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File: 15 KB, 220x321, 220px-AutobiographyOfMalcolmX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10876586 No.10876586 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about 1/3 in and most of it is about black men desiring white women and lots of white women wanting to fuck black men...for what purpose? Does it get better soon?

>> No.10876655

For the purpose of fucking. I mean, what did you expect?

>> No.10876677
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>> No.10876681

Just wait until the Jews show up. Unironically.

>> No.10876686

His wiki article has more truth in it, also he was unironically a homosexual jihad.

>> No.10877378
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what happened to the autobography of malcolm I through IX

>> No.10877683


Lol yeah it gets "better". I mean, I find the earlier parts interests just from a sociological perspective regarding the behaviors and nature of whites and blacks in that era. Watching his philosophy grow over time is quite interesting and beautiful to me. Dude went from a bitter nationalist to a more understanding one due to the grace of Allah. Shits inspiring. Also, don't let the tone of the ending fool you. A lot of kids on this site try to use it to say "he gave up on blacks" when in reality he maintained his nationalist ideals but was more interested in producing mutual understanding between races and believed this was only possible through faith in God. Which I believe is true.

>> No.10877691


>> No.10877730


umm sorry sweetie but "ree" is ableist and I think YOU should check your privilege and get off MY safe space

>> No.10878919

Thanks for the reply

...oh god

>> No.10878948

>not posting one of her blacked scenes
You had one fucking job.

>> No.10879007

It's a good book. His hustler life is interesting and the Black Muslims are a good case study of cultism.

>> No.10879482

He's detailing his life style and poor decisions that led him into his time in prison where he frequently read and debated, encouraging him to take his potential a lot more seriously.

Yes, it has a lot to do with drugs, pimping and lindy-hopping early on (the lindy-hopping dance sequences were a joy to read for me) but once he hits prison is when you really get a taste of what Malcolm X was to become. Also his trip to Mecca is interesting too. Great book.

>> No.10879490

This. He realised that the best way to build bridges between the whites and blacks wasn't to alienate one side when they tried to help and he ended up resenting the term "white devil" because he knew not all white people were to blame. He also elaborates quite a bit on why he ends up falling out with Elijah Muhammad due to his constant cheating on his wife too. Basically how can you follow the principles of Islam when you don't even respect family values?

>> No.10879669


>> No.10879688

remember when malcom x's grandson burned his grandmother to death in an arson in yonkers or white plains or whereever lol

i used to like malcom x when i didnt know anything about him except little snippets of speeches but the more u know the more u realize he was a literal pseud larping as a black intellectual

>> No.10880676

>And white men wanting black women
Nice try at dishonesty

No it doesn't get "better" but it gives you the totality of one of the only revolutionaries that admitted he was wrong and how that came about

Also if you didn't find his father's death and early life captivating you're in denial and have made up your mind as to whether you will like this book or not

>> No.10880843

>Nice try at dishonesty
How so? There's that whole bit about white men going for dark women - the darker the better.

>> No.10881290
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>for what purpose?
Hes using his experience to explain how institutional racism affected him and those around them; black men not liking their own kind because they were forced to favor whites.
Hes explaining that there is a subtly in the racism, its not always expressed so openly, and sexuality turns out to be a great vehicle to explore this because of how its viewed in Western society. White men favor black women in private, its something that is promiscuous which CANNOT be expressed openly, however black men favor white women out in the open, they make a spectacle of it, Malcolm X even confesses to feeling the pride in showing off his white girl to his black friends and how differently they acted towards her.
There's a lot going on here OP, if you don't realize how to read into it you're not gonna get a lot from the book. The whole thing isn't a pure factual and historical exploration of racism, its more based on personal experience and how individuals are affected on a personal level.
Most of it is anecdotal stuff from his experience and how he attributes it to this huge force of racism beyond his control.
Its like the whole scene about conking, sure its just a hairdew but what hes explaining is some underlying deeper issue involved, a bias towards one race based on a history of ongoing oppression. To Malcolm something as simple as a conk is a form of self-hatred, an obstruction from realizing black pride and a force which pushes white supremacy.

>> No.10881361

Thanks, fäm.

