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/lit/ - Literature

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10876864 No.10876864 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we fix classic quotes

>To be dead or not to be dead.That is the question.

>> No.10876978

Are you a summer's day? You're hot.

>> No.10877159

The times werr qualitatively different depending on location.

>> No.10877168

You come in here, boy, and bust up this dresser and I'll give you a nickel.

>> No.10877189

'Twas dark, as nights are, and hampered by meteorological low pressure aberrations

>> No.10877205

>"Yes," I said. "Isn't it pretty to think so? I'm being sarcastic, btw."

>> No.10877934

>Poor incel.

>> No.10878048

I think, therefore I exist

>> No.10878076

>It would be extremely painful-
>You're a big guy.
>-for yourself if you were to remove my mask. Don't interrupt me again.

>> No.10878088

Forgive them Father. They do not know that I am God, and that in killing me they are committing a sin so grievous it should be punished eternally, but that in their unknowing they are instead offering up a scapegoat who will redeem them and defeat death.

>> No.10878150

Fat Fuck Buck waddled down the stairs, and everyone was hoping he'd trip and gash his jugular on the razor that was resting on the faggy little dish he insisted on carrying around.

>> No.10878327

Hello, my name is Ishmael

>> No.10878552


I am so depressed and angry and alcoholic that it's made me physically ill, and I'm also a hypochondriac.

>> No.10878571

It is only a hickey

>> No.10878625
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"People aren't as religious as they used to be."

>> No.10878690

But CIA doesn't interrupt Bane, Bane leaves a pretty decent gap for him to respond.

>> No.10878875
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>Fat Fuck Buck

>> No.10878898

>A loud noise comes across the sky
>It was the best and worst of times
>*mentions death* That's just how it is
>I'm gonna call myself Ishmael
>Girl, tell me about how Achilles was mad
>Welcome to the water
>I just want to catch kids in a field as employment.

>> No.10878914

KABOOM! Mama made cinnamon buns!

KABOOM! We got dawgie!

>> No.10878918

The starry heavens above me and Tyrone's cock inside me.

>> No.10878933

My sweet caring mother, I did as you told me, you darling thing, and woke myself up when I heard your crashing. I am delighted that you do like making pancakes for me. Yes, now I can remember that morning when I dined with you for so long, so hungrily. It was the fluffiest batch of pancakes you ever gave me, mother. My fork was stuck in my mouth for hours, shoveling in and in those lovely steaming hotcakes. I felt your craftsmanship on my tongue and saw the care you used in your baking. At every bite I took the marvelous flavor came bursting past my lips and if I chewed it for a while longer than usual, lovely gobs of syrup came rushing from the dough. I had a plateful of pancakes that morning, mother, and I ate every single one, big turgid ones, flat cakey ones, round fluffy ones and a lot of tiny little hotcakes ending in a lovely feeling of euphoria. It is wonderful to eat from a plate of fluffy pancakes when each cake reveals another one under it. I think I would know my mother's pancakes anywhere. I think I could pick hers out of a table full of pancakes. It is a rather light batter she uses, not like the thick flowing one I imagine other mothers make. It is creamy and soft and sweet like what a master chef would prepare for the most high paying of his customers. I hope you will make no end of your pancakes in my kitchen so that I may know their taste always.

>> No.10879316

>it was the best and worst of times
My favorite

>> No.10879408

>Jesus started bawling.

>> No.10879412

>Are you a summer's day? You're hot.

Pffffffffffft kek

>> No.10879415

A modern masterpiece.

>> No.10879418

>Mother died today. It might have been yesterday, but that hardly matters anymore.

>> No.10879428

>Let's say my name is Ishmael, although that is not my real name.

>> No.10879429

Ten/10, would come again.

>> No.10879436

The sky above the port was the color of youtube, watching a dead channel.

>> No.10879441

1Da time wen eryting had start, God wen make da sky an da world. 2Da world come so no mo notting inside, no mo shape notting. On top da wild ocean dat cova eryting, neva had light notting. Ony had God Spirit dea, moving aroun ova da watta.

>> No.10879448

"Lolita... The light of my wife, the fire for my joints. My sin, my grin. Lol-eater; the top of my tongue taking a vacation three feet away to tap on a plate, for some reason, with my teets. Lolit. A. She was Lolit, plain Lolit, in the morning, standing eight feet six in one shoe. She was Loooool in slacks. She was Lmao at school. She was Dolores when she was eating a vegetable. But my arms were always tortillas."

>> No.10879463

>Would anyone like to exchange their horse for my kingdom, the kingdom of England? I'd say it's a rather advantageous exchange, at least under normal circumstances. Anyone?

