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/lit/ - Literature

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10876895 No.10876895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reading at the library
Is there anything more attention-seeking, more pretentious?

>> No.10876923

I never go to the library

>> No.10876948


Who the fuck wants to hang around buma and risk catching bedbugs?

>> No.10876952

Is there anything more cowardly than reading in your own home?

>> No.10876956

Hot girls got to Barnes and Noble

>> No.10876958

that’s a jock and that’s his gf what the fuck is the point of pic related? that guy fucks that woman and they live together

>> No.10877210

This thread comes to mind.

>> No.10877241 [DELETED] 

I'm in CB

>> No.10877247

Who here reads in public to hopefully attract girls with similar interests?
Where's best place to read?

>> No.10877250

I'm into CB

>> No.10877252

Yes, reading in a book store.

>> No.10877308

Has ANY girl ever talked to a man because she saw him reading?

>omg Stacy, that guy is reading in the bar
>wow, I'm so amazed and attracted. And look at me, just drinking and having fun. Oh wow. Oh goodness

>> No.10877317

Yes, however I was reading shitposts on my laptop at bar

>> No.10877322

I've had women do that.

>> No.10877324

This. Nothing but a couple of glances and smiles comes out of it. Also.
>reading to get women and not because you enjoy it
Same mentality as lifting for women and not becoming healthy and strong

>> No.10877409

I once read Les Fluers du Mal at a public pool because my friends invited me but I didn't want to swim. It was really hot out and I felt really awkward. Couldn't enjoy the book at all.
At one point a cute girl in a bikini sat down near me. Asked me what I was reading. I told her. She said it sounded interesting. Asked me if she could read a bit. I warned her she wouldn't like it, but she insisted. I handed it over and she flipped through, her face slowly becoming puzzled and disturbed. Finally she handed it back and said "You were right. That was weird." She got up and went back to her friends. I left.
Long story short, the embarrassment of that experience basically beat any desire to read in public right out of me.

>> No.10877418

>eating at the restaurant
Is there anything more attention-seeking, more pretentious?

>> No.10877421

This made me laugh

>> No.10877427

tried this, thought it'd be comfy

i was wrong

>> No.10877438

>Reading the Metaphysics of War on my Kindle on the plane
>QT sitting next to me
>Next page
>New chapter: "The Aryan Race's Concept of War" bold across the screen
>Immediatly flip the page and pray she didn't notice
If she did she chose to remain silent.

>> No.10877440

shawty is thicc

>> No.10877445

>i'm afraid of a womans opinion

definitely not an aryan

>> No.10877449

I read The Stranger in a public library, casually checking the book. Got so caught up I read the book from beginning to end there.

>> No.10877453

I film myself reading and then project it onto the front of my house so my neighbors can see

>> No.10877459

Damn, that is funny.

My closest awkward girl/book story was back when I was an Uber driver. I picked up an attractive girl who started up a conversation with me, which eventually led to my interests. It was going really well, until she asked me my favorite book. I said I couldn't really choose one, but I thought Nabokov was my favorite writer. She immediately responded, "He wrote the pedophile book, right?" and seemed to lose interest. Another win for me.

>> No.10877479

>"He wrote the pedophile book, right?"
>Another win for me.
It is, unironically. You filtered the fuck outta her

>> No.10877480


>> No.10877483

Yeah, what's next? Eating at the restaurant? Fucking pseuds.

>> No.10877489


>> No.10877490

awh man
def dont read baudelaire at a pool on a sunny day though

>> No.10877497


>> No.10877499

Don't read Baudelaire on any day you think is a good day to read Baudelaire

That's the general rule

>> No.10877516
File: 93 KB, 625x626, bait son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, this thread

>> No.10877685

I've had women approach me many times and ask what I'm reading or writing.

>> No.10877693

Ive been approached far more often when I was reading then when I wasn't

>> No.10877703

Libraries are for poor people and there is nothing less /lit/ then going to one. Just buy your books unless you are hobo tier. I have two copies of each, one for reading and one for the shelf.

