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10887228 No.10887228 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite Dostoievsky book?

>> No.10887264
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pic related

>> No.10887481

I enjoyed The Double, I didn't think it would be as funny as it is.

That said, I've not read Brothers K, Demons or The Idiot, so I don't think I can weigh in properly.

>> No.10887482

What translation of C&P is best?

>> No.10887493

White Nights
I'm a cuck

>> No.10887569


>> No.10887762

the gambler, even though it doesnt stand up to dostoyevsky's usual standard its had a huge impact on me

>> No.10888257

I plan on reading either The Idiot or Demons next.
I've already read Notes, TBK, C&P & The Meek One

>> No.10889378

The Idiot.

I've only read C&P, The Idiot, and Notes from Underground.

>> No.10889384

Crime and Punishment

I've read all his longer works and a decent portion of his shorter works. Tolstoy is better though

>> No.10889390


Dostoievsky is hilarious sometimes, the scene in the restaurant with his friends in notes from underground had my sides in orbit

>> No.10890715

The Gambler resonates the most with me since I more or less live my life the same way.
Probably Demons but I am yet to read Idiot and The Karamazov Brothers.

>> No.10890731

Brothers K. I have yet to find a character that I can most relate to as Koyla.

>> No.10890763

The fuck

>> No.10890764
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>tfw that scene hit too close to home to my own autistic fits for me to feel anything but empathy

>> No.10890858

I'm not surprised that /lit/ relates to Koyla.

>> No.10890904

The Brothers

>> No.10890976

The Idiot. You can't dislike Mishkin.

>> No.10891024

New Ready for Penguin. P&V are overrated and not very good.

>> No.10891036

Started Crime and punishment, what should I read next. It's either notes or brother. This is my first book ever, so whatever is easiest would be a little better. Also what translation.... I'm new to the book scene

>> No.10891045
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>This is my first book ever
Like...ever ever?

>> No.10891052

Thomas Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10891053

Yeah... I'm quite the degenerate but I'm making changes and quite enjoying it. My reading comprehension is decent, sometimes read a paragraph twice.

>> No.10891061

If I'm to stop Dostoevsky, I'm going to start Orwell or blood meridian.

>> No.10891064
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Good for you desu lad. Hope you enjoy it, it's a fantastic book.

>> No.10891070

Go read the /lit/ starting kit famalam. It's in the wiki.

>> No.10891088

i doubt it. he probably relates more to idealized fictional self. koyla is a saint, you are a person.

>> No.10891090

Read Notes next. Crime and Punishment is a good starting point for Dostoevsky, it is simpler than Karamazov. I started with Notes then tackled Karamazov and later The Idiot. Read Crime and Punishment last month and was pleased in how simple it is in comparison.

>> No.10891108

Cool, thanks for the response. Notes it is.

>> No.10891113

I bought dostoyevskys letters from the underworld in a charity shop, is this the same as notes...?

>> No.10891142

Enjoy the ride my man, Dostoevsky is a madman

>> No.10891145

Same dude

>> No.10891923

haha nice bait ;)

>> No.10892092

I was dying laughing when he talked about how he planned to not move to the side when that random guy would walk past him and bumped into him. Then for 2 years or something he kept moving to the side

Reading this book while picturing the man as Wojak made it so goddamn funny

>> No.10892119

Tossup between the idiot and bros k, read both at the perfect time in my life.

>> No.10892139

>good at literature

>> No.10892234

Could you elaborate? What did BK do for you?

>> No.10892550


His name is Kolya, retards.

And I think it's perfectly normal to relate to Kolya, I know I did. I think a lot of /lit/ browsers in general probably feel like they were much better with words in their youth than their peers, and that's a huge part of Kolya's character. He's also not perfect,his biggest flaw being that he thinks he's a lot wiser than he actually is (which should also be relatable for many of us).

Also in Dostoyevsky's original plan for the sequel novel Kolya and his boys were going to become leftist radicals/revolutionaries, which Dostoy is obviously highly critical of.

>> No.10892739

Help a brainlet out. Why did Nastasia stay with Rogozhin, if she knew he would kill her?

>> No.10892799

IIRC, she thinks of herself as defiled and unfit for someone as pure as the prince.