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File: 83 KB, 592x572, Sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10886583 No.10886583 [Reply] [Original]

Criticisms of Nausea or Sartre in general?

Worth reading or not? Need more existentialism.

>> No.10886589
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>> No.10886595

He was a commie who admired murderous dictators. Enough said.

>> No.10886598

he was a commie faggot

>> No.10886627

Manlet so not to be taken seriously

>> No.10886629

i hate that lazy eye so much

>> No.10886630

he looked the wrong way at things

>> No.10886636

>criticism of Sartre
he was 150cm tall and looked like a goblin

>> No.10886638

You should read his "Wall', and you can see his relation to commie and others ''-ism". He declared individual exist how highest value. It's basic thought of existentialism, which was formed by Dostoevsky: Life is higher than the consciousness of life.

>> No.10886654
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>He declared individual exist how highest value

>> No.10886662
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it could be worse. For example, 4ch

>> No.10886664

Existentialism, even in its incipient form in Nietzsche's philosophy is the absolute quintessence of nihilism.

>> No.10886693

AHAHAHA Realy? Nietzsche was the scientist of (im)moral, that's why he made the concept of nihilism. Existentialism was beginning in Russia

>> No.10886699

If this isn't bait I don't know what the fuck is.

>> No.10886707
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>> No.10886710
File: 33 KB, 720x358, my fighting manlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a nazi who admires murderous dictators or a conservative who admires people who gave money to murderous dictators
nazi faggot
Hitler, Caesar, Alexander, Stalin, Napoleon fuck off treeman

>> No.10886713

Too religious.

>> No.10886725

>meaning is derived from power (the subjective emanation of the being on the external world)
>meaning is derived from the essence of the being

6 of one, half a dozen of the other

>> No.10886752

By the way, Artour Danto in his book about Nietzsche don't mention existentialism, because it's blah. Nietzsche had an influence on structuralism.

>> No.10886768

Doesn't matter Camus, Sartre, Neitzsche, and Heidegger just regurgitated his same ideas without a conclusion of Faith.

>> No.10886788

Dope. Go back to school

>> No.10886800

>Worth reading or not? Need more existentialism.

You could, you know, just try reading it and deciding for yourself.

Incidentally, look up Sartre’s lecture “Existentialism is a humanism” for a distillation of some of the ideas.

>> No.10886805

Existentialism is philosophy of children. Heidegger is philosopher in pure means like Badiou. If Heidegger was existentialist Lacan wouldn't referred to him so much.

>> No.10886816

Doesn't matter if Heidegger was an existentialist or not, some of his ideas were still owed to Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard had already died before Dostoevsky even wrote Notes from Underground, and Kierkegaard was in a sense the underground man as a hero instead of the paradoxialist. He had already dialectically engaged arguments via pseudonyms decades before authors even approached a single one.

>> No.10886836

"Existentialism is humanism" is mockery trying to link Marxism and human theory of enlightenment. Read Althusser and you can see inhumanity of Marxism.

>> No.10886878

I think a way understanding Kierkegaard in context of theory of speech act is more efficient than existential absurd.

>> No.10886890


>> No.10886899
File: 16 KB, 220x299, Celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reading this shit !

Read "L'agité du Bocal" by Celine about Sartre.

>> No.10886912

Jesus Christ man learn English.

>> No.10886925

One eye on the tiddies

One eye on the Nothingness

>> No.10886930

Go back to Twitter

>> No.10886931

>L'agité du Bocal
can I get a link to english translation or a hint? i can't read French, im monoglot

>> No.10886956

You mean Mongoloid ;^)

>> No.10886983

>can I get a link to english translation or a hint? i can't read French, im monoglot


i have found this.

>> No.10886984

no i meant monoglot, as in I cannot read any languages besides English, so I'm asking, since I really adore Celine, if the anon would share an English translation, I hate Sartre and want to see what Celine had to say

>> No.10887003

nigger brain

>> No.10887021

thank you anon

>> No.10887027

He refers to him as "Fartre" in (I think) Fable for Another Time.

>> No.10887098
File: 15 KB, 283x216, Louis ferdinand Celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sartre was an admirateur of Celine before the war and copy his Style
During the war, sartre collaborate more with the Nazi than Celine but pretend at the end to be a resistant and became the first french intellectuel ( at the place of Celine) because of that.
Then he accuse Celine to be paid by the Nazi for write some antisemite thing when Celine was about to be executed.
It's why Celine wrote "à l'agité du Bocal"

sorry for my english, i will post this french video who explain all the thing :


>> No.10887118

>sartre collaborate more with the Nazi than Celine
Yeah don't go overboard m8

>> No.10888734

The way these threads always go you'd think Sartre had personally fucked every one of these anons' mothers.

Nausea is a novella, just read it anon. It's not a particularly quick read but it shouldn't take you too long to get through it

>> No.10889262


>> No.10889265

>Need more existentialism.
No you don't.

>> No.10889269
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>Nietzsche copied Kierkegaard

Oh lawd

>> No.10889434

Letter on Humanism by Heidegger

>> No.10889441

One eye on the game and the other on ya girl

>> No.10889471

t. commie

>> No.10889480

Pointless and forgettable. I remember liking a few lines, but that's about it. What I remember of the misanthropy in it felt second hand, which as far as I'm concerned is like if I was black and read a novel by John Green about the black experience.
>his philosophy generally
Just my impressions because I never could bother getting too into him, but he seems so blinded by *sniff* that he spent his life uselessly trying and failing to marry two mutually exclusive ideas, and only really focused on marxism because it made him stay relevant. Did he ever do anything philosophically except regurgitate the obvious?

>> No.10889521
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Charlotte Sarte is an American pornographic actress born on December 6, 1994 in California.

>> No.10889524

He's the philosopher for Rick and Morty fans.

>> No.10889539

That's Nietzsche.

>> No.10889557

Nothing more annoying than a pretentious pornstar, but I can get behind her iykwim as long as she keeps being a depraved whore while she's still attractive.

>> No.10889581
File: 130 KB, 1024x1200, C_UDO_2V0AQxrOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mia Rand (formerly Ayn Marie) is a Porn Star from the United States. She was born on September 25, 1995.

>> No.10889764

Even more awful than Camus.

Nausea. Second-rate. A tense-looking but really very loose type of writing.

>> No.10889815

Didn't Heidegger BTFO him and write how Satre misunderstood B&T from which he derived B&N?