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/lit/ - Literature

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10883911 No.10883911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tonight, my girlfriend let it slip that she used to sleep with someone who she knew was in a relationship.

Apparently, she was pressured into it, and it happened over the span of a few years.

She claims that although it wasn't right, she claims that she wasn't being dishonest, and she claims that she would never cheat in a relationship. She says she felt it wasn't her responsibility, that she still didn't feel good about it, but that it doesn't mean that I can't trust her.

She asserts the fact that she has never cheated in her past (2) relationships, and she asserts that this is much different then cheating, and that I cannot compare the two.

I'm on the verge of dumping her? Am I jumping the gun here? Am I overreacting? I can't even tell. I had a very choppy childhood, so I can't even tell with this shit.

>> No.10883955

Tell her it's still adultery so there is no difference from cheating and tell us her reaction

>> No.10883959

>pressured into it

i'm sick of women acting like they don't enjoy sex, that shit makes me lose interest in women

>> No.10883980

Not /lit/ you fucking cunt. Kys and take this shit to /r9k/.

>> No.10883990

she’s being very straightforward, if the subject comes again then just tell her what you really think of the situation

>> No.10884000

I did. I told her it makes me extremely uncomfortable, and she claims she still saw herself as honesty (although it was low integrity), and that she has and never would cheat.

I don't know what to think. Half of me is skeptical as hell (I grew up in a cheating maelstrom), and half of me wants to be on her side.

I'm oscillating between dumping and not dumping her.

>> No.10884009

I’d say don’t dump her, but if you are this hesitant then you probably have your reasons apart from this particular situation.

>> No.10884012

Took me like three times to read this horse shit to finally understand that OPs gf at one point in an ancient life slept with someone who was in a relationship (aka being the ho)

Not a big deal imo and I’m pretty anal about that type of shit. People do dumb shit when they are younger

>> No.10884013

you little whining shit. get the fuck over yourself

>> No.10884020

It was only like a year ago

>> No.10884025

Just dump her while you still can. She'll eventually rationalize cheating on you.

>> No.10884029

Fuck girls. Read a book, op

>> No.10884035

> pressured into it

Dump her. The only chance she had was to own up to how horrible what she did was and be repentant. She used an excuse. Dump her or be prepared to hear the

> you were ignoring me
> he pressured me
> you don't even care about me

Excuses when she cheats on you

>> No.10884039

Literally just realize that cheating isn’t a big deal. You'll be happier when you do

>> No.10884041

What do you do when someone cheats, then?

>> No.10884051

Here's the thing, there is nothing better than when you’re partner feels comfortable enough to tell you everything. When my last girlfriend told me she cheated on me I just shrugged it off because she never tried to hide her promiscuity, we knew just about everything about each other. We had an open relationship after that and nothing bad ever came from that. It ended for other reasons, but I wouldn’t mind having that again

>> No.10884055

> being a literal cuckold

I guess if you're into soulless hedonism but if you're dating a girl and see a future with her I am LMAOing at your life. Imagine having kids with a woman who regularly takes other dicks. Disgusting.

>> No.10884057


>> No.10884058

>Imagine having kids with a woman who regularly takes other dicks.
Hedonists don’t usually have kids my man

>> No.10884059

Thank goodness for that. Scum.

>> No.10884062

So what's the consensus.

Would you date a girl who slept sporadically for 2 years with a guy she knew was in a relationship.

Although, in her own relationships (2) had never cheated, and who still claims to be honest?

>> No.10884065

> trusting a known hoe

It doesn't matter what we tell you most likely. You're going to stay with her and one day find out she's a hoe yourself. Most men need to experience it first hand to truly internalize it. I get it, when you're young and naive you want to think the best of people.

>> No.10884066

Come the fuck on Mods

>> No.10884069

What even brought this conversation up? Did she see the guy she fucked or is she thinking about fucking another guy? I mean if she’s just moping right now, who cares.

>> No.10884074

>and who still claims to be honest?
that's the thing. she has proven that it isn't beneath her. and all relationships hit rocky parts in life so basically it's just a matter of time until she does it to you too.

it's like if you start dating a girl who dumped her guy for you - do you really think she is above doing that to you too?

>tfw /lit/ used to be about literature

>> No.10884081

This is clearly the right answer.

>> No.10884082

You're a cuck desu

>> No.10884089

I don't know and I don't care, this isn't /lit/.

>> No.10884090

Are people not allowed to dump each other? I personally want all these hot girls I work with to dump their guys.

>> No.10884092

Wrong fucking board newfaggot. I hope you get banned.

