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10880847 No.10880847 [Reply] [Original]

Any good self-help books?

I read Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life and was disappointed. I need something more concrete.

>> No.10880848


You have to read at least 50 self-help books before you can even begin to improve yourself.

>> No.10880855


Read Plutarch and Seneca.

>> No.10880992

you dont have it in you, you were born a pussy you will die a pussy, real warriors dont read books to BECOME stoic, they just are, consider what you are doing window shopping

>> No.10881001
File: 10 KB, 183x275, download-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book literaly saved my life

>> No.10881010

Insteadof reading a watered down version of stoicism read the fucking greeks.
It won’t make you an übermensch but I guarantee it will help you to get rid of a lot of bad habita of modern day society.
Or don’t, you are going to die regardless

>> No.10881012
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>> No.10881015

virtue ethics are incoherent garbage as far as any sort of ethical system goes. certainly not a useful thing for structuring your day-to-day existence, and definitely not for giving you some sort of moral clarity

>> No.10881035

He had no chance in this world with his sperg/autistic persona. Kids like him always get bullied the shit out of them in school and are always made fun of and rejected everywhere they go. That's natural selection in action.

>> No.10881039

also stoicism is a garbage way to go through life too.
how the fuck are the greeks going to help you with getting through contemporary life? what is this nonsense.

>> No.10881044

How is euclid's geometry going to help you to calculate the area of a triangle?

>> No.10881045

edgy words, my man. except if "natural selection" was real, you would have been weeded out by now as well.

>> No.10881048
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>dumb claims without any justification
Please, stop posting here.

>> No.10881050

You don't understand what natural selection is, dummy.

>> No.10881064

Watch his Solzhenitsyn lecture. At least the last 20-30 minutes. The Maps of Meaning lectures are good too but I watched them all because I literally had nothing better to do. Watch the last 20 minutes of the last lecture.

Life is an up and down. If I didn't met a few important people in my life I would have killed myself by now.

>> No.10881066

neither do you.

>> No.10881071

life isn't an equation, don't come at me with that silly shit. ancient grandstanding about life is at best only marginally useful for navigating the complexities of contemporary society.
fine -
>tl;dr: stoicism is just toxic masculinity with academic arrogance

>> No.10881072

natural selection is the reason you won't have a family

>> No.10881076

Ancient wisdom’s simplicity can be hit or miss but when it hits its like removing a veil from your eyes.
Modern society relies a lot on shaping you into a certain way that is beneficial for human progress but detrimental to your individual happiness.
I’m not saying reading Seneca will make you happier but it will help you cope with things that drain you and things that, you’ll find out, don’t really matter as much as you once thought.

>> No.10881087


It's the most flexible of all the 'ethics'.
In virtue ethics, the state of the actor is key. Makes sense to me. Actions aren't treated as inherently evil, nor are actions devoid of moral weight, and you don't need to boil everything down to consequence either.

>> No.10881088

The Holy Bible

>> No.10881091

I tried to give a lot of importance to the people in my life, being thankful for every minute I'm with them no matter how boring their opinions can get.

Then I realized that no one gives a shit about me.

I should have offed myself a few years ago.

>> No.10881111

while i don't agree with you, thanks for actually writing out what you meant and making that clear. thanks tho.
that's its problem though. when your criteria for the "right" action is what "the ethical person" would do, you can define the best thing to be literally anything. while i agree that the flexibility also means it avoids some of the hard and awful places that more rigid ethical structures will force you into, the flexibility of virtue ethics can also be pushed to mean absolutely nothing, ie being so so so case specific that you can tailor any set of actions into an okay and "virtuous" thing. and while i appreciate and admire "flourishing" as an end/reference point, it's still awfully broad. it's just a set of principles that's not really possible to operationalize.

>> No.10881145

No problem.
However you can agree that rather than reading “18 Mindfulness tips to improve your life” people would be better off reading ancient wisdom books, right?

