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10889840 No.10889840 [Reply] [Original]

>gregory sadler runs a heavy metal blog and http://heavymetalphilosopher.blogspot.com/
>roger scruton: "I have actually been listening to quite a bit of heavy metal lately, and Metallica, I think, is genuinely talented. Master of Puppets I think has got something genuinely both poetic – violently poetic – and musical. Every now and then something like that stands out"
>zizek enjoys rammstein

what is it about heavy metal music that appeals to intellectuals, bros?

>> No.10889854

>>roger scruton: "I have actually been listening to quite a bit of heavy metal lately, and Metallica, I think, is genuinely talented. Master of Puppets I think has got something genuinely both poetic – violently poetic – and musical. Every now and then something like that stands out"
I always imagined Scruton to be the kind of guy who only listens to pre-20th century classical music while he scoffs the plebeian masses for listening to popular music.

>> No.10889855

it's antisocial

>> No.10889874

Stop forcing Sadler onto us.

>> No.10889898

stop listening to indie rock and meme rap

>> No.10889941

Scruton's Aristocratic Autism comes from how he listens to music: like you'd read a book. He utterly devotes his attention to it as you would an opera you were vieeing in person. Most music isn't designed to be listened to like that anymore, so there's less depth. This isn't bad, music doesn't have to cater to people who understand music after all, but it's why Scruton is a stuckuo twat with a lot of modern music: it is, in fact, less deep, simpler, and in fact communicates less than what he enjoys.

There's bound to be several things from this era that types like him enjoy simply through the sheer amount of it. I can see him going on Musical Safaris like Nobility of old, sampling the fruits of the lower classes.

>> No.10889951

metal and related areas usually attract obscure or fringe intellectual or conceptual influences and occasionally channel very powerful aural forms, like Plato's music that should uplift the soul and fill men with vitality

>> No.10889952

>Scruton's Aristocratic Autism comes from how he listens to music: like you'd read a book.
that's how everyone who isn't a casual listener listens to music lol. what i meant to say is that i imagined him to be the kind of snob that thinks that popular music can be capital A art

>> No.10889963


>> No.10890352

>Most music isn't designed to be listened to like that anymore, so there's less depth.

You don't listen to much music do you? Immense amounts of music released today is designed to command your full attention should you take the time. Perhaps that might be the impression if all you hear is top 40 radio while driving or out at a bar. Scruton fucks up because he thinks people listen to bizarre and discordant music out of intellectual pretense rather than genuine aesthetic satisfaction.

>> No.10890444

I never understood metal, but grunge is the superior modern music.

>> No.10890529

It isn't. Hardcore is superior and more intellectual.
Also achieved 4chan levels of ironic autism well before the internet:

>> No.10890540

>only ONE genre can appeal to intellectuals!

also some of what you posted has clear influence from metal.

>> No.10890549

Didn't Zizek say he only listens to classical? Just because he discusses music like Laibach (or whatever it was called) and Rammstein doesn't mean he listens to it on a regular basis. In fact he says literally the same thing about both bands, that they immitate fascism to liberate the style from it or whatever.

>> No.10890554

Not what I said.
And chicken and egg. A lot of metal has a punk sound. Only one of those bands has a metal influence, but they're still a hardcore band.

>> No.10890587

fall of efrafa fit neatly into both categories, and man is the bastard draw a lot from sludge. nomeansno are an iffier case; their sound is often quite heavy (especially on an album like 'why do they call me mr. happy?), but in a manner distinct from most heavy metal. i've seen people apply that label to them nevertheless, but i'm not sure i buy it. there has been a tremendous amount of punk-metal crossover though, since at least the days of motorhead.

>> No.10890851

>fall of efrafa
Did they seriously name their band after Watership Down? Picked up.

>> No.10890870

Those bands are entrylevel shit though.

>> No.10890896


>> No.10890913

Sure you could argue that there's plenty of music being released which demands a persons full attention and has some purpose and soul put into it, but the majority of music which is heard on the radio is not that sort of music. Scrutons beef is that top 40 radio shit being played everywhere (Pubs, cafes, shopping centres etc) and that this music is specifically designed to lull you into a trance rather than appreciating beauty.

Most of the music that is LISTENED TO in our day to day lives isn't beautiful or edifying. People only listen to what they're exposed to. Not everyone has the benefit of knowing a cool guy who has good taste or discovering decent bands. They're subjected to garbage - and they're raised with the idea that the only proper context to enjoy music is while it's in the background of doing something else.

