've thought about writing a NEET book, but it wouldn't really be about the NEET even though he is the protag. Remember when in elementary school they made you write a letter to a predetermined pen pal? The story would follow a NEET who became penpals with a kid in elementary school and continued writing letters into adulthood. His penpal is a socially adjusted guy who while not chad has a fairly active social life. It would start in his late 20's when he starts to feel something is wrong with his friend and thinks he might be in trouble. So he leaves his NEET cave and ventures out to find his penpal in the act of committing suicide. The NEET would then help his penpal move past his trauma and rebuild his life. The NEET then goes back to his cave still a NEET.

>> No.10898791

not that you'll listen, but that's a terrible way to think. Retirement=death after about 50. You stop struggling towards something definable after that and your brain is mush. Of course you can always do stuff like volunteering or self study but without the structure it's much easier said than done.

>> No.10898793

How do proper NEETs function? Are they living with parents, or are they receiving unemployment checks? Regardless it's pretty fucking hilarious how many of these people are radical conservatives who think black people are lazy.

>> No.10898820

Usually living with their parents. NEET isn't really a new thing in the West. We used to just call them basement dwellers.

>> No.10898835

or nobles

>> No.10898855

Fuck off normalfag

>> No.10898860

My IQ tested pretty high. Where'd you take your test, huh huh? Das right.

>> No.10898865

I just broke my NEET-ness
Praise the Lord

>> No.10898914


>> No.10899091

>these are the people you post with
No wonder 4chan as a whole is so shit now

>> No.10899107

i wasn’t in school or working, so yes I was.
I wasn’t taking classes i didn’t go to school or work during that time period
>go on /r9k/
i have been on /r9k/ they’re not the only NEETs
>not a people person
lol i didn’t leave the house for days on end and only went out to get drugs or food
Not a normalfag at all, i stopped socializing at 18 and had no friends at all until 13 years old, spent all my life alone until teens, then the same from 18-20 and now if I didn’t attend uni i would be the definition of a NEET. Im saying not everyone who has been a NEET is incapable of making friends or having sex, I just hated humans, i didn’t get rejected I rejected people
why are you mad? you think everyone who doesn’t work or go to school and is agoraphobic is like you? you think its an IDENTITY like you’re a nigger and im a lightskin and you’re saying i can’t have your IDENTITY? is that what you’re getting at anon?

>> No.10899145


>> No.10899155

NEET-as-saviour is a trope we definitely don't need to borrow from weeb cartoons

>> No.10899568

I'm going to be a NEET in 2 months, when I graduate high school. I'm not even western, the welfare is 150 euro/month and I don't see what's bad in being a NEET. It reminds me of that Schopenhauer's aphorism related to boredom, that man is flawed and can never reach a state of bliss because he is the only animal that is marked by a compound of needs and he always has to stifle his boredom.

>> No.10899570

That's just a drug addict story. What makes the NEET so tragic is his predestined indolence.

>> No.10899581
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Yes, that's the one.

>> No.10899589
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No I only exist because two people, my parents, were operating under the insidious delusion that life is worth perpetuating and decided to have unprotected sex.

>> No.10899596

Sure, so you had long periods of unemployment and social maladjustment. Bravo. I'm curious as to why you're so adamant to identify yourself as NEET, does it make you proud? Men should provide for themselves, shouldn't they? Fill your boots man. Do you really plan to come out of uni with zero work experience and find a job? I'm only assuming you never worked. You're nearly incoherent.

Anyway, enough of this fool. I think the species of NEET OP wants to write about is the classic basement dweller. I mean, technically, a gangbanger is not in education, employment or training but would you call them a NEET? Obviously the term has taken on a connotation
similar to shut in. What is the shut in's struggle?

>> No.10899599
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If you write a convincing story about a NEET in his late twenties who overcomes his escapism instead of fading away, I'll read it. Bonus points if he doesnt read 12 Rules for Life in order to do so.

>> No.10899725

This, no one gives a fuck

All the kind of melancholic ennui kind of novels revolve around the archetypal 'wagecuck' much more than 'neet'

>> No.10899727

No plight, if you were writing about how gassing the NEETs would improve everyone's lives then yeah that may be interesting

>> No.10899746
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>tfw fired myself from a decent paying job because it was too stressing
>tfw going to be unemployed in a week
>tfw can't wait to feel relieved from the pressure of work

>> No.10899941

At least where I am the trick is to work, but less. If you go social welfare you're obliged to spend time ticking boxes, which is like a sort of really shit in the company of people who despise you. Right now I'm part time and make do, only problem is lying to my boss about my 'other' afternoon job and avoiding getting employed full time. This could also be achieved with a fake kid, but who the fuck would believe that?

>> No.10899943

a sort of really shit *work*

>> No.10899970

Except the guy in CoD gets a job in like the second chapter. Hardly a NEET.

>> No.10900023


>> No.10900037

Do a real NEET. the man who is not without peace, but he is lonely. He has no friends, but many acquaintances. He isn’t average, but far from a genius.

A man like you. A man like me.

>> No.10900107


That sounds like a highly masturbatory fantasy. Like a neet can help some guy turn his life around when he can't manage his own.

>> No.10900264
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>anyone who doesn't think like me is a bitter failure