>> No.10881562

Of course senpai, if you want to discuss more lets keep it going. I dont think many people really understand Malcolm X as well as they can, especially on this site whenever ive brought the book up.

>> No.10881591

If the thread is still up, sure - great. I think after way too many years on 4ch my OP may have seemed too much of an angry /pol/reddit post.

>> No.10882501

I'll take him over MLK anyday. I have no problem with Islam, however, I'm confused. The Muslims castrated their black slaves. I'm not talking trash or bringing a /pol/ tier argument the the board. I am genuinely curious why black folks like Islam. They still have black slaves to this day in the middle east.

>> No.10883473

just wait until he wakes up and realizes white women are the true devil that keeps blacks down

>> No.10883637

We have come full circle, where do we go from here?

>> No.10883642

The Islam practiced by many black Americans is very different from more orthodox versions.

>> No.10883662

Because slavery in islam was mostly not race based and it granted slaves certain "rights." They were quite often allowed to work there way out of slavery and integrate into the community. I think they were a bit more similar to the indentured servants we had in the US as opposed to the black slaves, it's still a shit position to be in but less shit than getting your ass whipped and your family members raped. As for modern day slavery, it's not really viewed as "permissible" according to modern islamic rulings so they don't view that as a byproduct of islam, they view it as a repulsive act committed by those who are corrupting the religion.
Depends on what you mean by black. If you mean african-american then yeah, some of them due practice some retarded off shoot of the nation of islam stuff but a lot of them also practice a more "regular" form of islam. Dave Chappelle for example is Sunni Muslim if I'm not misremembering. There are also a lot of faux african-american muslims that don't really read the quran/hadith but like the sufi aspects of the religion so they spiritually align themselves with that.
If you're talking african muslims like ethiopians or algerians then they are mostly "normal" muslims too (i.e. the same type of muslim as the rest of the world)

>> No.10884008

>it granted slaves certain "rights."

>get your balls chopped off
>at least I have rights

>> No.10884457

The Nation of Islam isn't just a less Orthodox version of Islam. It's simply something completely different. Its insanity is scientology tier.

>> No.10884507

> get the left bollock slapped off by a spicy scimitar
> "well at least i'll always have my RIGHTs"

>> No.10884519

>Does it get better soon?
Yes he gets shot

>> No.10884622

Honestly just read it as a historical source rather than something to genuinely base your life around

Fun experiment: Try and count the number of times he claims something is 'the greatest honour I'd ever received' or something along those lines.

>> No.10884649

>white men favor black women in private


>> No.10884662


Islam is made for/was made by low IQ violent biotrash, figure it out.

>> No.10884690
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>> No.10884848


>> No.10885465


Good question, ignore the response of trolls please.

Well for one thing, Muslims in Africa go back to about the 7th century so we've been around the influence for quite some time. Not addressing how Arabs may have mistreated us but let's not forget that the the slave trade you're mentioning was not exclusive to blacks. There are slaves of many races within it and is not supported by a notion of immense black inferiority as it was in the States. But what's probably the most salient contributor to our alignment is the fact that Christianity's hegemonic influence on blacks is deeply abhorred by many. Of course there are still a large amount of black Christians today, however, those with nationalist mindsets like Malcolm (or anyone who feels that Christianity is particularly baleful onto black people due to our history with it) will not feel comfortable joining it. So what do we have now. Judaism and Islam. Well, as we know, many zionists are extremely racist and don't take kindly to black people. Not to mention Jews and blacks have always had poor race relations due to their economic position in black communities which has lead to many blacks feeling financially screwed. Malcolm actually addresses this quite efficiently in his autobiography. So now, we rule out the Christian colonizers and the racist Jews and what do we have left? The only Abrahamic religion to not be overtly antagonistic to us and had been with us for centuries. Now, when Elijah Muhammad got his hands on it he certainly wasn't spreading or practicing orthodox Islam. NOI was more of a "Blacks have been suppressed too long. We will follow the Black God and Black Allah will bring us to Black Victory" than a simple Islamic group. For understandable reasons of course, with all their corruption, they certainly gave many blacks in their time a very necessary uplifting (albeit with many consequences). Since then however, blacks in America have always taken a particular liking to Islam. Whether they view Allah as "the Black God" or just the Most High, black people are glad to be a part of an Abrahamic religion that we feel has been carried by people who have fucked us over the least. I'm not denying any sort of malignant effect the Arabs may have had on us. But our history and circumstances run too deep for us to have chosen something else out of the big three. Now of course there are many black pagans as well but I think this should break down the Islam inclination decently.