>> No.10890931

>Fucked Up
yes, you did, by posting that shit band


btw if you like crust or d-beat while disliking metal, you're a false

>> No.10890943

Fuck you, Fucked Up is definitely /lit/. The lyrics are beautiful.
Yes, Fall of Efrafa is unironically /lit/. Watership Down’s lore and mythology seeps it’s way into that bands lyrics.

>> No.10890953

>The lyrics are beautiful.
you have to go back
they're shitty overproduced NPR "hardcore" with gaudy rock-opera excess

>> No.10890964

scholars are basically barbarians

>> No.10890989

Scruton is a mid-wit pleb though

>> No.10891002

You speak like the fact that the vast majority of people aren't good listeners is specific to our age.

>> No.10891006

The production is what makes it great. You are a disgrace to actual hardcore with good production

>> No.10891031

>actual hardcore
Fucked Up is the Hamilton of "hardcore"; trite, bombastic, and certainly not authentic

>> No.10891049

>Master of Puppets

Could he be any more entry-level pleb? That album sucks compared to the first two anyway.
Everyone know Atheist's Unquestionable Presence is the height of metal music anyway

>> No.10891056

What a fucking pleb

>> No.10891065

>Everyone know Atheist's Unquestionable Presence is the height of metal music anyway
A fellow patrician I see

>> No.10891233

Heavy metal is elizabethan baby. Much metal is Mozart.

>> No.10891246

>the vast majority of people aren't good listeners is specific to our age.
This is true though. Before the invention of record players, music was a deeply spiritual matter that demanded undivided attention. Singing in church choirs and silently listening to a man strum on a guitar was usually the only context people experience music. These days music is a background noise rather than the prime focus

>> No.10891284

You just need to look at the environment as a work of art now. Music demanded undivided attention in the same way any kind of art demanded the attention from a single pov respectively. Art is present as an environment. When you're in the car with your prospective (perspective) lover you tune the background music to work to your advantage. You are listening, but not just to 1 song, you are listening to everything. Music as background "noise" (and silence is simply the sounds we don't hear) is music as mood, or music as one of the many figures that constitute the unified effect of any experience.

>> No.10891554


no. No one thinks your shitty garage band is better hardcore than Fucked Up faggot, I wish I could punch you in the fucking face

>> No.10891659

I'll vouch for Technical Death Metal and Progressive Metal to be patrician's choice.
I think it is much more appealing to an intellectual, for it requires an absolutely unbiased approach and genuine interest to understand it.
For a pleb, it would be nothing but periodic noise, he would not be differentiate between Cannibal Corpse's Frantic Disembowelment and Beyond Creation's Omnipresent Perception.
It is the little details in metal that defines the beauty, something an unsteady mind cannot comprehend. Philosophy demands you to pay attention to the thoughts. To question the very essence of essence itself. Once you can see it, you'll find the beauty of it. A pleb would read/hear it as a overly complicated vocabulary diarrhea, which cannot get it laid or paid.

>> No.10891701

>beyond creation

Is this a fucking troll post?

>> No.10891799

>prog metal
>technical death metal

Literal Pantera shirt wearing faggot tier.

Listen to atmospheric sludge or black gaze or gtfo. Who liked Wolves in the Throne Rooms last album? P good right?

>> No.10891854

honestly if you can't dig pantera's walk you're a fag

>> No.10893511

>Technical Death Metal and Progressive Metal
that' what i liked when i was 14

>For a pleb, it would be nothing but periodic noise
but prog and tech death are usually clean as fuck. black metal sounds like noise to a pleb and that's why it's the patrician choice.

>> No.10893567

>as you would an opera
opera is vapid shit though

>> No.10893737

>recognized patrish music genre
Art pop
Post punk
Trip Hop
Death Metal (Death's Symbolic esp.)
Black Metal (some bm are really good)
Doom Metal
(Early) Heavy Metal (especially early Sabbath albums)

i thought opera is really enjoyable, tho i didn't understand shit though

>> No.10893763

All that metal is unironically shit unless it’s atmospheric or black gaze or something. I’m so fucking sick of hearing the same shit over and over again in metal.

>> No.10893768

Are Death Grips patrician?

>> No.10893784

I thought so. NotM especially is really good, reminiscence of Autechre but replaced some of the tunes with Stefan's voice. Steroid (their latest EP) is fucking good too

>> No.10893803

yep. it gets repetitive pretty fast desu. though there are still diamonds, the classic albums that popularized the genre. good releases are pretty rare in the recent times.

