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/lit/ - Literature

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10881307 No.10881307 [Reply] [Original]

>this book is bad because the plot doesn’t consist of protagonist going from point A to point B in a clearly defined and linear manner
Why are there so many brainlets on goodreads that make this argument for why they don’t like a book?

>> No.10881323
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>book is bad because the protagonist is "unlikable"

>> No.10881324

Because they want books to be like blockbuster movies. They want to turn off their brain and just read without spending any time thinking at all.

>> No.10881327

It's like they're genre readers who expect the commercial fiction they buy to be unsurprising and give them exactly what they expect or something

>> No.10881331

This is another one
>Crime and Punishment sucks because Raskolnikov is a piece of garbage! Dostoevsky doesn’t know how to write likeable characters! What a moron!

>> No.10881341

Why do you care what other people think about books you haven’t read? It has nothing to do with you.

>> No.10881343
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>The book was bad because the writer was racist

>> No.10881346


This. It's the reason for all those "this book has too many hard words in it 1/5" reviews.

>> No.10881347

Most of the 1-Star reviews for book of the new sun are complaints that Severian is abusive towards women

>> No.10881354

>even reading goodreads reviews

Goodreads is literally one of the worst social media sites for media because it's filled mostly by women

>> No.10881366

>This book is bad because it contains "insert socially unacceptable thing here"

>> No.10881382

I am a Goodreads user and I barely look at the reviews there. On /lit/ I hear about GR's shitty userbase more often than I actually witness it.
Maybe you faggots should stop actively searching for things that trigger you, maybe you'd be happier.

>> No.10881384
File: 6 KB, 211x239, C5826E4C-B919-499A-A978-A8F1D56BF792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dostoevsky was a hack! All that book did was make me feel like I was inside the head of a madman! 1/5 Stars!

>> No.10881390

I get a sick satisfaction out of seeking out and reading opinions that I know I will hate

>> No.10881440
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>Brainlet wojak with green text

>> No.10882309
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>"Book could be better if the protagonist wasn't so likable"

>> No.10882317

>read book
>don't understand it
>move on to the next book

>> No.10882506

no one says