>> No.10877711

I wanna lick her thighs

>> No.10877720
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>> No.10877724
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>that filter
>that girl
>that land
>that house

>> No.10877766
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>have read Lolita 3 times
>still read it in public sometimes

>> No.10877776

I bet the last time someone was confronted in public about reading it was the 60s

>> No.10877783

Why would he go so far from the house to do that? I'm willing to bet it was to get away from her which is why she looks so smug

>> No.10877826

Ignorant slut. Fuck her.

>> No.10877848

>reducing Lolita to a "pedophile book".
What a cunt.

>> No.10877949

Imagine being so insecure that you're scared of reading a book at the library

>> No.10877969

>reading baudelaire in english
fucking rétard

>> No.10877984

Please visit your local library and spend time there. We need better attendance at the one I work at and I am sure others do as well.

>> No.10878060

Probably somewhat innapropriate, although frankly the heat reminded me of his one poem about the rotting dog.

>> No.10878068

Occasionally, but more often than not it’s drunk guys who ask.

>> No.10878114


How narcissistic are the people on /lit that they think that everyone is focusing on them. especially while reading a book in a fucking library. like WOW, READING IN A LIBRARY, NO FUCKING WAY. LOOK AT THIS SHIT EUGENE, HE' MUST BE A FUCKING VIRGIN LMFAIO

>> No.10878124

who reads books at a fucking library

>> No.10878132

>not thinking you are the only human in a world of NPCs all secretly reacting to you.

>> No.10878134


>> No.10878151

thats because libraries have public funding which means a they have a chair budget that can afford only hand-me-downs from public elementary schools

>> No.10878194

kek-kek's delivery service

>> No.10878284

my library is really nice

sucks for u poorfags

>> No.10878295

I used to read in the library as a kid. If I liked the book I would check it out and finish it later.

A lot of people don't have quiet places to read at home and need that, especially when the weather isn't great and you cant just go to a park.

>> No.10878317

As someone who spends a lot of time cooped up in their house, I like to read at the library because at least it's a change of environment. Imagining having to read in the exact same spot every single day? Fuck that. And also the stroll there is probably good for health too.

>> No.10878321

Fucking kek'd so hard

>> No.10878417
File: 20 KB, 288x450, 49658111-288-k333043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading The Phenomenology of Spirit at the library
>7/10 cute girl comes up to me
>"Excuse me - hi. Hope I'm not interrupting, but could we maybe talk about that book sometime? I'm interested in Hegel and have read all four of his works. It'd be awesome to finally talk to someone about his ideas"
>me: "Of course"
>we exchange numbers
>meet up the next day in the cafe near the library and discuss Hegelianism in depth for literally hours
>must have had like 10 coffees
>we start meeting more regularly and talk for hours and hours every time about anything from western philosophy to avant-garde literarature
>she's perfect
>eventually ask her out
>she says yes

Always read at the library. The cutie approaching you is not a meme.

>> No.10878444

If this hasn't happened to you it's either because you're ugly, or you read brainlet books

>> No.10878586

Bigger city, anon? I can't see that shit happening in my city

>> No.10878605

This one qt I've taken an interest in works at B&N and always talks to me when I go in looking for books. I've been slowly reading all of her recommended books in the hopes to increase conversation paths with her. How did I get so beta?

>> No.10878900

>Fuck her
I would've, but I scared her off.

>> No.10878910

Is there anything more pretentious than a sour cunt who is bent on judging other people?

>> No.10878991

MFW I go into a bar and see a guy reading
its extremely loud and there are people everywhere. yet this guy is seemingly pretending to read his Jordan Peterson book. yuck

>> No.10879162

>lifting in the gym
I hate those attention whores so much >:^(

>> No.10879232

>Has ANY girl ever talked to a man because she saw him reading?

It gives them an excuse to talk to someone, you dunkass.

>> No.10879744
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You won't make it.

>> No.10879779

literally nobody reads anymore. guys have fortnite and while you may run into some lame YA jane austen buddy holly glasses type, she will
not come up and start a conversation when she sees you reading 'Adorno and the Sufi's: A Historical Outline of Gerontological Nazisim' alone on a bench

>> No.10879870

What's the backstory to this picture? Looks neat

>> No.10879985

hnnnnngggg those thighsss

>> No.10880017

Shitposting about reading in a library for one.

>> No.10880031

Rétard ? Are you from Québec or something ?

>> No.10880042

>not thinking you also are an NPC