>> No.10885479


This may have been true in the 60s but not currently. NOI's numbers have diminished tremendously since their past zenith and the black Muslim population in America is still quite high. I assure you that the majority of black Muslims in America are orthodox.

>> No.10885497

Why do antisemites worship a dead jew? Why do east asians worship a fat indian?

>> No.10886050


We don't. Christians who dislike Jews are a MASSIVE minority. Most Christians are Jew worshippers. Telling a Christian you're Jewish is the equivalent of being a black female in a college campus today.

Most anti-semites have an understanding that these middle eastern religions do not align with our Germanic/Anglo-Saxon/Celtic/Nordic/Basque values and morals.

And arguably have proven themselves to be more detrimental to us in the long run than any other ideology.

>> No.10886073

He had great public speaking skills and I give him props for advocating black self determination rather than reliance on white people.

>> No.10886228

>Because slavery in islam was mostly not race based
Lol no.

>> No.10886303

>White men favor black women in private

I mean a lot of white slave owners fucked their slave girls because they could, but after slavery, you're going to have a hard time finding any sizeable percentage of white guys chasing black girls. The stereotype is that white men and many other non-blacks tend to exclude black women.

>> No.10886343

Uh guy, nobody likes black females.

Not even black men.

Black women complain endlessly, are never happy, never give head, can't cook, worthless, for any male.

100% reason why black men date outside their race and why 0% of non-black men date or marry black women unless they are 10/10 and rich black women.

>> No.10886682

You didn't say my greentext in the OP

>> No.10886712
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>> No.10886724

They don’t smell all that good either

>> No.10886726

*tips fedora*

>> No.10886747

>Uh guy, nobody likes black females.
>Not even black men.
this is a meme, black men love black women
>Black women complain endlessly, are never happy, never give head
they like giving head more than most races of women especially white women
>can't cook
this is true
no they're great in bed
>0% reason why black men date outside their race and why 0% of non-black men date or marry black women unless they are 10/10 and rich black women
retarded 16 year old logic, you're either not from high racial transition zones or you're too old to have experienced misgenated dating, there is significant crossover in the younger generations going both ways

>> No.10886767
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>> No.10886781

>self determination
Blacks don't organize themselves. Every time you think this happens, what has actually happened is that woke white people or Jews organized them as part of the latest act in their morality play so they they can feel like America is redeeming itself for slavery. More often than not, the Ford Foundation is doing the organizing and bankrolling. Seriously, how do you expect a race incompetent in warfare (poor organizational skills!), with ~80 IQ on average, to organize and agitate for change? It doesn't happen.

>> No.10886795

>Most Christians are Jew worshippers.
this was caused by the Jews writing and pushing the Scofield Bible on Christians, it is a modern phenomenon.

>> No.10886812

Like how africans had their own lands before imperialism; just leave them be.

>> No.10886813
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>> No.10886822

Pretty much. If not for people trying to uplift them constantly they would've been mostly extinct by now. Oh well.

You don't think IQ is a useful metric? Why?

>> No.10888228

shuddup uncle tom
his biography was shit
he was shit
deserved to get shot, betraying his ppl like that
you sound like a cracker

>> No.10889354

The creation story of whites is fucking hilarious

>> No.10889401

>I'll take him over MLK anyday
this is an opinion which is shared by a lot of people in the humanities. why? from my time studying English literature it just seems like people swallowing the kool aid, since Malcolm X is brought up in a positive way in all kinds of contexts, appropriate or not, as part of a larger phenomenon where the curriculum is way oversaturated by a few go-to political stances and ideologies. is that all there is to this?

>> No.10889479

>never give head, can't cook
Anecdotal obviously but these two are bullshit in my experience with them. They're the best at giving head and they all knew how to cook at least basic stuff.

>> No.10889522

>deserved to get shot, betraying his ppl like that
uhm, spoilers much? thanks a lot asshole

>> No.10889528

ironic shitposting is still shitposting