>> No.10893810

>black gaze
literally derivate boring trash 99% of the time

>> No.10893823

I can just imagine some vape juice in your beard. Disgusting metalfag. I do partake in all genres: Dawn's Crown of the Triarchy is my favourite album, Lil Peep is my favourite twink and Lil Pump can ESKEETIT my ass... But, even if I like Jeff Mangum, I will fuck his Zizek documentary girlfriend

(I even partake in the Minotaur Sadler himself!) So STFU kindly.

>> No.10893839

Absolutely not. I’ll bet you don’t even like the new Alcest release. You are absolute scum. Go listen to your Burzum, Nordic trash

>> No.10893846

>I’ll bet you don’t even like the new Alcest release
Of course I don't Niege hasn't made a good album since Ecailles

>> No.10893853


You fucking retard.

Wolves in the Throne Room. Album last year. What did you think

>> No.10893890

bush is postgrunge though which is actually superior because it's treated as a total joke while grunge has some bullshit "authenticity" attached to it by retards, hipsters, people who read pitchfork. glycerine is total nonsense and one of my favorite songs.

>> No.10893903

gabber is the only intellectual music genre and dance

>> No.10893907

DESU DESU, Sadgasm were better.

>> No.10893911

I haven't listened to it

>> No.10893929

people who listen to metal should be gassed -if only as a kindness for their parents.

>> No.10893937


>> No.10894382

leave the hall fuckers

>> No.10894407

In high school I knew a pretty smart violinist who competed at a professional level and actually makes a living as a musician today. He listened to nothing but progressive metal. I guess there must be something to it but I really can't hear it

>> No.10894855

maybe he was just gay

>> No.10896032
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>atmospheric or black gaze

>> No.10896052

all the best metal is 'atmospheric'. the inclusion of that as an explicit tag merely connotes mediocre songwriting and often times bad shoegaze affectations

>> No.10896058

It appeals to ugly people.

>> No.10896080


It's always the same with these pseuds

>> No.10896088


>> No.10896097

Literally was the best. Moving forward black n roll seems to be doing pretty good. Kvelertak’s album back in 16 was incredible. Unfortunately I’m still waiting for a new Jeff The Brotherhood album that kicks ass, but Boris’ album from last year is tight.

Heavy, hard rock these days is hard to find

>> No.10896126

satyricon but only the "satyr with short slicked back hair" phase

>> No.10896140

you're not looking hard enough. try Spectral Voice, Panphage, Golgothan Remains, Skáphe, Hades Archer, Mortiferum, Krolok, Whipstriker (all from the past year)

>> No.10896194
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>black gays

>> No.10897351

>what is it about heavy metal music that appeals to intellectuals, bros?
Because it's basically Wagner with electric guitars.

>> No.10897389
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>He doesn't listen to Deathspell Omega while reading patrician lit



>> No.10897581

"intellectual" or not, you're better off outgrowing this stuff (and all other popular music genres while you're at it) sooner than later. grown men who still like it are an embarrassment, undeveloped manchildren

t. guy who listened to spent his adolescence listening to metal

the truest patrician doesn't listen to music at all, or very little of it.

>> No.10897609

It caters to autists. Normally those who stick around haven't gotten over some teenage butthurt yet.
t. listened exclusively to metal as a teenager, meeting people in concerts made me realize how trash the audience was and eventually evolved to other genres

>> No.10897687

or a less colorful Bartok

>> No.10897706

You're human cancer. A cancer that separated itself from the original organism and now walks around and posts on /lit/.

>that Scruton quote
Fucking LEL
The pompous classicist reveals his, at its core, shit taste.

>> No.10897728

I listen to metal and I'm not an autistic Marxist

>> No.10897791


>> No.10897880

beside roasting me, you should rec me some good music anon, un-pseud me

>> No.10897893
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yeah, because Peterson is so much better right?

>> No.10897909

I went to enough metal gigs and festivals as a teenager to know that there is no link between intelligence and metal, and I unfortunately wasted far too much of my time trying to make friends with people based on the belief that people who also listened to the same niche genre of music as me would somehow be just like me

>> No.10897946

Is this pasta?

>> No.10898553

>popular music
Most people listen to fairly obscure music though. Mainly due to the internet.

>> No.10898565

>deeply spiritual
I agree with the rest but it was far from deeply spiritual, that's laughable. It was routine and simple entertainment.

>> No.10898608

Not really. Instead of a pressing of 500 and a few thousand tapes traded you get a few thousand youtube views. Obscure is obscure. Popular is popular. And the internet tends to spread the most popular even more.