>> No.10884098

Not an argument.

>> No.10884099


>> No.10884103

>Are people not allowed to dump each other?
that wasn't what i was saying at all you mong.

>> No.10884108

Hell yeah you did. Why can’t the girl dump a guy for you? You’re too sensitive?

>> No.10884109

Failure to take responsibility for an objectively immoral act (who really gives a shit) at the very least shows what she is capable of.

I'm on the fence about this. You have to either accept it and move on or dump her. Don't attempt to just forget about it and let it fester as resentment and mistrust.

>> No.10884112

fucking cuck, you stupid nigger, you people always try to front like you’re womanizing players, but those men don’t date women who fuck around seriously at all. their main woman THEY cheat on and she stays loyal to them. Tolerating cheating is fucking repulsive. Elites do it because they’re degenerate

>> No.10884113

your reading comprehension is actual mong level. i'm saying if they play another guy to get with you then they aren't above playing you too.

>> No.10884115


>> No.10884122

Keep running pussy.

>> No.10884123

Maybe I should mention that this relationship lasted two weeks

>> No.10884128

5/10. It was obvious but it still worked on a few.

>> No.10884129

Hijacking this thread:

My gf of almost 2 years started talking tp this guy who apparently was her fuckbuddy. He is nicknamed as Mr. Grey on facebook messenger.

I told her i wasn't comfortable with it and she said he's just a friend now and got angry at me for trying to stop her having friends.

Am i wrong?

>> No.10884131

>Elites do it because they’re degenerate
found the resentful slave

>> No.10884133

i'm not saying you shouldn't try for it anyway. just go in with open eyes and diligent awareness.

fuckin try hard spaz cunt.

>> No.10884136

is your gf a book?

>> No.10884139

>People do dumb shit when they are younger
Roastie detected. Disregard this post OP.
Also roastie. Disregard.

>> No.10884144

His name is literally Mr. Grey. Pretty sure that has some connotations
You're not wrong

>> No.10884146

You are getting played dude, obvious troll

>> No.10884148

Mods are getting invaluable relationship advice, you really think they're gonna axe this thread.

>> No.10884151

She told me it was from that 50 shades thing and when they had sex it was like whatever happens in the book
Not a troll

>> No.10884154

idk why but when “18 year old” neckbeards say roastie detected i chuckle every time at the male anon being called roastie’s expense

>> No.10884159

>he thinks using Nietzsche against me has power
nigger i’ve had more sex than nietzsche ever did and im telling you rich people are degenerates. You don’t want to start this with me, ill step on his fucking throat even if i love his works, and yours too bitch

>> No.10884181

>You don’t want to start this with me, ill step on his fucking throat even if i love his works, and yours too bitch
[man dual wielding katanas and posing in a very intense and intimidating way]

>> No.10884187

The ressentiment is strong with this one

>> No.10884204

Ignore every other faggot redpiller and underage b& and basement dweller in this thread. Dump her, you don't trust her anymore. It's impossible to regain that trust. She will always be capable of her slut behavior.

>> No.10884213

Since were blogging ITT, I need your advice anons. Asked this in another thread but what the heck.
There's this really sweet girl from my high school days, we've been sort of friends since then due to a mutual interest in literature, but after HS briefly lost. Reconnected later a few times and she often tries to hang out with me. I refuse because I'm a total loser and I don't want to tarnish her. Also, I can't quite figure her motive. I have some reason to suspect its likely not interest in me.
Now here's the rub. Recently she's come up again, and for some reason its caused me to have some really disturbing, surreal dreams about her. She's the only person aside from family to have ever appeared in my dreams, and I've dreamed about her a few times before. These dreams (and her) have been weighing heavily on my mind. I feel like there's some pschological importance to them, but don't know what. Just can't shake 'em.
Wat do? I could paraphrase the dreams if necessary. I remember all the major bits.

>> No.10884217

Why exactly are you considering dumping her?

>> No.10884225

Because if she's capable of this, she's capable of cheating?

>> No.10884227

>I refuse because I'm a total loser and I don't want to tarnish her.
wtf? Faggot. stop this. this is the only real issue in your stupid post.

>> No.10884230

i had a series of very vivid sex dreams about a close friend of mine. we were intimate, but never physical. i told her about them in detail, and shortly after that we started sleeping together.
so. that's my advice.

>> No.10884233

>pressured into it
She's either a sheep or a liar. Get rid of her now.

>> No.10884240

does that actually follow? she was complicit in someone else's cheating, okay. but she says she hasn't cheated herself, nor would. she was honest about this affair, why would she be dishonest about this commitment?
anyway, what about this rattles you? what is it in the thought of being cheated on that has you consisting ending a relationship? closing off a possible future based on a hypothetical, a ghost you've conjured yourself?

