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/lit/ - Literature

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1087892 No.1087892 [Reply] [Original]

I did a quick inventory tally by nationality of my fiction library, here is the results:

American: 85
British(includes Ireland, Scotland): 35
French: 6
Russian: 16
German: 6
Other: 15

The first thing I noticed was the lack of French literature and the huge amount of American literature. I also noticed I have a grand total of 2 works of Asian lit.

So what should I work on? French, German, or what?

>> No.1087902

Depends on what you're interested in.
The French are good for pastorals, the Germans are good with angst.

>> No.1087899

>British(includes Ireland, Scotland): 35
>Inclues [...] Scotland


>> No.1087903

being politically correct in your home library is not a very good goal. ignore nationalities. if you see a book you want, get it, regardless of where the author is from.

>> No.1087907

Work on Black literature

>> No.1087908

All my books are written by American writers I don't care for Eurotrash authors

>> No.1087910

I just lumped them.

>> No.1087914


Scottish counts as British
I don't get why you made the distinction is all

>> No.1087920

No. I don't even care if that makes me racist. I don't want to. Or literature written by women.

>> No.1087922

Are you autistic? Is that why you don't understand?

>> No.1087924
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>All my books are written by American writers

>> No.1087927

U mad Eurofag? Name one European writer who has written anything worth while. You can't.

>> No.1087934

I thought this thread would be worth replying to.
But then I remember this is where /r9k/ goes to jack off.

>> No.1087935
File: 15 KB, 215x234, TyBrax14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was maximum trolling until you caused a plummet right here, Stag.

Still <3 you.

>> No.1087938

French most definitely check out:
Apollinaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Genet, Zola, Proust, Genet, Bataille, Baudelaire, Lautreamont, LeBlanc, Artaud, Dumas, Verne, DeSade, Camus, Sartre, Bergson, Rousseau, Deleuze, Houellebecq, etc.

>> No.1087944


>> No.1087948

>de Sade

deSade is shit tier.

>> No.1087949

Not the previous guy but seriously...
Let's clear this up once and for all.

Britain (or Great Britain if you'd prefer) is the island. It's a fucking landmass. It's not political, but a geographical fact. Scotland is a country on part of that island (as are England and Wales). So Scottish is, by definition, British.

Bonus round: UK is short for United Kingdom, which is itself short for 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island'. Figure that one out.

>> No.1087950

If they're so great then how come they aren't on TIME's top 100?

>> No.1087953



I'm from NI and have to explain to foreginers that it's not a part of Britain, even if it is in the UK.

>> No.1087955

Better.... Let's save this!

>> No.1087954

hipster? yeah pretty much. i'm listening to crystal castles right now and my gf has about 30 tattooes. i'm pretty social and belong to a music ''scene'' in my town. i appreciate the arts and my tastes are often obscure. i have far-left communist political views. actually i'm really sincere and in love with all of this. and desade isn't really shit-tier, he's not the greatest (and not the only writer i mentioned, either) but it's better to read him instead of just talking like you have read him (when in fact you read a critical remark about him once and wish to pretend that you are too good to read him)

>> No.1087963

>Calling Irish people British

I highly suggest against doing that in the real world. Also, implying the Scottish contributed anything important to literature.

>> No.1087965

I guess I don't need to bother arguing with someone with asperger's. I'm just posting and you keep trying to argue with me.

>> No.1087969

>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island
>Northern Island
cool story bro

>> No.1087974


Oh lol

>> No.1087975

Implying such lists aren't fucking subjective. implying Time Magazine is a liable source for anything. Please just leave this forum, Stagolee. No one wants you here.

>> No.1087981

Why'd you put Irish under British bro?

Captcha= Dublin's inesiss

>> No.1087986

The British are just fucking Germans with no genetic difference. Get over yourself

>> No.1087987

If TIME isn't reliable then explain how it came to be the biggest news magazine there is.

>> No.1087995

Argumentum ad populum much?

>> No.1087997

>Graphic Novel on a 100 greatest books list
>implying any source that does this type of shit is liable

>> No.1088000
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>Please just leave this forum, Stagolee. No one wants you here.
Speak for yourself....

>> No.1088004

If you don't understand how Watchmen which is one of the modern masterpieces of writing is on TIME's top 100 literature list then you need to open your mind a bit.

>> No.1088023
File: 2 KB, 130x98, TyBrax17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Watchmen?

Like the league of extraordinary gentlemen? A comic? A superhero thing?

>> No.1088027
File: 2.34 MB, 2202x4400, 1276577235824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw some Japanese literature in there, OP. It's all very depressing, but beautiful.

>> No.1088029

Yeah it's written by the same dude. Also blue penis.

>> No.1088043
File: 4 KB, 261x193, TyBrax12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are colour blind

>> No.1088056


David Hume.

>> No.1088067

blue penis is a reference to Watchmen.
look up Dr. Manhattan

>> No.1088073


Shit negro, you gotta read up on the Scottish enlightenment.

>> No.1088498

For me, I've got:

American: 46
British: 37
Japanese: 24
Russian: 2
Latin American: 2
French: 1

And then some Other like Canadian and such. I'm actively working on Russian and Latin American right now though.

>> No.1088874


How about your lack of American books? I have thousands. Is there some kind of ratio to have? How about what you like, and not to impress others.

>> No.1088897

your resisting education is more indicative of aserpger's IMO. You might as well say that Alaska is in Canada

>> No.1088901

I did this by original language (arbitrarily counting all of Nabokov as English), counting multiple volumes or multiple translations as only one book, and came up with

Japanese: 81 books by 26 authors
Chinese: 38 books by 30 authors
Korean: 36 books by 29 authors
English: 26 books by 14 authors
French: 10 books by 7 authors
German: 4 books by 4 authors
Portuguese: 4 books by 1 author
Vietnamese: 2 books by 2 authors
Italian: 1 book by 1 author

For some reason it was sort of disappointing.