>> No.10881149
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I mostly used the idea about developing virtue by acting as I would want to act and exposing myself to situations that makes me develop virtue. It's useful for growing as a person, but ok to meh when it comes to theoretical ethics.
t. kantian

>> No.10881160

or any other book or that doesn't sell self improvement

hell, I remember putting some serious work in my life only because I watched band of brothers, that bastogne episode gets me every time

>> No.10881170

im being harsh obviously becuase some people need that to be knocked into the next gear because if you comprehend why its better to live a different life and still choose not to, then you have bigger problems, you need more trauma in your life or a point of exhaustion or rage to veer paths, its humiliating to read a whole book, agree, then ignore its advice anyway, life becomes an unfunny joke

>> No.10881174

>That silent cool and cold guy running trough Nazi AA’s between Nazi soldiers just to deliver a message and actually makes it back

>> No.10881181

How do you think people overcome that?

Any following starts with one follower. You need to be the person that cares about yourself, and soon enough others will follow.

>> No.10881197

>he shills for free

>> No.10881203

>how the fuck are the greeks going to help you with getting through contemporary life? what is this nonsense.

What an incessant little gimp you are, of course Greeks could help you getting through contemporary life. Why wouldn't it?

>> No.10881207

Why are posters who don't capitalize any of their words INVARIABLY retarded?

>> No.10881215

If we help you with self-help books, that defeats the purpose.

>> No.10881222

continue living a pathological life, scum

>> No.10881225

Self-help books generally aren't concrete though. They're largely just generalised dumbed down philosophy.

If you want extremely practical advice you're looking in the wrong place. Self-help seems to largely be about motivation rather than concrete practical concerns (although often framed in that way with some titbits here and there). You'd have more luck looking at small goals you want to accomplish and just researching the best way to achieve them individually and just read actual philosophy/literature for more theoretical ideas

>> No.10881228

t. cultist

>> No.10881389

Virtue ethics is the only kind of ethics that cannot be undermined by basic skepticism.
Assuming God hasn't revealed himself to you, that is.

>> No.10881417

damn nice job ping ponging that and not even answering

>> No.10881455


kind of this. if you need to have it spelled out to you you'll probably never get it.

>> No.10881476

I'm pretty sure I fucked Jordan Peterson's wife last year.

Was in Toronto for like a month and checked the Craigslist postings under W4M. The listing said something like "bored housewife looking for BBC". When I got to the hotel room they were both there but he was wearing a mask so I can't be totally sure it was him though but the thing that makes me think it was that while I was in the middle of giving it to the wife, the guy yelled out "ride the dragon" and swear to God it sounded just like him.

Seemed like a nice enough guy, though. I quite like his video series. I listen to it at the gym.

>> No.10881509
File: 41 KB, 880x632, agatha_begone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good posts, and you're somewhat correct about stoicism. human apes learn by parental example first, then peers and relatives, then the spectacle, then teachers, then finally books. the ability to navigate a traumatic event rationally, or to endure a daily-weekly-monthly-yearly grind of attending public school... it is something you pick up as a child if you're not given some version of it by a living example.

which is why >>10881455 is correct. if you aren't a stoic by the time you're a teenager, it's almost too late for you. you've grown up in the wrong environment, a soft-walled place that values manners of being and solutions which inhibit personal resilience. you can try to change, to force yourself, but you will have varying degrees of success and the identity you established in the soft world will always be present in your subconscious judging and doubting.

there is no cause to misuse a rude agatha, anon. try reading the stoics instead of being an overly sensitive reactionary.

>> No.10881925

What kind of people even need self-help books? They are just common sense stuff that any person should acquire through life experience

>> No.10881956

Stoicism is a sad, lonely crevice for broken people to hide away in and wait to die. It will not make you happy.

>> No.10882172

Read Bartleby, The Scrivener followed by The Last Man by Maurice Blanchot.