>> No.10879464
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holy shit

>> No.10879472

>The word for thunder is, in many languages, more or less imitative of the actual physical phenomenon. Here are a few examples, strung together to more accutely illustrate the effect:

>> No.10879474
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Oh my fucking god

>> No.10879571

>All happy families are equally boring, and I can't really write a story where everything goes well, because who cares, lol? But there are so many ways in which I can imagine things going to shit. Hmmm, what shall it be this time? Let's see...

>> No.10879673

That's nice, Pangloss, but seriously, let's get to work on these fucking plants.

>> No.10880095

I finally understood this meme. Thx

>> No.10880651

>Go to the library, fast
We need more peggy threads

>> No.10880667
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Mirror, mirror, on the ground, whom seems to be the most brown?

>> No.10880673

>be phoneposter
>mistake this for a jin roh screenshot

>> No.10880678


>> No.10880683

>Lo-li-ta: the name had three syllables.

>> No.10880769


>> No.10881177
File: 154 KB, 986x1390, the-ghost-of-hamlets-father-appears-to-him-in-hamlet-prince-of-denmark-ERH384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey its me, your ghost dad! Boy it's hot down here. It sucks being dead
>Dude wtf?!
>You should kill your uncle.
>Lol k Dad

>> No.10881232

>His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead; and The Dead is better than my next book Ulysses although history will think otherwise"

>> No.10881377

Going along the river, past Adam and Eve's house, around all of the bendy bit, brings us in a circle back to a Castle.

>> No.10881392
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That which is can always become nothing in itself.

>> No.10881399

Let the essence of something be the objective of the impressions of it.

>> No.10881518

i haven't laughed like this in a while, thanks anon

>> No.10881527

Kevin wept.

>> No.10881568


>> No.10881581

The sky was the color of a smart TV set to Input 3.

>> No.10881602

i wish i was young again lol i remember spain lol it was so nice lol i used to be so cute back then lol and there was this guy too lol he was totally like marry me lol and then i was like ok LOL

>> No.10882149

Romeo, oh Romeo. Where are you, Romeo?

>> No.10882171
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This is art.

>> No.10882211

Crash! MOM DOG!

>> No.10882238

It is rare indeed that one should find in literature for someone to say "Crash! Mother got a hound". Instead the connotation shall always be of the most sincere sadness and tragic.

>> No.10882272

>To Be* or not to Be*
>*I use Be with a capital 'B' here due to my extensive reading of Heidegger...

>> No.10882281

Dasein or das not sein at all?

>> No.10882337

To road to hell is paved in good will

>> No.10882385

Better to live a hundred days getting pussy than a thousand being a virgin

>> No.10882430

The examined life is worth living

>> No.10882554

>what is Leviticus
Forgive anon father, for he does not read the new testament from the perspective that it was written for the Jews who already understood the old testament

>> No.10882559

Hey Mr Tambourine man,
I want to buy you drugs
Oh yeah, lyrics are literature
The Nobel comitee says so

>> No.10882563
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Do whatever you want lol

>> No.10882584

Oh, my mom? She's. . . gone to other places. Something like that. Since yesterday? I don't really remember

>> No.10883061
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>Welcome to the water
>I just want to catch kids in a field as employment.
>A loud noise comes across the sky
Who wants to play another game of "let's spoonfeed the brainlet"?

>> No.10883082

What's your fucken problem? This is a humorous, bully-free thread.

>> No.10883110

A daring synthesis.

>> No.10883124


>> No.10883129

>Welcome to the water
David Foster Wallace, probs
>A loud noise comes across the sky
Gravity's rainbow

>> No.10883206

>The uninseminated wife is not worth living

>> No.10883216

Second is Catcher in the Rye. Come on Kyoko, you haven't even read that one?

>> No.10883237

I'm unhealthy and have a bad attitude. I think I have a liver problem I should get checked out.

>> No.10883272

>Here's to looking at your kid
not /lit/ but whatever
>you will put the pot on angel

>> No.10883273

My diary desu?

>> No.10883282

>March 15th save the date

>> No.10883292

I love lumpy Complan

I just cannot get enough lumpy Complan

More lumps please

>> No.10883302

>if its not chandler or hammett i will genuinely be surprised.

>> No.10883322

I've never read a book in my entire life. Not even, in the least, had one read to me. I do however masturbate frequently in my local small-time bookstore near the "vintage books" shelf while the owner watches. He lets me have a go at it because my ejaculate gives his books an "exclusive and original character". Anyway, I'm off for a walk about now, cheers lad.

>> No.10883354


>> No.10883853

I think therefore I'm.

>> No.10884134

You should be hurt for doing this

>> No.10884192

Jesus, calm down. He was evidently referring to himself.

>> No.10884377

>1 Samuel 25
Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.10884428

The first is Moby Dick, second is Lolita and the last is from the gospel of John, I think (God's Word).

>> No.10884430

It's from Fathers and Moms by Lermontov.

>> No.10884999

A rose is a flower.

>> No.10885040

May I please have more