>> No.1088903

Woah, man. Care to list your Japanese books? I wasn't even aware there were that many published here.

>> No.1088905

Nothing Italian, sir?

>> No.1088908

My God what a weeaboo

Italians don't literature

>> No.1088910


Is this one of those moments where I'm meant to give a rating out of 10 depending on how potentially inflammatory the response was?

...because I hoped we wouldn't be doing that much on /lit/.

>> No.1088920

his epic goal is to be the dumbest, most unfunniest troll ever, and he's succeeding

>> No.1088937


Oh I see.

I'm not sure how to convey a polite laugh over the internet.

>> No.1088940

Are you new to the internet or are you just autistic?
They're called acronyms. "lol" indicates that you are laughing or found something funny.

>> No.1088949


Notice that there are relatively few authors - there are more than 10 volumes in print each of Murakami, Kawabata, and Natsume Soseki (probably Mishima too but I only have 4). There are also about 10 volumes of Tanizaki (I have 7)

>> No.1088956


I didn't genuinely find it funny, was my point. I wanted to be polite and acknowledge that you were trying to be witty or whatever, I didn't want to be rude and ignore you or tell you straight out that what you were saying wasn't amusing in the slightest.

What's the acronym for that?

>> No.1088958


You're new to /lit/. Ignore Stagolee.

>> No.1088959

But you listed 26 authors? I myself have about 5 books each from the authors you mentioned, plus some others. But I honestly can't even think of 26 authors, unless some are untranslated.

>> No.1088960

Here's my tally of all fiction--no sci-fi or fantasy included:

American - 77
British - 25
French - 8
Russian - 7
German - 5
Latin American - 5
Japanese - 2
Italian - 5
Greek - 3
Spanish - 1
Swedish - 2
Latin - 2
Other - 1

>> No.1088973


- Stag

>> No.1088974

>Other - 1
Why didn't you just put the nationality then?

>> No.1088983


I thought it was a lot myself so I looked again and here are the results:

Abe, 2
Akutagawa, 3
A relatively poor translation of the Tales of Ise, 1
Dazai, 1
Fujiwara Teika's "Superior Poems", pretty interesting, 1
Futabatei Shimei, 1 (the "first modern novel")
Kaiko Takeshi, 1
Kawabata, 12
A decent translation of the Kokinshu, 1
The Tosa Diary, 1
Some poems by Kobayashi Issa, 1
Matsuo Basho's Narrow Road, 1
One of those court diaries, called the Gossamer Years, 1
Mishima, 4
A collection of haiku, 1 (does this count)
Mori Ogai, 2
Murakami H., 13
Murakami R., 1
The Tale of Genji, 1
Nagai Kafu, 1
Soseki, 18
Oe, 2
Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book, 1
Shiga, 2
Shono Junzo, 1
Tanizaki, 7

As you can see there's still room for improvement. In fact, only one of those 81 was something I read this year. I've been wasting money on other countries for a while now.

>> No.1089002

If you don't know then you don't deserve to be here.
You really are the worst tripfag on this board with your faggot tea cup thread.

>> No.1089018

French: 26. 15 authors.
Spanish and Latinamerican: 25. 11 authors.
Russian: 24. 12 authors.
American: 24. 17 authors.
Japanese: 23. 12 authors.
British: 16. 10 authors.
German: 5. 4 authors.
Greece (ancient): 5. 3 authors.
Italian: 1. 1 author.

>> No.1089036

A couple there I haven't heard of yet. It seems like a damn good collection so far though.

>> No.1089047

Anything you'd recommend by Shono, Kaiko, Shiga and Kafu?
Did you read English translations or the original Japanese? I'm always looking for "new" Jap authors.

>> No.1089079


I don't know any Japanese so I can only read translations. Fortunately there isn't that much of any of those four that I've found in English so I'll just tell you what's there.

Shiga Naoya is supposedly regarded very highly in Japan but there's only one translation in print, a collection of short stories (0231121571). You should also look for his novel A Dark Night's Passing. It's out of print but you can find it on Amazon.

Kaiko Takeshi was a reporter in Vietnam and he wrote about that, but I haven't read it. His book Darkness in Summer (0804833257) is the only Japanese novel I've read this year and I was surprised how much I liked it.

The only thing I've read of Nagai Kafu's is Geisha in Rivalry. This was recently translated again and called Rivalry: A Geisha's Tale (strangely enough the new version is on sale for $10 at amazon right now 0231141181). I wasn't really that impressed by what I read, but I do want to get the book American Stories (0231117906) and the book of his stories translated by Edward Seidensticker. (I've always liked his translations but that book isn't easy to find - a few years ago it was in print in Japan but now I can't find it except used on Amazon.)

Shono Junzo has one novel, Evening Clouds (1880656485), and one book of short stories in print. I've read the novel and it was pretty decent.

Another author I'm interested in reading but isn't on that list is Inoue Yasushi. I read two of his short stories because they were in the same book as Seidensticker's translation of Kawabata's Izu Dancer. He has some books in print and some out of print but not difficult to obtain.

>> No.1089086


Forgot to add that the translator of A Dark Night's Passing is Edwin McClellan, the original translator of Kokoro, so you can expect a good translation.

>> No.1089087

Frenchfag spotted.

>> No.1089111

I did a quick inventory tally of my library.
Harry Potter: 1-7

>> No.1089599

Awesome, I'll look into them.

I'm actually from South America.