>> No.10883249

how am i retarded you faggit

>> No.10883256

catholicism saved me

>> No.10883286

ad hom

>> No.10883287


pretty pathetic desu

>> No.10883345

Self-help books are a joke. Every self-help guru repeats the same shit except repackaged and tweaked for a different audience. Everyone wants to rattle off a self-help book because it's a surefire way to make a quick buck off some chumps who feel down on their luck.

Are you a WASP-y middle aged mom? Here's some Joel Osteen!

Too Christian for ya? Here's Tony Robbins!

Spend too much time on reddit/4chan? Here's The Gorilla Mindset(TM)!

Not intellectual enough for ya? Here's Jordan Peterson!

I bet you are upset that you didn't get any pussy in high school, am I right? We've got pickup artists over here too!

Et cetera

>> No.10883714
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>> No.10884252
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>> No.10884318

Books do not help you. They literally waste your precious life.
That life you can spend self-helping in the streets because you will die.

>> No.10884321

I go one step further and actually expose myself to situations I abhor. Humans grow through adversity.

>> No.10884344

Actually this unironically, my best improvement have come from recognizing when I'm in an "Rodger mindset" and try to fix it.

>> No.10884367

wasnt there a picture of jordan peterso nout with his wife with her tits out?

>> No.10884520

Yes. Any good story that has a hero character you can empathize with. Be magical Harry or Prince Mishkin. Don't be a prodigy in tennis academy

>> No.10884526

Yeah, reading books excessively in hopes of finding answers is pointless escspism. Answers come from action

>> No.10884536
File: 92 KB, 765x730, 282DC134-831F-464C-BA05-155A1D111927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my favorite books and changed my life for the better.

>> No.10884553
File: 71 KB, 312x499, 2B044287-4019-4C78-9B32-6695D5C98FEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a solid introduction to yoga. All the YouTube videos are golden as well.

>> No.10884835

It's not an ad hom because I'm not debating him. I'm just venting my frustration with dumbposters.

>> No.10884854

>Don't lie!
>Stand up straight!
>Clean your room!
>Hit your kids!
He's a fucking boomer.

>> No.10884983


why would you want to be happy?

>> No.10885060

You know books can drastically increase your life experience and help you learn things much faster than others because you're vicariously learning through the author. Also common sense just means "things i know that other people should... because i know them so why don't they??"

>> No.10885068

Good self-help books combine philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. They offer very practical scientifically backed studies on how you can improve yourself.

>> No.10885070

>any self-help book with "joy" in the title


"joy of stoicism" just took it too far this shit has to stop

>> No.10885082

Starting Strength

>> No.10885173


>> No.10885614
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>> No.10885635
File: 19 KB, 307x475, 424269 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this

>> No.10885644
File: 158 KB, 1000x1500, Mindfulness-in-Plain-English-e1479911503656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then this and start a daily practice

>> No.10885648
File: 38 KB, 318x393, 25942786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then this to evaluate your progress and learn techniques to get you out of dead ends, it's a bit autistic and dry at times but it has all you need if you pay attention to the steps

>> No.10885654
File: 49 KB, 315x499, buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and optionally read this if you find the last book too dry at times for a more colorful guide but not as practical as the previous one

>> No.10885659

should solve your issues if you practice daily, you should start seeing serious progress after 2 months of daily practice, though it will take years to complete the path assuming you ever do

>> No.10885660

Will Buddhism allow me to summon tulpas at will

>> No.10885665

dumb fucking internet meditation cultist
no you idiot unless you’re studying tibetan dzogchen atiyoga and even then that’s not what those are, i hate the internet’s ignorance more than usual when it comes to religion why is this!?

>> No.10885680

you may stump upon those kinds of phenomena along the path, but those are to be rejected in the dry path of buddhism to attain higher spiritual awakenings

if you want a more wet and colorful path i guess try Tantra, but i can't recommend any good book about that