>> No.10884246

already fading away, fuck off back to your corner
meme’ing now? nothing but insults and rhetoric, feeb doesn’t want to play

>> No.10884248

>she often tries to hang out with me. I refuse because I'm a total loser and I don't want to tarnish her.
I remember you. You posted this before in another thread and then posted some gay pretentious woe-is-me excuse to anon when they said you should talk to her.

I think you secretly enjoy the catharsis of this. You like playing up the "wounded" outcast trope. You're only young still, relatively speaking. I can tell. If you don't make a play now it'll be even harder years down the line. Trust me. All this le romantic artistic suffering is a fucking meme. It only marks a lack of maturity and interpersonal growth. All the rest of the thematic drapery around over is memery and self-deceit. You should be trying as hard as you can to drop these memes while you still have time.

>> No.10884254
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Or else

>> No.10884257

I'm scared of getting hurt by giving my heart to someone who is likely to cheat. Does this mean she's more likely to cheat?

I honestly can't even wrap my head around it or grasp it. All I know is the thought of being cheated on makes me want to die.

>> No.10884258

You're probably right and even if she isn't tainted she will be eventually, but I just can't bring myself to do the deed in any way.
Call me edgy or weak or whatever anon, but I'm not alright and I don't feel okay troubling other people with that, particularly nice young Christain girls.
That'd just ruin the whole relationship entirely. She's not the kind of girl to accept hearing fucked up dreams, as far as i know. One of the dreams is pretty gross and they're all strange and surreal.
Maybe that'd be the best course if I wanna scare her off, but that doesn't feel right either.
Mostly I wanna know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.10884262

ofc you should

>> No.10884264

OP, yes dump her. this will always hang over you and if you are not comfortable with that sort of behavior it is best to deal with it now rather than bottling it up until later. the current idea of love is of fuck ups and forgiveness but that is a corrupted version that leaves you reaching for low hanging fruit.

you are not wrong

>> No.10884285

Yeah, that's proably me. If it sounded faggy, its probably me.
Despite what you may think, I'm not actually enjoying this and its not because I have some romantic idea of being a suffering artist or anything. I'm more likely a real deal stunted, immature retard. And that's kind of the issue, I dont feel right knowing that and getting close to people.
It sounds gay and I know regardless I ought to try and pull my head out of my ass, but I feel very stuck.
But I assure you at least its not some grand delusion fueling this, as far as I can tell.
I know you're right. I know I'm a fag. But being this situation doesn't feel good. I know that both my indecision and my potential relationship with this girl could be equally harmful and hurtful. I've considered being honest and telling her all this. But I'm indecisive.
I'm sorry. I won't post about this again. I know you're right and I appreciate your advice. I'm just conflicted.

>> No.10884290

>having sex before marriage
You can stop here

>> No.10884332

>I know that both my indecision and my potential relationship with this girl could be equally harmful and hurtful.
This girl isn't as spotless as you think she is. People are flawed. The human condition isn't some set binary of horrible/pure with no in-between gradation. This girl has had kinky thoughts. Possibly ones so downright dirty they'd shock you. She has them because everyone does. Everyone feels desire and lust. Everyone has their little secrets and hidden shames. Everyone. Even her. I'm not saying that she's some low down slutbag, but rather that she is a complex person who has a lot going on under the social front that she displays for the world. Stop putting this chick on a pedestal.

>> No.10884391

I had to keep checking my URL to make sure I wasn't on /b/ or /adv/. What the fuck is this doing here, and why is getting replies?


>> No.10884439


The fact that someone cheated to be with her has nothing to do with the possibility that she cheats on you, moron.
That said, it is very unlikely for a girl to tell you the truth and say that she cheated on someone. Do not expect girls to be sincere in general, they do not have the feeling that lying is ethically wrong, because they mostly confront other human beings verbally, and rarely physically, as it happens to men. When you ask a girl "why did you lie" you are more likely to make her cry than to receive an actual answer.
So please come to terms with the fact that girls are deceitful by nature, and maybe you will suffer a little bit less.

>> No.10884449

She is right though. It's on the cheating partner, not on the person who they cheat with. It's still a dick move, but it doesn't make the person outside of the relationship a cheater, it makes them a dick.

>> No.10884454

>her past (2) relationships
>tfw no virgin gf

>> No.10884461

>Mostly I wanna know what the fuck is wrong with me.
you are experiencing what is known as a normal sex drive.